Showing posts with label Pascha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pascha. Show all posts


KNOCKED to the Earth... Passover Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart... Ephesians 1:1

The First BLOOD of the First PASSOVER LAMB

Meditations  for Pascha

(The Passover Season, 2016)
Commonly called the Lenten Season
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Meditations for the 

Now is My+ soul troubled;
and what shall I+ say ...
save ME+ from this hour ?
but for this cause
came I+ unto this hour.

FATHER, Glorify Thy Name.

Then came there a Voice from Heaven, saying,

I have both glorified It,
and will glorify It again.


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Meditation Verse  Ephesians 1:1

Paul, Apostle of JESUS CHRIST through GOD'S Will, to the holy ones, the ones being in Ephesus and faithful in CHRIST JESUS.

From the literal Greek, Byzantine textform, translation by SJH + + +

Through GOD'S Will, Paul became an Apostle of JESUS CHRIST. He responded to The LORD when he was called. He was found to be faithful.

However, let us remember the FORCEFULNESS of that calling which was put upon "Saul" at the point of Paul's conversion.

Though a meticulously righteous man according to the Law of Moses,  Saul was such a devoted  enemy of CHRIST JESUS that The LORD called him in a special way. Saul received an over-powering vision which made him fall to the earth, trembling and astonished, Acts 9.

Are we as righteous as Saul ?  Do we ALSO need to be knocked to the earth in order to respond to the Living LORD ... totally and with all that is within us ? 

Recently we finished the season of EMMANUEL --- GOD-Who+-is-Alive With us --  coming to earth.

The LORD JESUS took on human flesh, becoming INCARNATE for one purpose: for the human suffering of death.

Undoubtedly HE+ could have vanquished the satan WITHOUT becoming incarnate. But HE+ could not have suffered human death like we do without becoming incarnate. 

And being found in fashion as a man, HE+ humbled HIMSELF+, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross. Philippians 2  

 Again... are we as righteous as that righteous man, Saul, before his conversion to MESSIAH JESUS ? 

Do we ALSO need to be knocked to the earth in order to respond to the Living LORD ... totally...  and with all that is within us ? 

Are we keeping ANYTHING back from our LORD JESUS ? 

Is HE+ The LORD of our time... our thoughts... our spirit ... our activities?

Are we accounted faithful and numbered with the "holy ones" like the Followers of JESUS in Ephesus?


Dear Heavenly FATHER, the GOD and FATHER of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST and His+ faithful followers...

Once again, I find myself in need of Divine Help to empty myself of SELF, in order to do Thy+ Will, O LORD. 

I renounce my Self's indulgence. I renounce my unconcerned satisfaction with my own spiritual growth.  I renounce ignoring the call to Quietness with THEE+.

 Place in me the will to STRIVE to GO DEEPER with THEE+, O CHRIST.

Fearful as I am, grant me an over-whelming vision also... and knock me to the ground if so required.  Pull me to THYSELF+, O HOLY ONE+ of Israel.

Remove from me luke-warmness of heart and languishing zeal. Send the lightening of conviction into my self-satisfied soul; I rebuke my Self, in the Name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Help me to embrace death to Self in every aspect of my being, like Thy+ Apostle Paul, so that I may expend  the rest of my allotted time on earth for THEE+, O CHRIST.

In Whose+ Name I pray, and by Whose+ Merits I am not destroyed in the face of Thy HOLINESS, O Gracious FATHER.  Amen.

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Praise and Thanksgiving
be to The FATHER,
and to His Beloved SON+
and to 
the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.

both now and forever,
world without end.


Worthy is the LAMB+.

Worthy is The LAMB+
that was slain.

Worthy is the LAMB+,
from the foundation
of the earth.
Revelation 13:8


Set Apart.... A Vessel Meet for The MASTER+ ...

Psalm 119:57
THOU+ art my portion, O LORD:
I have said that I would keep Thy+ Words.
Forgive me, LORD, for ignoring Thy+ Word to turn the other cheek,  as THOU+ hast done toward THINE+ enemies. Forgive me, LORD, for hotly refusing to go the second mile, as THOU+ hast done with Thy+ disciples.
Change me into Thy+ likeness and image, O LORD, as it pleases THEE+. Yes, I have said that I would keep Thy+ words.
Help me to do what I have promised THEE+, for all Thy+ marvelous benefits towards me. Great is Thy+ faithfulness; The LORD is my portion saith my soul; therefore, I will trust in THEE+.
I do from henceforth
set apart
my heart
for THEE+, O LORD.
+ + +  
Passover 2011
Meditation #2
Set Apart...  


The Way of The Cross
Pascha Season 2009
Ash Wednesday
Year of Our LORD,

I must needs go home
by the Way of The Cross;
There’s no other way
but this.

I shall never get sight
of the Gates of Light,
If the Way of The Cross
I miss.

The Way of The Cross
leads home,
leads home.

The Way of The Cross
leads home…
leads home.

It is sweet to know
as I onward go…
The Way of the Cross
leads home.

This old hymn by Jessie Pounds tells us how to get home. As we begin Pascha Season [Passover or Lent] this year, home seems increasingly more important. Home is the place we are welcomed and wanted… where we are secure and our various needs are most abundantly and delightfully met. As adults, we try to make our homes that place of security for our children or spouses or extended family.

But in the long run, no earthly dwelling and no family circle can provide a “home” that meets ALL the needs of our hearts. Our hearts are ever-hungry to be filled. Our endless activities… in the Church or in the world’s arenas… only make us hungrier for the REAL. All the rest gets old. And we get tired, realizing we’ve been on a hamster wheel instead of the Path of Life.

But thankfully, that drives us to drink more deeply from the Well of Life Eternal. We hunger and thirst after Life and His+ Righteousness. Bless GOD! HE+ has provided the Way for us to get it. It is called the Way of The Cross.

There is no shortcut.

There is no alternate route.

There is no detour.

In HIS+ infinite wisdom, only the Way of The Cross will bring us home. All other routes will lead us astray.

During these occasional Paschal Meditations, let us set our sights on going home. In so doing, let us cease following other routes, sowing to the flesh or natural-minded man. Let us become Heavenly-minded… Heavenly-oriented… with our focus upon Home… the only place that matters.

Gracious Heavenly FATHER,
We thank THEE for sending us Thy Beloved SON+ to show us the Way home to THEE. We know there is no other way but HIS+.

We bless THEE+, LORD JESUS, for setting Thy+ Face towards Jerusalem. Help us in our weakness and frailty to do the same, so that we can get safely home. For Thy+ Name’s Sake, we ask this, O LORD, our Savior and Redeemer.

In the Name of The FATHER
Who created us;
Thy Blessed SON+
Who+ saves us;
Who sanctifies us.
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