Showing posts with label Psalm 97: 9. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psalm 97: 9. Show all posts


Advent Meditation ~~~ Day 17

Advent Meditation
Day 17

Year of Our LORD,



art high above all the earth:

THOU+ art exalted far above all gods.

Ye that love The LORD,

hate evil:

HE+ preserveth the souls of His+ saints;

HE+ delivereth them

out of the hand

of the wicked.

Psalm 97:9,10


O LORD MY GOD, as I react to the wickedness running rampant around me... wickedness in high places, wickedness in low... help me thoroughly examine mine own heart that I might not sin against THEE+. Help me to exalt THEE+ with obedience. Help me exalt THEE+ with time. And let me exalt THEE+ in thought, speech, and heart. Beloved Savior, accept this my offering unto THEE+.

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