The Epiphany of 2009
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+
Beating the Strongman
Step 1
Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+
Beating the Strongman
Step 1
Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power
to attain spiritual fruits;
it is our part to embrace the labor.
This is what Scriptures mean when it says to
“walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…”
Col. 1:10
This is the first step in beating the strongman.
This is the first step in beating the strongman.
The GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT are to HIS+ credit; the FRUITS, however, are laid to our account, through the Grace and Mercy of The LORD. Not to use GOD’S gifts for His+ Kingdom’s work, to do His+ Will, is equivalent to burying what GOD has given us. Note this: HE+ did not give us His+ talents for our benefit, but for the Kingdom’s benefit.
The judgment the servant faced who buried the Master’s one talent entrusted unto him was exactly the same as the branches being cut off from the Vine+… by that very same Master and Husbandman. That servant of The LORD buried his Master’s talent and then absorbed himself in the doings of his own life. He did not trouble himself to be about his Master’s interests. He did not concern himself to work primarily for the one he called “master.”
GOD forbid that any of us take advantage of GOD’S grace and mercy toward us! We were not saved to “better our lives” for ourselves but to live for CHRIST JESUS our LORD.
Accepting this
is the first step in beating the strongman.
Accepting this
is the first step in beating the strongman.
Do we have faith to believe that IF WE PUT the Kingdom of GOD first, that all things we have need of will be given unto us? [That IS the Word of The LORD, you know.]
Can we believe… have we trust in the fact that… our families will be well cared for IF WE do The LORD’S work first? If properly done according to the will of The LORD, not only will our young ones and spouses be rightly cared for, but they will be concerned about the Kingdom of GOD also, to the glory of GOD our FATHER!
Do we have faith to believe that IF WE PUT the Kingdom of GOD first, that all things we have need of will be given unto us? [That IS the Word of The LORD, you know.]
Can we believe… have we trust in the fact that… our families will be well cared for IF WE do The LORD’S work first? If properly done according to the will of The LORD, not only will our young ones and spouses be rightly cared for, but they will be concerned about the Kingdom of GOD also, to the glory of GOD our FATHER!
Acknowledging this truth
is the first step in
beating the strongman.
Let us pray:
Dear LORD and Heavenly FATHER, In the name of Thy Beloved SON+ JESUS CHRIST, we ask for help to seek THEE first and Thy Righteousness. We do this in accordance with the Words of Thy SON+. Help us to turn away from the insistent cares of this life and focus only upon the VITAL, the ONE THING that Thy Beloved SON+ said was necessary. Grant us wisdom and strength to do this, according to Thy Will and leading, to the glory of Thy Holy Name. Amen.
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Acknowledging this truth
is the first step in
beating the strongman.
Let us pray:
Dear LORD and Heavenly FATHER, In the name of Thy Beloved SON+ JESUS CHRIST, we ask for help to seek THEE first and Thy Righteousness. We do this in accordance with the Words of Thy SON+. Help us to turn away from the insistent cares of this life and focus only upon the VITAL, the ONE THING that Thy Beloved SON+ said was necessary. Grant us wisdom and strength to do this, according to Thy Will and leading, to the glory of Thy Holy Name. Amen.
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