

Soft as clay in the Master's Hands...

O LORD JESUS, soft as clay in the Master's Hands, I would be

Willing clay... workable, compliant...

not fighting against THEE+

when I don't like the changes.

My lump of brittle dryness,

cracking, and falling in pieces...

not able to be used,

except for dustpan debris...

until the moisture of Thy Nearness+

is added unto me.

The stiffness and hardness of my clay heart then

... and only then...

is worked,

kneaded thoroughly by the Potter of all flesh.

until I have reached that perfect state:

being totally malleable in Thy+ Hands.

Work me, make me supple under Thy+ Touch

until I don't fight THEE+ any more.

Form me, shape me,

into a vessel meet for Thy+ Use

... for Thy+ Divine Purpose...

on this battlefield of life.

And, help me not to harden

until the change has come.

My ears crave to hear this

at the setting of my sun:

"Enter thou into the joy of

Thy LORD+,

My+ good and faithful servant...

well done!"

+ + +




But ye shall receive


after that the HOLY SPIRIT is come upon you:

and ye shall be witnesses unto ME+

both in Jerusalem,

and in all Judaea,

and in Samaria,

and unto the uttermost part

of the Earth.

Acts 1:8

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come,

they were all
with one accord
in one place.

And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven

as of a rushing mighty wind,

and it


where they were sitting.

And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire,

and it sat upon each of them.

And they were all

filled with the HOLY SPIRIT,

and began to speak with other tongues,

as the SPIRIT gave them utterance.

Acts 2:1-4

May The LORD JESUS CHRIST fill our houses and our hearts

with His+ Blessed HOLY SPIRIT

so that, IN ONE ACCORD,
our joy and our peace may flow abundantly

offering LIFE+ to this dead and dying world...

to rescue the perishing

and save the dying

and to prepare our hearts for the Eternal Habitations.

In the name of the FATHER Who+ begat us,

His Beloved SON+ Who saves us,

And the HOLY SPIRIT Who sanctifies us.




"....go to my brothers and say to them; I ascend to My FATHER and your FATHER; to My GOD and your GOD."

"The angel said, This same JESUS you see going into heaven will come again in this manner.

"JESUS said, As the living FATHER has sent Me, and I live by the FATHER,he that eats me (the Bread of Life) shall live by me."
+ + +

Sister Judith is teaching first graders and cannot post much now. She asks your prayers for her strength and endurance!!




what was HE+ doing




Scripture says HE+ was 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.

So... what was HE+ doing down there ?


What was HE+ preaching?

HE+ was preaching the Good News !

What was the Good News?

There was LOTS of Good News !

1. Death has no more dominion over HIM+.

2. HE+ is the firstborn from the dead.

Who did HE+ preach to ?

1. the dead

2. to the captivity

3. to the Patriarchs

4. to the righteous dead who died in the Covenant of Abraham

For it was impossible for Death to hold HIM+ !

HE+ broke the bonds of sin...


the curse laid upon all of us sons of Adam due to sin.

The sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the [Mosaic] law. Adonai, The LORD JESUS CHRIST, was the fulfillment of the Law. HE+ , a man had no sin of Adam: HE+ was the 2nd Adam ! But HE+, a man, was born under the curse of death. HE+ would die as all human flesh dies.

But, HE+ won the battle and "Death" died ! That old enemy, "Death," was swallowed up in Victory !

Death, the ultimat curse, couldn't hold HIM+ because it had no claim on HIM+ even though he was the son of man... because HE+... yes, HE+ alone... had no sin!

The Good News ?







... His+ people who have entered His+ covenant and are walking... dead to sin... but alive unto GOD, through CHRIST JESUS, our Risen LORD!

"Death" was .... and IS... swallowed up in Victory... even for the smallest, tiniest Christian.

Do not be afraid of those who would kill the body... but be afraid of the ONE+ Who has the power to destroy both body and soul in Gehenna... the second death!

+ + +


And blessed be HIS+ Kingdom, forever and ever.








from the grave*

HE+ arose!


over HIS+ foes!


arose a VICTOR

from the dark domain

and HE+ LIVES !


With His+ Saints

to reign!





…CHRIST being raised from the dead
dieth no more;
death hath no more dominion over HIM+.

For in that HE+ died,
HE+ died unto sin once:
but in that HE+ liveth,
HE+ liveth unto GOD.

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves
to be dead indeed unto sin,
alive unto GOD+
Romans 6:9-11

But now is CHRIST risen
from the dead,
and become
the Firstfruits
of them that slept.

For since by man came death,
by MAN+ came also
the Resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die,
even so in CHRIST
shall all be made alive.
I Cor. 15:20-22

Glory be to Our Heavenly FATHER,
and to His Beloved SON+,
to the Blessed
of GOD;
Both now and forever,

* What was HE+ doing all that time… 3 nights and 3 days… in the HEART of the earth ?? Be assured, HE+ wasn’t sleeping!! [ To be continued].


The Crucifixion at Passover.... 2000 years ago

The Crucifixion at Passover…

This year… this year… Passover and the Crucifixion of the True Passover Lamb, the LAMB OF GOD Who+ takes away the sin of the world, fall right in line with the timeframe found in Scripture.

This connection of Passover to the Crucifixion is crucial for the understanding of the events of Holy Week.

Passover this year started on Wednesday evening at the time of the evening sacrifice of the Passover lamb in the Temple… at 3 p.m.

Our LORD JESUS CHRIST was our Passover Lamb. Thus HE+ would have died at 3 p.m. Wednesday--- crying out--- “
It is finished, FATHER! Into Thy hands I commit My Spirit.”

That means HE+ would have been crucified for us at 9 a.m. Wednesday [not Friday] morning… the time of the regular morning sacrifice in the Temple.

The Last Supper would have fallen on Tuesday evening. His+ agony in the garden, sweating drops of Blood, would have happened Tuesday night. Peter would have denied the LORD Tuesday night and the other disciples would have fled then. Our LORD’S unjust trial would have been early Wednesday morning.

The Jews who were anxious to crucify The LORD were likewise anxious to get His+ body down from the cross before Passover so as not to “defile the land.”

That’s when Joseph of Arimathea… a rich merchant… obtained the body of JESUS. He and Nicodemus wrapped it in a linen cloth and 100-weight of myrrh and aloes, and laid His+ body in a new tomb. And left it there as the HIGH HOLY DAY of Passover was drawing nigh. (John 19).

COUNT: Wednesday night--- one night.

The HIGH HOLY DAY of Passover on Thursday… was considered a High Sabbath… no work was to be done. And certainly, no dead body was to be touched. The grieving sisters rested on Thursday.

COUNT: Thursday--- day one.

After Thursday came… Thursday night.

COUNT: Thursday night--- two nights

Friday dawned.

COUNT: Friday day--- day two

Friday was the day of preparation for the normal weekly Sabbath on Saturday. We read that the grieving sisters prepared spices for His+ body “…on the day of preparation” which came before every Sabbath.

COUNT: Friday night --- third night

Then came the regular Sabbath on Saturday and the sisters “rested” because it was the Sabbath. [Luke 23:56]

COUNT: Saturday--- day three

The timeframe this year of the crucifixion coincides precisely with the Jews’ Passover timeframe… exactly as it happened in the Scriptural accounts in the Gospels.

By evening of the Jews’ Saturday Sabbath, The LORD JESUS CHRIST AROSE FROM THE REALM OF THE DEAD.

The Sisters and the Disciples did NOT see HIM+ until early Sunday morning, a little before dawn ! [John 20:1]

But they were not allowed to touch HIM+ until after HE+ had ascended in His+ glorified Body to His+ FATHER Who is in the Heavens, hallowed is HIS Name!

Bless GOD!
And, blessed be HIS Kingdom, both now and forever.


Yes, we do join with the church world at large to commemorate the crucifixion of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST on “Good Friday” … but we don’t count the 3 nights and 3 days HE+ was in the heart of the earth in that same, erroneous way, unconnected for the most part to Passover.
This year, the accuracy of Scripture
is able to be seen
+ + +



Palm Sunday Christians

Blessed is HE+ Who+ cometh
in the name of the LORD;
Hosanna in the Highest!
Mt. 21:8,9; Mark 11:8,9; John 12:12,13

+ + +

Joyous, noisy, and glorifying The LORD, the crowd greeted The LORD JESUS CHRIST with Palm branches waved and clothing laid down on the road HE+ traveled… on the road HE+ traveled into Jerusalem for the last time.

HE+ knew a few things.

· HE+ knew who were genuinely glad for the coming of their Messiah.

· HE+ knew who wanted HIM+ to rule and reign with a rod of iron over their oppressors, the unrighteous Roman government.

· HE+ knew who wanted to make HIM+ king over the earthly domain.

· HE+ knew who wanted more free bread and fish.

· HE+ knew who chased after HIM+ to see more miracles.
+ + +


HE+ knew just as well

who did NOT want HIM+

to rule over their own spirits.

· HE+ was well aware of who had not toppled the gods of Self and pride in order to present a sanctified and pure offering of themselves unto HIM+.

· HE+ was well aware of who refused to let HIM+ control their lives… in every, any, and all aspects.

· HE+ was well aware of who did NOT want HIM+ to be King of their lives… only king of the oppressors.

· HE+ was well aware of the riotous and loud tumult of the people praising HIM+ but who wished to make HIM+ into anything else but a
Suffering Messiah.
+ + +

Sadly, there was no other way to do it.
There was no other way to beat satan down.
There was…
and is…
no other way to win
in our own lives
except by the way of
crucifixion of Self.

Yes, do proclaim Our LORD’S LORDSHIP loud and long… but let HIS+ lordship be in our own hearts and over our own lives...

+ + +


Almighty GOD,
Whose most dear SON+ went not up to joy
but that HE+ first suffered pain,
and entered not into glory
before HE+ was crucified;

Mercifully grant that we,
while walking in the way of the cross,
may find it none other than
the way of Life and peace;
our Passover LAMB.
Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer.

In the name of The FATHER,
Who created us;
HIS+ Beloved, Obedient SON+, JESUS CHRIST,
Who+ saves us;
And The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT
Who Anoints us
for burial.
+ + +



Keep a clear eye


life's end.

Do not forget your purpose

and destiny as God's Creature.

What you are in His+ sight

is what you are… and nothing more.

Remember that when you leave this earth,

you can take nothing you have received...

but only what you have given;

a full heart enriched by

honest service,


-- St. Francis of Assisi



Forgive them all, O LORD:

Our sins of omission and our sins of commission;

The sins of our youth ...
and the sins of our riper years;

The sins of our souls and the sins of our bodies;

Our secret and our more open sins;

our sins of ignorance and surprise,

And our more deliberate and presumptuous sins;

The sins we have done to please ourselves

and the sins we have done to please others;

The sins we know and remember,

and the sins we have forgotten;

The sins we have striven to hide from others

and the sins by which we have made others offend;

Forgive them, O LORD,
forgive them all for His+ sake,

Who+ died for our sins
and rose for our deliverance,

And now stands at Thy Right Hand

To make intercession for us,



Prayer found in Bayley Thompson's Hymn Book,

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

attributed to Wesley, slightly adapted by OGS.



Becoming GOD-Centered ~ ~ ~ The Way of The Cross
Pascha Season Meditation 1
(Passover or Lenten Season)
Year of His+ Grace,

These things spoke JESUS,
and lifted up His+ eyes into the Heaven,
and said,
FATHER, the hour is come;
glorify Thy SON+,
that Thy SON+ also may
glorify THEE:
John 17, verse 1,
Italics from the Greek text

The LORD dipped the morsel and gave it to Judas Iscariot in the account of the Last Supper we see recorded in John 13. When Judas had received the morsel and gone out into the night, The LORD said these mysterious words:

Then, when he [Judas] went, JESUS said,
Now was glorified the Son of Man+,
and GOD was glorified in Him+.
[Literal Greek translation from J.P. Green’s Interlinear New Testament]

The LORD explained something important to His+ remaining Disciples who did not betray Him+.

HE+ pointed out that HE+ had made a deliberate decision from His+ Will to do what The FATHER asked Him+ to do.

When The LORD put that decision in motion, HE+ explained what HE+ was really doing: becoming glorified in The FATHER.

In the next verse, Our LORD explains more about what HE+ just did. HE+ refers to Himself+ as HE+ often did in the third person, [i.e., he instead of I,]. JESUS said, referring to Himself+:

If GOD was glorified in Him+,
GOD also will glorify Him+ in HIMSELF,
and immediately will glorify Him+.
[Greek translation from J.P. Green’s Interlinear New Testament]

Here The LORD tells His+ Beloved Disciples that The FATHER will do something for Him+ and to Him+. Why? It is because JESUS brought The FATHER glory by doing HIS will.

Dear Heavenly FATHER,

We ask YOU to help us do Your Will so that we can bring glory to You. Strengthen us so that we do not shrink back and pull away from the path You have shown us to walk… be it in loneliness, in strict economy, or in any other straightened circumstance of body, mind, or soul. We thank You for sending Your SON+ as our Example so that we do not have to walk in darkness …nor in aloneness as we embrace the cross You have laid out for us as Your Will. Glory to YOU, LORD GOD of our fathers; You are worthy of praise. Glory to You.

In the Name of The FATHER,
The Beloved SON+,
and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.
+ + +


Stations of the Cross ...

One Station of the Cross
at the Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ Hermitage...

Come unto ME+, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,

and I+ will give you rest.

Take My+ yoke upon you and learn of ME+...

For I+ am meek and lowly in heart;

And ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For My+ yoke is easy,
and My+ burden is light.

Matthew 11

Gracious SAVIOR, My burdens I reliquish unto THEE+. They are too heavy for me. I quit being "my own boss." I'd rather have Thy+ yoke and Thy+ burden. I know THOU+ cannot lie. Show me how to yoke up with THEE+ and grant me Thy+ yoke that is easy. Give me only Thy+ burden which is appointed for me.

Help me to put my hand to Thy+ Kingdom's plow and not look back to this world, this time. Here I stand, empty and waiting, if THOU+ still would want me. I love THEE+, LORD JESUS, my only hope and true Home. Amen.



O safe to the ROCK+ that is higher than I,

My soul in its conflicts and sorrows would fly;

So sinful, so weary...

THINE+, THINE+, I would be

THOU+ blest ROCK of AGES...

I'm hiding in THEE+.

Yes, THOU+ blest ROCK of AGES...

I'm hiding in THEE+.

hymn by William O. Cushing

O LORD JESUS, teach me to run to THEE+ at all times, to hide under the shelter of Thy wings. When I am fearful, let me run to THEE+ for instruction. When I am tearful, let me run to THEE+ for counsel. And when I am joyous, may I run to THEE+ to rejoice! THOU+, Who+ has known fears, tears, and joy deeper than I can imagine... or endure... , be pleased to strengthen me, this Thy frail and hidden child. I will ever give THEE+ thanks, O LORD, my ROCK+ and my Deliverer+. Amen.


The Way of The Cross
Pascha Season 2009
Pascha Meditation 2

I must needs go home
by the Way of The Cross;
There’s no other way
but this.

Today, let us set up stations of the Cross. Our friends in the Roman Catholic and high church traditions have been doing this for awhile in their churches. Likely, we can do this more simply and in a variety of ways in our own homes. Perhaps, too, this would be a more effective way because we are at home more than “at” church.

So, here are some suggestions.

#1 Establish a cross station in each or several rooms of your home. It is good to have one at the kitchen sink, for instance, or where you do the laundry or ironing. Don’t forget the bathrooms or outhouses. Establish one at your husband’s desk or work area, also.

At the station, put up a cross. If you don’t have one for the wall or on a stand, then hang a necklace, chain, or cord with a cross on it. Or, tape up a nice picture of a cross from a greeting card from last Resurrection Season or one that your young people have colored or made.

#2 At each of the cross stations, establish a verse, a Psalm, Scripture, or Meditation (such as “Keep a Clear Eye”) to read. If you have children, appoint them to read, write, or find the meditation. These may change daily or weekly, as you see fit.

#3 Find a bell for each station (some old jingle bells do just fine) to ring before and after your prayer. Again, your children will delight to ring the bell to call to worship and to sanctify the end of it.

4 Learn to make the sign of the cross over yourself and over your children. Begin or end your worship with it… or whenever the Trinity is mentioned in the Doxology… or whenever The Name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST is mentioned.

No, the sign of the cross is NOT a monopoly of the high church tradition, nor did they invent it. The Early Christians made the sign of the cross often, according to the early writings. Like the cross, it belongs to the entire Body of CHRIST, the whole Christian Church. [An up-coming blog will review what the Early Christians said about the sign of the cross and how they did it.]

#5 Worship individually, together after a meal, or at quiet times through-out the day. We at the Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ like to keep a schedule. Ours varies from every 3 hours, starting at 6 a.m., to every hour (on some days). However, spontaneous worship works just as well to keep one’s focus on CHRIST. The important thing is not “when” you do it, but that you DO it… either individually or as a family unit. Set a goal: 3 x a day or 6 x a day, etc.

#6 If you work in public, then establish SOME kind of station there too. The visible witness is essential for you to stay focused on CHRIST while in the busy work world, and for others to see. [It strengthens the hidden Christians and it will give you ample opportunity to witness to the hungry ones.]

May The LORD bless us as we return to HIM+ during these brief minutes of worship throughout the day, throughout the Pascha Season; it is the least we can do.


We proclaim Thy Name in our homes, in our hearts, in our lives. We cannot imagine living without THEE+. Pull us ever closer to Thy Great Good Heart so that we might find our home in THEE+.

Receive these, our imperfect prayers, O GOD, in the Name of Our Heavenly FATHER, Who created us; His Beloved SON+, Who saves us; and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who sanctifies us.
+ + +

The Way of The Cross
Pascha Season 2009
Ash Wednesday
Year of Our LORD,

I must needs go home
by the Way of The Cross;
There’s no other way
but this.

I shall never get sight
of the Gates of Light,
If the Way of The Cross
I miss.

The Way of The Cross
leads home,
leads home.

The Way of The Cross
leads home…
leads home.

It is sweet to know
as I onward go…
The Way of the Cross
leads home.

This old hymn by Jessie Pounds tells us how to get home. As we begin Pascha Season [Passover or Lent] this year, home seems increasingly more important. Home is the place we are welcomed and wanted… where we are secure and our various needs are most abundantly and delightfully met. As adults, we try to make our homes that place of security for our children or spouses or extended family.

But in the long run, no earthly dwelling and no family circle can provide a “home” that meets ALL the needs of our hearts. Our hearts are ever-hungry to be filled. Our endless activities… in the Church or in the world’s arenas… only make us hungrier for the REAL. All the rest gets old. And we get tired, realizing we’ve been on a hamster wheel instead of the Path of Life.

But thankfully, that drives us to drink more deeply from the Well of Life Eternal. We hunger and thirst after Life and His+ Righteousness. Bless GOD! HE+ has provided the Way for us to get it. It is called the Way of The Cross.

There is no shortcut.

There is no alternate route.

There is no detour.

In HIS+ infinite wisdom, only the Way of The Cross will bring us home. All other routes will lead us astray.

During these occasional Paschal Meditations, let us set our sights on going home. In so doing, let us cease following other routes, sowing to the flesh or natural-minded man. Let us become Heavenly-minded… Heavenly-oriented… with our focus upon Home… the only place that matters.

Gracious Heavenly FATHER,
We thank THEE for sending us Thy Beloved SON+ to show us the Way home to THEE. We know there is no other way but HIS+.

We bless THEE+, LORD JESUS, for setting Thy+ Face towards Jerusalem. Help us in our weakness and frailty to do the same, so that we can get safely home. For Thy+ Name’s Sake, we ask this, O LORD, our Savior and Redeemer.

In the Name of The FATHER
Who created us;
Thy Blessed SON+
Who+ saves us;
Who sanctifies us.
+ + +


Skellig Michael; Ancient Celtic Christian Monastery

a vision from an OGS Monk,
Bro. Brendon Patrick

During times of prayer lately, I had been asking our LORD+ about the huge amount of evil that seems to be multiplying daily across the earth. At one point I asked the LORD+ about HIS+ church being kept in existence on the earth, being kept from the enemies both visible and invisible.

I said, “Lord+, it seems like we need a weapon of some sort.”

HE+ answered and said, “I AM YOUR WEAPON”.

HE+ also sends those of HIS+ Hosts appointed for this work, to be ministering spirits, fellow “combatants” so to speak, for those who are following CHRIST.

A few weeks later this vision came as I waited before the LORD+.

This short vision of the “warrior angel” was encouraging to me.

This angel seemed very large (compared to mortal humans), 8 or 10 feet tall it seemed, with two wings extending up over him another 6 feet or so above his head almost in a straight line ( not out to the side). He looked more or less human shaped, but different, stronger, more perfect. He had no beard. His face was neither happy or sad but was very “single-minded” in countenance.

When he stood still, his color was golden over white, but his bodily “substance” seemed to be swirling or moving, like an “energy” of some kind. (See Ezekiel 1:27). When he began to move he became like liquid fire. He still had his form, but was like liquid fire and had more volume. As he moved faster, the liquid fire became larger and more intense and swirling. The angelic form was almost lost at one point in a swirling mass or “ball” of liquid fire. The more or faster he moved, the more intense the rolling fire became.

Then, as he slowed down, the fire lessened in intensity, and as he settled and became still, his human-like form became visible again, although his body still seemed to be made of swirling energy of some kind, ( known to the LORD+ alone). Even standing still, the “fire” or “energy” swirled and moved constantly. I heard the words, “warrior angel”. The brief vision was over at that point.

I saw no sword of any kind, although I know the swords mentioned in scripture would not be like we think of swords , but something beyond human concepts. He had two wings, not six nor four, as scripture relates of some classes or orders of angels, seraphim or multi-faced cherubim.

In the book of Enoch a class known as ophanin is mentioned. I researched the word and it does have to do with fire, or whirling “wheels” of fire. I could not find out much more.

This was different altogether, than what I had always though of as a warrior angel, but it seems that there are different orders/classes of Warrior Angels among those of the LORD’S+ Hosts.

I had been troubled lately over the great amount of evil that is building in the world. I think the Lord + may have sent this vision to show me that the amount of evil will be easily taken care of; it will be no problem. At the appointed time it will be made plain. (I think of Joel 3; 2, 11 & 12, among others)

He even gives to us power over all the power of the adversary

we walk closely to Him+ in obedience

and abide in Him+
( John 15 ).

We must become skilled with the weapons of our warfare, which are not carnal, natural weapons like those of the world, but are supernatural weapons of the HOLY SPIRIT. These weapons really WORK to demolish the strongholds of the adversary and his minions and strike terror into them.

May HE+ help us to stand firm and to overcome “through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, and to love not our lives unto the death.” We take our LORD JESUS CHRIST, His+ Holy Apostles and Prophets, and the martyrs and confessors of the pre-Nicene and Early Church as our examples.

IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the HOLY SPIRIT + + +





clear eye...

"Keep a clear eye toward life's end.

Do not forget your purpose and destiny

as GOD's Creature.

What you are in His+ sight

is what you are

...and nothing more.


that when you leave this earth,

you can take nothing

you have received...

but only what you have given;

a full heart

enriched by honest service,



and courage."

- St. Francis of Assisi




"We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can take NOTHING out"(Apostle Paul)

Materialism is futile, a waste of the small amount of time we are given to be here on earth.

JESUS has warned us about this futility.

Let us all take heed to Him+.

In the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. + + +


The Epiphany of 2009

[The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar].

The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+


(Our only political statement)

Why do the nations rage,
and the people imagine a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against LORD YHWH,
and against HIS ANOINTED+,

Let us break Their bands asunder,
and cast away Their cords from us.

HE+ that sits in the Heavens shall laugh:
Lord ADONAI+ shall have them in derision.

Then shall HE+ speak unto them in His+ anger,
and terrify them in His+ wrath ( Rev.6:15,16,&17).

Yet I have set My KING+
upon My holy hill of Zion.

I will declare the decree:
YAWH hath said unto ME+,
You+ are My SON+;
this day I have begotten You+.

Ask of ME, and I shall give You+
the nations for Your inheritance,
and the uttermost parts of the earth
for Your+ possession.

You+ shall break them
with a rod of iron;
You+ shall break them in
pieces like a potter’s vessel.

Be wise now therefore,
O you kings: be instructed,
you judges of the earth.

Serve YHWH with fear,
and rejoice with trembling

Kiss the SON+, lest HE+ be angry,
and you perish from the way,
when His+ wrath is kindled but a little.

Blessed are all they
that put their trust
in HIM+.
Psalm 2

Maranatha!! Come Lord JESUS!!

In the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.
+ + +



The Epiphany of 2009
[The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

Step 8

Psalm 45
Gird Thy+ sword upon Thy+ thigh,
O Most Mighty+,
with Thy+ glory and
Thy+ majesty.

Rev. 19:16
And HE+ hath on His+ vesture
and on His+ thigh a name written,

+ + +


+ + +

Psalm 45
And in Thy+ majesty ride prosperously
because of


Rev. 19:11
And I saw Heaven opened,
and behold a white horse;
and HE+ that sat upon him was called
HE+ doth judge
and make war.


Psalm 45
Thy+ throne, O GOD,
is for ever and ever:
the sceptre of
Thy+ Kingdom is a right sceptre.

Indeed, THOU+ art stronger
than ALL of the strongmen
added together on the face of this globe,
in the Heavenlies,
and those who may abide under the earth.

All Hail, King JESUS!
All Hail, Emmanuel!

Bless GOD!
And Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever.

+ + +


The Epiphany of 2009
[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+

The LORD vs the Strongman
step 7

All Hail, King JESUS!
All Hail, Emmanuel!

We thank YOU+, O LORD JESUS CHRIST, because YOU+ are stronger than the strongmen in my life. YOU+, O LORD, are stronger than the strongmen in my family’s life, my friends’ lives, and stronger than the strongmen in my enemies’ lives!

Indeed, YOU+ are stronger
than ALL of the strongmen
added together on the face of this globe,
in the Heavenlies
and those who may abide under the earth.

All Hail, King JESUS!
All Hail, Emmanuel!

The mighty GOD, even the LORD, hath spoken,
and called the earth
from the rising of the sun
unto the going down thereof.

Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, GOD hath shined.

Our GOD shall come, and shall not keep silence:
a fire shall devour before him,
and it shall be very tempestuous round about HIM+.

HE+ shall call to the heavens from above,
and to the earth,
that HE+ may judge HIS+ people.

Gather My+ saints together unto ME+;
those that have made a covenant with ME+ by sacrifice.

And the Heavens shall declare HIS+ Righteousness:
for GOD+ is judge Himself+.
Psalm 50: 1-6

The LORD didn’t come here to lose.

And Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever.
+ + +