
LENTEN MEDITATION 28 ~~~ Iniquity of My Sin

Furthermore, The LORD does not play “favorites” among His+ children. When we come to grips with this truth, we develop a healthy fear of The LORD: what HE+ has done to others who did not take His+ Word seriously, HE+ will do to us. The same standard is put upon each one of us and that standard does not bend. This standard is CHRIST JESUS and His+ Holiness… without which no man shall see The LORD.

Acknowledging our sin pleases The LORD. Admitting that our offenses are always done against HIM+, even if others are involved, is truth. As soon as we are aware… as soon as conviction falls upon us for serving Self… we do not run AWAY from GOD but rather run UNTO the LORD.

We do not hide our sin nor do we cloak it with an excuse. We simply and honestly admit it. The LORD knows what we’ve done anyhow; it is from ourselves that we are hiding it or dissimulating.

Thus, admitting our sin is the first step. Then we must go one step further and recognize our iniquity, our lack of innocence, in what we have done or thought.

Our iniquity shows itself when we know better, but go ahead anyhow and do things that are wrong. When we persist in holding opinions contrary to HIS+ word, this constitutes gross wickedness because stubbornness is as the sin of iniquity and idolatry. (I Sam. 15:23)

We have all tasted the loving-kindness of Our Savior. When we refuse to issue that same forgiveness and loving-kindness to others who have offended us, we are in trouble with GOD HIMSELF. (See the prayer The LORD taught His+ disciples when they asked HIM+, “Lord, teach us how to pray.” Luke 11). We have transgressed His+ Holy law of forgiveness… to forgive as CHRIST has forgiven us.

We simply cannot afford to sin against GOD. We cannot afford to practice stubbornness in any area. We cannot afford to excuse ourselves when we persist in our own thinking regardless of what The WORD of GOD says plainly.

HE+ will richly pardon and forgive us if we come clean before HIM+. HE+ will forgive, not only the sin itself, but also the presumption, the stubbornness, the taking advantage of His+ Grace and the violation of His+ Person… when we confess our sin and the iniquity underneath our foul behavior.

But, be careful. GOD cannot be tricked nor mocked.

Even honest confession and admittance of sin can be perverted by our deceitful, human hearts. Here is a true story. One man defiled his marriage bed by bringing other women into the place reserved for his wife. After many struggles, a divorce ensued. In time, this wayward man grew lonely for more stability, a home with a decent wife, and his children. So, he repented and wanted to “return home.” Yes, his repentance was for destroying the marriage and sinning against his wife and children.

But unfortunately, he only wanted the home to be regained for himself. He did not want The LORD JESUS to rule his life nor did he want to promise to abstain from affairs. This is not true repentance. This is expediency. He was ready to make only the outward changes to remove the press of being uncomfortable. Worse, he demanded his Christian ex-wife to take him back into the marriage bed because it was “the will of The LORD.” But the marriage covenant had been broken.

Yes, she forgave him but did not take him back into the covenant relationship of marriage. He hadn’t become that new creature in CHRIST yet. He refused to enter into the covenant of CHRIST and therefore, she could not be yoked unto someone outside of the Covenant of CHRIST. The marriage would have still been unclean. Wise woman!

Dear Gracious Heavenly FATHER, in the name of Thy holy SON JESUS CHRIST I come to You. I confess my sins and abhor the iniquity of them. Keep me from presumptuous sins. I am sorry for taking advantage of Your Goodness. I am sorry for persisting in my thoughts when I do know better. Forgive me for my stubbornness and let not any Self-will take root in my soul.

Now unto HIM+ Who+ is able to do abundantly above all we ask or think, I offer up these my imperfect prayers.

In the name of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.
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[1] All definitions come from Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, based on Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (A Merriam-Webster Dictionary) , 1965. Lenten Meditation

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