Showing posts with label obedience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obedience. Show all posts


Sunday's Oklahoma City's black mass

Can a man take fire in his  bosom, 
and his clothes not be burned?
Proverbs 6:27

Courtesy of
Year of Our LORD
A tornado of gas and fire, swirling 3,280ft  into the air
above Iceland's  Bardarbunga volcano,
which has been rumbling with seismic activities
and eruptions since last month. 

The satan-followers are at it again.  

This coming Sunday evening, Year of Our LORD+, 9.21.2014,  the enemies of Our LORD and SAVIOR+ , JESUS CHRIST, will try to hold a satanic ritual where they stomp and spit upon a substitute Roman Catholic "host" .... that is, the wafer that --- to the devout Christians in the Roman Catholic camp --- represents the BREAD+, the BODY of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

Because the Constitution of this nation upholds their right to do so, the city officials in Oklahoma City seem powerless to stop this group's blasphemy, token or not.

There is ONE+,  however, Who+ hears and answers prayers.  

There is ONE+, however, Who+ recognizes that there are MANY who have not bent the knee to baal. 

There is ONE+, however, Who+ heard the cry of Elijah at the appointed show-down, and not only sent fire from Heaven to burn up Elijah's sacrifice on the altar, but burnt up the altar stones and the water in the large trench round about the altar as well !   

HE+ has not gone anywhere... and HE+ has not lost any of His+ power.  

     2 Corinthians 10: 3-6
 For though we walk in the flesh, 
we do not war after the flesh: 

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through GOD 
to the pulling down of strong holds;) 

Casting down imaginations, 
and every high thing 
that exalteth itself 
against the knowledge of GOD,
and bringing into captivity 
every thought 
to the obedience of CHRIST;

And having in a readiness 
to revenge all disobedience,
when your obedience is fulfilled.  

Dear Brethren, 

Here is the crux of the matter.  When our obedience is fulfilled, Psalm 89:7 will occur: 

" GOD is greatly to be feared

in the assembly of the saints, 

and to be had in reverence 
of all them that are about HIM+." 

If we see no fear of GOD occurring where we live, then is our obedience fulfilled ,  in the eyes of GOD ?  

Is our obedience exactly where it should be, in the eyes of GOD? 

Is our obedience such that GOD is SO PLEASED WITH IT that HE+ sends forth so strong an out-pouring of conviction that both saints and sinners are in fear and awe about what HE+ might do ? 

Do we who claim to follow Our LORD JESUS CHRIST with all that is within us, actually take every thought captive unto obedience unto CHRIST... or do our ungodly , temporal, worldly thoughts take US captive instead ?  

How, exactly, do we expend our "thought-time?"  

To the glory of GOD... or to the expression of Self ?

No-one will EVER know, except JESUS HIMSELF+.  Will we grieve the HOLY SPIRIT or  be filled with HIS abundant joy?

Yes, let us stand united with these courageous Roman Catholics who are crying out to The LORD JESUS CHRIST to thwart this blasphemy occurring in the area where they live. 

But if we wish The LORD to hear our cry on this issue --- or on any other issue --- then let us seek to have our OWN lives IN ALL AREAS OF OUR LIFE AND CALLING filled with obedience .... the kind that HE+ finds well-pleasing in His+ sight. 

So... after soul-searching, searingly-honest repentance, with clean hands and clean consciences before GOD, we can pray. 

     Praying now, according to the Will of GOD, according to all the authority given to us by the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and by all the authority through The BLOOD+ of The LAMB+, we pray in accord:

That The LORD bind the power of the strongman called spirit of anti-CHRIST, and we agree with HIM+ and bind you, strongman, in The Name of JESUS CHRIST+ our LORD, along with all of your works, roots, fruits, tentacles, links, spirits, lies, deceptions, and torments, along with those spirits of 

  • deniers of the Deity of CHRIST
  • deniers of the Atoning BLOOD+ of JESUS
  • enemies of CHRIST and His+ Word
We, with all the authority that CHRIST JESUS grants to us through HIS+ BLOOD, we bind you and loose you to go wherever The LORD JESUS CHRIST+ sends you. 

Furthermore, In the NAME of The LORD JESUS CHRIST, we command you to loose those you have taken captive in their ignorance or through their wounds or mis-guided teaching.  We command those hindering spirits to let them go towards The LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

We ask this in the Life-Giving Name of the ONLY NAME+ given under Heaven among men, whereby we must be saved, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

In the Name of The FATHER,
WHO created us;
Who+ saves us; 
And the blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
WHO+ sanctifies us. 


Advent Meditations 2012

Advent Meditations
Luke 1:36-37

And behold, thy cousin, Elisabeth,
hath also conceived a son in her old age;
and this is the sixth month with her,
who was called barren.

For with GOD
nothing shall be impossible.

Unexpected comfort is given to the Obedient Servant of GOD, the Hebrew virgin Mariam.  Although being found with child out of wedlock would bring a certain and sure condemnation from others, The LORD planned a way to comfort the Obedient One, confirming His+ Word to Mariam. 

Herein is a lesson for us: No matter how bitter the obedience, The LORD will always send a confirmation to those obeying him.

How sweet that confirmation is in the midst of cross-carrying!

As the Obedient Servant commits his / her life unto the Hand of The LORD, and rejoices,  then The LORD will send His+ Comforter to the suffering, Obedient Follower of His+ will.

And to him [ Gamaliel ] they agreed; and when they had called the Apostles and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of JESUS, and let them go .

And they departed from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for HIS+ name.

And daily in the Temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach JESUS CHRIST. Acts 5: 40-42


Gracious Heavenly FATHER Who maketh the bitterest obedience endurable, help me to embrace the bitter Way of The Cross.

As our SAVIOR embraced the bitter sting of death to open the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers, help me to embrace Thy will when it involves sorrow, suffering, ignominy, and pain.

And, O FATHER, in The Name of Thy Suffering SON+ JESUS, help me to comfort those who mourn and suffer as the result of  preaching Thy Word, as the result of doing Thy Will.

Let me never, ever close my eyes to the suffering of my brothers and sisters who bear in their bodies the scars of the cross... the Cross THOU+ has brought for them to bear.

I thank THEE for allowing me in some small way join our SAVIOR in His+ suffering; I know at the appointed time, HE+ will wipe away all my tears. 

Glory to THEE+, LORD GOD of our fathers; THOU+ are worthy of praise. Glory to THEE+ ! 


Advent Meditations 2012

Where is HE+... that we might worship HIM+?

~ ~ ~ The All-Encompassing GOD ~ ~ ~
Luke 1:26-55

Meditation 6

shall be great,
and shall be called
the SON+ of the HIGHEST:
and the LORD GOD shall give
unto HIM+ 
the throne of His+ father David:
Verse 32

JESUS will be called  SON+ of the HIGHEST.

The LORD [ YHWH] hath said unto ME+, THOU+ art My SON+ ; this day have I begotten THEE+. Psalm 2:7

This great, only-BEGOTTEN, unique SON+ of GOD will receive the nations as His+ Inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as His+ Possession. Psalm 2:8

Now note this well: satan offered Our LORD JESUS the same thing...  in the temptations... to be acquired unlawfully. 

However, HE+ will inherit it ALL lawfully because HE+ obeyed the Will of His+ FATHER.

Furthermore, , what will Our LORD JESUS CHRIST  do with those nations and possessions of the uttermost parts of the earth when HE+ inherits them ALL?

Scripture plainly tells us what HE+ will do:

HE+ is going to break them
with a Rod of Iron!

HE+ is going to dash them
in pieces like a potter's vessel !

HE+ does not require all the wealth and splendor of all the nations on planet earth to make HIM+ great !

NO !

His+ Heavenly FATHER was well-pleased with the obedience of His SON+, who learned that obedience through the things that HE+ suffered.  


Come, LORD JESUS, Come !


Almighty GOD our Heavenly FATHER, Who alone through Thy Greatness is able to bestow greatness upon the most humble, create in me a Divine desire for lowliness. 

Remove from me my desire for loftiness, for it is Thy realm alone. 

Keep Thy Greatness ever before my eyes, O LORD, to the end that my glory may sing praise to THEE, and not be silent, O LORD my GOD. 

These things I pray in the Name of JESUS CHRIST,  the SON+ of The HIGHEST.
+  +  +  



Passover Meditation #23 for the Lenten Season 2012

~  ~  ~ The Door of the Cross ~ ~ ~

Peter said:
And we,
we have believed
and have known that YOU+ are The CHRIST The SON+ of The Living GOD.
John 6:69 Green's Greek Interlinear

And Martha said:
Yea, LORD: I, I believe that
YOU+ are the CHRIST
The SON+ of GOD
which should come
into the world.
John 11:27 Green's Greek Interlinear

And JESUS said:
Truly, truly
I+ say to you,
the one
who hears MY+ Word
and believing
the ONE having sent ME+,
has Everlasting LIFE,
and does
not come into judgment,
but has
passed out of death

into LIFE.
John 5:24 Green's Greek Interlinear

We believe The FATHER has sent HIS SON+, JESUS the CHRIST, into the world to give LIFE unto "whosoever will come" to HIM+.
We come on His+ terms with a Godly sorrow that:
  • leads unto  repentance 
  • which leads unto conversion
  • through to the sanctified waters of Holy Baptism
  • that leads unto our New Birth from above into CHRIST... making us New Creatures in CHRIST.  
Henceforth, we live unto CHRIST and die unto Self, through the means of our cross and through the Power of His+ Cross. 

To those who come on His+ terms, this entity called LIFE totally changes. Not only do we become New but all of LIFE becomes new to us.

We learn to do all sorts of new things:
  • love others because HE+ first loved us,
  • associate with the Lowly because HE+ associated with us,
  • hate evil that we see in ourselves, instead of hating our neighbor.

And when we do these things,which is our part to do, the promise of GOD is this:
  • We pass out of JUDGMENT and into Eternal LIFE, like the greatest insurance policy ever written because it is SURE and CERTAIN to occur. 

The vital point, though, is this: GOD knows when we believe unto obedience of heart instead of with our mind only... or because our culture makes us "christian...." or because our church or community membership makes us "christian..." 

No mind only, no culture only, no church only , and no community only constitutes faith in His+ eyes.

HE+ wants your heart.
HE+ will not accept a substitute.

HE+ will allow you to experience everlasting death if you don't offer HIM+ the real thing: your total heart. 

HE+ will not accept a substitute, a decoy, a hollow commitment, a phony , a part of your life; HE+ wants it all... just like HE+ gives all of His+ heart to you. 

And if you try to deceive yourself, pretending you have given HIM+ all of  your heart,  you will receive your part in the Lake of Burning Fire and the Second Death with the devil, the false prophet, the beast, the fallen angels... and all those who love and make a lie, those who reject His+ Lordship over their lives. You cannot deceive HIM+.  

will  not accept
a substitute
for your heart.



For now we see through a glass, darkly;
but then face to face:
Now I know in part,
but then shall I know
even as also I am known.
1 Cor. 13:12

Any Christian witness is going to bring opposition. But what should a Sister do when Husband opposes the head-covering? What should she do when  Husband does NOT want her to wear it ?

Scripture , as always, has the anointed answer. Let us consider the context of the Head-Covering, 1 Corinthians, chapter 11.

Verse 3 BEGINS the reasoning for a Sister to wear a veiling:

"But I would have you know,
that the HEAD+ of every man is CHRIST;
and the head of the woman is the man;
and the HEAD of CHRIST is GOD. "

Thus, the Apostle establishes the authority-line, the Headship, that is to be found amongst Christian churches....  and Christian HOMES. 

Husbands dislike the head-covering for a variety of reasons. One major reason is embarrassment: they don't want to be married to a "dowdy"- looking wife. They want "their" wife to look fetching and lovely !

Sisters, can you honestly blame them?
Do you want Husband to dress
in any way
to embarrass YOU ?     

Each of us has different "standards" in our mind's eye as to what is "okay" and what is "embarrassing."  When we go to church, go out to eat or shopping,  go to visit "our" side of the family, or when we are on a public job.... IT MATTERS  how Husband looks when we are together ! 

Chances are that you not only want his fingernails without car grease, but you also want him  not to appear as a  homeless street-man [ in his most comfy old plaid flannel shirt , moccasins, and rubbed raw cordoroys].... even if he is sparkling clean!  Some Sisters cannot stand to have the public see Husband's knobby knees underneath those bermuda shorts, either... it simply robs Sister of dignity!

Likewise, MOST husbands want their wives to REFLECT THEM and THEIR VALUES. 

Now, a head-covering can look dignified. It also can look lacey and feminine. However, it can be quite UN-dignified,  looking like canning-day or garden-work attire. Sometimes, a red or blue man's work handerchief is worn.... and dignity flees !   

Furthermore, a well-designed "early Christian" head-covering can resemble a Roman Catholic nun's covering. It may resemble an Anabaptist's cap or shorter veiling. The Charity veiling comes in all lengths. Most are either dark or light. Some are see-through.

Some veilings sit back on the head as a "symbol" of a head-covering ( ? ) and some hug the circle of the face, showing NO HAIR at all.

BUT, if Husband is embarrassed to have "his wife"  seen in public with ANY of those head-coverings on, then the Sister better find out WHY.... with a firm assurance to Husband that she will not go against his standard. 

If Husband wants his wife to CHANGE the style , then she should do so

But, if Husband is uncomfortable with ANY head-covering, then forsake it ... for his sake and to keep the Authority / Headship line in tact in the home...  as per Verse 3 ! 

Likely, a Sister in that predictament will be able to wear it IN HER PRAYER CLOSET where no-one else is present. She may be able to wear it IN THE HOUSE when no-one is home.... but she should walk in integrity towards Husband and remove it before answering the door or doing garden work if she lives in a suburb.

Even worse, if Husband wants his wife to look pretty when he arrives home from work.... she should do so. Fix the hair becomingly yet modest. Remove the chore clothes or garden clothing and don something appropriate --- home clothes that are fetching. If Husband likes earrings, put them on for at least his entrance and suppertime at the table.

IT IS NO SIN to look pretty for Husband.

Indeed,  it is a way to say, "You are important to me... so important that I will STOP my day and LOOK WELCOMING just for  you . "

So, even if YOU, dear Sister, are convinced that you need to wear a covering .... but Husband opposes it.... lovingly follow his headship in this matter.

For, that is what the COVERING means, in truth: that you are under Husband's headship!

The LORD knows your heart of obedience towards HIM+ .... but let it begin at home, with your Husband.

Truly ,
it will be accounted
as your obedience
towards HIM+.


In the name of The FATHER,
WHO created us;
Who+ saves us;
And their Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who sanctifies our obedience
unto The Living Word+.



~ ~ ~

No... we don't "earn" our salvation;

But we CAN earn HIS+ disapproval !

But I keep under my body,
and bring it into subjection:
lest that by any means,
when I have preached to others,
I myself should be a castaway*.
I Cor. 9:27
*The word castaway is in the Greek actually UN-APPROVED.
To continue (Chapter 10:1-4) the thought stated by The Apostle Paul:
Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea; and were ALL BAPTIZED unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did ALL EAT the SAME SPIRITUAL FOOD; and did ALL DRINK the SAME SPIRITUAL DRINK; for they drank of that spiritual ROCK+ that followed them: and that ROCK+ was CHRIST.
So, here we see that baptism by water ( the Red sea) and The HOLY SPIRIT (the supernatural "cloud") was effected for all. We also see here that CHRIST was the spiritual "drink" (His+ Blood), supplied to all. CHRIST JESUS was also the spiritual food, the Bread+ of Heaven, the TRUE MANNA+, referred to in the verses above because JESUS Himself+ explained that to us in John 6:31-35.
But with many of them
GOD was not well pleased:
for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
(verse 5)
Yes, GOD disapproved of them even though they were baptized and ate of CHRIST'S Body and drank of CHRIST'S Blood... as the Scripture states in those 4 verses. And yes, being "disapproved" means being cast away, or as Our LORD JESUS said, being "cut off from the True Vine+ ." ( John 15)
~ ~ ~
If the toiling, laboring, self-denying Apostle Paul was concerned about becoming un-approved and thus, cast away from CHRIST JESUS... shouldn't we be concerned also ?
+ + +
Why do you look for love
in all the wrong places?
Why do you turn to others for love
and shy away from ME+ ?
Have I + ever hurt you?
Have I+ disappointed you
or caused you grief?
Nay, but rather,
your going your own way
has caused your grief
and disappointment.
Do not mistake approval for love.
I+ love you despite
the grief and disappointment
you have caused ME+ .
If you will walk in
ALL of MY+ Ways
-- forsaking your own --
I+ will fill up your heart.
You have MY+ Love;
Now strive for MY+ Approval*.
+ + +
*Philippians 3:12-14


Glory be to The FATHER,

Who created thee;

And to His Beloved SON+,

Who saves thee;

And to The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT;

Who sanctifies thee.

+ + +



~ OR ~
Lately, our Sunday School lessons have been focusing on Moses and Pharaoh in Exodus, chapters 5-15.
I have been pondering what The LORD could be showing us for today's living in these Old Testament Scriptures.
Certainly, HE+ must be speaking to us in these lessons... because The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
We all know the familiar story about the LORD'S ancient people, the Hebrews, living in Eygpt for about 400 or so years. During that time, they became slaves and oppressed. They were badly mistreated.
At the time of Moses' birth, the Hebrew slaves were ordered to cast their male babies into the Nile River. Some books say the Hebrew babies were eaten by the crocodiles which lived along the Nile and were considered "sacred" ~ the crocodiles, not the babies ~ in some parts of Egypt. Some books say this command was lifted after a couple of years, under a new ruler. [I do not really know this for certain, not having researched this myself. ]
We know that The LORD sent Moses back to Egypt with instructions to tell Pharaoh to let MY+ people go. Pharaoh, of course, did not recognize the authority of this GOD Who was telling him to do something. Pharaoh rejected Moses' Word from the GOD of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, and thus, refused to obey it.
So, did The LORD destroy Pharaoh ?
The LORD, in His mercy,
gave Pharaoh a glimpse
of His great power.
The LORD commanded Moses to show Pharaoh the great sign of Aaron's rod becoming a serpent. That serpent swallowed up Pharaoh's dark magicians' serpents.
So then, did Pharaoh believe that the LORD,
the GOD Whom Moses served,
was powerful ?
Did Pharaoh care that HE was powerful?
So, did The LORD destroy Pharaoh?
The LORD showed Pharaoh
His Mercy, once again.
In The LORD'S mercy, HE sent the first plague of waters-turning-to-blood, through the hand of Moses, as Moses obeyed the LORD and smote the waters of the "sacred" Nile with his rod.
So then, did Pharaoh believe that The LORD,
the GOD Whom Moses served was powerful?
Did Pharaoh care that HE was powerful?

So, did The LORD destroy Pharaoh then?
The LORD showed Pharaoh
His mercy, once again.
On and on the confrontation continued, all through the plagues of blood, frogs, lice, flies, murrain sores on livestock, boils upon both animals and Egyptians, hail and fire, locusts, darkness...
Until finally... did Pharaoh believe that The LORD,
the GOD Whom Moses served was powerful?

Did Pharaoh care that HE was powerful?

So, did The LORD destroy Pharaoh then?

By the end of these confrontations, what did Pharaoh know...




about the GOD Whom Moses served?




Pharaoh knew: HE was powerful and HE was merciful.

And, that was ALL that Pharaoh

needed to know

in order to obey HIM.











Did the knowledge of GOD'S Great power

and evidence of His Great mercy

change Pharaoh?



<(((>< .

unless we obey HIM+ in Spirit and in Truth,
for The FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM.
+ + +
In the name of the FATHER, Who created us,
and His beloved SON Who saves us,
and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT
Who sanctifies us.
+ + +