
2009 DAY 8 of the INCARNATION

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 8
The New Day, the Day of Completion

Year of Our LORD,

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.

In those days, and at that time,
will I cause the BRANCH+ of Righteousness
to grow up unto David; and HE+ shall execute
judgment and righteousness in the land.

In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely:
and this is the name wherewith she shall be called,
The LORD our Righteousness.
Jeremiah 33:14-16


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

after righteousness,

for they shall be filled.

+ + +

Return, we beseech THEE,
O GOD of Hosts
[ the Divine, Heavenly Armies]:

Look down from Heaven, and behold, and visit this Vine;
And the Vineyard which Thy Right Hand hath planted,
and the BRANCH+ that THOU Madest strong for
Psalm 80:14-15

Let Thy hand be upon the Man of Thy Right Hand,
upon the SON of MAN+
Whom+ THOU madest strong for Thyself.

So will not we go back from THEE:
quicken us, [make us alive] and we will call upon Thy Name.

Turn us again, O LORD GOD of Hosts,
[JEHOVAH ELOHIM of the Divine, Heavenly Armies]

Cause Thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.

Psalm 80: 17-19

+ + +

O LORD our GOD, make me complete in THEE +. Bring me to that state of fullness in CHRIST JESUS where HE+ alone is seen and not me…even in my mirror. Turn me yet again, O LORD, away from the world, away from Self, and unto THEE+, the only true GOD, Who+ lives and reigns with THEE and Thy HOLY SPIRIT, both now and forever, world without end. Amen.
+ + +


Season of the INCARNATION
Day 7
Year of Our LORD,

O Earth, Earth, Earth,
hear the WORD of the LORD.

O Eretz, Eretz, Eretz,
shemai D’BAR JeHoVaH !
(HEBREW) Jeremiah 22:29

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
that I will raise unto David
a Righteous BRANCH+,

and a KING+ shall reign and prosper, and
shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.

In HIS+ days Judah shall be saved,
and Israel shall dwell safely: and

this is HIS+ Name
whereby HE+ shall be called,

Jeremiah 23:5-6

Neither is there Salvation in any other:
for there is none other NAME+
under Heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12

O Earth, Earth, Earth,
hear the WORD of the LORD.

Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, [Adonai JEHOVAH]
Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a STONE+,
a tried STONE+,
a Precious CORNERSTONE+,
a sure Foundation:
he that believeth shall not make haste
[i.e., not hurry due to anxiety, fear, or alarm].
Isaiah 28:16

O Earth, Earth, Earth,
hear the WORD of the LORD.

Unto you therefore which believe
HE+ is precious:
but unto them which are disobedient,
the STONE+ which the builders disallowed,
the Same is made the HEAD+ of the Corner,

And a STONE+ of stumbling, and a ROCK+ of offense,
even to them which stumble at the WORD,
being disobedient:
whereunto also they were appointed.

O Earth, Earth, Earth,
hear the WORD of the LORD.

But ye are a chosen generation,
a royal priesthood, an holy nation,
a peculiar people;

that ye should
shew forth the praises of HIM+
Who+ hath called you out of darkness
into HIS+ marvellous Light;

Which in time past were not a people,
but are now the people of GOD:
which had not obtained mercy,
but now have obtained mercy.
1 Peter 2:7-10

O Earth, Earth, Earth,
hear the WORD of the LORD.

O My+ People, listen to ME+. The hour of testing is nearly upon you. Put your trust in ME+ and turn to ME+ with your whole heart, leaving nothing un-surrendered. I will take care of you if you yield. If you do not yield your all, you have put a barrier between ME+ and thee. Hear My+ Word.

In the Name of The FATHER,
The SON+,
and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
both now and forever.
+ + +


Day 5 ~ ~ ~ Season of the Incarnation

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 5
Year of Our LORD,

The GATES of our Souls

Have you ever wondered why ... or even HOW... serious, committed Christians stumble into serious sin?

The GATES have something to do with it.

Whenever we "listen" to the Accuser, the GATES are opened in the spiritual, unseen realm of evil. Guess what happens next? The evil tormentors take an open GATE as an invitation.



They bring other evil spirits into that open GATE. So instead of just hearing the words of the accusing spirit, we are also going to be hearing the words of Spite, Resentfulness, and Bitterness.



At this point, we can rise up and close the GATE... but it will be a fight with these 4 bullies. It will be a fight to get them out BECAUSE we invited them in! We opened up the GATE to the whisssssspered words of the Accuser.




If, however, we blindly go on and ENTERTAIN these fellows, they whistle to their BIGGER friend, ANGER, to come and join them inside the opened GATE.


Together, then, these tormenting evil spirits will wreck any Christian home, heart, or peace.

Rise up, Christians! SHUT THE GATE. Do not allow ANY unclean thought or evil speaking or spirit into your midst. If you do, repent immediately and clean the "house." SHUT THE GATE.

Dear Heavenly FATHER, In the name of Thy precious SON+ JESUS CHRIST, our Incarnate LORD, we ask for help in recognizing these GATES of evil. Help us to be wise in these matters. Thank you for granting us the power now, through Thy Beloved SON+ JESUS CHRIST to shut these GATES. Help us to open up only to THEE+. We praise THEE+ and bless Thy Holy name both now and forever. Amen.

Bless GOD,
and Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom forever and ever!
+ + +


Day 4 ~~~ Season of the Incarnation

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 4
Year of Our LORD,

“O ye Gates…”

Lift up your heads, O ye gates;
and be ye lift up,
ye everlasting doors;
and the King+ of Glory shall come in.

Who is this KING+ of Glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads,
O ye gates;
even lift them up,
ye everlasting doors;
and the KING+ of Glory shall come in.

Who is this KING+ of Glory?
The LORD of Hosts,
[ of divine, Heavenly Armies]

HE+ is the KING+ of Glory.

Psalm 24:7-10

In the natural realm, GATES are found throughout the Bible. Gates are fortified to open and close to protect a city compound during Old Testament times. Gates are found around animal enclosures, to let the flock in and out. Gates differ from doorways, also. Doorways indicate openings or entrances, but gates indicate barriers in that opening that can be opened or shut, being the only way to get in or out of an area fortified by a wall.
In Psalm 24, the GATES have heads.
These GATES also are placed at the entrances of the EVERLASTING DOORWAYS. This, of course, brings to mind the GATES of the Heavenly New Jerusalem which comes down out of Heaven as a Bride. Here is a description of these wonderful GATES, from Revelation 21:
And had a wall great and high,
and had twelve gates,
and at the gates twelve angels,
and names written thereon,
which are the names
of the twelve tribes
of the children of Israel:
Rev. 21:12
And the twelve gates were twelve pearls:
every several gate was of one pearl:
and the street of the city was pure gold,
as it were transparent glass.
And I saw no temple therein:
and the LAMB are the Temple of it.
Rev. 21:21,22
If these are the gates David refers to in Psalm 24 as the fortified entrances into the Heavenly Jerusalem, then it would stand to reason that the angels at these gates would be the “heads.”
If, howver, Psalm 24’s gates ALSO refer to something on earth… where Heavenly Armies and the KING+ of Glory will enter… then we can see this type of gate in Genesis 28:10-17. Jacob had a dream or vision. In it, Jacob saw angels ascending and descending a ladder from the earth to Heaven. At the top of the ladder was standing the LORD GOD of Abraham and Isaac. Jacob called that place Bethel, and said, “This is none other but the House of GOD (Beth-el) and this is the GATE OF HEAVEN.”
From these Scriptures, Old and New, we can see the many ways gates are used in the Bible to indicate natural as well as supernatural places. Our Incarnate LORD came to break open the GATES of HELL/HADES/SHEOL.
HE+ did that, as we all know, most valiantly.
But when HE+ returns at His+ SECOND ADVENT, HE+ will OPEN and SHUT supernatural gates which are still in operation today upon this earth and in the heavens.
Have you ever wondered why some homes, some neighborhoods and towns, some schools and alas, even some churches, have a “dark” or “dirty” feel about them? The people inhabiting these places have opened up themselves to the spirits of sin and darkness and demonic activities. Thus, the GATES are opened in that area to evil beings.
When the people of The LORD walk in obedience, stay steadfast in prayer, and pick up their cross daily… the gates of that home, town, school, or church are opened to the Host of Heaven.
So, we REJOICE when we remember the LORD’S Incarnation because it brought forth spiritual victory into the realm of mankind.
Lift up your heads,
O ye gates;
even lift them up,
ye everlasting doors;
and the KING+ of Glory
shall come in.
is this KING+ of Glory?
The LORD of Hosts,
[ of divine, Heavenly Armies]
HE+ is the KING+ of Glory.
and Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever!
+ + +


Day 3 ~~ Season of the Incarnation

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 3
Year of Our LORD,

“Lift up your heads…”

Lift up your heads, O ye gates;
and be ye lift up,
ye everlasting doors;
and the King+ of Glory shall come in.

Who is this KING+ of Glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads,
O ye gates;
even lift them up,
ye everlasting doors;
and the KING+ of Glory shall come in.

Who is this KING+ of Glory?
The LORD of Hosts,
[ of divine, Heavenly Armies]

HE+ is the KING+ of Glory.

Psalm 24:7-10


“Lift up your heads…” we can feel the marvelous victory of this elated phrase, but do we realize all that it entails?
The word head is ROSH in Hebrew. That word and its related form, RAYSH, appear about 596 times in the Old Covenant (Old Testament), according to William White, Jr.* Yes, it does mean a head of a body, animal, or statue, but it has several other usages in the Hebrew Bible.

Interestingly, to “lift up the head” is a figure of speech used often in the Psalms and indicating an intention to begin a war, the most violent kind of self-assertion, according to Mr. White.

With the coming of Emmanuel, GOD-with-us, The LORD declared war on the kingdom of darkness entrapping the human race. Even more, The LORD declared His means of victory: HIS+ Only-Begotten SON.

That… or more accurately stated, HE+… was HIS weapon of warfare. HE+ was all that was needed to deliver mankind from the traps and lies of the adversary… the same adversary who was walking about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

PEACE, yes, was announced to mankind upon the Birth of JESUS CHRIST, not simply to all men, but rather to all who would respond to His+ invitation to repent and follow HIM+.

But at His+ Birth, WAR was announced to His+ enemies, the enemies of GOD. WAR was announced to the rulers of the darkness of this age and to the keepers of the gates of hell [Hades].

Thus, at the remembrance of His+ Incarnation, we need to remember BOTH of His+ announcements: a promise of WAR and a promise of PEACE. Both promises are a matter of great rejoicing! Both promises are for our benefit. And indeed, we cannot have one without the other.

Bless GOD,
Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever!
+ + +

*Information about head is from William White Jr., editor of the Hebrew section of W.E. Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, pp. 105-106; Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville; 1996.


Day 2 ~ Season of the Incarnation

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 2
Year of Our LORD,

is this KING+ of Glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle.

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a SON+ is given: and the government shall be upon HIS+ shoulder…

Lift up your heads,
O ye gates;
even lift them up,
ye everlasting doors;
and the KING+ of Glory shall come in.

Who is
this KING+ of Glory?

…and HIS+ name shall be called
Wonderful Counsellor…
Emmanuel, GOD with us…

…The mighty GOD…
The LORD of Hosts…

…The everlasting FATHER…
I and my FATHER are One.
John 10:30

…The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

I leave with you,
My+ peace I give unto you:
not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27

Who is
this KING+ of Glory?

The LORD of Hosts,
[of Divine, Heavenly Armies]


HE+ is the KING+ of Glory.

Psalm 24:8-10

Glory be to The FATHER, and to The SON+, and to the HOLY SPIRIT. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen!
+ + +


Day 1... Season of the Incarnation

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 1
Year of Our LORD,

Who is this KING+ of Glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads,
O ye gates;
even lift them up,
ye everlasting doors;
and the KING+ of Glory shall come in.

Who is this KING+ of Glory?

The LORD of Hosts,
HE+ is the KING+ of Glory.

Psalm 24:8-10

JOY… yes, true and ever-lasting JOY is slated for us earthlings… for all of us who hear AND RESPOND to HIS+ Invitation to come to the Water of LIFE+.

Bless GOD,
Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever!

On this day picked by most of the Christian world (arbitrarily, not historically with any amount of accuracy), we remember the wondrous INCARNATION of Our LORD. GOD’S Only-Begotten SON+ was made flesh and dwelt among us. We never forget that HE+ was born to die… so that we might have life… and that life, more abundantly.

Bless GOD,
Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever!

In this, we rejoice with personal joy, the joy that is unspeakable and full of glory! But, as we read this great Psalm 24, we get a picture of His+ global and Heavenly victory. The LORD of Hosts, as HE+ is often referred to in the Old Testament, does NOT mean the LORD of the twinkling stars in space… although HE+ is ruler over them also.

The LORD GOD of SABBAOTH means in Hebrew the LORD of the divine, Heavenly armies.
Who, indeed, will be able to stand when HE+ returns with this mighty host? Recall that just one angel slew 185,000 men when Israel was besieged by Sennacherib of Syria, with no hope for survival (2 Kings 19). [ One night’s work for Him.]

Night is drawing nigh for this earth and the final showdown between The LORD and the powers of darkness is taking shape. We REJOICE to see that HIS+ Day is coming ONCE AGAIN. Even though as long as we are on this earth we must follow our Example+ as meek Lambs of GOD, the LAMB+ will soon return as a Ruling LION ! At that time, HE+ will bring victory over BOTH the earthly kingdom of sin and the spiritual kingdom of darkness. HE+ will rule both with a Rod of Iron.

Hallelujah! Our GOD reigns!

Bless GOD,
Blessed be HIS+ Kingdom
forever and ever!
+ + +


Advent Meditation ~~ Day 24

Advent Day 24
Year of Our LORD,

O sing unto the LORD a new song;
for HE hath done marvellous things:
His Right Hand, and His Holy Arm,
hath gotten HIM+ the victory.

And the SPIRIT and the Bride say,

The LORD hath made known His salvation:
His righteousness hath
HE openly shewed
in the sight of the heathen.

And let him that heareth say,

HE hath remembered His mercy
and His truth
toward the House of Israel:
all the ends of the earth
have seen the salvation of our God.

And let him that is athirst

Make a joyful noise
unto the LORD,
all the earth:
make a loud noise,
and rejoice,
and sing praise.

Sing unto the LORD
with the harp;
with the harp,
and the voice of a psalm.

With trumpets
and sound of cornet
make a joyful noise before the
LORD, the King.

And whosoever will,
let him take the water of life freely.

Let the sea roar,
and the fulness thereof;
the world,
and they that
dwell therein.

Let the floods clap their hands:
let the hills be joyful together
Before the LORD;
for he cometh
to judge the earth:
with righteousness
shall he judge the world,
and the people with equity.

Psalm 98
I JESUS have sent Mine angel
to testify unto you
these things in the Churches.
I am the Root and the Offspring of David,
and the Bright and Morning Star.

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.
And let him that heareth say, Come.
And let him that is athirst come.

And whosoever will,
let him take the water of life freely.
Rev. 22: 16-17

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel and ransom captive Isra-El. O Come, O Come , Emmanuel. We await Thy Dawning of the New Day, the Eighth Day in the Kingdom of Man.

+ + +


Advent Day 23
Year of Our LORD,

being in the form of GOD,
thought it not robbery
to be equal with GOD:
(a thing to be held onto)

But made HIMSELF+
of no reputation,
and took upon HIM+
the form of a servant,
and was made
in the likeness of men:
Phil. 2:6-7



As the whole cast of Heavenly Host from above and the demonic host confined to the atmosphere of the earth watched in either glory or horror… The Prince of GOD …the True and Living Isra-El … became clothed with human flesh. The Bright and Morning Star, The Lily of the Valley, was indeed made in the likeness of men… not a pleasant proposition.

HE+ did this so that he could taste death for every man… for whosoever will come.

What a mighty GOD we serve! Not only that HE+ could do such a feat… but that HE+ would do it for such as we are.

O LORD our GOD, we praise THEE for doing for us what we could not nor would not do for ourselves. Help us to turn from Self so thoroughly that we will cast down our reputations and not look back. Like the Apostle Paul, may we count our reputations and all our achievements in the eyes of men as dung … because that is what they are in the eyes of GOD.

Help, us, O LORD, to become like Thy Beloved SON+ JESUS in Whom+ THOU wast well-pleased.

This we pray in the name of The FATHER,

Who created us,

His Beloved SON+

Who+ saves us,

and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT

Who sanctifies us.


+ + +

Advent Meditation ~~~ Day 22

Advent Day 22
Year of Our LORD, 12.22.2008

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah,
though thou be little
among the thousands of Judah,
yet out of thee
shall HE+ come forth unto ME
that is to be Ruler in Israel;
Whose+ goings forth have been
from of old,
from everlasting.

Therefore will HE give them up,
until the time that she
which travaileth hath brought forth:
then the remnant of His brethren shall
return unto the children of Israel.

And HE+ shall stand and feed
in the strength of the LORD,
in the majesty of the name
of the LORD His+ God;
and they shall abide:
for now shall HE+ be great
unto the ends of the earth.
Micah 5:2-4

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven;
a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet,
and upon her head
a crown of twelve stars:

And she being with child cried,
travailing in birth,
and pained to be delivered.

And there appeared
another wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red dragon,
having seven heads and ten horns,
and seven crowns
upon his heads.

And his tail drew the third part
of the stars of heaven,
and did cast them to the earth:
and the dragon stood before the woman
which was ready to be delivered,
for to devour her child
as soon as it was born.

And she brought forth a man child,
who was to rule all nations
with a rod of iron:
and her child was caught up
unto God,
and to his throne.
Rev. 12:1-5



In Bethlehem, all of the spiritual armies were focused upon the birth of a single little male child being born of a young Hebrew virgin. HE+ was the Desire of the Ages. This ONE+ was come to save earthlings from the power of satan… and everybody in the Heavenlies knew it! There were a few upon the face of the earth who knew it also… like Simeon and Anna… like Zachariah and Elizabeth… like Joseph and Mary.

May HIS+ people know it too… so much so that we set aside the foolishness of the winter solstice celebrations and decorations and with Singleness-of-Eye focus intently upon the First Advent of The LORD JESUS CHRIST. For, without the first Advent, there would not be a second Advent a-coming!


Come, LORD JESUS, come.

+ + +


Advent Meditations ~~~ Day 21

[picture is from an Advent Calendar, all rights reserved]
Advent Meditation
Day 21
Year of Our LORD,
The LORD is gracious,
and full of compassion;
slow to anger,
and of great mercy.
The LORD is good to all:
and HIS tender mercies
are over all HIS works.
All Thy works shall praise THEE, O LORD,
and Thy saints shall bless THEE+ .
Psalm 145: 8-10
GRACIOUS LORD, HEAVENLY FATHER, I thank THEE and bless THEE forever and ever for THOU, O LORD, art my dwelling place for all generations. Who in the skies can be compared unto THEE? THOU are worthy of praise, O MOST HIGH! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
In the name of The FATHER, Who created me, T
he SON+ Who+ saves me,
and The HOLY SPIRIT, Who sanctifies me.
+ + +


Advent Meditation ~~ Day 20

Advent Meditation
Day 20

Year of Our LORD,


I cried unto THEE+, O LORD:

I said, THOU+ art my refuge and my portion

in the land of the living.

Psalm 142:5

We will know peace when we get to that state where HE+... and HE+ alone ... is our refuge. We ought to bless GOD for our troubles. We never know HIM+ as our refuge without those troubles. Why ? For this reason: our comforts become our illusionary refuge.

We will know peace when we get to that state where HE+ ... and HE+ alone... becomes our Portion, the only portion that we want. When our desires are fixed on HIM+... knowing HIM+, spending time with HIM+, yearning for HIM+... we will know that peace which the world cannot give. Why ? For this reason: the world CANNOT GIVE US HIM+.

Blessed SAVIOR, LORD JESUS CHRIST, help me to thank You for adversaries in this world, for bad situations, and for all the presses of life. I DO THANK You for them because I turn to You more deeply and more seriously at those times. You have become my Portion; may You become my Cup, also.

+ + +


Advent Meditation ~ Day 19

Advent Meditation
Day 19
Year of Our LORD,

Let the Heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof. Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice before The LORD; for HE+ cometh, for HE+ cometh to judge the earth: HE+ shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with His+ Truth.

O LORD MY GOD, help me to be ready for this judgment. Turn my heart to Thy Truth more than to the lies of the world. Let me be so agreed with THEE+ that I will rejoice at Thy Rule and Reign... no matter what it costs me now.

+ + +


Advent Meditation ~~~ Day 18

Advent Meditation
Day 18

Year of Our LORD,


Light is sown for the righteous,

and gladness

for the upright

in heart.

Rejoice in the LORD+,

ye righteous,

and give thanks at the remembrance

of HIS+ Holiness.

Psalm 97:11,12

O Come, dearest Emmanuel, Precious Savior. My heart is longing for the courts of The LORD, wherein righteousness dwells. I give THEE+ thanks for Thy Holiness, yea, even the remembrance of Thy Holiness bringeth joy. Come, O Come, Emmanuel: we need THEE+.

+ + +


Advent Meditation ~~~ Day 17

Advent Meditation
Day 17

Year of Our LORD,



art high above all the earth:

THOU+ art exalted far above all gods.

Ye that love The LORD,

hate evil:

HE+ preserveth the souls of His+ saints;

HE+ delivereth them

out of the hand

of the wicked.

Psalm 97:9,10


O LORD MY GOD, as I react to the wickedness running rampant around me... wickedness in high places, wickedness in low... help me thoroughly examine mine own heart that I might not sin against THEE+. Help me to exalt THEE+ with obedience. Help me exalt THEE+ with time. And let me exalt THEE+ in thought, speech, and heart. Beloved Savior, accept this my offering unto THEE+.

+ + +


Advent Meditation ~~ Day 16

Advent Meditation
Day 16
Year of Our LORD,

HE sent not HIS SON+ into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through HIM+.

Holy, Holy, Holy, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY,

which was, and is , and is to come.

+ + +


Advent Meditation ~ Day 15

Advent Meditation
Day 14
Year of Our LORD
Cause me to hear
Thy loving-kindness in the morning;
for in THEE+ do I trust:
Cause me to know the Way
Wherein I should walk;
For I lift up my soul unto THEE+
Psalm 143;8
Dear Heavenly FATHER, I lift up my soul unto THEE+ in praise and thanksgiving this day. Lead me in the Way that I should go... the Way that will please THEE+. I do not ask for comforts for my flesh but those things which will bring me closer to THEE, the FATHER of Lights, the lover of my soul. In the name of the FATHER Who created me, The SON+ Who saves me, and the HOLY SPIRIT Who sanctifies me.
+ + +



Advent Meditation

Day 14

Year of Our LORD


For The LORD is great,

and greatly to be praised:

HE is to be feared above all gods.

For all the gods of the nations are idols:

but The LORD made the Heavens.

Psalm 96: 4,5

Does the LORD love His+ people... those who have entered into His+ covenant through repentence, conversion, and water baptism? YES.

How is it, then, that we are to fear the ONE+ Who+ loves us most... the ONE+ Who+ loves us so much that HE sent HIS Only-Begotten SON+ into this woeful world to die for us?

Could it be that The LORD is not a respecter of persons? ... that HE+ is not impressed by our knowledge... our skills.... our abilities ? [since HE+ gave them all to us in the first place.]

What The LORD requires of each one of us is simple:

our ALL.

It is the only gift

we can lay on the altar of HIS+ love

... that will be accepted by HIM+.

O LORD of my Life, I thank you for Your GLORY and Your MAJESTY; I rest in Your HOLINESS. Help me to lose my life in THEE+... completely, utterly, with no looking back. I lay my life on the altar of Your LOVE, O HOLY ONE+. In the name of the Beloved SON+, Our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, I offer these, my imperfect prayers.


+ + +


ADVENT Meditation... Day 13

Advent Day 13
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.13.2008

shouldest mark iniquities,
who shall stand?

But there is forgiveness with THEE,
that THOU mayest be feared.

I wait for the LORD,
my soul doth wait,
and in HIS+ Word do I hope.
Psalm 130:3, 4, 5

Did Our LORD come to mark our iniquities?
No, rather HE+ became incarnate to deliver us from them. HE+ became incarnate to vanquish the enemy... the enemy who WANTS to become incarnate in us!
We guard our souls against every trick, every wile, of satan and his minions so that we do nothing to reflect his ways or his destruction of another man’s soul.
We put no hindrance before another soul … even out of “righteous” vengeance. We forgive others and make our soul wait on The Word of The LORD to deliver us.

O RIGHTEOUS SAVIOR, thank YOU+ for not marking my iniquities. Help me not to mark the iniquities of my friends and relatives, if I say I love them.
Help me not to mark the iniquities of my enemies… if I say I love YOU+.
Show me how to do this so they see YOU+, this time, instead of me.
This I pray in the name of The FATHER, Who created me, The SON+, Who+ saves me, and The HOLY SPIRIT Who sanctifies me.
+ + +


Advent Meditation... Day 12

Advent Day 12
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.12.2008

Lord ADONAI, my heart is not haughty,
nor mine eyes lofty:
neither do I exercise myself
in great matters,
or in things too high for me.

Surely I have behaved
and quieted myself,
as a child that is weaned
of his mother:
my soul is even as a weaned child.
Psalm 131:1, 2

When do we get in trouble? It is when we over-step our boundaries and erroneously enter into a battle… to revenge a “wrong” done by others to us or to evince our own “righteousness,” perhaps.
It is good to leave the battle… the revenge… to The LORD. Yes, we stand in our person for HIM+. Yes, we do HIS+ Way. And yes, we can expect discomfort to come for it. Our reaction shouldn’t be one of surprise but of a certainty that we are going to enter into a season of exercise. Our exercise is to behave and quiet ourselves, nestling in closer to the ONE+ Who+ came to restore what the locusts have eaten. HE+ will take care of it… if we leave the righting of the wrong in HIS+ hands.
O LORD GOD, under Whose+ wings I have put my trust, help me guard my heart against all vengeful thoughts. Help me simply draw closer to THEE+, the Keeper of my soul, and learn to bless those who have hurt me that I might become like Thy Beloved SON+. I thank THEE, Holy FATHER, for sending HIM+ to be my Example as well as my Protector. This I pray in the name of The FATHER Who created me, The SON+ Who+ saves me, and the HOLY SPIRIT Who sanctifies. me. Amen
+ + +


Advent Meditation... Day 11

Advent Day 11
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.11.2008

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:
I hate the work of
them that turn aside;
it shall not cleave to me.
Psalm 101:3


How are we measuring up … to the LORD’S standard of holiness? Most of us (hopefully) would not go to see rank movies or read trashy novels and magazines that are fleshy. Hopefully, Christians would also not be feeding their souls on music that had unholy themes, also. What about those things we listen to… gossip, TV’s [sic] “values”, the internet’s conglomeration of fleshy news and even more fleshy ads ?

The Psalmist said that he would set nothing wicked before his eyes. He shook off the works not worthy of The LORD when he had to pass near them. May we go and do likewise.

O LORD GOD of My Salvation… help me guard the windows of my soul. Help me turn my face and my hearing away from those things which cause YOU+ pain. Incline my heart to Thy testimonies and not to anything unworthy of YOU+. I do love THEE+, O ROCK+ of my soul. May my interests reflect my love for THEE+. This I pray in the name of The FATHER, Who created me… The SON+, Who+ saves me, and The HOLY SPIRIT Who sanctifies me. Amen

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Advent Meditation Day 9

Year of Our LORD


The Journey Towards Bethlehem
HE+ that planted the ear,
shall HE+ not hear?
HE+ that formed the eye,
shall HE+ not see?
Psalm 94:9
O LORD, I come before THEE knowing mine ear has not been single of hearing; I love the praise of men. I come before THEE knowing mine eye has not been single; I have cast it on things far unworthy of THEE.
Help me, O LORD, to turn away from the stubbornness of mine own heart and the secret sins of my soul. Bless me in this journey towards Bethlehem, towards THEE, O LORD.
Bring Thy Holy conviction that I may not stumble and sin against THEE... and may not ignore the convicton of Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT when I do sin. Turn me , again, LORD, restore me, and I shall be saved.
In the Name of the FATHER,
the SON+,
and the HOLY SPIRIT.
+ + +