Is there any way that we can say
that we love our neighbor without warning him about the wrath to come and of
the option of Salvation through CHRIST JESUS ?
Worthy is the LAMB+... worthy is the LAMB+... worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing! Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto HIM that sitteth on the throne and unto The LAMB+ for ever and ever. Amen.
Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts
Was JESUS Wrong ?
But whosoever shall deny ME+
before men,
before men,
him will I+ also deny before
which is in Heaven.
Matthew 10: 32-33
+ + +
Was JESUS Wrong ?
If YOU...
are caught up in personal sins ... the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life ... you LOVE DARKNESS.
If you hunger after what the EYE sees, pluck it out and turn to
for the True Vision of Life in HIM+.
It is far better to lose an EYE than to be cast into HELL... where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, torments and flame, and of course, DARKNESS.
Afraid of the DARK ?
You WILL be !
Just as soon as you close your EYES in death, you will SEE DARKNESS for all Eternity.
If you hunger after the lusts of the flesh and REFUSE TO TURN AWAY from them, you have CHOSEN YOUR OWN CONDEMNATION... darkness for all Eternity... from which there is NO ESCAPE.
You will forever be aware of your foolish and sin-filled CHOICES you have made to put yourself under this condemnation.
If you lust after the flesh through pictures and photos, you are walking in SERIOUS DARKNESS. THIS IS DANGEROUS.
REPENT before it is too late...
and the DARKNESS
Men banished into darkness died, in prison camps. But there is a darkness greater than physical darkness.
JESUS said:
And this is the condemnation,
that LIGHT+ is come into the world
rather than LIGHT+
their deeds were EVIL.
everyone that does evil
hates the LIGHT+
neither does he come
to The LIGHT+
lest his deeds
should be reproved.
Who can save us from DARKNESS ?
For GOD sent not HIS SON+
into the world
to condemn the world,
but that the world,
through HIM+,
might be saved !
the world, that HE GAVE
HIS only-begotten SON+
that whomever believes into HIM+,
should not destroy himself,
but have ever-lasting life.
John 3:16, literal Greek.
May The LORD hear your cry in the darkness. May your heart turn to HIM+ Who+ is the TRUE LIGHT+ available for every man in this world.
HE+ has the POWER to chase that darkness away ... if you do not love evil.
HE+ will deliver you from the death-grip of pornography if you ask HIM+.
Leave that pornography behind in the ash heap. Sooner ... rather than later.
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The Resurrection Season was not limited to Resurrection Sunday.
It lasted until Ascension Day. This
Resurrection "season" was the 40 days and 40 nights the Resurrected
LORD JESUS CHRIST spent with His+
disciples, coming and going among them --- in His+ glorified body ---, teaching
them things and opening their understanding unto the Scriptures which told about HIM+.
( See Luke 24:27, Luke 24:44-45, Mark 16:20, Acts 1:3. )
These Scriptures, of course, were the Prophets and Patriarchs and
Psalms found in the Old Covenant because ... the New had not yet been written.
... That Ye Might Believe ............
But these things have been written,
in order that ye might
that JESUS is the CHRIST,
the SON+ of GOD;
and that believing,
ye might have
through His+ Name.
John 20:31
Literal Greek
+ + +
All the flurry of events recorded in the Gospel accounts of when
the Followers of JESUS first saw HIM+ in His+ glorified Body --- including the
crucifixion scars --- were recorded for one purpose: THAT WE ALL MIGHT BELIEVE IN JESUS.
Now, BELIEVE ... that particular Greek verb is a familiar word, pisteu0 # 4100 in Strong's.
It normally is translated as "believe." It means to credit
with faith or to trust.
Let's replace "believe" with "trust" in this
But these things have been written,
in order that ye might
that JESUS is the CHRIST,
the SON+ of GOD;
and that TRUSTING,
ye might have
through His+ Name.
Thus, these accounts were recorded so that we might TRUST that
JESUS is the REAL CHRIST Who+ was to come into the world.
Now, let's look at another familiar verse , the last verse in the
third chapter of John, verse 3:36.
He that believes [ TRUSTS]
on the SON+
has everlasting life:
and [but]
he that believes not
shall not see LIFE;
but [ contrariwise]
the wrath of GOD
abides on him.
Here, then, is a major, MAJOR problem with the translation.
There are two DIFFERENT Greek words used for "believe," but
the KJV translators reduced them down to one common word.
That was MOST unfortunate. The Christian world has paid dearly for that verse's errors.
[ NOTE: The Aramaic-Syriac Peshitta agrees with the Greek text, both quite early. It seems the KJV translators followed the Latin Vulgate text for this one verse. Why, I do not know. --- sjh ]
That was MOST unfortunate. The Christian world has paid dearly for that verse's errors.
[ NOTE: The Aramaic-Syriac Peshitta agrees with the Greek text, both quite early. It seems the KJV translators followed the Latin Vulgate text for this one verse. Why, I do not know. --- sjh ]
Because the translators were not completely honest in their
translating, many, many souls have relegated their walk with GOD to a mere
mental "agreement" to an historical event.
By accepting the ERRORS, for instance, a reader might think that
BELIEVING was a mental exercise... sort of like agreeing with the FACT of an
historical event, that the event took place.
For instance, we believe that Napoleon lived and led his people into
That is a mental belief, based on trust-worthy historical
records. It requires NO CHANGE OF HEART
to accept that as a true fact even though we who are alive now did not
experience the Napoleonic wars.
No change of heart is required as long as one holds to the
"correct" doctrines, yes ?
NO. Absolutely NOT. A change of heart is required.
Belief is NOT a mere mental agreement to an historical fact or a set of doctrines.
Belief is NOT a mere mental agreement to an historical fact or a set of doctrines.
In Scripture the pisteu0 word entails a TRUSTING of
one's Self to JESUS CHRIST. That act goes far beyond a mental acceptance as a
This kind of believing is made effective ONLY BY EXPERIENCE, only
when we actively ARE entrusting our lives unto HIM+.
The second word is apeithe0. That is the second
"believe (not) " found in John 3:36.
Now this word is scary ! This verse is terrifying,
if read in the Greek.
This "believe (not)" literally means " to
refuse to be persuaded"... and that means "obstinately
and willfully refusing GOD'S will even when one knows it." It means being stubborn... stubbornly un-accepting
GOD'S Truth even though one KNOWS HE+
is right.
For that person, the WRATH of GOD abides on --- remains on --- sits on him.
He cannot turn to the left hand nor to the right without running head-long
into the wrath of GOD.
But these things have been written,
in order that ye might
that JESUS is the CHRIST,
the SON+ of GOD;
and that TRUSTING,
ye might have
through His+ Name.
+ + +
Let Us Pray...
O Gracious Heavenly FATHER,
I come to THEE in trembling for all the persons I know who are
willfully obstinate in their refusal to bend the knee to THEE and to Thy SON+,
Grant me, I beseech THEE, an anointing to reach these lost, lost
souls for THEE.
Help me to pray with Thine Anointing.
Let the fire of Thy SPIRIT go forth, so that not by might nor by
power, but by Thy SPIRIT may their yoke of hardness be broken, O LORD, that
they may be saved from facing Thy wrath.
We know, O Merciful FATHER, that it is Thy
desire that all should turn and be saved and come to the knowledge of the
TRUTH+. For it is written, Turn ye, Turn ye, at MY Reproof,
for why will ye die ?
Therefore, we ask these things in the Name of
Thy Beloved SON+ our Risen and Glorified LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
+ + +
I+ am the resurrection, and the life:
he that believeth in ME+,
though he were dead,
yet shall he live:
whosoever liveth
and believeth in ME+
shall never die.
Believest thou this?
Yes, LORD, I+ believe
that THOU+ art the CHRIST,
the SON+ of GOD,
WHO+ should come into the
+ + +
A RETURN from HELL ? Dead Isis Fighter Returns, Repents, and Recants !
The Sign of the CROSS
Meditation for Passover Preparation Season
commonly called Lent
This post is from Bro. Brendon Patrick, as reported on
Wordpress blog: I Am Not Ashamed of The GOSPEL of CHRIST.
Year of Our LORD, 3.25.2015
This is a true story.
In a recent event that took place near Aleppo in Syria, a jihadist was killed in a battle with the Syrian army. He received a burst of automatic weapons fire and went down with five or six bullet holes through him.
This incident was originally reported to the Aleppo Herald by Fr. Hermann Groschlin of the Dominican Catholic Presbytery of Ayyash, the Brothers who do this ministery.
In a recent event that took place near Aleppo in Syria, a jihadist was killed in a battle with the Syrian army. He received a burst of automatic weapons fire and went down with five or six bullet holes through him.
The isis jihadist was prepared to enter the islamic "jannah", the perverse "heaven" the islamic fighters are promised in islam.
He died and was moving toward light, when he was intercepted by a group of very un-beautiful entities which told him to come with them. He was taken to a very uncomfortable place, to hell.
An Angelic being there told him that he had "failed as a human soul" This jihadist was made to endure all that he had done to other human beings, over and over and over again during the time he was dead.
He was even made to be beheaded over and over again ...
... enduring it through the eyes of the ones he had done that to, experiencing their terror and the feelings that his victims had at being beheaded. He was made to endure other things he had done as well.
A group of Dominican Brothers reported this. They had picked up the jihadists body for burial, a part of what they do as part of their ministry .
Upon reading this report, I remembered an Ancient pre-Nicene writing reportedly from the Apostle Paul and one from the Apostle Peter. Their writings are visions of what happens when humans die, both good and evil . The visions followed both kinds of humans departing this life, with an Angelic escort there to ask and answer questions about what was happening.
These visions describe vividly what happened to the jihadist!
There is no way the jihadist could have known about this Ancient Christian writing; even most Christians are not aware of its existence since it is not in the canon of scripture (The Bible).
The two ancient writings are called '"The Vision of Paul" and "The Apocalypse of Peter", and they are found in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 8 and 9 . These writings/visions describe similar things to those the jihadist experienced while he was dead.
In these ancient writings, the PUNISHMENTS for the un-righteous dead are made to occur over and over again upon the one who died in his sins, as he committed his unrighteous deeds over and over again in his life upon earth.
This incident points of the fact that these Ancient pre-Nicene visions are true and accurate.
As the Dominican Brothers were taking his and some other bodies away from the battlefield for burial, they heard a moaning. They stopped to see where it was coming from and found the jihadist had come to life although in serious condition. They hurried to the hospital where doctors worked on him, amazed that he was alive.
This man then told the Dominican Brothers what had happened to him.
afraid that he would die again
and have to return
to " THAT PLACE " !
He said that what he had experienced would HAUNT him the rest of his life. He asked them what he could do.
They told him about The SON+ of GOD,
and that HE+ is The LAMB+ of GOD
Who+ takes away the sins of the world ......
that there is FORGIVENESS of sin in HIS+ Name
and through HIS+ SHED BLOOD.
The jihadist repented of his sins. which were many, and became a follower of CHRIST. He wants to try to warn other jihadists and muslims of what awaits those who live as he lived. He feels that he was lied to a very misled about this life and life after death.
At last report he has asked if he can live there with the Dominicans and learn as much about JESUS as he can, to warn others to repent.
Our Precious LORD JESUS has commanded us to, " Do unto others in all things as you would have them do unto you."
It is good --- when it comes time to die and leave this sad world --- to have lived our lives as Christians having practiced our LORD'S+ Words. We enter into HIS+ Presence with joy and a clear conscience that we have not gone against HIM+ in any area of our lives.
As we can see here, what we choose to do to others will certainly be inflicted upon us, apart from repentance and that backed up by the fruits of said repentance.
A very sobering event. May The LORD+ anoint this man to warn many islamic jihadists and others about what he experienced so that they might repent before it is too late.
May the Grace of our LORD+ JESUS CHRIST,
And the Love of GOD our FATHER,
And the Communion of
The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.
Be with us all, Now and Forever, unto the ENDLESS AGES.
+ + +
Dead Isis Fighter,
Lenten Meditation,
Sign of the Cross
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