

Question:   Who are you going to vote for, Christian ?

A:   The BEST Man.

Q:  Who is that ?

A:  HE+'S  not  running.

[ i.e.........   HE+ will be in control AT THE APPOINTED TIME,  with no "election" needed in ANY country ... after the last, great persecution of the Christian Church on planet earth. ]  


The Burden of Damascus...

The Burden of Damascus.
Behold, Damascus is taken away
from being a city,
and it shall be a ruinous heap.
~ words of the Prophet Isaiah
chapter 17, verse 1

 Christians, behold The WORD+ of The LORD.

Syriac Christians are living through a nightmare as this prophecy comes to pass.

Thousands of Syrians... some Christians, some not... have fled to surrounding countries for haven.  They have fled with whatever they could carry or pile into a vehicle of some sort.

No jobs, no careers, no money, no house, no medicines for Grandmother, Grandfather, nor the ill and infirm young or old.  

No schooling for the children, and likely as not, no food  for the family.

No water... no drinking beyond a sip, no bathing, and certainly no laundry being done even for the meager items of clothing taken with them.  

This, then,  is the happy circumstance that "fleeing from war" brings: total misery for all and death for the very  young, the very old, and many of the infirm.  

Christians, as The Day of The LORD looms near, know this: only ONE+ place of safety exists for anyone on the face of this earth.

That "place" is the ONE+ Who+ in humility walked this earth to speak to our hearts.

HE+ is the ONE+ Who+ told us to lay down our swords.

HE+ is the ONE+ Who+ told us to lay up our treasures in Heaven, not on earth... to seek first the Kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness and then all these things will be added unto us.

Let us not hide our hearts from the end-time prophecies coming to pass before our very eyes.

IT        MATTERS.

It matters what we do with our time.
It matters what we think about.
It matters what our hearts are focused upon. 

The nightmare of destruction can come upon any of us, in any form, at any time. 

Are those Syrian Christians and Arabic Christians WORSE CHRISTIANS than we are, that GOD has allowed them to go through this destruction of their normal lives and families ? 


If put all on a balance, they in fact may be BETTER CHRISTIANS than we are, since many of them have had to face opposition and hatred like we only read about in Voice of the Martyrs or Asia Harvest. 

Do we think prophetic Scriptures are put into the Bible for us to  simply study ? 


The wise will read the books of Isaiah, chapters 50 and 51 of Jeremiah, the books of Daniel and Joel, watching what is happening around the secular nation of Israel. 

We will see the nations of the world gathered around Israel with the intent of either murder or control in their eyes, in their rhetoric. 

When the Beast Nation reveals itself ,  and its intent to consume Israel ... both Spiritual Israel and natural Israel ...  watch the Hand of GOD be revealed. 

Then will come to pass those wonderful verses in 2 Thessalonians, chapters 1 and 2 . 

In Preparation
for that Great Day of The LORD

 Here is how Christians prepare:
They receive the love of the TRUTH+.

They receive the LOVE of the Truth so that they are saved from the STRONG DELUSION that GOD HIMSELF sends upon those who prefer the deceivableness of unrighteousness, upon those who prefer a lie. 

We Repent, Remove, Resist all lies... all lies about WHO GOD is , about who we are ...  individually ...  lining ourselves up with the Word+ of GOD, and going AGAINST HIM+ in nothing !  

A Word to the Wise is Sufficient....


A TRUE Christian's "Labor" Day...

Labor NOT
for the food
which perisheth

.. but for that food which endureth
unto Everlasting Life+,
which the SON+ of Man
shall give unto you:
for HIM+
GOD The FATHER has sealed.
John 6:27
+ + +
Yes, that is what true Christians labor for, whether they work directly in a ministry or indirectly minister to the ones The LORD sends their way. True Christians constantly work to establish the Kingdom of GOD+: in themselves, in others, in their home, or in their public workplaces. Temporal work is simply doing the necessity of the day; it is NOT the reason for living. Temporal work is NOT what gives a Christian his identity. Thus, we labor for that "food" which endureth unto Everlasting Life... food which does not spoil.
~ ~ ~
Why can the SON+ of Man give us Everlasting Life?
? ? ?
Our LORD HIMSELF+ told us why:
Because ( for the reason being that )
* * *
The Greek word for sealed means to MARK WITH THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE SOVEREIGN POWER ( king, emperor, top authority). Usually with his signet ... a stamp or ring ... which was impressed in hot wax upon whatever item was being sealed by the authorities. Certain death would be brought upon ANYONE who broke through the seal unlawfully.
This can be seen in Daniel 6:17 when King Darius of the Medes, a great, conquering, military might, placed the Prophet Daniel into the lion's den:
And a stone was brought,
and laid upon the mouth of the den;
and the king sealed it with his own signet,
and with the signet of his lords,
that the purpose might not be changed
concerning Daniel.
The powerful military government of Rome also sealed a famous stone with the official signet of Rome, Matthew 27:65, 66.
Pilate said unto them (the Jews),
Ye have a watch: go your way,
make it as sure as ye can.
So they went ,
and made the sepulchre sure,
sealing the stone,
and setting a watch.
Of course, we recall that SOMEONE+ DID BREAK THROUGH this "official" sealing of the tomb, bless GOD!
Because NO-ONE, not even the greatest military might upon earth, could hinder The LORD JESUS CHRIST from breaking through that Roman seal upon HIS+ tomb ...
NO-ONE is able to hinder HIM+.
from giving us who follow HIM+ to the death
Everlasting Life+...
Because it is HE+,
WHO+ has the
Unbreakable Seal
directly from The FATHER.
+ + +
No man cometh unto The FATHER,
except through ME+ .
WHO is greater than all,
gave them to ME+,
and NO ONE
... seen or unseen...
can pluck them
out of MY+ FATHER'S Hand.
+ + +


HE+ Touched me....

Almighty GOD,
the Fountain of all wisdom, 
THOU knowest our necessities
before we ask
and our ignorance in asking: 

Have compassion on our weakness;
and mercifully give us
those things
which for our unworthiness
we dare not
and for our blindness we cannot ask; 

through the worthiness of Thy SON+
WHO+ lives and reigns with THEE
one GOD,
now and forever,
world without end.  

Proper 11 Collect, Anglican Book of Common Prayer, page 49


Missionaries At HOME: Going Forth in Spirit and in Power...

CHRIST in us... the hope of Glory

During this ecclesiastical season of evangelism and outreach, we who stay at home with our duties and responsibilities to maintain,  may still be endued with Power from on High to reach others for CHRIST JESUS our LORD.

The LORD is certainly not limited nor restricted in sending forth His+ Power to convert the UNsaved ... regardless of where they may live,  in America or in a Third World country.

Here is a true story of how one brother we personally know evangelizes...

"Brother" runs his own construction-type business in  his own  shop at his home. Depending on the builders' orders, his business prospers, but oftentimes the incoming funds run pretty low between orders.

Not long ago Brother did business with another man. Unfortunately, the other man's plans and building business suffered a major set-back and he had to declare bankruptcy... owing several other businessmen thousands of dollars. Brother was one of those counting on a payment for goods and services to this man.

The "failed" businessman knew Brother was a Christian. Even so, the businessman was not willing to be contacted by any of his creditors during this time. 

Brother tried to telephone this man; he had a difficult time reaching him. Finally, when he saw him, Brother said,

" I understand you've had some hard times. Do NOT worry about your debt of XXXX dollars to me; it is cancelled. I don't want you to worry about it any more. 

"And furthermore, when you see me on the street, I want you to come over to me, greet me, talk with me, and tell me how you are doing. I don't want you to HIDE from me. I know how it is. " 

After sharing a few other comforting words, with him, Brother and he parted... as friends.

in us;
the hope of Glory.

being formed
in us;
the hope of Glory.

being formed in others
the hope of Glory.

Yes, this Brother knows how to "evangelize" effectively !  This Brother knew how to use unrighteous mammon to bring others to CHRIST JESUS. 

He knew how to use
the mammon of unrighteousness
to break down the hinderances in one man's hurting heart... a man who felt like a failure in life...  in order to show him JESUS CHRIST, and Brother  himself
"crucified with CHRIST."  

Therefore,  CHRIST was formed that day in Brother, as he chose to take the loss and join in the sufferings of his business acquaintance...

in order to show him

Furthermore, an open door for CHRIST JESUS was made in that "failed" man's heart in such a way that he will never be able to forget what one Follower of CHRIST JESUS did for him in his dark hour of need. 

Yes, this is indeed the season for Evangelism... at home or abroad.  

Glory be to The FATHER,
WHO created us;
and to HIS Only-Begotten SON+
WHO+ saves us;
and to The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
WHO sanctifies us.


Going Forth in Spirit and in Power...

He loves me...  He loves me not ... He loves me...
A Monastic Breviary, Anglican
Prayer Book
pg. 293

ALMIGHTY GOD, THOU hast built Thy Church upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF+ being the CHIEF CORNERSTONE+ :

Grant us so to be joined together
in unity of spirit
by their teaching,
that we may be made a Holy temple
acceptable to THEE;

...through JESUS CHRIST Our LORD, WHO+ lives and reigns with THEE and The HOLY SPIRIT, one GOD, now and forever, world without end. Amen.

 The Secret for Unity of Spirit

If we walk in the Light,
as HE+ is in the Light,

we have fellowship
with one another,


the Blood of JESUS CHRIST
cleanseth us
from all sin.
I John 1:7 

If we walk in the Light, confessing our sins unto HIM+ Who+ knew no sin, HE+ will help us ... assist us...  to amend our ways. WE CANNOT AMEND OUR WAYS WITHOUT HIS+ HELP.

HE+ will bring conviction when we accuse someone in our hearts or speak in less-than-loving ways to someone. HE+ will bring His+ wonderful conviction to us, saying: " WHERE did that remark COME FROM ?" 

Our part is to respond. In humility and in truth, we can discover exactly WHERE such things originate.

if it is not in our hearts,
it won't come out of our lips.

Now practically speaking, what do we do if there is trouble in the camp, trouble in the home, trouble in the church ? 

We take heed to WALK IN THE LIGHT..... OURSELVES. We do not "push" others to confess their sins. We do not "confess" nor "confront" others with their bad attitudes if they do not ASK US TO TELL THEM ABOUT THEIR FAULTS. 

We are not the correctors of the adults in our homes and in our churches IF we are not the pastors or elders. 


All we have to do is walk in the Light ourselves.

In humility, and in Truth, we walk "as well pleasing unto The LORD."  We give ourselves unto prayer.

If there is trouble between you and some other adult, PRAY. Get your own heart right before The LORD. ASK The LORD to "make" things right between you and the other one. 

Then thank HIM+ and listen. Thank HIM+ and walk with HIM+. Thank HIM+ and pray blessings upon the troublesome one. 

HE+ will work it out. HE+ will bring conviction. HE+ will change the situation .... or HE+ will not.... but you will be in HIS+ Peace if you walk with HIM+, in the Light. 

You will have fellowship: first, with HIM+, then with others. You will not have "fellowship" with others until your fellowship is established with CHRIST JESUS.

Unity... Concord... Peace...

all of which begins when we are UNIFIED with CHRIST... 

It begins when we are in accord with His+ Word, having straightened up our hearts before HIM+...

It begins when HE+ can find nothing in us which makes HIM+ ashamed to call us His+ Brethren. 

O GOD, THOU hast taught us to keep all Thy commandments by loving THEE and our neighbor: 

Grant us the grace of Thy HOLY SPIRIT that we may be devoted to THEE with our whole heart and united to one another with pure affection; 

through JESUS CHRIST our LORD Who+ lives and reigns with THEE and the HOLY SPIRIT, one GOD, for ever and ever. Amen.    



Welcome, Friends indeed !

This is the Season of Outreach and Evangelism on the Church Calendar. The liturgical color is GREEN... perhaps, for new growth ?

It is NOT the season of political rallies, concerts in the park, and national holidays... for the serious-minded Christian.

The ancient church calendar focused on the events surrounding The LORD JESUS and His+ bodily entrance into the human race and the church calendar  took its shape from those happenings. 

Starting with Abib, the first month in the Jewish calendar, in the Spring of the year, we have the Passover Season. That leads into Passion Week, followed by the Great and Glorious Resurrection Season.

Then, 50 days after Resurrection we enter into the Season of the Pentecost, when the HOLY SPIRIT was visited upon the believers in great power and glory.

After that, some churches call it "Trinity" Season, meaning that now The FATHER, His Beloved SON+, JESUS CHRIST, and  The HOLY SPIRIT have been made manifest unto mankind... the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily, through CHRIST JESUS. 

And as in Acts, the outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT upon the believers meant that The WORD+ would go forth in power and great glory, bringing others into the flock from every kindred, tongue, people, and nation. 

This is the great, power-filled 
Season of Evangelism
for the Church
following the outpouring
of the HOLY SPIRIT !

Now, the church goes forth in victory because death has no more dominion over it! Death was swallowed up in Victory through the Resurrection of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST ! 

Thus, we boldly and un-ashamedly proclaim the Saving Gospel of CHRIST JESUS to each and every person. His+ love, His+ forgiveness for repentant souls, His+ newness of life offered for each and every one of us  is proclaimed with Resurrection Power of the HOLY SPIRIT during the Trinity Season.  

One of the house group churches in China works out this season by calling it "Evangelism" month. Each person in the congregation is instructed to bring 3 new persons into the fold during the month of July. They go house to house, door to door, to find potential new members of the flock. 

The result? The China house church in that area grows exponentially! 

  • So, let us GIRD UP OUR LOINS.
  • Let us equip ourselves with hearts of joy, spirits of determination, and pockets of tracts, being ready "in season and out" to proclaim the Salvation of CHRIST JESUS offered to all.  
  • Let us claim the Resurrection Power of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST in our prayer closets, over our families, friends, neighbors, and communities.
  • And then, let us come forth out of our prayer closets and spread the Good News: 

you , too, can have a new life,
both now,
and for all Eternity !

Furthermore, this can only happen
when you yield
the control over your life...
your sordid, broken, unhappy life...
over to the ONE+ Who+
loves you best...
+  +  + 

In the Name of The FATHER,
WHO begot thee,
And HIS Beloved, Only-Begotten SON+
WHO+ saves thee, 
And their Blessed HOLY SPIRIT, 
WHO empowers thee
to proclaim the Salvation offered to mankind


Pentecost ! The Power of The Coming ONE+ !

Almighty GOD, on this day THOU opened the way of Eternal Life to every race and nation by the promised out-pouring of Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT through tongues of Holy Fire bestowed upon Thy Servants gathered together in that Upper Room so long ago. 

That great out-pouring engulfed Thy Servants and with great and several manifestations of tongues, THOU encompassed them with Thy POWER, enabling Thy Servants to shed abroad the Good News of Thy great Salvation.  

Now, O Great LORD, shed abroad this Gift of Thy HOLY SPIRIT in flames of Holy Fire so that Thy Servants living today may be emboldened to fight the foe of darkness and unbelief in this dead and dying world, redeeming the time and proclaiming the Gospel of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST... using words when necessary.

+  +  +

Today marks the 50th day
in times past 
since the Resurrection of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
This day the HOLY SPIRIT
came in fire.
This day HE bestowed
His manifold graces
upon the disciples
and sent them through the world
in great power,
with no fear of death .

Hadn't they just seen The Risen LORD ascend into the Heavenlies in His+ Glorified Body?

Hadn't they heard His+ gladsome words:

"Why are ye troubled,
and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold, MY HANDS AND MY FEET,
that it is I+ Myself+; 
Handle ME+ and see.
For a spirit

Amen and Hallelujah ! 

Baptize us, O LORD,
  • in Thy sanctified water,
  • with Thy Holy power,
  • with Thy Holy tongues,
  • to preach the Gospel,
  • to tell all nations this Truth:  

Believe and be baptized in the Name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST for the forgiveness of your sins... and you TOO will receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT.


Pentecost is Coming ! Seek HIS+ Face !

O GOD of the First Pentecost,

Who at that time poured forth Thy HOLY SPIRIT with Power and Might upon those faithful ones seeking THEE in one accord; Grant us a pulling together as one, seeking THEE together in love and unity, to  proclaim Thy Power and Great Glory to the Unreached and Reached alike;

through the merits of CHRIST JESUS Our Risen LORD, WHO+ liveth and reigneth with THEE in the unity of The Same SPIRIT HOLY, ONE GOD, world without end.



Pentecost is Coming! A personal Pentecost...

is available for all ...
regardless of what the Church Proper does or does NOT experience.
That is good news for the hungry of heart. 

Verily, verily, I+ say unto you,
unless a grain of wheat
falls into the ground
and dies,
it remains alone:
but if it dies,
it produces much grain.
John 12:24, NKJV

Within these Words of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST lies the secret to Pentecost, that great movement of the HOLY SPIRIT which engulfed the lives of the once fear-filled disciples.
HE+ tells us how to escape loneliness. HE+ tells us how to bear much fruit. HE+ tells us that HE+ has set in motion the way for us to experience Pentecost.

HOW do we accomplish this?

First, we set ourselves in the way, the path, HE+ directs. That involves some activity... yes, activity... on our part. We must fall to the ground, step 1. How hard is that ?

Then, we make a choice, step 2. We choose to die to Self. How hard is that ?


Indeed, we are willing but the flesh is weak and does not want to die. So... how do we "make" ourselves "die to Self ?"

We call upon The LORD for help. Will HE+ help us die ? YES, most assuredly HE+ will because it is His+ Will for each one of us. [ This is one place that His+ Will is not mysterious nor hidden to us. ]

We are "alone" until we die out to Self. Most of us know that our spouses cannot "fill" us up. Most will come to realize that our children cannot fill us up and will, sooner or later, leave the home nest. Some have even discovered the truth that our jobs, careers, work, education, etc., cannot fill us up. Our identity in these things is vaporous at best.

We sadly discover this when we retire or are forced out of our positions by corporate down-sizing, re-organization, our health, or some other contingency. We discover quickly how important and necessary our skills are to the business, company, agency, organization, hospital, or school: they can survive very well without us.

However, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST never, ever  down-sizes. HE+ does not have a "retirement" package! Even if our health plummets and our circumstances change drastically by events we cannot control, we NEVER lose our importance to our work for the Kingdom of GOD.

Indeed, in many instances of major change, we hunker down even moreso with Our LORD and do the unseen foundational work of prayer and focused, single-minded commitment to Our LORD... so vital for victories in spiritual warfare.

We embrace death to Self. It is the only way given to produce fruit for JESUS our LORD... just like HE+ said.  

+  +  +
In the Name of The FATHER
WHO begot us,
And HIS Only-Begotten SON+
And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT
WHO sanctifies us.