
ADVENT 2023 ~ EVENING MEDITATIONS for the Spiritually-Minded or for those who wish to Keep JESUS “as the REASON+ for the Season.” Year of Our LORD, 12.3.2023

 During this busy and exciting  H O L I D A Y   season called Christmas, it is good to re-claim this season for CHRIST as a  remembrance of that HOLY DAY  when JESUS was made flesh and dwelt among us. [The Great EXCHANGE ]  . 

We DO know it is a HOLY DAY because of the out-pouring of glorious praise of the Holy Angels of GOD in the Heavens, appearing before men , even though the exact date may be questionable.

ADVENT begins the 4th Sunday before Christmas Day every year. Advent is an OLD, church TRADITION although it was not done by the Apostles because they never observed Christmas which itself was begun by the church located in Rome.

Other early church Bishops knew nothing about observing Christmas, according to the Ante-Nicene Fathers.

However, if we choose to observe Christmas, then it behooves us ALSO to observe ADVENT, which focuses our hearts upon the Coming of CHRIST and what that meant for mankind.

The church tradition of observing ADVENT lends itself most excellently towards the “reclamation” of this season.

Each week day in Advent, we can prepare our family’s heart by sharing a PROPHECY which HE+ fulfilled ~  in private devotions or during our study time or around the supper table after we have eaten. 

The PROPHECIES are SURE, as the Prophet Daniel told us. As the END TIME approaches , it is good to keep in mind exactly HOW CERTAIN all prophecies are !

Around the supper table would be especially valuable for young folks in the family.  If old enough, the children could take turns lighting a candle on the table, passing out the Bibles, selecting a Christmas hymn, or offering the closing prayer. . .  and of course, blowing out the candle.


 Another activity, like STRAW in the MANGER , is excellent for making even the youngest ones in the family to be aware that Christmas is about CHRIST JESUS and not simply about having good times.  .


Children make a “manger” box out of cardboard or construction paper or popsicle sticks or about two inches of the bottom of a paper cup, or some such material. Make it about the size of a matchbox.

Have children collect in a bag a quantity of dried grass , straw, excelsior from packing boxes, pine needles, or just shredded paper, etc.

During the ADVENT season, we focus on the Coming of JESUS onto this  world. So, we learn to be like JESUS and be kind, thoughtful, helpful , and willing to share . . . without being told.  We train ourselves to be AVAILABLE to The LORD JESUS at all times. 

 Whenever these good behaviors ( or attitudes )  occur --- without being reminded to do so --- the parent tells the child he may put a straw in the manger. This can happen spontaneously or after Advent devotions at the table. Thus, he helps to prepare the manger for His+ Coming.

In this way, we teach the children to BECOME MINDFUL of JESUS throughout the day, weighing our thoughts, attitudes, and behavior before HIM+ as we seek to please HIM+ with our lives. 


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