
Passover Meditation #35 for the Lenten Season 2012

If ye abide in ME+
and My+ Words abide in you,
ye shall ask
what ye will
it will happen to you.
John 15:7 Green's Greek Interlinear 

Here is an interesting verse which not many of us actually see come to pass.

When verses seem "not to work for me," then we must look at the pre-requisites involved BEFORE THE PROMISE will come to pass.

The first thing is to look at the "YOU's. "

Every one of the YOU's are PLURAL !

 Plural YOU's mean ALL OF YOU, collectively, together in agreement. Hence, we should read it as the native Greek readers would read and understand this verse:

If all of you collectively and in agreement abide in ME+...

and My+ Words abide in all of you, collectively, in agreement with each other and in accord...

 you  (all with one accord and in agreement) shall ask what  collectively you ( all together in agreement) will...

and it will happen to you ( all, collectively, in agreement, together, and in accord).  

This verse gives us instructions for powerful praying. Here are the instructions:
  • Plural "YOU all abide in ME+" : Find a few others who are wanting to totally abide in CHRIST JESUS , forsaking this world's values. Agree to walk towards CHRIST with this goal in mind, TOGETHER, in unity. 

  • "and MY+ Words abide in you..." Agree with each other to follow His+ Words fully in your life and in union with each other. Agree to call each other, in gentleness and love, to live CHRIST'S words. Agree to RECEIVE each other's corrections, for this common goal. Lay your life bare before CHRIST JESUS and each other, in trusting love. Agree to stay unified, in loving trust, with CHRIST as you work WITH ONE ACCORD to put CHRIST'S words into Primacy in your heart and life.

  • "You all colletively, in one accord totally by this time, together shall ask... Your agreed-upon requests are asked in unison of heart because now YOU ALL LIVE in unison and can speak as one voice , asking your petitions from The LORD.

  • "What you all in agreement will or desire..." By this time, all self-centered petitions will have evaporated and the prayers will be in line with the Abiding Word+.

  • "...and it will happen to you collectively all." The petitions made together, in line with The LORD'S WILL, in line with The WORD, and from a collective few who abide in The WORD together, living  in harmony with one unified goal: to live for JESUS.... will be granted , JESUS said.

O LORD, Your+ Word is always True. Help me not to doubt Your+ Word ... when I have neglected to do my part.

 see where I've been lacking in abiding in Your+ Word, in abiding with others who are abiding in Your+ Word,  in receiving correction from others, in unifying my heart with Your+ true children.

Train me up in the way You+ would have me to go so that John 15:7 will become "true"  in my life as well as in my Bible.

In JESUS , Who+ alone is the Way, The Truth, and The Life... Amen.


Passover Meditation #34 for the Lenten Season 2012

If anyone abides not in ME+, he is cast out as the branch and is dried out... and they gather them... and into the fire they throw them... and they are burned. John 15:6 Green's Greek Interlinear

And that fire is hot!

A pile of dried grape vines burns hot, sending both flames and smoke high, as we have discovered after pruning our own vines.

 once the branch is cut off from The True VINE+, that branch dries up.

This withering process may take some time and furthermore, the branch itself may even remain supple for a long time.

that branch will never bring forth fruit, supple or not, once off The True VINE+. It will be turned into ashes... just like all dead things eventually become. 



  • YIELD toThe WORD+ ... Measure your actions by what you see written in Matthew 5, 6, and 7... for starters.

  • YIELD to The SPIRIT... Go meekly within your heart, asking for conviction whenever you become head-strong and unteachable or uncorrectable. 

YIELD to The WATER...Practice living as a New Creature in CHRIST because...


the power to hold you
in the sin of the old man
has been broken
by the
of your baptism
into CHRIST'S death.

Remember your baptismal renunciations of the world, the flesh and the devil.

The Baptismal Renunciations
Made by the Ancient Church

satan and all his works ,

and his pomps,
and his worships,
and  his angels,
and his inventions, 
and all things that are under him;

the vain glory of the world
with all covetous desires of the same,
and the sinful desires of the flesh,
so that I will not follow them
nor be led by them,

by the Enabling GRACE of The HOLY SPIRIT,
through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.


Passover Meditation #33 for the Lenten Season 2012

... For apart from ME+,
you are not able
--- you have no power ---
to do anything,
John 15:5b , Green's Greek Interlinear

Apart from JESUS now?
Apart from JESUS later.
No place for JESUS in your life?
No place for you in His+ Heaven.
No will to fight against your flesh?
No-one will fight for your soul's good at death. 
No power, 
no strength,
no ability
do you have
to turn
your own
Adamic nature
you adhere yourself
to JESUS. 
[ Did you catch that?
HE+ will not force you
to adhere yourself to HIM+.
If you don't want Heaven,
if you don't want HIM+,
HE+ will not force you
to come into Heaven with HIM+.

HE+ has shown you the way... come His+ Way.
HE+ has shown you the Truth... do not refuse it.
HE+ has shown you
true Life...

embrace HIM+...
embrace His+ Cross...
embrace your cross.
apart from JESUS,
you have
you are simply
the devil's.


Passover Meditation #32 for the Lenten Season 2012

The VINE+,
you the branches.
The one abiding in ME+
and I+ in him
this one bears much fruit...
John 15:5a, Green's Greek Interlinear

What kind of fruit is The FATHER looking for from the branches, from us?  Our LORD JESUS told us in Mathew 5,6, and 7 what has value in His+ eyes, what weighs in for Eternity.

  • poor in spirit ... i.e., Self is not vaunting its will, its way
  • mournfulness, yearning ... over the Kingdom of GOD
  • meek ... teachable and correctable
  • hungering and thirsting after righteousness...not coveting  worldly status
  • merciful in heart ... giving the benefit of the doubt 
  • pure in heart ... single of eye
  • peacemaking ... taking our Self to the cross instead of to the judge
  • enduring during persecution
  • enduring during defamation of character, for JESUS' sake
  • letting the credit for good works go to The FATHER instead of to you
O LORD JESUS, I empty me of Self. I want to be un-encumbered so that I can bear fruit unto THEE+, the AUTHOR AND GIVER OF LIFE+.  Take my life and let it be ever , always, LORD, for THEE+.


Passover Meditation #31 for the Lenten Season 2012

Abide in ME+
and I+
in you.
Even as the branch
is not able--
does not have the power--
to bear fruit of itself
if it abides not
in the vine,
So neither can you
if you
abide not
in ME+.
John 15:4 Green's Greek Interlinear

The CREATOR of both vine and man is stating a fact and TRUTH of existence here.

There is simply no way to avoid this:

You have no power, no ability, no way, and no means to bear fruit that will stand the fire of Judgment... 

you abide in HIM+

you do His+ Will

you accept His+ Word 
to cleanse you.  

There must be a union of two in order for fruit to be produced. Spiritually, the union comes when your spirit UNITES WITH CHRIST in the waters of Baptism and in the communing with HIM+ in the taking of the Bread and Wine. Furthermore, your communion with CHRIST JESUS is continual and on-going as HE+ becomes The LORD of your life, your thoughts, your motives, your actions. Much fruit is born from this UNION.

Fruit that is produced from the UNION of your spirit with the LORD'S HOLY SPIRIT is the ONLY FRUIT The FATHER weighs. 

O LORD, please help me to produce THAT fruit that weighs up for Eternal Life.  


Passover Meditation #30 for the Lenten Season 2012

Now you are clean
through The Word
which I+
have spoken
unto you.
John 15:3

Purged out and cleaned out. That's what His+ Word does for the serious-minded Christian who walks according to the SPIRIT and not according to the flesh.

HE+ speaks to us through His+ Word. HE+ is the Living Word. His+ Word should work on our hearts like a purgative works on our bowels.

We do not refuse this purgative. We do not neglect to apply His+ Living Word to our hearts...
...do we?  

Woe to the man who refuses My+ Words. He will not receive anything of ME+. My+ conviction will be lost on him and he will not EVEN SEE THE NEED to repent. Woe to the man who pushes My+ Words away from his life.

My+ Words are meant to heal you and make you whole. They will ONLY do that when you yield under their TRUTH, when you yield under their scrutiny.

Apply My+ Words to your life.
Apply My+ Words to your conduct.
Apply My+ words to your motives. 

Then you will be healed and made whole again, even in those areas of great wounding. You can be made whole NO OTHER WAY.



Passover Meditation # 29 for the Lenten Season 2012

...Every branch that bears fruit,
HE purges it,
 that it may bring forth
more fruit. 
John 15:2b 

Dear Brethren, receive that which purges you; do not refuse the chastening of The LORD.

Our LORD deals with each one of us in love.

HE+ knows what is operating in the hidden recesses of our hearts. HE+ knows where we oppose His+ values. HE+ knows where we do not submit unto His+ Word. HE+ knows where we take advantage of His+ mercy and indulge in sin.

Pray for and WELCOME the conviction of sin; it is a grace to enable us come clean before HIM+, for without HOLINESS none shall see The LORD.

Yes, attitudes are sin. Stop the entrance of the evil tormenting spirits into your life. Submit your thoughts to the Word and repent when your thoughts are out of line. 

Self-pity is sin. Be mournful about accusing GOD for not "loving you better." See HIS+ hurt for having to deal with whining, complaining you, that HIS+ death while you were yet a sinner was "not enough" to make you happy.

Resentment is sin. Roots of bitterness need to be exhumed and laid upon His+ altar for HOLY fire to consume. Don't let hidden issues poison your being.  

Anger is sin. Dig deeper and you will find the demon of pride propping up your angry stance.

Walk in ways of HOLINESS; let the HOLY SPIRIT purge you, from the inside out.

Because: if it is NOT in your heart... it won't come out your mouth.

If you belong to CHRIST JESUS, the only way you can sin

Do you WANT to ?


Passover Meditation # 28 for the 2012 Lenten Season

Every branch in ME+
not bearing fruit
takes it away
John 15:2 A

Our LORD, The True VINE+ , was speaking to His+ hand-picked disciples in the Upper Room, His+ discourse to them at the time of the Last Supper.

Here, HE+ was giving forth a stern and serious warning to the Eleven:

If you who are in ME+ are not bearing fruit, My+ FATHER will remove you... yes, even you ... far away from ME+. HE will lift you off and remove you from ME+ and from all the other fruit-bearing branches, at the same time.

No fellowship with CHRIST. No fellowship with others who are remaining on the VINE+. No life... both now  and later, after death.


NO, hell is not a place to meet back-slapping buddies for a continual card game. NO. There will be the deepest "alone-ness" you can fathom with no relief in sight... ever.

ALONE...  for all Eternity. 

So, Christians all, let's do what we can to bear fruit: sow to the SPIRIT, share the GOSPEL --- using words when necessary ( ! ), grow in grace, forgiveness, and the knowledge of GOD our FATHER and Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

Repent ... and break up the fallow ground.   


Passover Meditation #27 for the Lenten Season 2012

The Vine After Pruning

the True VINE+,
and The FATHER
of ME+
John 15:1 Green's Greek Interlinear

Our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the True VINE+ of Life, is in this world... planted, rooted, and growing.

In addition, the above verse tells us this True VINE+ is under the direct care of The FATHER.
YES ! 
Our HOLY FATHER which art in Heaven dresses that True VINE+.
The work of vindedressing starts when a master vinedresser, an expert,  evaluates the branches and shoots of the vine.  The master vinedresser knows with the assurance of training and experience which branches and shoots are living, which will produce fruit in the future. This master vinedresser knows this at a glance.

Now, nothing escapes the notice of this Master VINEDRESSER. No scab , no knotty lump, no infestation of insects, fungus, or warped branches escape HIS notice. Not one branch ... too long, too corpulant, or too encumbered... is ignored.

Even the unruly ones who cannot stay within their moorings are under HIS watchful care.

So... if you are attached
to the True VINE+,
that you are ALSO 
under the watchful care
of The Master VINEDRESSER, 
Who notices all...
because HE created all
and knows exactly how
it perfectly should be. 

HE have
to bring
those branches
unto perfection


Passover Meditation #26 for the Lenten Season 2012

~  ~  ~  The Door of the Cross ~  ~  ~

And everyone
living and believing into ME+
shall not ever die,
Do you believe this ?
John 11:26 Green's Greek Interlinear

WHAT ?  

We all know Christians who have died and have seen their lifeless body of clay at a funeral. We have witnessed those lifeless forms, so dearly beloved, being lowered into the ground and buried.

Didn't they die ?



They simply left this location, leaving behind their vessels of clay which had CONTAINED and limited them to this earth, just like JESUS left HIS+ tired Body on the Cross.  A company of angels escorted them (Luke 16:22) through this demon-infested atmosphere and into the Presence of The LORD in the Heavenlies.

They didn't die.

They merely shed their lifeless, under-the-curse Adamic, earthly form .... but only for a season... just like JESUS left His+ Adamic Body for a short season.  Of course, their season is longer than 3 days and 3 nights, but nonetheless, it is only for a season ... if they did not die in their sins, without JESUS, without hope. 

Then, BEHOLD! Their earthly body will come forth out of the grave --- be it in ocean, earth, or ashes, it matters not to The LORD of Creation --- INTACT, HEALTHY, STRONG, BEAUTIFUL, and GLORIFIED like unto His+ Body !  

For our citizenship
is in Heaven,
from where
we also wait
for a SAVIOR+,
WHO+ will transform
our body of humiliation,
for it to be conformed 
 to His+  Glorious Body,
according to the working
of His+ Power,
even to subject all things
Philippians 3: 20, 21 

When does this glorious event occur ?

As HE+ is returning to earth
with His+ Heavenly Armies
... and...
with the Company of Saints in Heaven,
the Saints' glorified bodies
will suddenly arise,
with their living spirits and souls. 


In a moment, a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet... this change will occur.

After that --- also in a moment -- we who are "alive" yet upon this earth will be transformed and join the resurrected Saints and Our LORD ,
meeting HIM+ in the air as HE+ is returning to reclaim this earth from satan.

HE+ will destroy the darkness that covers the earth with the brightness of His+ Appearing.

What manner of CHRISTIANS then ought we to be ?


Passover Meditation #25 for the Lenten Season 2012 ( #24 repeated )

~ ~ ~ The Door of the Cross ~ ~ ~



The Resurrection



he that believeth

in ME+,

though he were dead,

yet shall he live.

John 11:25 Green's Greek Interlinear

How could those already dead believe in JESUS the CHRIST ?

Some, we know, did: Simeon the devout man awaiting the Consolation+ of Israel and Anna the prophetess of great age, who were both present in the Temple at His+ Dedication, John the Baptist, Joseph, the guardian ( Gowra, Aramaic) and husband of Mary. Perhaps Lazarus also, Mary and Martha's brother, believed in HIM+ since his sisters evidenced a strong belief in HIM+ as MESSIAH+. These all died knowing HIM+ ...but before Our LORD'S own death and resurrection.

Here, as recorded in John 11:25, Our LORD is looking ahead at what happened in those 3 days and 3 nights HE+ spent in the heart of the earth. (Mt. 12:40)

Well, what DID happen down there?

Sheol, the Old Testament word for "hell," was divided into 2 parts in the heart of the earth. One part was for the unrighteous ones who died in their sins. The other part was called "Abraham's Bosom" (See Luke 16:22).

[ Now, just a note on Abraham's Bosom. In the Old Testament, the bosom was configured as a CAVITY, a carrying-place. It was where one held to his chest things of value. Womenfolk would carry food and other precious items in their aprons, wrapping up the corners of their aprons around the items like a sack and carry the load CLOSE TO THEIR BOSOM. Thus, "Abraham's Bosom" in the heart of the earth was a CAVITY in the earth, filled with precious souls who had died in RIGHT standing with GOD.]

Our LORD spent 3 days and 3 nights down there, in the heart of the earth PREACHING to the DEAD who had died long before JESUS Our LORD was sent to the earth.

How do we know this?

Scripture tells us this

in 1 Peter 3:18, 19:

For CHRIST also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that HE+ might bring us to GOD, being put to death indeed in the flesh, but made alive in the SPIRIT; In which also HE+ went and preached unto the spirits in prison.

This Scripture tells us that JESUS Our LORD died a natural death in the flesh. When HE+ died, HE+ left His+ physical Body on the cross to be buried.

Now, we know The LORD JESUS never went into a jail, a prison, to preach. HE+ preached in many places, but never in an actual civil prison run by the Roman government, who had the authority over the prisons in Israel.

But rather, HE+ HIMSELF+ went in His+ SPIRIT into the heart of the earth... to preach to the dead !
Now THIS tells us some interesting facts:

   • "Death" was a prison from which no-one EVER left

    • it was located in the heart of the earth

   • the dead are simply gone unto ANOTHER PLACE ( either pleasant or bad)

   • the dead are not obliterated even though their bodies of clay are buried in the ground as "lifeless"

   • nor is their consciousness erased

   • nor have their emotions ceased

   • nor is their intellect diminished

Some OTHER Truths of GREAT interest are here also:

     • JESUS was intensely ALIVE the instant HE+ closed His+ eyes in death. We know this because HE+ had said... "It is accomplished, FATHER; into Thy HANDS I+ commit My+ SPIRIT."

     • HE+ left His+ dead, physical Body for 3 days and 3 nights

     • HE+ descended into the heart of the earth, into Sheol ( hell )

     • HE+ was not punished in hell but entered as a VICTORIOUS SAVIOR sent by The FATHER

     • HE+ asked no-one's permission to ENTER into the realm of the dead

    • HE+ asked no-one's permission to LEAVE the realm of the dead...

     • HE+ was busy for 3 days and 3 nights, as The FATHER sent HIM+ down there to preach.

Well, what did HE+ preach to this captive audience who could NOT leave the realm of the Dead ?

HE+ preached

the Good News !

I Peter 4:6 continues from the above Scriptures cited:

For unto this cause ALSO THE GOSPEL WAS PREACHED TO THE DEAD that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but MIGHT LIVE according to GOD in the SPIRIT. Green's Greek Interlinear

O Great REDEEMER+, O THOU+ Who+ had and still has the keys of Death and Hell, I thank THEE+ for dying on that mean Cross in order to break down the gates of Sheol, Hades, and hell in order to bring Life to those who had not the chance to hear the GOOD NEWS before they died.

Forgive me for forsaking the task of sharing this GOOD NEWS of victory over death with others.

Please forgive me of burying this "talent" entrusted unto me and keeping the GOOD NEWS locked up within my smug heart.

Forgive me for fleeing from my responsibility before GOD and man.

Cleanse me of the sin of Self-Preservation and help me instead to labor to Preserve those heading into Eternal Torments in hell and from thence, into the Second Death in the Lake of Burning Fire.
Help me , LORD JESUS, to proclaim this Victory over death, hell, and the grave to the Un-saved, the Lost, the Un-Redeemed amongst my family, friends, acquaintances, and even to strangers.