Who hath believed our report?
and to whom is the ARM of The LORD revealed?
For HE+ shall grow up before HIM
as a tender plant,
and as a root out of a dry ground:
HE+ hath no form nor comeliness;
and when we shall see HIM+,
there is no beauty that we should desire HIM+.
When The MESSIAH+ of Israel came the FIRST time, HE+ fulfilled the things spoken of HIM+ in the Old Testament Prophecies. The LORD JESUS opened the eyes of the blind and healed the sick.
The Lame leaped as a hart and the tongue of the dumb SANG !
And… HE+ gave them the TRUE MANNA from Heaven.
In spite of all the prophetic clues to The IDENTITY of The MESSIAH+ , GOD’S Ancient People did not recognize that The LORD JESUS was HE+ .
His+ IDENTITY as The MESSIAH+ , so firmly established by The Prophets, was missed; even the religious leaders failed to recognize that The LORD JESUS fulfilled the prophecies.
Most of GOD’S Ancient People went their own way; many ignored HIM+.
Some of His+ own became His+ enemy and worked to put HIM+ to death. Indeed, The LORD JESUS was betrayed by His+ own disciple just as the prophet foretold.
For HE+ shall grow up before HIM …
The literal Hebrew words cast an entire different understanding on this verse.
The pronoun “HIM” is attached to the ending of the PLURAL noun, “faces.”
In the Hebrew Scriptures, “before HIS FACES” is always translated in English as “before HIM,” with the un-written understanding that it means “before The FACE of GOD.”
However, let’s remember that The OLD TESTAMENT “GOD” is ELOHIM…. the plural, unified, collective noun, which functions as ONE DIVINE Being: The FATHER, The SON+, and their HOLY SPIRIT.
Now then , if the verb rendered “grow up” was translated as its basic meaning, the verb means TO ASCEND.
Thus, if read LITERALLY in the Hebrew at face value, this prophecy in Isaiah 53:2 would read:
HE+ shall ASCEND before HIS FACES.
WHOSE “faces” ?
The FACES of The ELOHIM … the plural, unified, Divine collective noun which functions as ONE Divine Being !
The LITERAL HEBREW here establishes the fact that The LORD JESUS was indeed included in the ELOHIM ( better known to many as The TRINITY) because “faces” is plural .
Yet “faces” is used as a collective noun and functions as ONE, unified, collective Divine Being. That is why translators translate that phrase throughout the Bible as “before HIM” , meaning ”(as one standing ) before GOD.”
The LORD JESUS identified HIMSELF+ through this prophecy when HE+ said this about HIMSELF+ as HE+ talked to Nicodemus, who was a ruler of the Jews.
And no man hath ascended up to Heaven,
but HE+ that came down from Heaven,
even the SON+ of MAN
WHICH is in Heaven.
JOHN 3:13
So, as The LORD JESUS was talking to Nicodemus, The LORD JESUS was telling Nicodemus that HE+ HIMSELF+ was in Heaven.
This could only be TRUE if The LORD JESUS was indeed a functioning member of The ELOHIM !
Nicodemus would have been well-acquainted with the Prophecies in Isaiah. Since Nicodemus was a “teacher” of Israel, he undoubtedly could read the Hebrew Scrolls and would comprehend the writing LITERALLY.
Nicodemus would have read these words:
HE+ shall ASCEND before HIS FACES.
The LORD JESUS was continually WITH THE FATHER.
Hard to understand ? Perhaps it is because we think of HIM+ being in human form.
In truth, HIS+ heart and spirit resided in Heaven, right beside HIS+ FATHER. HE+ was only confined by human flesh when HE+ became incarnate for a season.
Do we abide there, too ?
Are we ONE with The FATHER and The SON+ and their HOLY SPIRIT ?
Is our place of residence in Heaven ?
Is that where our heart abides ?
Heavenly FATHER,
Help me to be ONE with YOU, through Your Divine, Holy, and Resurrected SON+ , JESUS CHRIST.
I send YOU my heart and my spirit to make me become ONE with YOU and Your Beloved SON+ JESUS, my LORD. Amen.
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