

Ahh, spiritual sleep.  
Such sweet repose
instead of spiritual warfare...
a dangerous condition for all !
If you sleep a spiritual sleep , you will join the ranks of several mentioned in Scripture, such as  the 5 un-wise virgins who were unprepared for the coming of the Bridegroom+.
You also join the ranks of the disciples of CHRIST who would not fight their sorrow of heart nor weariness of body to stay awake and keep watch with Our LORD before HE+ entered into HIS+ Passion, HIS+ Sacrifice for us.
.~  ~  ~
Now, an aside: In ancient times, the bridegroom and his bride had entered a covenant, a betrothal, a contract involving BOTH parties, that they would be joined into one new unit.  This was a very serious contract. If the bride had played the harlot before the wedding day, she was supposed to be stoned.  If the bridegoom did the same with another woman, it was likely that the bride's parents would have stopped the contract.
But if both parties did their part and were faithful, the covenant would be fulfilled. According to our Pastor's sermon on Sunday, in the Hebrew culture, the bridegroom was usually away from his birth home, building a house for his new bride and the family to come.
The bride knew the "season" that he would be coming, but she and her wedding party did not know the exact hour. I believe it usually was at the fall of evening. She simply had to be prepared at all times for his arrival as the "day" drew nearer and nearer. Also, her bridesmaids had to be ready for whenever the bridegroom appeared.
Usually, a spotter would be watching. He'd announce: "The bridegroom is coming! He's coming! "  Then came a flurry of excitement as the bridal party gathered their things, fixed their garments, trimmed their lamps to await the bridegroom's party at their doorstep. When the bridegroom arrived, they all moved in joyous procession lit by torches and lamps to the place prepared with the wedding canopy and feast established. 
That is how it will be when Our Divine BRIDEGROOM+ comes for HIS+ Bride, the called-out ones, the sanctified ones, who have remained Virgins (undefiled by the world), prepared solely for HIM+ and HIS+ New Life. When we are spiritually sleeping we are in danger of missing the call that "the BRIDEGROOM+ cometh!"

~ ~ ~
A Cure for Spiritual Sleep
How do you "cure" the condition of spiritual sleep ? [Assuming you love the LORD and have entered into the Covenant through Holy Baptism and Communion, you are then able to put this into practice.]
Spiritual discipline awakens the soul. It becomes watchful, on a spiritual level.
The first step is to submit the physical body to a spiritual life. 
Flesh must become
subject to the Spirit.
If you don't rule over the flesh,
your flesh will rule over you.  
Thus, you must put into practice those things which will bring your flesh into submission:

>>> Make the flesh a wee bit uncomfortable. Walk in the cold or rain or snow, if you must, while you pray or recite Psalms or Scriptures. Do something. 
>>> Pray outloud. Clean the atmosphere around you, as it were. Find a room... attic, cellar, or other place where your eye will not be tempted to think of temporal duties or things.
>>> Change physical position.  Get on your knees with nothing to lean on. Stand. Walk. Make the sign of the cross as you mention HIS+ Name in your prayers. Raise your hands, your arms. Kneel as the knights did, on one knee, with their arm and fist across their body and heart, pledging their fidelity to their king.
>>> Pray the Scriptures. Chant the Psalms with an easy one or two-note chant of your own making.
.>>> Keep the 9, noon, and 3 o'clock prayer stations. Set an alarm to remind you. If you have children, call them into order at that time: stop your and their activities for a 5-minute prayer station.
It will teach them to honor The LORD, that HE+ comes before temporal activities... a valuable training! When they are old, they will not forsake your training.
The Prayer Stations:  Recall the time of HIS+ crucifixion, for us. Recall how the world was darkened at the noontime hour. Recall HIS+ Words at 3 p.m.: FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do. Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks... and repent of any sins The LORD brings to mind.
[ Email me if you would like copies of the prayer stations we use here. They are Scriptural in nature, recalling what happened at those 3 hours. We also have worship Scriptures from Revelation. To do these stations takes less than 5 minutes, but they become anchors for your day, recalling you to CHRIST'S side every 3 hours. ]
>>> Set aside the 6 p.m. hour for prayer and meditation with HIM+.

>>>> Relate to all through CHRIST JESUS our LORD. Do not allow carnal nor simply "natural" interactions with others. Be pleasant, but redeem the time with your attitudes and words. Pray even as you interact with them.  
>>> Do what you can and HE+ will meet you there.
Awake, Sleeper!
+  +  + 



Do MY+ will.

Make no provision for your flesh... neither for your emotions nor for your fears... nor for your desires.
These all come from illusions.
Trust ME+;
the enemies of GOD thought to destroy ME+
... their only hope...
for the sake of  their illusions.

Stay in reality with ME+.
Do MY+ will.
Do MY+ will.
Do MY+ will.

+  +  +


Set Apart for The MASTER + ...

My+ sheep hear My+ Voice,
and I + know them,
and they follow ME+.

It is imperative to learn to know HIS+ Voice. We learn to recognize HIS+ Voice when we spend time with HIM+.
O My+ people, do not be led astray by the voice of  other sheep , by the voice of  false teachers, or by the voice of your own flesh.

Spend sacrificial,  precious time with ME+,  for I+ will tune your ears to hear My+ Voice

Learn to submit the desires of your heart to ME+ and to My+ Word. Learn to fast from the voices of other sheep, seeking My+ Voice, My+ companionship alone.  Learn to guard your heart from teachings which do not match My+ Words. I+ will teach you if you do not understand some Scriptures... if you stay yourself before ME+.

Set apart your time, your life, for ME+.
+  +  +


Set Apart... A Vessel Meet for the MASTER +...

At midnight,
I will rise to give thanks unto THEE+
because of Thy+ righteous jugdments. 
Psalm 119:62

Some, of course, take this Scripture on face value and set their hearts and their clocks to rise up at midnight and offer Psalms, prayers, and thanksgivings ! Can you just imagine the benefits of peace and joy that must flow to those who do this?
We strive EVERY hour of the day or night to focus on The LORD. At night, when we arise for a drink of water or to take care of our needs, we give thanks to Our LORD. While sleeping, we give thanks when we turn over or when a noise awakens us and we are still groggy. It becomes a habit to turn every adjustment into an opportunity to remember our Great LORD. .
In that remembering, let us not forget HIS+ righteous judgments. Yes, HE+ will take care of the evil doers in time. HE+ will also take care of HIS+ own who persist in disobedience, leaning on "cheap" grace to get them through.
Read Numbers 15 and 16. The LORD had commanded HIS+ people to set apart a day of rest... a sabbath... on the 7th day of the week. One man shrugged it off and went to gather sticks. He was caught and put into hold until Moses could ascertain the mind of The LORD. The LORD instructed them to stone that man! 
What's wrong with picking up sticks ?
What's wrong with disobedience?
Disobedience will cost you
 your life in CHRIST.
( See Matthew 7:21 )
O LORD, with mercy hear my cry ! I have disobeyed THEE+ in innumerable little ways. I have not rendered to THEE+ "first time" obedience as I ought... yet I require that of others.  My tongue, the thoughts of my heart, my relentless judgment of others all cry out against me.
Help me to extend the same mercy to others as THOU+ dost extend towards me; cleanse me, heal me, and do not hold it against me.  Send my sins far, far away and cover my nakedness with Thy+ Blood, O LAMB of GOD, Who+ taketh away the sins of the world. Have mercy upon me, a sinner.  
+  +  +
Passover 2011
Meditation #3


Set Apart.... A Vessel Meet for The MASTER+ ...

Psalm 119:57
THOU+ art my portion, O LORD:
I have said that I would keep Thy+ Words.
Forgive me, LORD, for ignoring Thy+ Word to turn the other cheek,  as THOU+ hast done toward THINE+ enemies. Forgive me, LORD, for hotly refusing to go the second mile, as THOU+ hast done with Thy+ disciples.
Change me into Thy+ likeness and image, O LORD, as it pleases THEE+. Yes, I have said that I would keep Thy+ words.
Help me to do what I have promised THEE+, for all Thy+ marvelous benefits towards me. Great is Thy+ faithfulness; The LORD is my portion saith my soul; therefore, I will trust in THEE+.
I do from henceforth
set apart
my heart
for THEE+, O LORD.
+ + +  
Passover 2011
Meditation #2
Set Apart...  

Set Apart.... for the Passover Preparation


A Vessel Set Apart 
...scoured and cleansed... set apart... buffeted and polished.... set apart... repaired and refurbished... set apart... sanctified... set apart... emptied of bad Self... set apart... emptied of "good" Self... set apart... a Vessel meet for The MASTER'S + use.
+  +  +
If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the MASTER'S +  use, and prepared unto every good work.
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the LORD out of a pure heart.
2 Timothy 2: 21,22
Passover Meditation #1,
Year of Our LORD, 2011


REAL TIME... via the CHURCH Calendar

+ + + 

We Christians do things differently.  We keep our own time... REAL TIME... via the Church Calendar. We don't mark our days or months by the moon, the sun, nor by the Heavenly Lights or stars. We don't mark the celebrations and feast days observed on the masonic calender. We don't celebrate dead ... twice dead... national heroes' birthdays, death days, or battle days. The worldlings do all that, in every country. 
We Christians are strangers and pilgrims here upon planet earth and mark our days by the events important in the HEAVENLY KINGDOM. Thus, we observe the dates related to CHRIST'S ministry here upon earth: Advent, Incarnation, Transfiguration, Pascha Passion, and the GREAT RESURRECTION.  We also mark Ascencion Day and Pentecost. All these days or seasons related to the key person who changed ... and will soon change again... HISTORY ON PLANET EARTH.
So, on March 9, 2011, the 4th day of the week [known on the pagan calendar as "Wednesday"], will begin the season of deep repentance of the Pascha [ Passover ] with Ashes marking our foreheads in the sign of a cross.  Lent is the common name for the Preparation for the Passover, but lent is derived from a German word which simply meant "spring." Hence , we will call this season the Preparation for the Passover Passion.
May The LORD help each one of us during this REAL TIME to deal with our hidden natures, our self-centered lives, and any self-indulgences we have allowed ourselves... all of which hinder our nearness to The LORD.
May The LORD help each one of us to get into REAL TIME, the Eternal time-frame and mind-set, during this season before HIS+ death and Resurrection.
May the LORD help us to SET APART time for HIM+... so that we may truly become a people set apart ... a peculiar people... of The LORD.
An Invitation

Sister Judith Hannah will be sharing meditations as The LORD gives them to her.  OTHERS may feel free to write a meditation  also and email it to her, for posting on the blog. [Please do not send something NOT original, however, like an article read somewhere else.] If someone has an inspiring photo, also original and not lifted from some other place, that original photo may be sent along to her email address: srjudhan@yahoo.com  with a note of explanation, to be posted, if appropriate.  


Encamping ANGELS...

The Angel of The LORD
encampeth round about them that fear HIM and delivereth them.
Psalm 34 :7

Those angelic beings, ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation...
This is part of a story by Jerry Golden, an American Jew who met The LORD JESUS CHRIST, The Messiah, and now lives in Israel to be  a testimony for The LORD.  Brother Golden has a website from Jerusalem called "The Golden Report." He bears a burden for the Jewish people to know their Messiah. His website is found at: www.thegoldenreport.com  Here is his true account of what happened to him during a snowstorm in Tennessee.
I am writing this report in hopes of encouraging you with a knowledge that God is looking out for you, possibly with an Angel.

It was 1973. Connie (my wife) and I had only been married one year when I got word that my grandfather had died and would be buried in two days; the family wanted me there. It was during the time of the gas embargo, Water Gate, and it seemed that everything thing else was going crazy in the country. We lived in Bethany, Texas.
I remember Connie telling me that I may not be able to make it to West Virginia simply because there were no gas stations open, and the few that were open had very long lines; some folks were waiting two days to fill their tanks.

We prayed about it and decided to trust God and make the trip. To make things even more difficult it was in the dead of winter, and what I didn’t know was that from Tennessee to West Virginia there was a very heavy snow storm raging.

Within an hour I was on the road, kissing good-by to Connie and our new baby Rachel (who has now given us three lovely grandchildren). I remember it took me a couple hours just to find a gas station that would fill up my tank, and that in an area I know well. I remember thinking this is really going to be a test of faith. I had my doubts if I was going to make it.
It seemed that God was with me and the Ruach Ha Kodesh ( Holy Spirit ) was going with and before me; every time I needed gas there was always a gas station that had some for me. That is, until I got the bottom of the highest mountain in Tennessee in the middle of a snowstorm. There was a gas station at the bottom of the mountain, with a big sign that read, "out of gas." My gas gauge said I had less than a 1/8 th. of a tank; my faith about then read the same.

It was snowing so hard you could hardly see where the road was. I got out of the car and went over and sat on the steps of the station and begin to pray. It was ten minutes, possibly more, when I heard a word in my spirit clearly say “TRUST ME+”. I knew I had heard from God or else was it an Angel.

One thing was certain when I stood up: I knew I had no choice but to begin the journey up that very long, dangerous, and twisting road to the top of a very big mountain. I knew also that I didn’t have enough gas to make it to the top and was thinking that the next service station could possibly be all the way down the other side.

I had just made it around the first big horseshoe turn when I saw him; he was an old man, standing beside a old green ford pickup truck. In his hands was a red gas can, the old type with the dome top that held only 5 gallons. I pulled up behind him and walked over to where he was standing ... making no effort to pour the gas into his truck.

I started to tell him why I needed some of that gas, but something inside of me said not to... just ask him for some gas. Many times in my life I was hearing from God and didn’t even know it at the time.
But as usual, I wasn’t 100% obedient. Instead, I said to the old man, "Could I buy some of that gas from you? I have a real emergency."
 With very little expression, just something that sort of resembled a grin, he said to me, "We don’t have any use for money, but you can have the gas." I thanked him and poured the gas into my tank. It was a five-gallon can, but it seemed to take forever for it to empty into my car.

As I started to drive away, I rolled down my window and was going to wave at him... but he wasn’t there! The truck wasn’t there! I stopped and got out and looked. There were no tire tracks in the snow !
It was then I knew I had met an Angel of God, possibly my personal Angel, who looked over me, for there was something inside of me that said I knew this old man all my life; his voice sounded so familiar.
With Holy Spirit "goose bumps" and feeling like I had a glancing shot at something Heavenly, I felt that I floated to the top of that mountain.

That five gallon tank of gas took me from Look Out Mountain in Tennessee to Morgantown, West Virginia. It was a miracle and one that started me knowing that we are watched by Angels and I had met mine...

By Jerry Golden, now in Israel.
+  +  +


The UNAVOIDABLE Refining Pot ...


HE+ Who+ is coming after me is stronger than I , Whose+ sandals I am not worthy to pick up.
HE+ will Baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and with FIRE, Whose+ winowing fan is in His+ Hand. HE+ will throughly cleanse His+ floor, and will gather His+ wheat into the garner, but will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire.
     Our LORD will refine His+ children.
seldom  acknowledged
nor claimed.
It is similar to pruning. Both are painful, but are done for the health of the one receiving it, for his benefit.
the Kingdom of GOD.
For everyone shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.
The fire shall test every man's work.
(Yes, another couple of promises
seldom acknowledged and remaining unclaimed. )

Let us present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto GOD, which is our reasonable (Divine) service.
Let us take heed to ourselves. Our life is like a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears.

Let us all, along with Mary, the sister of Lazarus, choose that one thing that is necessary, which will not be taken away from us.

Brother Brendon Patrick +

In the Name of the FATHER,
His Eternal SON+,
+    +    +


JESUS said...

Go into all the world,
and preach the Gospel
to every creature.

          I would like to mention a group of Christians, serious followers of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

          These young believers in CHRIST are making a serious effort to literally put into practice our LORD'S words of going into all the world. They are not able to go bodily at this time, but are working to send Bibles to Christians in Asia who do not have one, as well as making them available to new believers who come to JESUS and cannot obtain a Bible because of their small incomes.

         As another part of this outreach to those in the Asian part of the world, Gospel tracts are being sent for use by native missionaries to help them reach their people with the message of Life in CHRIST. This is a message that most have never heard before. These tracts are printed for 1/2 cent each! Most of the time these tracts are passed around and read by many people. The message inside is totally unique to them!

         These young Christians are the youth group at  Wellspring Mennonite Church, located in East Tennessee, U.S.A. They are wanting to raise a total of $30,000 for this purpose. Every cent of this money is being sent for reaching those in far off lands who have not heard or known of the beauty and peace of real life in JESUS CHRIST.

        If any reader would care to be a part of this endeavor, you can send any help or inquieries to:

% Reagan Schrock, Director
121 Co. Rd. 616
Athens, TN 37303

         If you'd rather, you may check their very interesting, well-done blog at: http://gospeloutreachforasia.blogspot.com .

Yes, it is a joy to know these serious-minded young Christians and to see their dedication in reaching those who sit in darkness, with the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, the Eternal SON+ and WORD+ of GOD.

Br. Brendon Patrick + O G S

+  +  +
In the Name of The FATHER
Who created you
And His Only-Begotten SON+
Who saves you
And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT
Who sanctifies you.  
+  +  +   



Picture found at WAJAMA, Kenya.blogspot.com

Keep a clear eye toward Life's end. Do not forget your purpose and destiny as GOD'S creature. What you are in HIS+ sight is WHAT YOU ARE... and nothing more. 

Remember that when you leave this earth,you can take NOTHING you have received... but only what you have given....

attributed to St. Francis of Assisi


Scriptures from 1 Corinthians 15
verses 51, 52,  and 57, 58

Behold, I shew you a mystery;
We shall not all sleep,
but we shall all be changed,
In a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed.

But thanks be to GOD,
which giveth us the victory
through our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the LORD.

+  +  +



LORD, plant in me
a deep, unquenchable
hunger for THEE+.
The Bread of Life; He that cometh to ME+ shall never hunger; and he that believeth on ME+ shall never thirst.
John 6:35
plant in me a deep, unquenchable hunger for THEE+.
+ + +


The Irresistible CHRIST+ ...

What Our LORD declares is Eternally true:
if I be lifted up,
will draw all men
unto ME+ .
When once you know HIM+,
absolutely irresistible.
You can no more help trusting HIM+
than you can help breathing.
page 21, The GOD of ALL COMFORT, by Hannah Whitall Smith, 1956 ed.

Hannah Smith writes to the Christian:

The LORD wrestles with us in order to bring us to a place of ENTIRE dependence on HIM+. We resist as long as we have any strength; until at last HE+ is forced to bring us to a place of helplessness, where we are obliged to yield; and then we conquer by this very yielding. Our victory is always the victory of weakness. ...
And this victory will be ours, if we take the LORD to be our Banner, and commit ALL our battles unto HIM+.
from page 85, The GOD of ALL COMFORT.
The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
HE+ maketh me to lie down
in green pastures,
HE+ leadeth me beside the still waters.
HE+ restoreth my soul.
HE+ leadeth me
in the paths of righteousness
for HIS+ Name's sake.
Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil
for THOU+ art with me.
Thy+ rod and Thy+ staff,
they comfort me.
THOU+ preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies;
THOU+ anointest my head with oil;
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me
all the days of my life
and I will dwell
in the house of The LORD
Our LORD JESUS CHRIST becomes absolutely irresistible for anyone who can see that HIS+ great good heart never changes towards HIS+ friends.
Do you know
The Irresistible CHRIST ?
+ + +


PSALM 27 ...

One thing

have I desired of The LORD,

that will I seek after;

that I may dwell in the house of The LORD

all the days of my life,

to behold the beauty of The LORD,

and to enquire in HIS temple.

Psalm 27:6

~ ~ ~

If any man defile the temple of GOD,

him shall GOD destroy;

for the temple of GOD is holy,

which temple ye are.

I Cor. 3:17

~ ~ ~

MY+ Kingdom is not of this world:


MY+ Kingdom were of this world,

then would MY+ servants fight,

that I+ should not be delivered to the Jews:

but now

is MY+ Kingdom not from hence.

John 18:36

~ ~ ~



...is not what HE+ wants.

Here is a brave letter from a brave heart to the unfaithful heart of the beloved... read on...
Dear C...
I am returning this $1,000 you sent. Yes, there are crucial needs, but the greater need is for you to send your heart. I need not your money nor your presence here--- even as desperately lonely as I am without you--- until your heart returns to your home.
Without your heart, you see, both your presence and your money are shallow... leaving me more hurt and hollow than before.
Indeed, both your presence in the house and your gift of money is simply for you, an illusion to make you feel better about yourself. It is not an offering of real love nor does it meet real needs. I need you, not your gifts.
And as far as wanting to drop by to fix the steps and screen door, well, truly they have needed a lot of attention for a while--- but you are not the one to fix them. They will go without repairs until I find a pure-hearted person who does not need to do good deeds to build an illusion about himself.
I'll ask someone whose heart simply is available for the chore. Your heart, you see, is not. It is not available to the home you left and it would be illusionary for you to make it seem like it was.
Really, it would do more harm than good because a broken step is nothing compared to a broken heart. A torn screen door knows nothing of the pain of a torn and shredded covenant that once bound us together in love.
So, I am returning to you these offers of your presence here, your skills, and your money so that there is NO ILLUSION established that your heart is right with me... no illusion in your mind nor in anyone who should see or hear of your activities.
All I want is your heart... all of it.
Your loving--- but Truthful--- Covenant Spouse
+ + +
JESUS answered
and said unto them,
"Well hath Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites,
as it is written,
'This people honoreth ME with their lips,
but their heart is far from ME. '
Word of The LORD,
recorded by Mark, chapter 7, verse 6.
Also see Isaiah 29:13
I have somewhat against thee,
because thou hast
left thy first love.
Revelation 2:4
+ + +


~~~ Thy+ Presence, LORD ~~~

I want to inhale THY+ Presence, LORD,
to fill my Self
with THEE+.
I want to inhale THY+ Fragrance, LORD,
For thus,
enabled be,
to inhale THY+ Being, LORD,
'til Self
forgets the me.
I want to exhale THY+ Presence, LORD,
awaking those
who sleep.
I want to exhale THY+ Fragrance, LORD,
to comfort
those who weep.
I want to exhale THY+ Being, LORD,
in THEE+,
my life,
to steep.

+ + +

Come close to ME+, MY+ Child. Do not hurry from MY+ Presence. Remove the gaps, the differences, the discrepancies between ME+ and THEE+.
Time is shortened now. It is crucial for you to be established unshakable in ME+.
Let MY+ Words become your words. Let MY+ thoughts take over your thoughts. Exchange your values for MY+ values And let MY+ SPIRIT overwhelm you.
Then you will be ready for ME+.
+ + +