

Forgive them all, O LORD:

Our sins of omission and our sins of commission;

The sins of our youth ...
and the sins of our riper years;

The sins of our souls and the sins of our bodies;

Our secret and our more open sins;

our sins of ignorance and surprise,

And our more deliberate and presumptuous sins;

The sins we have done to please ourselves

and the sins we have done to please others;

The sins we know and remember,

and the sins we have forgotten;

The sins we have striven to hide from others

and the sins by which we have made others offend;

Forgive them, O LORD,
forgive them all for His+ sake,

Who+ died for our sins
and rose for our deliverance,

And now stands at Thy Right Hand

To make intercession for us,



Prayer found in Bayley Thompson's Hymn Book,

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

attributed to Wesley, slightly adapted by OGS.



Becoming GOD-Centered ~ ~ ~ The Way of The Cross
Pascha Season Meditation 1
(Passover or Lenten Season)
Year of His+ Grace,

These things spoke JESUS,
and lifted up His+ eyes into the Heaven,
and said,
FATHER, the hour is come;
glorify Thy SON+,
that Thy SON+ also may
glorify THEE:
John 17, verse 1,
Italics from the Greek text

The LORD dipped the morsel and gave it to Judas Iscariot in the account of the Last Supper we see recorded in John 13. When Judas had received the morsel and gone out into the night, The LORD said these mysterious words:

Then, when he [Judas] went, JESUS said,
Now was glorified the Son of Man+,
and GOD was glorified in Him+.
[Literal Greek translation from J.P. Green’s Interlinear New Testament]

The LORD explained something important to His+ remaining Disciples who did not betray Him+.

HE+ pointed out that HE+ had made a deliberate decision from His+ Will to do what The FATHER asked Him+ to do.

When The LORD put that decision in motion, HE+ explained what HE+ was really doing: becoming glorified in The FATHER.

In the next verse, Our LORD explains more about what HE+ just did. HE+ refers to Himself+ as HE+ often did in the third person, [i.e., he instead of I,]. JESUS said, referring to Himself+:

If GOD was glorified in Him+,
GOD also will glorify Him+ in HIMSELF,
and immediately will glorify Him+.
[Greek translation from J.P. Green’s Interlinear New Testament]

Here The LORD tells His+ Beloved Disciples that The FATHER will do something for Him+ and to Him+. Why? It is because JESUS brought The FATHER glory by doing HIS will.

Dear Heavenly FATHER,

We ask YOU to help us do Your Will so that we can bring glory to You. Strengthen us so that we do not shrink back and pull away from the path You have shown us to walk… be it in loneliness, in strict economy, or in any other straightened circumstance of body, mind, or soul. We thank You for sending Your SON+ as our Example so that we do not have to walk in darkness …nor in aloneness as we embrace the cross You have laid out for us as Your Will. Glory to YOU, LORD GOD of our fathers; You are worthy of praise. Glory to You.

In the Name of The FATHER,
The Beloved SON+,
and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.
+ + +


Stations of the Cross ...

One Station of the Cross
at the Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ Hermitage...

Come unto ME+, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,

and I+ will give you rest.

Take My+ yoke upon you and learn of ME+...

For I+ am meek and lowly in heart;

And ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For My+ yoke is easy,
and My+ burden is light.

Matthew 11

Gracious SAVIOR, My burdens I reliquish unto THEE+. They are too heavy for me. I quit being "my own boss." I'd rather have Thy+ yoke and Thy+ burden. I know THOU+ cannot lie. Show me how to yoke up with THEE+ and grant me Thy+ yoke that is easy. Give me only Thy+ burden which is appointed for me.

Help me to put my hand to Thy+ Kingdom's plow and not look back to this world, this time. Here I stand, empty and waiting, if THOU+ still would want me. I love THEE+, LORD JESUS, my only hope and true Home. Amen.



O safe to the ROCK+ that is higher than I,

My soul in its conflicts and sorrows would fly;

So sinful, so weary...

THINE+, THINE+, I would be

THOU+ blest ROCK of AGES...

I'm hiding in THEE+.

Yes, THOU+ blest ROCK of AGES...

I'm hiding in THEE+.

hymn by William O. Cushing

O LORD JESUS, teach me to run to THEE+ at all times, to hide under the shelter of Thy wings. When I am fearful, let me run to THEE+ for instruction. When I am tearful, let me run to THEE+ for counsel. And when I am joyous, may I run to THEE+ to rejoice! THOU+, Who+ has known fears, tears, and joy deeper than I can imagine... or endure... , be pleased to strengthen me, this Thy frail and hidden child. I will ever give THEE+ thanks, O LORD, my ROCK+ and my Deliverer+. Amen.


The Way of The Cross
Pascha Season 2009
Pascha Meditation 2

I must needs go home
by the Way of The Cross;
There’s no other way
but this.

Today, let us set up stations of the Cross. Our friends in the Roman Catholic and high church traditions have been doing this for awhile in their churches. Likely, we can do this more simply and in a variety of ways in our own homes. Perhaps, too, this would be a more effective way because we are at home more than “at” church.

So, here are some suggestions.

#1 Establish a cross station in each or several rooms of your home. It is good to have one at the kitchen sink, for instance, or where you do the laundry or ironing. Don’t forget the bathrooms or outhouses. Establish one at your husband’s desk or work area, also.

At the station, put up a cross. If you don’t have one for the wall or on a stand, then hang a necklace, chain, or cord with a cross on it. Or, tape up a nice picture of a cross from a greeting card from last Resurrection Season or one that your young people have colored or made.

#2 At each of the cross stations, establish a verse, a Psalm, Scripture, or Meditation (such as “Keep a Clear Eye”) to read. If you have children, appoint them to read, write, or find the meditation. These may change daily or weekly, as you see fit.

#3 Find a bell for each station (some old jingle bells do just fine) to ring before and after your prayer. Again, your children will delight to ring the bell to call to worship and to sanctify the end of it.

4 Learn to make the sign of the cross over yourself and over your children. Begin or end your worship with it… or whenever the Trinity is mentioned in the Doxology… or whenever The Name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST is mentioned.

No, the sign of the cross is NOT a monopoly of the high church tradition, nor did they invent it. The Early Christians made the sign of the cross often, according to the early writings. Like the cross, it belongs to the entire Body of CHRIST, the whole Christian Church. [An up-coming blog will review what the Early Christians said about the sign of the cross and how they did it.]

#5 Worship individually, together after a meal, or at quiet times through-out the day. We at the Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ like to keep a schedule. Ours varies from every 3 hours, starting at 6 a.m., to every hour (on some days). However, spontaneous worship works just as well to keep one’s focus on CHRIST. The important thing is not “when” you do it, but that you DO it… either individually or as a family unit. Set a goal: 3 x a day or 6 x a day, etc.

#6 If you work in public, then establish SOME kind of station there too. The visible witness is essential for you to stay focused on CHRIST while in the busy work world, and for others to see. [It strengthens the hidden Christians and it will give you ample opportunity to witness to the hungry ones.]

May The LORD bless us as we return to HIM+ during these brief minutes of worship throughout the day, throughout the Pascha Season; it is the least we can do.


We proclaim Thy Name in our homes, in our hearts, in our lives. We cannot imagine living without THEE+. Pull us ever closer to Thy Great Good Heart so that we might find our home in THEE+.

Receive these, our imperfect prayers, O GOD, in the Name of Our Heavenly FATHER, Who created us; His Beloved SON+, Who saves us; and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who sanctifies us.
+ + +

The Way of The Cross
Pascha Season 2009
Ash Wednesday
Year of Our LORD,

I must needs go home
by the Way of The Cross;
There’s no other way
but this.

I shall never get sight
of the Gates of Light,
If the Way of The Cross
I miss.

The Way of The Cross
leads home,
leads home.

The Way of The Cross
leads home…
leads home.

It is sweet to know
as I onward go…
The Way of the Cross
leads home.

This old hymn by Jessie Pounds tells us how to get home. As we begin Pascha Season [Passover or Lent] this year, home seems increasingly more important. Home is the place we are welcomed and wanted… where we are secure and our various needs are most abundantly and delightfully met. As adults, we try to make our homes that place of security for our children or spouses or extended family.

But in the long run, no earthly dwelling and no family circle can provide a “home” that meets ALL the needs of our hearts. Our hearts are ever-hungry to be filled. Our endless activities… in the Church or in the world’s arenas… only make us hungrier for the REAL. All the rest gets old. And we get tired, realizing we’ve been on a hamster wheel instead of the Path of Life.

But thankfully, that drives us to drink more deeply from the Well of Life Eternal. We hunger and thirst after Life and His+ Righteousness. Bless GOD! HE+ has provided the Way for us to get it. It is called the Way of The Cross.

There is no shortcut.

There is no alternate route.

There is no detour.

In HIS+ infinite wisdom, only the Way of The Cross will bring us home. All other routes will lead us astray.

During these occasional Paschal Meditations, let us set our sights on going home. In so doing, let us cease following other routes, sowing to the flesh or natural-minded man. Let us become Heavenly-minded… Heavenly-oriented… with our focus upon Home… the only place that matters.

Gracious Heavenly FATHER,
We thank THEE for sending us Thy Beloved SON+ to show us the Way home to THEE. We know there is no other way but HIS+.

We bless THEE+, LORD JESUS, for setting Thy+ Face towards Jerusalem. Help us in our weakness and frailty to do the same, so that we can get safely home. For Thy+ Name’s Sake, we ask this, O LORD, our Savior and Redeemer.

In the Name of The FATHER
Who created us;
Thy Blessed SON+
Who+ saves us;
Who sanctifies us.
+ + +


Skellig Michael; Ancient Celtic Christian Monastery

a vision from an OGS Monk,
Bro. Brendon Patrick

During times of prayer lately, I had been asking our LORD+ about the huge amount of evil that seems to be multiplying daily across the earth. At one point I asked the LORD+ about HIS+ church being kept in existence on the earth, being kept from the enemies both visible and invisible.

I said, “Lord+, it seems like we need a weapon of some sort.”

HE+ answered and said, “I AM YOUR WEAPON”.

HE+ also sends those of HIS+ Hosts appointed for this work, to be ministering spirits, fellow “combatants” so to speak, for those who are following CHRIST.

A few weeks later this vision came as I waited before the LORD+.

This short vision of the “warrior angel” was encouraging to me.

This angel seemed very large (compared to mortal humans), 8 or 10 feet tall it seemed, with two wings extending up over him another 6 feet or so above his head almost in a straight line ( not out to the side). He looked more or less human shaped, but different, stronger, more perfect. He had no beard. His face was neither happy or sad but was very “single-minded” in countenance.

When he stood still, his color was golden over white, but his bodily “substance” seemed to be swirling or moving, like an “energy” of some kind. (See Ezekiel 1:27). When he began to move he became like liquid fire. He still had his form, but was like liquid fire and had more volume. As he moved faster, the liquid fire became larger and more intense and swirling. The angelic form was almost lost at one point in a swirling mass or “ball” of liquid fire. The more or faster he moved, the more intense the rolling fire became.

Then, as he slowed down, the fire lessened in intensity, and as he settled and became still, his human-like form became visible again, although his body still seemed to be made of swirling energy of some kind, ( known to the LORD+ alone). Even standing still, the “fire” or “energy” swirled and moved constantly. I heard the words, “warrior angel”. The brief vision was over at that point.

I saw no sword of any kind, although I know the swords mentioned in scripture would not be like we think of swords , but something beyond human concepts. He had two wings, not six nor four, as scripture relates of some classes or orders of angels, seraphim or multi-faced cherubim.

In the book of Enoch a class known as ophanin is mentioned. I researched the word and it does have to do with fire, or whirling “wheels” of fire. I could not find out much more.

This was different altogether, than what I had always though of as a warrior angel, but it seems that there are different orders/classes of Warrior Angels among those of the LORD’S+ Hosts.

I had been troubled lately over the great amount of evil that is building in the world. I think the Lord + may have sent this vision to show me that the amount of evil will be easily taken care of; it will be no problem. At the appointed time it will be made plain. (I think of Joel 3; 2, 11 & 12, among others)

He even gives to us power over all the power of the adversary

we walk closely to Him+ in obedience

and abide in Him+
( John 15 ).

We must become skilled with the weapons of our warfare, which are not carnal, natural weapons like those of the world, but are supernatural weapons of the HOLY SPIRIT. These weapons really WORK to demolish the strongholds of the adversary and his minions and strike terror into them.

May HE+ help us to stand firm and to overcome “through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, and to love not our lives unto the death.” We take our LORD JESUS CHRIST, His+ Holy Apostles and Prophets, and the martyrs and confessors of the pre-Nicene and Early Church as our examples.

IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the HOLY SPIRIT + + +





clear eye...

"Keep a clear eye toward life's end.

Do not forget your purpose and destiny

as GOD's Creature.

What you are in His+ sight

is what you are

...and nothing more.


that when you leave this earth,

you can take nothing

you have received...

but only what you have given;

a full heart

enriched by honest service,



and courage."

- St. Francis of Assisi




"We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can take NOTHING out"(Apostle Paul)

Materialism is futile, a waste of the small amount of time we are given to be here on earth.

JESUS has warned us about this futility.

Let us all take heed to Him+.

In the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. + + +


The Epiphany of 2009

[The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar].

The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+


(Our only political statement)

Why do the nations rage,
and the people imagine a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against LORD YHWH,
and against HIS ANOINTED+,

Let us break Their bands asunder,
and cast away Their cords from us.

HE+ that sits in the Heavens shall laugh:
Lord ADONAI+ shall have them in derision.

Then shall HE+ speak unto them in His+ anger,
and terrify them in His+ wrath ( Rev.6:15,16,&17).

Yet I have set My KING+
upon My holy hill of Zion.

I will declare the decree:
YAWH hath said unto ME+,
You+ are My SON+;
this day I have begotten You+.

Ask of ME, and I shall give You+
the nations for Your inheritance,
and the uttermost parts of the earth
for Your+ possession.

You+ shall break them
with a rod of iron;
You+ shall break them in
pieces like a potter’s vessel.

Be wise now therefore,
O you kings: be instructed,
you judges of the earth.

Serve YHWH with fear,
and rejoice with trembling

Kiss the SON+, lest HE+ be angry,
and you perish from the way,
when His+ wrath is kindled but a little.

Blessed are all they
that put their trust
in HIM+.
Psalm 2

Maranatha!! Come Lord JESUS!!

In the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.
+ + +



The Epiphany of 2009
[The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

Step 8

Psalm 45
Gird Thy+ sword upon Thy+ thigh,
O Most Mighty+,
with Thy+ glory and
Thy+ majesty.

Rev. 19:16
And HE+ hath on His+ vesture
and on His+ thigh a name written,

+ + +


+ + +

Psalm 45
And in Thy+ majesty ride prosperously
because of


Rev. 19:11
And I saw Heaven opened,
and behold a white horse;
and HE+ that sat upon him was called
HE+ doth judge
and make war.


Psalm 45
Thy+ throne, O GOD,
is for ever and ever:
the sceptre of
Thy+ Kingdom is a right sceptre.

Indeed, THOU+ art stronger
than ALL of the strongmen
added together on the face of this globe,
in the Heavenlies,
and those who may abide under the earth.

All Hail, King JESUS!
All Hail, Emmanuel!

Bless GOD!
And Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever.

+ + +


The Epiphany of 2009
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

The LORD vs the Strongman
step 7

All Hail, King JESUS!
All Hail, Emmanuel!

We thank YOU+, O LORD JESUS CHRIST, because YOU+ are stronger than the strongmen in my life. YOU+, O LORD, are stronger than the strongmen in my family’s life, my friends’ lives, and stronger than the strongmen in my enemies’ lives!

Indeed, YOU+ are stronger
than ALL of the strongmen
added together on the face of this globe,
in the Heavenlies
and those who may abide under the earth.

All Hail, King JESUS!
All Hail, Emmanuel!

The mighty GOD, even the LORD, hath spoken,
and called the earth
from the rising of the sun
unto the going down thereof.

Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, GOD hath shined.

Our GOD shall come, and shall not keep silence:
a fire shall devour before him,
and it shall be very tempestuous round about HIM+.

HE+ shall call to the heavens from above,
and to the earth,
that HE+ may judge HIS+ people.

Gather My+ saints together unto ME+;
those that have made a covenant with ME+ by sacrifice.

And the Heavens shall declare HIS+ Righteousness:
for GOD+ is judge Himself+.
Psalm 50: 1-6

The LORD didn’t come here to lose.

And Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever.
+ + +


The Epiphany of 2009
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

Beating the Strongman
Step 5

Let us hear the Words of The LORD:

But if I cast out devils by the SPIRIT of GOD,
then the Kingdom of GOD is come unto you.

Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house,
and spoil his goods,
and then he will spoil his house.

He that is not with ME+ is against ME+;
and he that gathereth not with ME+
scattereth abroad.
Matthew 12:28-30

Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power to attain spiritual victories. That is why HE+ gave us instructions in verses like the ones in Matthew.

Verily I say unto you,
Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven:
and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth
shall be loosed in Heaven.

Again I say unto you,
That if two of you shall agree on earth
as touching any thing that they shall ask,
it shall be done for them of
MY+ FATHER which is in Heaven.
Matthew 18:18,19

We have the strength to win, the ammunition needed for victory to defeat of the devil and his demons. By the Blood of The LORD JESUS CHRIST we go forth to battle with spiritual strongmen in HIS+ Name… having carefully fulfilled our obediences to The LORD. (YES! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! ) We know the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Here, then, is an adaptation of a prayer found on page 69 of Prayer from Christian Word Ministries, 428 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 40503. That ministry lists a web site at www.christianword.org.

Strongman called Spirit of Anti-Christ,
I bind you in the Name of JESUS CHRIST…
along with all your works, roots, fruits, tentacles,
links, lies, deceptions , torments, and spirits…
that are in the life of _________________

with all of your fruits and spirits of :

1. Denying the deity of CHRIST
2. Denying the Atoning Blood of JESUS
3. Against CHRIST and HIS+ Teachings
4. Teachers of Heresy
5. Anti-Christian
6. Deceiver
7. Humanism
8. Lawlessness/ Rebellion
9. Worldly speech and action…

And I cast you out of ___________________
along with all of your works, roots, fruits, tentacles, links, lies, deceptions, torments, and spirits,

And I loose you from ____________________

and I force you
ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and by all the authority that HE+ grants me BY HIS+ HOLY BLOOD
to go wherever HE+ sends you.

I bind you, strongman called spirit
of anti-CHRIST, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST and declare that all of your works, roots, fruits, tentacles, links, lies, deceptions, torments, and spirits
are dead works in the life of _____________________

In the Name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST I command you not to come back into the presence of ________________________ again.

to send forth unto ____________________
Thy Spirit of Truth according to I John 4:6.

[Here are the Scripture references: I John 4:3 and 5, II John 7, II Thess.2:3-12, I John 2:18,19, Rev. 13:7.]

In the name of The FATHER, The SON+,
+ + +


STEP 4 ~ Beating the Strongman...

The Epiphany of 2009
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

Beating the Strongman
Step 4

Building Spiritual Muscle

And JESUS said unto them,
Because of your unbelief:
for verily I say unto you,
If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,
ye shall say unto this mountain,
Remove hence to yonder place;
and it shall remove;
and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Howbeit this kind goeth not out
but by prayer and fasting.
Matthew 17:20,21

In Chapter 17 of Matthew, three disciples had been with JESUS on the mountain top and had seen HIS+ Transfiguration. When they returned, the other disciples had had a dilemma: they could not cast out a demon out of a child. Hence, The LORD gave them HIS+ Words in the instructions above.

BELIEF / FAITH / TRUST must involve more than a mental mind-set here, as we can see from the grain of mustard seed. How DOES a mustard seed have faith, seeing that it has no brain, no mind, no heart? Furthermore, it is a tiny, tiny seed.

The mustard seed simply DOES what it is created to do by the MASTER’S Hand. It lies dormant when it is supposed to lie dormant. It cracks open at the appointed time. It sends forth a tiny shoot up and a tiny root down… just like it is created to do. It is 100% “mustard seed.” It has not one whit of other material in it… just mustard seed. In other words, it is unmingled with anything else in this world.

When we become as UNMINGLED as that tiny mustard seed we will see victory in prayer. Becoming single of eye is exactly what spiritual discipline does for our soul.

This is why The LORD JESUS followed up instruction about our faith becoming like the mustard seed with further instructions about how to cast out stubborn demons: by prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting makes us single of eye… or at least, takes us much closer to this goal.

We have flabby spiritual muscles in this age. Many things pit themselves against us to keep us in that state of INEFFECTIVE praying. Most of us need to fast and pray FOR STRENGTH… to fast and pray!

Thus, Step 4 involves putting muscle into our desire to have effective, fervent prayer. Not hyped up with emotion necessarily, but intense and determined to win the victory for CHRIST’S name…. in HIS+ name… and for HIS+ sake. To do this we must root out of us every and any thing that does not agree with CHRIST’S Words. We must lay on the altar any pet values we have carried over from our old man days. We must lay aside any activity which keeps us from giving our energy to this cause. We must train for the fight in singleness of eye.

How badly do you want to beat the strongman?

Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed.

The effectual fervent prayer
of a righteous man
availeth much.
James 5:16

Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power
to attain spiritual fruits;
it is our part to embrace the labor.

we have walked weakly where we should have had strength.
We have mingled our wine with water.
We have avoided the narrow way.
Help us to embrace Thy call to effective, fervent prayer.

We thank THEE+ for the strength to win, for the strength for victory, for the defeat of the devil and his demons. By Thy Blood we will go forth to battle in Thy Name with these spiritual strongmen. Show us how to complete our obedience to THEE+ for this spiritual warfare.

This we pray in the name of The FATHER Who created us, The SON+ Who delivers us, and The HOLY SPIRIT Who sanctifies us. Amen.

+ + +


Beating the strongman... Step 3

The Epiphany of 2009
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

Beating the Strongman
Step 3

gives us the power
to attain spiritual fruits;

it is our part to embrace the labor.
This is what Scriptures mean when it says to
“walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…”
Col. 1:10.



Putting TEETH into the spiritual battle is what we want. We want to see the victory come in all areas of prayer. We want to see friends, family members, and even our enemies saved.



We want TRUTH to be established so firmly
in all of us Christians
that not only will we be
but we will


We want HIS+ victory over fear of the face of man, fear over the face of mammon, fear over aloneness and outward-looking defeats. We desire to do the work of The LORD, in HIS+ Kingdom. And, we want to do it effectually. What does Scripture say about effectual prayer?

Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed.

The effectual fervent prayer
of a righteous man
availeth much.
James 5:16

After we are “prayed up” in all areas of our lives, we stand repented, bare, and clean before Our LORD. There is no short-cut to this; we do NOT wish to become like the sons of Sceva who in unrighteousness and presumptuousness thought they could wrestle with evil spirits.

Step 3 brings the time to don some armor… armor distinctly sanctioned for spiritual warfare. We don this divine armor over CLEAN bodies, souls, and spirits. We put on the armor of discipline. This entails a denial of some sort.

Our flesh is not yet glorified, so it becomes vitally important to submit our very own flesh to our Regenerated Spirit. We will have a hard time winning a battle abroad--- in other places, with other spirits--- if we have NOT WON THE BATTLE at home first, that is, in ourselves first.

There are many ways to do this. But one thing is certain: if it doesn’t hit the flesh, it is not the discipline that will be effectual in spiritual warfare. Here are a few disciplines we have found to be effective in Spiritual warfare.

The Discipline of Food

Besides fasting, there are other ways to enter into this discipline. We can eliminate certain foods or drinks, making it or them an offering unto The LORD, putting it or them upon His+ altar.


We do this to accomplish a goal, a task we have embraced for love of HIM+, for the love of the Brethren. We can limit amounts, or times, or intakes. We can substitute carrot sticks instead of candy, nuts and honey instead of cake and ice cream. We can simplify. We can GRADUALLY eliminate… every week, add another delicacy onto His+ altar. Most of us eat and drink more than enough “pleasure” foods to do this easily.

Personally, I have gone to drinking a cup of hot water instead of coffee or a cup of cold water when I wanted a tastier drink. This is a little thing, but believe it or not, I still have times when I quarrel with my flesh to accomplish this tiny denial. Sometimes, I lay in wait for my Self to yearn after some treat… then I get Her good (!) for casting her eye upon something to eat … not because I’m really hungry… but just to treat my flesh. [I believe St. Francis used to fling himself into a thorn bush whenever he was tricked by his flesh! ]

We train our flesh
to practice submission
unto the spirit
by spiritual disciplines.

The Discipline of the Cloth

Another good discipline is the Discipline of the Cloth. Again, there are many, many good ways to do this. The main idea here is to 1) please GOD; 2) be in line with Scriptures, and 3) bear witness of CHRIST at all times, in all places, and to all beings…. both seen and unseen.

To please GOD, we seek His+ will in this matter. To be in line with Scriptures, we dress modestly, amply covering our bodies. Use cloth to bear witness to CHRIST JESUS. Although not in costly array, we dress dignified, as being an ambassador of CHRIST. We dress simply, quietly, and self-effacing.

Why? Because we want people to think immediately of CHRIST JESUS when they look our way, not us. We don’t dress to “catch the eye” of people, but we DO DRESS to bear silent witness to CHRIST. For some of the unredeemed that is the only witness they receive.

It is an effectual witness, too. We can tell this by the reaction of the people we see. Many Christian sisters who seriously follow The LORD don a head-covering. Many, many do this without having a church or group to enforce this upon them. Some Christian brothers seriously change their dress so they do NOT BLEND IN with the world. Afterall, it is not only the sisters who need to do this!
Without fail,
beings in the unseen realm
react to Christians who don
the discipline of the cloth.

The LORD shows each of us how to move towards HIM+ in the discipline of the cloth. It is an important part of the armor. This is one way that we can submit our flesh to our spirit.


One involves the on-going battle of time and priorities. The crucial issue here is to have enough time to spend QUALITY QUIET TIME before The LORD, daily.

Another discipline is what comes to us through our SENSES. We monitor the books, magazines, internet articles we read. We monitor what our eyes take in. We monitor what music we listen to… if any! Some of us would do well to “listen” to the quiet.

Monitoring our interaction with others, even family members, is an area in sore need of discipline amongst Christians. Do we call the family into times of Holy Silence? Do we call the family into times of “only speaking Praise or Thanksgiving?” Do we call our family and friends into a place of only speaking positively about others… and not critically, following the Accuser?

Do we EVER think to set apart a time to ONLY breathe thanks unto Our LORD … and not to be continually asking for things for ourselves, our lives, our friends and families? Sometimes Sundays are a good day for disciplining our selves to do this. Most of us bombard Heaven with supplications for us and others constantly.

Many ways exist to effect spiritual discipline in our lives… discipline that will bear fruit in the spiritual kingdom. It is a constant struggle for some of us to balance out duties of home, family, and work with this Work for The LORD. It is simply a matter of setting priorities, in HIM+.

But what things were gain to me,
those I counted loss for Christ.

Yea doubtless,
and I count all things but loss
for the excellency
of the knowledge of CHRIST JESUS my LORD:
for whom I have suffered
the loss of all things,
and do count them but dung,
that I may win

Phil. 3:7,8

How badly...
do you want...
to beat the strongman?

+ + +


Beating the strongman... step 2

The Epiphany of 2009
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

Beating the Strongman
Step 2

gives us the power
to attain spiritual fruits;

it is our part to embrace the labor.
This is what Scriptures mean when it says to
“walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…”
Col. 1:10.

This labor is not “legalism;” it is a labor born out of love for our SAVIOR. Sometimes, similar to any earthly union, this labor can lose the “honeymoon effect.” Then simply out of duty we do those things necessary to KEEP THE UNION TIGHT.

Yes, that works in a pinch. It is not the best thing to do with our friends and families AND IT IS NOT OPTIMAL WITH Our LORD, either. Duty-work soon turns into obligation. Obligation soon turns into legalism. Legalism turns into resentment, bitterness, and anger. These lead to division and separation… the opposite of the TIGHT UNION necessary between a person and The LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Thus, step 2 in beating the strongman is to TIGHTEN UP our obedient-love-faith relationship (quoting Bro. David Bercot of Scroll Publishing) with The LORD. This is done when we are closeted in with HIM+.

we ask for Thy+ Light upon our hearts.
We do love THEE+.
We proclaim Thy+ Goodness.
We delight in Thy+ Victories.
We marvel at Thy+ Grace towards the ungrateful
and Thy+ Great Patience with the stumblers
… of whom I am chief.
Bless this offering of love,
Gracious SAVIOR,
and multiply it until our hearts burst
with Joy in Thy+ Presence.
+ + +


Beating the Strongman... Step 1

The Epiphany of 2009
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

Beating the Strongman
Step 1

Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power

to attain spiritual fruits;

it is our part to embrace the labor.

This is what Scriptures mean when it says to

“walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…”

Col. 1:10

This is the first step in beating the strongman.



The GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT are to HIS+ credit; the FRUITS, however, are laid to our account, through the Grace and Mercy of The LORD. Not to use GOD’S gifts for His+ Kingdom’s work, to do His+ Will, is equivalent to burying what GOD has given us. Note this: HE+ did not give us His+ talents for our benefit, but for the Kingdom’s benefit.

The judgment the servant faced who buried the Master’s one talent entrusted unto him was exactly the same as the branches being cut off from the Vine+… by that very same Master and Husbandman. That servant of The LORD buried his Master’s talent and then absorbed himself in the doings of his own life. He did not trouble himself to be about his Master’s interests. He did not concern himself to work primarily for the one he called “master.”

GOD forbid that any of us take advantage of GOD’S grace and mercy toward us! We were not saved to “better our lives” for ourselves but to live for CHRIST JESUS our LORD.



Accepting this
is the first step in beating the strongman.



Do we have faith to believe that IF WE PUT the Kingdom of GOD first, that all things we have need of will be given unto us? [That IS the Word of The LORD, you know.]

Can we believe… have we trust in the fact that… our families will be well cared for IF WE do The LORD’S work first? If properly done according to the will of The LORD, not only will our young ones and spouses be rightly cared for, but they will be concerned about the Kingdom of GOD also, to the glory of GOD our FATHER!



Acknowledging this truth
is the first step in
beating the strongman

Let us pray:

Dear LORD and Heavenly FATHER, In the name of Thy Beloved SON+ JESUS CHRIST, we ask for help to seek THEE first and Thy Righteousness. We do this in accordance with the Words of Thy SON+. Help us to turn away from the insistent cares of this life and focus only upon the VITAL, the ONE THING that Thy Beloved SON+ said was necessary. Grant us wisdom and strength to do this, according to Thy Will and leading, to the glory of Thy Holy Name. Amen.

+ + +


The EPIPHANY ~ His+ Manifestation

The Epiphany

Year of Our LORD

Day of the Manifestation
of the CHRIST Child
to the Gentiles

Wise Men Still Seek HIM+


The Epiphany Season of the Christian Calendar goes from January 6 until Lent begins. We will share a few meditations throughout the Epiphany Season.

Let us pray:

O LORD, we beseech THEE mercifully to receive the prayers of Thy people who call upon THEE in spirit and in truth. Grant that we may both perceive and know what things we ought to do to please THEE, in both our outer man and inner. We thank THEE that THOU hast given us all the power we need over the enemy, for both the outer man and inner.

Help us to fulfill Thy Will, to the pulling down of strongholds and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of and obedience towards JESUS CHRIST, the Only Begotten SON and Eternal Word, Who+ lives and reigns with THEE and Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD, now and forever, world without end. Amen.

<(((>< Now the GOD of Peace,
that brought again from the dead
that Great Shepherd+ of the sheep,
through the Blood of the everlasting Covenant,

Make you perfect
in every good work to do HIS+ Will,
working in you
that which is well pleasing in His+ sight,
to Whom+ be glory for ever and ever.
Hebrews 13:20,21




Yes, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power to attain the spiritual fruit; it is our part to embrace the labor. Not to do so makes us slide into “easy” believism and “cheap” grace… which is a slide that only goes downhill. This is what Scriptures mean when it says to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…” Col. 1:10


As ye know how we exhorted and comforted
and charged every one of you,
as a father doth his children,

That ye would walk worthy of GOD,
Who hath called you unto His+
Kingdom and Glory.
I Thess. 2:11,12




The fruits of the SPIRIT are NOT “given.” We labor to develop those spiritual fruits. We nourish our spirit with SPIRITUAL food. We weed out those hindering thoughts, motives, and actions. We TRAIN… yes, vigorously train… our thoughts to agree with Scriptures and not with our flesh, our family spirits, and this lying world system. We discipline our activities, pruning off important activities so that we have both time and energy for the VITAL work.

Sometimes we have to take a stick to ourselves during this discipline when we willfully break training. But… this spiritual training can be done and furthermore, The LORD EXPECTS us to sow unto the SPIRIT in this fashion. Indeed, there is no other way to sow to the SPIRIT but through a denial of the flesh.

The Husbandman looketh for … the gifts?



HE knows where those gifts are and where they come from: His Beloved SON+. The Husbandman looketh for the fruits in our lives, not HIS. Fruits are laid to our credit, through CHRIST, by the power of His+ HOLY SPIRIT.


Fruits, by the way, are NOT optional.

Fruits are either there or NOT THERE,

but fruits are not optional.


If fruits… that is, the result of our labors in the Kingdom of GOD, by the power of His+ HOLY SPIRIT… are missing, then we are definitely cut off from the Branch+ and thrown into the fire by the Husbandman. See John 15.

As we seek HIM+ during this new year, which promises to bring only more heartache upon the human race, let us diligently and with a determined discipline prepare ourselves for the fight… the “big fight”… not with flesh and blood but with spiritual wickedness in high places.

Believe me, the wicked ones aren’t going ANYWHERE without a fight.

Let us train ourselves, spiritually,

at least as well as Rocky Balboa did for the ring.

The stakes are much higher.

So are the returns.



In the name of The FATHER,
The SON+,
+ + +


Building MUSCLE ~ Day 11 of the INCARNATION

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 11
Year of Our LORD,

Building Muscle
Part 2

It is FASCINATING to watch a wise man work out.
He never… I repeat, NEVER… babies himself.



This is an eye-witness account of a dear Christian brother. He had been incapacitated for over 20 years due to a car accident and subsequent work on his spine. Although he could move about and “look” normal, he couldn’t even carry a gallon of water (8 pounds) for years. When The LORD touched his body over a year ago, the gift of healing came in this way: he was strengthened in answer to prayer… but strengthened TO WORK OUT. He was strengthened to labor.

That is, his body was healed ONLY to the point needed to ENABLE this brother to do HIS part, i.e, to pick up the iron, to embrace a stronger discipline than he had ever known before, to deny himself. He now has the POWER to do the muscle work-outs which he had tried before. Earlier, they only made him sicker and he could not continue. He now has the power to overcome his previous condition.

However, note this: his atrophied muscles did NOT automatically bulge with strength when The LORD turned his condition; he had to labor to gain that. Well, labor he did and is still doing. His entire body shape has changed. He looks 20 years younger. His youthful appearance and changed physique are the fruits of his labor. He would NOT have either one if he would have stopped AND MADE NO EFFORT at the gift of healing.



The good fruits were not given to him in the healing;
only the power or ability to attain them was given.

Gifts versus fruits… interesting thought, isn’t it?




Worldlings can also build their muscles, if they can embrace training, take some additional supplements, and monitor their diet. In reality, however, only a few can see what the body actually needs because that comes through TRUTH. Truth must be embraced at some level or body-killing steroids will tempt them to achieve a “fast fix.” Organ-afflicting foods will be eaten, only to create future surgeries and untold heart-ache.

It is no secret that most of us use food to indulge appetites or appease the emotions. We don’t accept the TRUTH that food is simply a fuel for needed energy for bodily functioning. Most of us will not deny our flesh enough comfort to even embrace a daily health exercise walk of 30 minutes. We all make excuses… good ones, too… revolving around duties and responsibilities. But, we all have been granted the same 24 hours a day.

Entering a new year, many of us make woebegone resolutions to exercise our flabby bodies. Some do to lose weight; some do for lost muscle tone. We all know that a simple exercise like walking enhances circulation, increases oxygen to the brain and body, flushes the lymph system, and massages the internal organs… all of which we desperately need to be healthy. However...



knowing is NOT doing.


What is the major hindrance to this good activity?
Scheduled Performance of it.
Doing it when we don’t feel like it.
Doing it when something else
“more important” demands our time.

[ to be continued, with even more Truth]

In the Name of The FATHER,
His Only-begotten SON+,
and His Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
world without end

+ + +


Building MUSCLE ~ Day 10 of the INCARNATION

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 10
Year of Our LORD,

Building Muscle

It is FASCINATING to watch a wise man work out.
He never… I repeat, NEVER… babies himself.

In all of my 61 years, I have seen exactly ONE MAN close at hand who seriously and intensely works his muscles like Rocky Balboa preparing for “the big fight.”

To the uninitiated, “working out” means to grab a few weights (barbells or dumbbells) and pump that iron up and down a few times before getting on with the important duties of the day. Nothing could be further from the truth. That would injure a person’s body and build more lies in his soul [ i.e., exercise doesn’t work for me].

In reality “working out” is exactly what Rocky did. A person embraces the discipline of training his body before he even looks at a piece of iron (a weight-lifter’s term). But in the end, the fruit of embracing this discipline is that his body trains him ! It not only trains the muscles, but it trains the reflexes, the focus, the thoughts, and ultimately trains the person to deny himself temporarily to achieve the long-term goal set before him.

I watch the meticulousness of each work out exercise he selects. Each one is thought through with great care. The goal is always in his mind and every exercise is tailored to DO A SPECIFIC JOB for that particular muscle group.

For example, his methods are tailored for specific purposes. Working out with weights in bench triceps dips and alternate dumbbell curls (to name only a few), this wise man changes his work out like a recipe.

· For strength only, he does 5 or 6 sets of 2 or 3 repetitions with the same weights, with 4 to 5 minutes of rest between the sets.

· For adding muscle size only, he does 5 to 6 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions with only 45 to 60 seconds (!) between sets, using the same weights.

· But, to build both strength and size, this wise man does 5 to 6 sets of 5 to 6 reps with 2 to 3 minutes of rest between sets.

Fascinating, isn’t it? If a man can follow such a well-plotted recipe to make his body build strength, muscle, and size, he must trust there will be a natural response to his work. He trusts because he is following the natural law of how his body works, how human bodies are created. This natural law is so sure, so very certain, that even non-Christians who follow it will reap the same fruits of muscle, size, strength, and endurance.

Furthermore, this Christian brother who works out monitors his diet meticulously. He purposely puts ONLY in him foods that will accomplish his goals: building strength, muscle, size, endurance and ultimately good health. He monitors both the kind and the amounts. He puts “additives” in his body’s fuel tank to boost his high octane food also, keeping ever in mind how he wants his body’s engine to run. He embraces the TOTAL discipline needed to achieve his goal.

Being led by The LORD to work out, he never whines, but rather is thankful that he has a body that can now endure training. He never feels sorry for himself but rather rejoices in The LORD Who+ has granted him another day to do HIS+ Will. He refuses to allow himself to yearn after delicacies because he is intent on Truth… both for the outer man as well as for the inner man. He is delighted to apply himself to the Task Assigned, …unseen and unsung as it is… to show his sincere appreciation to The LORD.

Furthermore, on his one day “off” of the week, he refuses to feed his flesh more indulgently, knowing it will only make the iron harder to pick up again. He walks in Truth.

[This is a true story to be continued]

Glory be to The FATHER, and to The SON+, and to The HOLY SPIRIT;
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
world without end.
+ + +

+ + +