How is it, then, that we are to fear the ONE+ Who+ loves us most... the ONE+ Who+ loves us so much that HE sent HIS Only-Begotten SON+ into this woeful world to die for us?
Could it be that The LORD is not a respecter of persons? ... that HE+ is not impressed by our knowledge... our skills.... our abilities ? [since HE+ gave them all to us in the first place.]
What The LORD requires of each one of us is simple:
our ALL.
It is the only gift
we can lay on the altar of HIS+ love
... that will be accepted by HIM+.
O LORD of my Life, I thank you for Your GLORY and Your MAJESTY; I rest in Your HOLINESS. Help me to lose my life in THEE+... completely, utterly, with no looking back. I lay my life on the altar of Your LOVE, O HOLY ONE+. In the name of the Beloved SON+, Our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, I offer these, my imperfect prayers.
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