
WHO TAUGHT JESUS ? ~ Interactive LENTEN Meditation # 6 ~ John 8:28



John 8:28

 Then said JESUS unto them,

when ye have lifted up the SON+ of Man,

then ye shall know that I+ am he

 and that I+ do nothing of Myself+;

but as My+ FATHER hath taught ME+,

I+ speak these things.

+  +  +

Q. 1 : WHO did The LORD JESUS follow, Self or GOD ? ____

YES, GOD the FATHER. Oftentimes The LORD JESUS told us that HE+ did only those things that The FATHER did.

Q. 2 : WHO taught JESUS what to say and when to say it ? GOD The _________.

YES, GOD the FATHER taught JESUS what to speak, to whom to speak it, and when to speak it.

 Q. 3 : WHEN did The FATHER teach our LORD JESUS ? 

This question takes us to another Scripture passage to find the answer. Notice carefully the sequence of The LORD’S actions.

Mark 6:45-46

And straightway HE+ constrained His+ disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while HE+ sent away the people.

And when HE+ had sent them away, HE+ departed into a mountain to pray.

Q. 4 : Now THIS question is tricky. How many times did The LORD JESUS send persons away from HIM+ ?

____  times.

YES, two times .  We see two groups of persons . 

First, The LORD sent His+ ____________ to Bethsaida. 

After the disciples departed in a boat to Bethsaida, then HE+ send the ___________  or the multitudes or crowds listening to HIM+ away. 

Did they ALL go away ?  ____

Did they go away hungry ?  [ See the earlier verses, starting in Mark 6:31 and the following verses if you do not know. ]

Here is yet the same incident recorded in Matthew’s account.

Matthew 14:23

And when HE+ had sent the multitudes away, HE+ went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, HE+ was there alone.

Now we are seeing a pattern clearly. First, The LORD sent away every person near HIM+.

Then HE+ went into a _____________ apart. 

Likely, going to the mountain meant HE+ did not linger where HE+ could be found. 

In essence, HE+ retreated to a place unknown or unpopulated  on the mountainside. It was “APART”  from all other people.

This “retreat” provided HIM+ a private place to ________.

Why is it important to be hidden and  undisturbed in our private place when we pray ? __________________________

Many good reasons, but one of the main reasons is that OUR spirit can commune with GOD’S SPIRIT alone. 

HE wants our undivided attention.

This is where HE taught JESUS

 This is where HE+ teaches us.

+  +  +


LORD JESUS, I am sorry I have cluttered my life with the  “important” things of my life, mostly temporal.  

LORD JESUS, if YOU+ needed to be alone to pray, I know I must need to be alone also, to seek Your Face+.

If YOU+ needed to be undisturbed  when YOU+ prayed on this earth, I must need that too, to open up to The FATHER’S guidance.

If YOU+ were taught in the privacy of a hidden retreat, I must  need to enter that hidden retreat  myself, if I want to learn from GOD like YOU+ did when YOU+ were the SON+ of Man.

Help me to unclutter my time and re-set my priorities.

Help me join YOU+ in the Retreat, to be with The FATHER.

Thank YOU+ for showing me the way to learn from Your+ Hand and how to learn to hear Your+ Voice.  

In Your+ Holy Name, LORD JESUS, do I offer YOU+ my prayer and my commitment.  Amen.



Anonymous said...

Even when we're alone,ie living alone as I do, there are still many things that can take our attention off Christ and fellowship time with Him. I believe "intention"...that is, a disciplined approach to quiet time with the Lord, can cause "attention" to more readily flourish with the Lord. So many of us lead undisciplined lives in all areas of our life. The Bible is filled with scripture regarding "first fruits...giving to the Lord, His due, first.
It's really quite simple...put Him first each day and watch your love for Christ increase AND your knowledge of Him, then take it and share it with the world.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

EXACTLY ! This is precisely the issue to deal with , if we want to GROW in CHRIST .

Thank you SO MUCH for this good comment.

Sister Judith Hannah + + +