
FEARING The LORD... With All Due Respect . . .

But I will forewarn you
Whom ye shall fear:
Fear HIM,
which after HE hath killed
hath power to cast into hell;
yea, I say unto you,
Fear HIM.

The Word of The LORD JESUS CHRIST to His+ Disciples,
Recorded in Luke 12:5
Bless GOD, we attend a Christian assembly which does not hallow war among men. The members of this assembly LIVE differently.
Any visitor can quietly discern that because there is no national icon waving behind this pulpit, neither do they make a distinction in prayer about which nationality of soldiers to pray for: they pray that ALL may be saved and ALL the swords of every nation will be beaten into plowshares and pruning hooks.
They know that ALL men are dead men... unless they know The LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Furthermore, political statements are NEVER heard from this pulpit because they know something: they know that Christians are living in The Kingdom of GOD and thus, serve another KING, an Infallible ONE+ Who+ doesn't need votes or guns or lies to stay in power.
Thus, on this day set up to honor the slain of an earthly warring kingdom and to crow about its military prowess, let us keep in mind The ONE Whom we should truly fear for HIS might and power.
...For, HE+ cometh...
for HE+ cometh
to judge* the earth;
HE+ shall judge* the world
with righteousness,
and the people with HIS Truth.
Psalm 96:13
*This verb "to judge" means
to pronounce an unescapable sentence of execution
upon someone... or some "thing."
+ + +




May The LORD pour out His+ Blessed HOLY SPIRIT on all HIS+ children once again. May the church gatherings rattle and shake with HIS+ rushing, mighty BREATH (ruah = wind, breath)... the very BREATH of GOD !

May vibrant, vivid, and vehement TONGUES of FIRE alight upon all HIS+ followers, all who walk with HIM+ in Spirit and in Truth... for The FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM+.


In the name of The FATHER,

Who+ created thee in HIS IMAGE,


And His Beloved SON+,


Who+ sent forth the HOLY SPIRT

upon HIS+ followers

When HE+ was glorified


And their Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,

Who alights the hearts of His+ People

With the Holy SPIRIT of GOD,

Whenever and wherever

HE+ Wills.



Come LORD JESUS, Come.



But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the true worshippers
shall worship
THE FATHER in Spirit and in Truth:
for THE FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM.
Beloved, Only-Begotten SON+ of The FATHER,
recorded in John 4:23

Do we practice Self-centered or GOD-centered worship ?
GOD-centered worship stems from a GOD-centered life.
Do we live for The LORD JESUS... or do we ask HIM+ to bless the many facets of our self-centered life? What is the difference ?

Do we ask healing for loved ones and friends
so they can live radically-transformed lives for JESUS...
or so they can resume their previous manner of a self-serving life ?
We cannot offer TRUE WORSHIP
unless our life is centered
upon The Living LORD JESUS CHRIST,
HE+ being our goal.
HE+ will accept no other.
+ + +
I call THEE+ "LORD." Help me to move my life, my Self, off-center and replace it with THEE+ alone. Send Thy+ Grace of conviction of sin to me when I supplant THEE+ with Self.
Train me in the way I should go, since I haven't trained myself so well. These things I ask, O LORD, THOU+ Who+ art the true Lover of my soul.
I bless Thy+ Holy Name, O THOU+, Who+ alone doeth all things well and pleasing in the sight of Our HEAVENLY FATHER. Amen.
+ + +
In the name of THE FATHER,
WHO created thee;
His Beloved SON+,
WHO+ saves thee from thy self;
the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
WHO convinces and convicts thee
of sin,
of righteousness,
and of judgment
to come.



The LORD gave the pattern.

Our LORD gave us a pattern of how to pray, yes, and also how to worship HIM+ in Spirit and in Truth.

The "LORD'S PRAYER" in Matthew 6 is a perfect example of how
to WORSHIP HIM+ in an acceptable way.

Yes, I do believe that HE+ hears the heart-cries of all His+ creation... because HE+ heard mine.

However, we who are now born again in the BLOOD COVENANT should not be "loose" and irreverent when we come before HIM+.
After all, we'd show an earthly ruler (king, queen, president, etc.) proper respect or we wouldn't last long in his/ her presence!

How much more so is reverence due to the KING of KINGS, the LORD of LIGHT, the ALMIGHTY GOD, the EVERLASTING FATHER, the PRINCE of PEACE! The Hebrew children were strict to conform to a reverent and holy and PROPER order of worship and sacrifice before the ALMIGHTY GOD. They did not play loose and fast with HIM.
[Recall what happened to Aaron's sons when they offered strange incense upon the altar or what happened to the unsanctified men who steadied the Ark of the Covenant when David was trying to bring it home.]

But, to return to the point of Matthew 6, the LORD'S PRAYER:

HE+ gave us that pattern SO THAT we could properly enter into the Divine Presence of both our and HIS+ Heavenly FATHER.

First of all then, to WORSHIP, WE MUST ACKNOWLEDGE that HE is our collective FATHER; no one person "monopolizes" HIM nor is HE a respecter of persons.

We acknowledge that HE is FATHER, the ONE in control, HE Who caused us to be born, HE Who provides for us... both things we like and things we would rather not have to deal with. We acknowledge that this Heavenly FATHER has the right to chastise us so that we are not illegitimate children and thus omitted from the promise, the inheritance of the saints. HE has the right to make us afraid of HIS power and might.

We acknowledge that HE is The FATHER in HEAVEN, not our earthly father.

We acknowledge that HE is Pure and Holy... even HIS very name is HOLY !

The first part of the "LORD'S PRAYER" is the very first part of TRUE WORSHIP, either collectively or privately.

In the next part of the pattern, we forebear mentioning our wants and desires; we FIRST AFFIRM that the FATHER'S KINGDOM and WILL is our greatest desire, above all the issues of our heart.

We TESTIFY that we WANT HIS Kingdom to come, that we want badly HIS Divine will to be accomplished here on earth the same as it is being done this very minute in HEAVEN.

This is TRUE WORSHIP, when we affirm that His Kingdom, His Will, as the very best that could ever happen to this civilization and to us, His children. We tell HIM how we long for HIM and for HIS Day to be seen for what it is... WHO is the TRUE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE !

All this is humbling, to see WHO HE is... and who we are in HIS eyes

Then, after humbling ourselves and putting away our will, we ask for those things we have need of daily, including forgiveness from HIM and towards others.
We ask daily for HIS deliverance from evil and from temptation... yes, who among us is so pure that we are not daily tempted with some unrighteous, some impure, some unholy thing or thought?

The last section RE-STATES WHO actually has all the Kingdom, all the power, and all the glory .... ....not only now BUT FOREVER !

When the human heart does all this, true worship takes place.
HE+ has placed this pattern in His+ Word
so that we who are hungry for HIM+
can find HIM+.
For, the true children of the Kingdom must worship The FATHER in Spirit and in Truth... for The FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM.

+ + +



If one receives Genesis 1:26-27 as Truth,

one is able to understand sin.


"And GOD said,

Let US make man in OUR image,

after OUR likeness...

So GOD created man in HIS own image,

in the image of GOD created HE him;

male and female created HE them."

No-one wants to be thought of as being truly and totally "bad." Every person clings to the self-illusion that there is SOMETHING worthwhile about himself... enough good to "out-weigh" the bad.


I discovered this when I worked in a prison. From the boy-rapist to the double-ax murderer and all those in-between, each man thought he was not totally bad and that his "good" self out-weighed the bad he might do or have done... or would do in the future !


SIN'S nature is deceitful,


Scripture says,


and it lies to one's heart.


The LORD JESUS, however is TRUTH+ and there is no unrighteousness in HIM+. GOD is not a man, that HE+ should lie.


In light of that, how is it that we... who are so sinful...

are made in the image of GOD ?

What does that mean ?


SIN is when we don't look like Who+ GOD is.


SIN is when we don't reflect HIS+ character.


SIN is when we bear witness to the flesh,

the world, and the devil ...

instead of to Our Holy FATHER,

Who art in Heaven.



This is the resounding reason why fornication, adultery, and homosexuality is forbidden in Scriptures and by all the Holy Men of old. Those sins especially BREAK the image of GOD that mankind was created to reflect TO OTHERS, both visable and invisable, as a testimony to HIS+ purity and holiness.



Those who participate in SIN become abusers of GOD's image in front of others. They have broken the true reflection of GOD's character and are giving forth a wrong image of WHO GOD IS. Thus, the judgment of GOD falls upon them now with diseases and many, many social and spiritual consequences... and it will fall upon them throughout eternity.


Some Christians of old warned against

"breaking the type."


What they meant is that there were always severe consequences in Scripture when one broke the type... the type of CHRIST, that is, the image of GOD, that man was created to reflect, untarnished.



"Breaking the type" is why Moses couldn't enter into the Promised Land after he disobeyed The LORD and smote the ROCK+ twice. He broke the type, the pattern, the image of CHRIST in front of the congregation when he became angry.



The LORD Who+ loved Moses would not permit HIM+ to enter into the Promised Land, regardless of whether HE+ loved Moses or not.





Thus, when we are tempted to sin, we should lay to heart the seriousness of breaking the image of GOD in which we were originally made and have been RE-BORN into through the Blood of CHRIST JESUS.


Let us walk in HIS+ image.


+ + +



HE+ is risen, indeed !

Death hath no more


dominion over HIM+ !




is the firstborn


from the dead;


that in all things




might have the






TURN Ye....

. . .
They were not estranged
from their lust.
But while their meat was yet in their mouths,
The wrath of ELOHIM
came upon them,
and slew the fattest of them,
and smote down
the chosen of Israel.
Psalm 78:30, 31

Turn us again, O ELOHIM,
and cause Thy Face to shine;
and we shall be saved+.
Psalm 80:3
+ + +
In the name of The FATHER,
WHO created thee;
His Beloved SON+,
Who+ died for thee;
and the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
convicts and convinces
of sin, of righteousness,
and of judgment to come.
+ + +


TURN Ye...

For lo,

they that are far

from THEE+

shall perish:

THOU hast destroyed

all them that

go a whoring*

from THEE+.

Psalm 73:27

"A-whoring" means when you have a husband

and yet cleave unto other menfolk

in a defiling manner.

The Bride of CHRIST ought not to be a whore.

The Bride of The LAMB+ must not

defile the marriage covenant.

+ + +


TURN Ye....

Therefore, also now,
saith The LORD,
TURN ye even to ME+
and with FASTING,
and with WEEPING,
and with MOURNING.
And rend your heart,
and not your garments,
and TURN unto The LORD your GOD:
for HE+ is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger,
and of great kindness,
and repenteth HIM of the evil.
(that is, HE calls back the judgment about to descend.)
Joel 2:12-13
+ + +


The HELP ME's...


please be merciful to me,
a sinner.
help me not to sin.
help me to deny myself and take up the Cross daily and follow THEE+,
in the straight and narrow way that leadeth unto Life;
which THOU+ hast marked out for us
with Thine own feet.
help me to partake of Thy Divine Nature,
and to be conformed to Thy Image and Likeness.
help me to love like THOU+ lovest,
to keep Thy Words,
to abide in Thy love
as THOU+ hast kept Thy FATHER'S Words
and abidest in HIS love.
help me to be Thy disciple
with every fiber of my being,
with every moment of time allotted to me,
and to follow THEE+,
wherever THOU+ goest,
both now and forever,
to endless Eternal Ages.
+ + +



...that was slain

to receive power and riches

and wisdom and strength and honor

and glory and blessing !

+ + +

During this season of the preparation for the GREAT PASSOVER of The LAMB+ of GOD, all serious-minded Christians clean house. We search our hearts for the leaven of the world that has crept in unawares. We search our hearts for the leaven of Self-will that has insidiously re-established itself in our lives. In doing this, we honor The LORD JESUS CHRIST, for HE+ was GOD of the Old Testament as well as GOD of the new, The LIVING WORD+ made flesh Who+ dwells among us.

+ + +

In the Old Testament, The LORD instructed the Israelites to carry a paddle with them in the wilderness. It was to bury their waste products, so that it would be "clean" when HE walked among them (Dt. 23:13-14). In addition, HE instructed them to rid their dwellings of leaven during the Passover season. They assiduously did this because... NOT TO DO IT MEANT THAT THEY WOULD BE CUT OFF FROM THE PROMISES GIVEN TO ISRAEL (Ex. 12:15).

+ + +

Likewise, we must do the same today.

We must make our camp during our earthly sojourn clean,

both from "waste" products ~ what comes out of us ~


from what is taken inside of us, what we "eat."

Some like to reinforce both the purging and the consumption

by a strict or restricted form of eating, disciplining the flesh.

It is quite fruitful and very Scriptural to bring the flesh

under submission to the HOLY SPIRIT in this manner.

SOME have found this to be so VERY fruitful

that they have made this a Way of Life.

It draws them closer to The LORD.

+ + +

So, where do we want to go ... closer or farther from The LORD?

If we want to come closer to HIM+ [and we are not currently being persecuted and tortured for knowing HIM+] , we must practice a disciplining of our flesh in order to accomplish the goal to draw closer to CHRIST JESUS Our LORD.

+ + +

During this season, we refrain from saying "glory" and "HalleluJAH" or "AlleluJAH." We substitute instead: "Worthy, Worthy is The LAMB+ that was slain! " We substitute, "Blessed be GOD: FATHER, SON+, and HOLY SPIRIT, and Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom, both now and forever, Amen" for the Gloria Patri. To replace the HalleluJAHs, we say instead: "Bless GOD!" These are little disciplines which serve to remind us of the great sacrifice of Our SAVIOR+ for the sins of the whole world... specifically, ours.

+ + +

Let us pray:

O LORD our GOD, we say we want to walk with THEE+... but we shy away from Self-denial. Help us to value TRUTH so much that we will embrace the discipline, the cross, in order to come closer to HIM+ Who+ is all Truth, Thy Beloved SON+ JESUS CHRIST, The ONE+ Who+ denied HIMSELF+ even HIS+ life's blood in order to give us Life Eternal. Help us to deny our Selves and show us the right way to do it. In the Holy name of Our LORD JESUS we pray. Amen.

+ + +



...laugh ME+ to scorn...

~ In Preparation for the Great Passover ~

Lenton Season Meditations

+ + +

Turn ye even to ME+, saith The LORD, with all your heart, and with fasting; and with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto The LORD your GOD... Joel 2:12

+ + +

from the Book of Common Prayer, Old Version, p. 125 ~

O LORD, Who+ for our sake didst fast forty days and forty nights; Give us grace to use such abstinence, that, our flesh being subdued to The SPIRIT, we may ever obey Thy godly motions in righteousness, and true holiness, to Thy honour and glory, Who+ livest and reignest with the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT, One GOD, world without end. Amen

+ + +


I am a Worm...

Meditations for the Preparation
of the Great Passover
Psalm 22

But I+ am a worm and no man;
a reproach of men,
of the people.
+ + +
Are we also worms
for His Sake ?
Are we also reproached of men
for His Glory ?
Are we also despised of the people
for His Truth...
as was Our LORD?
+ + +
If not, why not?
+ + +
In the name of The FATHER,
Who created thee;
His Beloved Son+,
Who+ saves thee;
The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who sanctifies thee.
+ + +


LORD, have Mercy...

+ + +
O LORD, help me not to take advantage of THEE...
nor of Thy+ mercy.
Lower my Self-esteem; I'm not always right.
Grant me enough humility
To see my weakness,
My own fallibility.
I don't always know
and seldom do I see the whole picture.
Help me be still
and quiet before THEE+.
Help me to wait
Upon Thy+ Movement.
Always Thy+ Grace
is sufficient for me.
For, when I am weak,
THOU+ art strong.

+ + +
In the Name of The FATHER,
Who begot thee,
And His Beloved, Only-begotten SON+,
Who+ saves thee,
And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who sanctifies thee.
+ + +



Christian marriages, as we all know, are to reflect to the world CHRIST and HIS+ BRIDE, the church. So often, however, they reflect a battle of Selves.

Far from reflecting CHRIST JESUS, the marriage partners do well if they can spend one day together without arguing. Oftentimes, one ... or both... partners live lives of deep and bitter dispair.
How, then, would CHRIST

have us to behave

if we are caught*
in such a situation?


Yes, "caught" is the correct word here because people change. Oftentimes a couple will start out thinking they are equally yoked, as per Scripture. One may be more spiritually-minded than his partner, but that is often overlooked by the couple in love and sadly, by their church elders and parents.

Yet, even if the marriage partners are VERY equally yoked, people go through changes. If the marriage partners change together, in the same direction, then the marriage will stay intact. But if they don't change in unison, then the enemy wreaks havoc in their midst... unless one of the partners chooses to go deeper with CHRIST JESUS.

HE+ is the only way

for a dis-jointed marriage

to correct itself.


The Cross is set in stone and dirt,

The uprights made of coarse, hewn wood.

Established there, upon our hurt,

It is the Way HE+ trod.

The Cross is set within my heart;

The uprights hold my soul.

It is established for my good,

Now I call it home.



With my whole heart I cry unto THEE+. I pour out my troubles before THEE+, O THOU+ Who+ knewest great affliction and sorrow. When my spirit is over-whelmed within me, I will look only to THEE+ Who+ alone can see in the darkness. Even though no-one cares for my soul, I will say THOU+ art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. O Rock of Ages, I will hide myself in THEE+until these troubles be overpast. Keep me as the apple of Thine+ eye.


O Gracious ONE+ Who+ will not let me go... I yield my life, my love, and my broken dreams unto THEE+, knowing I can entrust them all into Thy+ keeping. Correct the vision I have of myself and why I am in this marriage union. Conform me and my marriage into what THOU+ wouldst have it to be... to bring glory unto THEE+ ...and to reflect Who+ THOU+ art unto this dead and dying world.


In Thy+ Holy Name, O LORD CHRIST, I pray, and in the name of Thy Holy FATHER, and Thy HOLY SPIRIT, I worship and praise Thy+ Holy Goodness to me and to all the sons of men.


+ + +




From Psalm 51
Adapted from The Book of Common Prayer
This picture was found in an old tract, perhaps a Chick Tract?
If any viewer knows where it came from,
please email me at the address in the blog header,
so I may give proper credit.
Most Holy and merciful FATHER, In the Name of Thy Beloved SON+, JESUS CHRIST, our LORD:
We confess to THEE and to one another,
and to the whole communion of saints
in Heaven and on earth and before Thy Heavenly Hosts,
That we have sinned by our own fault
in thought, word, and deed;
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved THEE with our
whole heart, and mind , and strength:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have not forgiven others, as we have been forgiven:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have been deaf to your call to serve, as CHRIST served us:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have not been true to the mind of CHRIST:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have grieved Thy HOLY SPIRIT:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We see our past unfaithfulness to THEE and Thy HOLY WORD:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We see the pride, hypocrisy, and impatience in our lives:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We see our self-indulgent appetities and ways:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We see the times we have taken advantage of others:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We also have taken advantage of Thy Mercy, O LORD:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We admit to our own anger and temper:
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
And to our envy of those more fortunate than ourselves:
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
We see our intemperate love of worldly goods and creature comforts
and how we cling to worldly values:
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
We see our dishonesty in daily life and work:
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
We admit our negligence in prayer and worship,
and our failure to commend the faith that is in us.
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
O LORD, accept my repentance for the wrongs I have so foolishly done... for all false judgments, for uncharitable thoughts toward my neighbors... for not taking Thy WORD to heart ... for committing these sins which have so grieved THEE+ .
Cleanse me, O SAVIOR CHRIST, and create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
Restore unto me the joy of Thy+ Salvation, and uphold me with a willing Spirit.
Almighty GOD, The FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST... O THOU Who desireth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his sin and live...
I thank THEE for pardoning me, as I truly repent .
I thank THEE for giving me through JESUS Thy SON+ the means of Grace and the hope of Glory.
And to THEE+, HOLY ONE+, I pray I will learn to please THEE+ and that the rest of my life hereafter may be pure and holy... so that at the last, I may indeed be welcomed into Thy+ Eternal Joy. Amen.
+ + +
In the name of THE FATHER,
both now and forever,