

The Head Covering ….. part 2

We are continuing on the Head-Covering Teaching from 1 Corinthians 11, picking up from where we stopped. In review, the first 3 verses establish the Godly governing order in the Christian home and church: man is the head of woman, CHRIST JESUS is the head of man: GOD is the head of CHRIST.

Every man praying or prophesying,
having his head covered,
dishonoreth his head.
1 Cor.11:4
Verse 4 today is straightforward and easy to understand… in the KJV. Some modern scholars, however, dislike this rendition BECAUSE the Greek text literally says… “Every man praying or prophesying having down over the head dishonors his head”.
Upon careful reading, WHAT is “hanging down over the head” is missing in the Greek text. It is grammatically an “understood” element [according to the classic Greek New Testament Lexicon, BADG, p. 405, under kata.]
It is understood to be a cloth covering and has so been understood in the Early Christian writings of the first 200 years as well as by all the Christian church up to the last few decades!
Tertullian, a well-known Christian apologist, wrote (circa 211 A.D.) about a soldier who was somehow a Christian. He would not put the Roman laurel band or wreath as a crown on his head because he was Christian. He was martyred because he wouldn’t deny CHRIST before men. Keeping in mind 1 Cor. 11 regarding the head covering issue for both men and women, let us hear what Tertullian said to the church when he gave instruction as to wearing a “band” or crown, as awarded by the Roman government for various government honors:
Much less may the Christian [man] put the service of idolatry on his own head — nay, I might have said, upon Christ, since Christ is the Head of the Christian man — (for his head) is as free as even Christ is, under no obligation to wear a covering, not to say a band.
But even the head which is bound to have the veil, I mean woman’s, as already taken possession of by this very thing, is not open also to a [laurel] band. She has the burden of her own humility to bear. If she ought not to appear with her head uncovered on account of the angels, much more with a crown on it will she offend those (elders) who perhaps are then wearing crowns above.
For what is a crown on the head of a woman, but beauty made seductive, but mark of utter wantonness, — a notable casting away of modesty, a setting temptation on fire? Therefore a woman, taking counsel from the apostles’ foresight, will not too elaborately adorn herself, that she may not either be crowned with any exquisite arrangement of her hair.
What sort of garland, however, I pray you, did He who is the Head of the man and the glory of the woman, Christ Jesus, the Husband of the church, submit to in behalf of both sexes? Of thorns, I think, and thistles, — a figure of the sins which the soil of the flesh brought forth for us, but which the power of the cross removed, blunting, in its endurance by the head of our Lord, death’s every sting.
Yes, and besides the figure, there is contumely [contempt] with ready lip, and dishonor, and infamy, and the ferocity involved in the cruel things which then disfigured and lacerated the temples of the LORD+, that you may now be crowned with laurel, and myrtle, and olive, and any famous branch, and which is of more use, with hundred-leaved roses too, culled from the garden of Midas, and with both kinds of lily, and with violets of all sorts, perhaps also with gems and gold, so as even to rival that crown of Christ which He afterwards obtained.
For it was after the gall HE+ tasted the honeycomb, and HE+ was not greeted as King of Glory in heavenly places till HE+ had been condemned to the cross as King of the Jews, having first been made by the FATHER for a time a little less than the angels, and so crowned with glory and honor. If for these things, you owe your own head to HIM+, repay it if you can, such as HE+ presented HIS+ for yours; or be not crowned with flowers at all, if you cannot be with thorns, because you may not be with flowers.
Ante-Nicene Fathers, VOL 3. TERTULLIAN, PART FIRST, SECTION 4, entitled: The Chaplet or De Corona (Of the Crown), Chapter 14, pg. 102
But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth
with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head:
for that is even all one as if she were shaven.
For if the woman be not covered,
let her also be shorn:
but if it be a shame
for a woman to be shorn or shaven,
let her be covered.
1 Cor.11:5-6
No woman I know is happy about going bald or being bald, as some dear ones have endured with chemotherapy treatments. Every woman who has had to endure baldness has gone to great lengths via wigs or hair-pieces or scarves or hats to avoid looking freakish. It is a great sorrow to her.
The Apostle here is teaching the church that BEFORE GOD, a woman praying or prophesying unveiled is as outlandish TO HIM+ as a bald woman is to normal society. If she refuses to cover her head properly, then she is to be made bald. It’s a good antidote. She’ll cover her head then, and without a struggle, no doubt!
There are some teachings out there that affirm the head covering IS hair. That cannot be because substituting “hair” in the above verses for covering makes the entire verses of no sense.
Next blog on this topic will show WHY … the Biblical reasons… WHY The LORD governs the home and church this way.



Testimony from the eMail Fellowship...

"…my story…
At age 17 I married a wonderful Christian farm boy :) I have been married 20 years. I have 3 grown children ages 20,19,18. We sold our farm 10 years ago and went into a family business.
I was adopted and raised in the Mennonite faith. With parents that kept the faith but lost the plainness.. head covering,…etc. My siblings don't even practice the Mennonite way of life anymore. I was always convicted but never really took the time to search the scriptures on it, which looking back, is really sad. I became of this world, turning into wanting material things like cars, etc.
Here is where my life changing story begins :)
Last year, God was working on my heart to change my materialistic ways, in the midst of it all. Our family business was buying homes and fixing them and reselling them. We were stuck with 2 houses that would not sell when the housing market collapsed. Now we were in trouble…big debt, etc.
Then Aug 17th of last year, I woke up with extreme external bleeding and we had no insurance… so I let it go. Two days later I was almost gone. I went to the bathroom and fell over, going in and out of coma.
I realized what matters in life are not the things of this world. My husband was there with me and I said to myself, If God brings me out of this, things will change. I was in the hospital and they discovered I had a tumor that grew so large it tore one of my organs.
Praise God!!! He saved my life. Within the week of recovering, we sold everything!!

I mean everything… house, truck, all earthly material that was not useful We moved in a small home that I made into a farmette, I have garden, chickens and am living the Titus 2 life.
Now, I have a testimony for The LORD. Women that knew me before do not understand why I am so happy. God has filled me with his love… [of Him instead of worldly things.]

At times It is hard because my earthly siblings don't understand my peace. I feel so compelled to share my story, People need to wake up before it is too late !I felt a stream of peace looking at your website. I too now do not feel alone.
Blessings, Teresa "
Thank you, Teresa, for sharing your testimony. May The LORD bless you as you draw closer and closer every day to the ONE+ Who+ ALONE is Life... and that, for all Eternity.
Sister Judith Hannah



Herein is a Matter for Rejoicing!


We know a sixteen-year-old Christian girl, raised in a Christian home, who gives the heart a matter for rejoicing!


This dear young friend of ours has a Christian heart for the poor... to be more exact, for the poor young orphans and babies who have been thrown away by parents or relatives..

O,that I had been so filled with CHRIST'S love for the little castaways on this earth when I was 16... or 26... or 36.. even.

This young daughter of the KING+ knows exactly what she wants to do with her life, however many years granted her by The LORD. Although young, her maturity is peeking through and is so very winsome.

Would that all 16-year-old Christian youth would march into adulthood like this! May The LORD bless this dear Gracie and lead her on in her work for the Kingdom+, unfailingly into the arms of her Savior, The LORD JESUS CHRIST.

For a blessing, read her refreshing blogspot at:




The Laws of Nature

Established by GOD;
…Kept by GOD

GOD does not cross the laws of nature.



In the natural scheme of events, we cannot willfully leap over a cliff and hope that HE+ will keep us from a bad landing. UNLESS HE+ SUSPENDS THE LAW OF GRAVITY JUST FOR US, we will land with a crash and likely be killed.

Yes, HE+ could send His+ angel to keep us, but we remember the Words of our LORD: Thou shalt not tempt the LORD Thy GOD.

Simply put, this law of nature means we cannot eat pizzas constantly and have The LORD lower our cholesterol! We cannot refuse to exercise our bodies and expect The LORD to make them work well. We cannot neglect to put gasoline and oil in our vehicle and expect The LORD to make it run for us.

We cannot ignore bad behavior out of our children and expect The LORD to give them a good character. Likewise, we cannot ignore sowing to the Spirit and expect The LORD to grant us closeness unto HIM+.

Now, this is NOT to discount miraculous deliveries from such things as come upon us, but in the normal run of events, the laws of nature are simply not suspended for human beings, including Christians.



Why is this ?



The LORD loves discipline… not punishment… but a discipline in our walk. This may come as a great surprise to most Christians; it certainly did to me! This disciplined walk functions as our training ground for spiritual things like: steadfastness, maturity, and spiritual warfare.



Why is discipline important ?



We have been raised to indulge our every desire, whim, and taste bud.

Our flesh demands to be served, both by the Adamic nature we inherited as humans and by the worldly culture we have inhaled.

Furthermore, this is true for every person on this earth NO MATTER how sophisticated or UNsophisticated his society may be.

Why should we be surprised? One reason is that we have been taught, in one way or another, that we are free in CHRIST… therefore, we don’t have to “DO” anything… just believe.

Yes, we are free in CHRIST: free to worship HIM+ without fear of the devil snatching us away … although we CAN WILLFULLY walk away of our own free will.

We are free from being defeated by the devil … if we hold fast to Truth in the inner man, agreeing with The Word in all things. We are free in CHRIST IF we walk in the Spirit, instead of our flesh. Our FATHER’S+ ears will not be deaf to our cry

We are free to deny ourselves, knowing CHRIST loves us… thus we are freed of self-indulging ourselves to make up for lost love which we feel we have missed.

We are free to walk away from the temporal pleasure of sin, knowing His+ Blessed HOLY SPIRIT will help us to live sin-free, victoriously.



we are NOT free from training ourselves

to follow HIM+ more closely,

more precisely,

and more fully.



This personal training, this personal discipline, is what is missing in this current church age.

This is NOT keeping the Mosaic Law, as talked about in Galatians. This is NOT earning or working to enter into His+ Salvation.

It is being trained, as any child is trained in the ways of its parents, in order to grow into productive, fruitful, and happy maturity.

It is a sad commentary that the military can train its personnel with more discipline than the church trains its soldiers for spiritual warfare.

It is sad that schools, colleges, and technical centers train their students to have more discipline, to pass the tests and achieve that certification, to work more skillfully on that job, than the church trains its newborns.

It is sad that high school and college bands and football teams demand more rigorous hours of rigorous training…. some, including diet and exercise workouts… than do the churches of the LIVING GOD.

Even Little League Baseball teams require training and practice by the youngsters before any baseball game gets played… not to mention the hours some of us have sat our little selves on the piano bench, training ourselves to please our parents!

Why then does the church think
it can omit the training and discipline
for its most serious
and most purposeful warfare?

Now, simply learning about training is NOT the same thing
as embracing the training itself.
Learning about how to do the Psalms,
how to pray,
or how to set aside time for The LORD,
as denying yourself your “free” time and
actually DOING the Psalms,
the prayer time,
the times of undistracted Quietness
before The LORD.

None of the ungodly armies of this world put a machine gun into the hands of untrained soldiers and send them into battle and expect effective warfare… else they likely will do more harm than the enemy.

We Christians must be trained
to use the spiritual weapons
of our warfare, also.

How and where
do we get this training?

We seek the LORD, first, as always we do.
Then, we let HIM+ show us how to discipline ourselves, what pleases HIM+.
HE+ will…. if we want it.

Next, we must be trained to discipline our own flesh, by the HOLY SPIRIT. This will involve giving The LORD SOVERIEGNTY over our time, our “pet” indulgences, our entertainments, our eating, and for some, even our sleeping.

Then, HE+ will put the spiritual weapons into our hands with the instructions of how to use them.

Right now, though, the majority of us are UNtrained and a number of us could NOT even be counted as “soldiers” in the Kingdom of GOD. We will fall at the beginning of a battle and at the rumblings of persecution.

Let us pick up HIS+ yoke;
it is easy and light.

HE+ is on the other side
of the double-tree yoke,
pulling it along with us.

The Apostle’s words from 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27:

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

The Apostle’s words from Hebrews 1:21 :

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us…

Therefore, with angels and archangels,
and with all the company of Heaven,
we laud and magnify Thy Glorious Name,
Evermore praising THEE+ and saying:



Our training is to help us worship
with a heart full of... HIMSELF+!

Sister Judith Hannah
+ + +



you are invited to RESPOND TO THIS VERSE.
Please write a comment and share:
1) what this verse SAYS TO YOU; and
2)how we are to apply it to our lives.
The Labor-Day Sermon Never Preached…

Labor not for the meat which perisheth,

but for that meat which endureth
unto Everlasting Life,

which the Son of Man+
shall give unto you:

for HIM+
hath GOD The FATHER sealed.

recorded in John 6:27
.Yours in CHRIST,
Sister Judith Hannah


><(((> eMAIL Fellowship Prayer schedule

><(((> For the eMail Fellowship <(((><
It is imperative that we start to train ourselves in CHRIST. This training will help us to abide in HIM+ throughout the day. Our training will bring forth growth, a closeness to CHRIST JESUS our LORD.
This training is called discipline. NO... we do not "spank" ourselves! It is the discipline of training our bodies, our souls, and our spirits to SUBMIT UNTO THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. It yields TREMENDOUS spiritual fruit when we do this.
So, to begin, we will start with a SCHEDULE to help us RETURN TO GOD EVERY 3 HOURS, in an orderly way.
Now DO NOT PANIC! :) There are many a times I have missed my "return." When I miss a prayer stop or a RETURN unto The LORD, I am regretful and sorry... and I pick up my Self and RETURN UNTO HIM+ ...immediately... forthwith... lickety-split!
The RETURNS are NOT long. We can all fit them nicely into our work and responsibility schedules. Most of the prayer stops or RETURNS can be done in 5 minutes, through the day. The LENGTH IS NOT IMPORTANT: stopping your day to RETURN to HIM+ IS crucial.
Here is what we do at the Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ hermitage:

1. Individual Morning Vigil...
We start our day by reading and praying , usually with our cup of morning drink in our hand! We do this individually, quietly, and privately. We start thanking the LORD, lifting up our hearts to HIM+ as soon as our feet touch the floor... sometimes before our head comes off of the pillow.

2. We do morning prayer together...
Morning prayer may be long or short, depending upon our needs. At the very least, we return thanks together and the LORD'S Prayer that HE+ taught HIS+ disciples. Usually we also include a Psalm, a short reading from the Gospel and one from the Epistle. We may sing or recite the Gloria or Doxology. Sometimes we follow the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, but not always.

3. STOP OUR DAY at 9 a.m...
when The LORD was crucified. We thank HIM+. We may read Psalm 51 or do something else to show HIM+ we remember HIS+ great sacrifice for us miserable sinners, that we may enter into Life Eternal. We repent for ignoring HIM+ for so many years and even now, for ignoring HIM+ so many times... turning a deaf ear to HIS+ call to us.
HE+ heard the shofar blow at the time of the Morning Sacrifice in the Temple... knowing full well that HE+ was the Sacrificed LAMB+ of GOD.

4. At noon,
and return to The LORD, to thank HIM+ for enduring hanging on the cross for us. AT noontime, the sky was darkened across the earth on the day HE+ was crucified. We repent for our whinining and murmuring and impatience when things do not go our way.We ask HIM+ to help us to endure like HE+, our Example+, endured.

5. At 3 p.m., we STOP OUR DAY...
and thank HIM+ again, for HE+ said, "It is finished, FATHER. Into Thy hands I commit my spirit." We thank HIM+ for winning the victory... and granting to us that same victory over death, hell, and the grave. We repent that we so easily yield to doubts and fears of this present life, instead of keeping our eyes on the Victory HE+ gained for us. We rejoice in HIS+ victory, our victory which HE+ has laid up for us, ...
and the Truth in the WORD of GOD that tells us so!
6. We do evening prayer together...
This is usually a sufficient worship time, with Scripture readings, canticles, praises, thanksgivings, repentences, intercessions. We oftentimes follow the Anglican Prayer Book, with some modifications.
7. Before bed, we do a short compline...
(completion of the day) prayer, with thanksgiving and asking for a safe and healthy keeping through the night, that HE+ may wake us up to HIS+ morning Light.
This is the Schedule of RETURNS that we will use in the eMail Fellowship. If you cannot do ALL of them, then do one... but do it every day. Read a Psalm if you do not have a prayer book. RETURN thanks to HIM+. RETURN praise to HIM+. RETURN worship to HIM+. RETURN and repent as often as HE+ brings things to mind. This is our goal.
You will find yourself moving through your daily chores faster, easier, with more peace, than ever before... for HE+ blesses this kind of discipline... this kind of sowing to the Spirit. Our purpose is to TRAIN ourselves to continually sow to the Spirit.
Enter in and let us see what The LORD will do!
In the name of The FATHER, HIS Holy and
and the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
both now and forever. Amen.
Sister Judith Hannah
+ + +



The Application of GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY
Seen through the eyes of a child...
And those detestable GREEN BEANS!

Recently, I have come across Brethren who were dealing with the issue of GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY. Yes, we all know that HE is sovereign over all the world and its men. But… why don’t we see HIS+ sovereignty being applied now? There certainly is enough evil running rampant on both the high and low levels of every society, every culture.

So… how does the SOVEREIGN, ALL-MIGHTY LORD apply HIS power?

To see how it works, here’s an example:

Dad was sovereign in our home when I was a little girl. I didn’t like green beans, so I wouldn’t eat them. We lived on a farm and grew our own food and green beans were a staple on our supper table. Dad wanted me to eat those green beans, so he would fuss at me… but I still refused to eat them.

Now, Dad was BIG enough to sit on me and STRONG enough to shove those green beans down my throat… but he didn’t do that.

He was ABLE to remove all my other food and ONLY give me green beans to eat… but he didn’t do that, either.

Neither did Daddy send me to my room with no supper at all when I wouldn’t eat the green beans. Dad just told me again and again what he wanted me to do, pointing out the goodness of the beans… and sighed and let me go on eating the rest of my supper.

Our Heavenly FATHER is like that, is he not?

HE’S BIG and STRONG, too. HE provides the BREAD+ of Life for all of mankind, but HE doesn’t make any of us eat it.

And I, if I be lifted up, I will draw all (men) unto ME+.

Who said this? Is it true?

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:3.4)

Who said this? Is it true also?

It is our Heavenly FATHER’S WILL and Our SAVIOR’S WILL that all will be saved; the True MANNA+ from Heaven is available to all, no matter how rich or poor, educated or uneducated, sick or well… all are invited to His+ Table. It is HIS+ will that ALL COME.
In the matter of invitation, ALL have received HIS marvelous, free, loving, and kind invitation to partake of Eternal Life in HIS SON+.

We don’t see that ALL come, though, do we? Neither did The LORD. That is why HE+ sent for those UNinvited ones in the highways and byways to come… to have His+ table full… whosoever would come.

ALL are invited to the Wedding Supper of the LAMB+. If one refuses to don the wedding garment, however, he is tossed out INTO OUTER DARKNESS. Mt. 22:1-14.

Some haven’t come because we the church haven’t gone to invite them in.

Some haven’t come because they don’t want HIM+.

Some haven’t come because they like HIM+ well enough…. but NOT well enough to RULE their own lives.


It is NOT HIS fault;
HE has done HIS part to invite,
to provide the BREAD+,
and even to supply the wedding garment
to cover our nakedness.

In spite of HIS Divine Will towards ALL and HIS heart of love towards ALL, not ALL come.

Some have to inspect a field, see about a cow, or marry a wife… Luke 14:16-24

HE+ doesn’t make us choose HIM+.
Luke 14:26-35.


But, those who DO choose HIM+...
HE elects to keep at the supper table with HIM+!

Those who DO love HIM+ enough to have HIM+ rule over their lives, ...
HE+ elects to save.

Those who ACKNOWLEDGE HIM+ before men...
HE+ elects to acknowledge them before HIS+ FATHER!

Alas… the opposite is likewise TRUE of the above 3 promises.

The sovereign LORD has foreknowledge; HE knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts… before a word is even on our lips, HE knows it… HE+ knows what is in the heart of man.

Even though Our LORD KNOWS ahead of time what we will say and think, we are still accountable for the usage of our tongues and the lusts of our hearts.

HE is not the author of our evil, even though HE knows in advance what we are going to do. Nor, does HE stop us from doing evil, if we so will.

The sovereignty issue is really an issue of perception:
How do we see GOD apply His+ great power ?

However, we ALL will see HIS sovereignty close at hand, hopefully sooner rather than later. When HE comes the SECOND time to govern this world with a rod of iron, HE will disarm ALL the armies, throw out ALL the man-made “---CRACIES”, and establish His Own, Lone, Sovereign THEOCRACY over all the earth. Some will see it as a Great Day of Doom; His+ own will see it as a Day of Great Joy.

And when that happens, there will be food for all and a good life for all who are left.

Even so, after 1,000 years of THEOCRACY, some will rally around the one loosed from the pit and turn against GOD again!
[Rebellion, however, will be short-lived this time, thankfully.]

The sovereign LORD will reign openly and sovereignly forever and ever. And furthermore, HIS+ saints that have made a sacrifice will reign with HIM+ also.

Sister Judith Hannah
+ + +

PS… Oh yes, I did learn to love eating those green beans when I found myself away from home as an older teenager… and green beans were the ONLY thing I recognized on my cafeteria tray.
Dad won.



Let us look closely at the Word of GOD
to find out why we are wearing the head covering.

The instructions are found in 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16 and are given by The Apostle Paul to the Church gathered in Corinth… a wildly pagan Greek city of commerce, trafficking in everything, including the bodies and the souls of men.

Brazen women… bald-headed, shaven and shorn and uncovered… walked the streets openly, since one of the “temples” of pagan worship to Venus (basically, prostitution) was located in Corinth. To make matters worse, Rome ruled it, so the Roman soldiers were there, adding to the open debauchery.

In the midst of this environment, the Apostle Paul was sent. A church developed. Here is what the Apostle wrote to the young church.


11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

11:2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.

Yes, the Apostle Paul delivered his instructions to the brothers, not to the sisters. Brothers were always in leadership positions in the Early Church. The brothers received these Apostolic ordinances and instructed the church in these ordinances.


11:3 But I would have you know,
that the head of every man is CHRIST;
and the head of the woman is the man;
and the head of CHRIST is GOD.

This next verse establishes the Spiritual foundation of Christian order, specifically, the order in the Christian church and home. The “one in charge” of every man is Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. That means that all men must answer to CHRIST our LORD. The governing authority of the woman is the man. And, the governing authority of CHRIST is GOD.

There is nothing complicated about this governing order. The complicated part comes about because our churches and homes are out of order.
. They are culturally and socially oriented instead of focused on CHRIST.
In other words, our homes and many of the modern churches are fleshly and worldly, doing things the “world’s way.” Their values are entrenched deeper in this world, deeper in this culture, than they are in CHRIST’S ways. Politically and socially correct values are emphasized rather than the Apostle's instructions for the Church.
Because of that, another problem exists. We sisters discover we have fathers, husbands, and pastors who simply are not submitted to CHRIST as their governing head. IN THIS CASE, a sister must seek the LORD and wait patiently and quietly before HIM+ to hear His+ leading on this.

It is hard to be a single sister, working and supporting yourself, and at the same time, trying to find a Christian pastor or Godly couple (as in a prayer group) in order to be under a governing authority. [It is wiser to meet or talk with a couple, rather than 1-to-1 with a brother.]
It is also hard to be a married sister, submitting to a husband who is not as concerned about Spiritual things as his wife.
Now…. having said that, we sisters do NOT need to get under a burden nor stress about this issue.
The LORD knows the opposition facing us. HE+ knows the dysfunctional families, disinterested husbands, and nonchalant pastors.
It is HARD for some of us to “find” a covering husband, father, pastor, or prayer-meeting couple in order to obey the Apostle’s ordinance here.
The LORD WILL NOT DESTROY someone who simply cannot find someone appropriately to function as a human “covering.” Again, go slowly and quietly before The LORD in this matter, covering yourself in prayer.

Since HE+ is the author, all authority comes from HIM+. As our Author, HE+ will provide everything needed for whosoever comes under His+ Wing… for the orphan who takes refuge in HIM+, for the single sister, for the widow, and for the married wife whose husband is not Spiritually-minded.

Our LORD leads the willing soul and protects whosoever comes under His+ Shelter. HE+ will become your over-covering and governing authority until HE+ sees fit to change your circumstances.
HE+ is able…
HE+ doeth all things well….
and, HE+ is in charge.


There is yet another danger that exists which has come up recently. This danger is coming from inside the flock of GOD….
“Head” does NOT mean “source of life” instead of governing authority in these verses or in ANY verse in the New Testament.
There is a popular movement afoot in the theological circles that is promoting this teaching. It has NO language support in Hebrew, Latin, Greek, nor English, as I have discovered. This particular teaching is taken from pagan Greek philosophers. The older, standard reference books all state HEAD means “governing authority” or one in charge. Some of the newer ones are putting out that HEAD means “source of life.” This is false.

The purpose of this false teaching is to nullify the governing order. that will weaken the church... and it does NOT NEED TO BE WEAKENED any further!
Yes, The LORD is the source of our life… but these verses are NOT ADDRESSING THAT ISSUE; they are addressing the governing order in the Christian home and church.
Indeed, it is the governing order for men and women everywhere, but only Christians recognize CHRIST as their HEAD; others, alas, will be accountable if they have heard of CHRIST and yet reject HIM+. Likewise, Christian men and women will also be in trouble who reject the governing order in the church and home.

We who are members of the Underground Church in America (regardless of whatever church or denomination we may or may not attend ) seek to follow the Apostle’s ordinances written in the Word.
It is delivered to us to keep us safe. May The LORD add His+ blessing to us all, as we seek to do His+ Will. His+ will is not mysterious; in many instances, it is plainly written for all to see. Some simply do not want it.
But thanks be to GOD... there's an Underground... an Underground Church full of unregistered, unorganized members rising up quietly who ARE determined to do His+ will to the best of their knowledge, to the best of their ability... regardless of their affiliation or non-affiliation with an institutional church.
That is the One, Holy, and Apostolic Church that exists without spots and blemish, that exists without schisms, that follows their CAPTAIN+ withersoever HE+ leads them... even to following the Apostle's ordinances which the mainline denominations have discarded. These include the head covering for sisters and the Christian governing order, for all.

[ to be continued ]


The LONG and SHORT of it... VEILING for CHRISTIAN Sisters

Long Veils ....

Some sisters are simply NOT AFRAID ... they are not afraid of what anyone thinks of them... their head(s) belong to CHRIST. (This is what the good sister at www.freetocover.blogspot.com says.)

They are not afraid to make a statement to this dead and dying world that JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE AND WELL...


The exciting thing about wearing a head covering is the opportunities, the doors, it opens for the one wearing it... both literal doors and spiritual doors for witnessing.

And short veils...

My eyes fill with TEARS when I am asked by a stranger, seeing me in a store, to pray for him/her. One young woman came up and poured out her heart to me in the middle of a store... she was desparate to find a church where PERSONAL DISCIPLESHIP was available. She was hungry, and she wanted to grow... and couldn't find a place to be mentored.

Why couldn't she find a place? The normal MODERN CHURCH does not promote actual, personal, discipleship. It just does sermons, songs, and activities.

It is impossible to grow deeper in CHRIST JESUS without personal discipleship... and that lady knew it. She was nearly in tears.

What could I say? I simply re-directed her back to JESUS. The church will be accountable for not feeding the hungry, for the lack of discipleship.

We are NOT SAVED to get a good job, a good education, a good career so that we can support the church institutuion.

We ARE SAVED to begin our walk with The LORD... closer and closer every day, closer and closer in every way, forsaking the world's ways and looks and taking Our LORD'S WORDS AT FACE VALUE: HE+ MEANS EVERY WORD HE+ SAYS.

If Our LORD is calling you to a deeper sacrifice, a deeper committment, a deeper discipleship... go there with HIM+.

I can guarantee that you will walk alone, even in the midst of a church... but it will be with HIM+. You will not BE by yourself, however, because you will have joined THE UNDERGROUND CHURCH... in America, and in each and every land.

Sisters, cover your heads. Cover your daughters' heads. Cover your husband and family in prayer. Cover your elders and your church in prayer. Cover your neighborhood in prayer.

You will be amazed at the order, peace, and strength in The LORD that will descend upon you. You will be a light NOT SET under a basket. The LORD Himself+ will draw others to you for mutual strengthening, for witnessing, for fellowship, and then... for ministry.

Walk! Walk! Walk!

+ + +

In the Name of the FATHER, the SON+, and the HOLY SPIRIT,

both now and forever. Amen.


(A note for Tracy: thank you for your email.)

SISTERS: Always include your email address if you want a reply. If you don't, I cannot respond to your comments personally. The comments program on the blogspot always has "no reply" as the return address.

Sister Judith Hannah

Train up a child in the way he (she) should go...

...and when she is old, she will not depart the path.


HEAD COVERINGS... the Historical Record

The Veiling or Head-Covering for the Christian Sisters
from the Early Christian writers



Clement of Alexandria (150-200 AD) was a presbyter in the church of Alexandria, Egypt. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 2, Fathers of the Second Century, The Instructor, Book 3, Chapter 11, page 566

Going To Church

Woman and man are to go to church decently attired, with natural step, embracing silence, possessing unfeigned love, pure in body, pure in heart, it to pray to God. Let the woman observe this, further. Let her be entirely covered, unless she happen to be at home. For that style of dress is grave, and protects from being gazed at. And she will never fall, who puts before her eyes modesty, and her shawl; nor will she invite another to fall into sin by uncovering her face. For this is the wish of the Word, since it is becoming for her to pray veiled.
+ + +

John Chrysostom ( 345 ?—407 ) lived after the Council of Nicea.

This writing was taken from the Nicene-Post Nicene Fathers, first series, Vol. 12, Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians, Homily 26, p. 348-349.

Verse 6. “But if a woman is not veiled, let her also be shorn: but if it be a
shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled.”

Thus, in the beginning he simply requires that the head be not bare: but as he proceeds he intimates both the continuance of the rule, saying, “for it is one and the same thing as if she were shaven,” and the keeping of it with all care and diligence.

For he said not merely covered, but “covered over,” meaning that she be carefully wrapped up on every side. And by reducing it to an absurdity, he appeals to their shame, saying by way of severe reprimand, “but if she be not covered, let her also be shorn.” As if he had said, “If thou cast away the covering appointed by the law of God, cast away likewise that appointed by nature.”

Having taken then what was confessedly shameful, and having said, “but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven,” he states in what follows his own conclusion, saying, “let her be covered.”

And he said not, “let her have long hair,” but, “let her be covered,” ordaining both these to be one, and establishing them both ways, from what was customary and from their contraries: in that he both affirms the covering and the hair to be one, and also that she again who is shaven is the same with her whose head is bare. “For it is one and the same thing,” saith he, “as if she were shaven.”

But if any say, “And how is it one, if this woman have the covering of nature, but the other who is shaven have not even this?” we answer, that as far as her will goes, she threw that off likewise by having the head bare. And if it be not bare of tresses, that is nature’s doing, not her own. So that as she who is shaven hath her head bare, so this woman in like manner.
For this cause He left it to nature to provide her with a covering, that even of it she might learn this lesson and veil herself.
+ + +

Hippolytus (170-236 AD) was a pupil of Irenaeus and a church leader.
from The Treatise on The Apostolic Tradition of St. Hippolytus of Rome, Bishop and Martyr. , xviii, section 5, p. 29:

Moreover let all the women have their heads veiled with a scarf ( pallion) but not with a veil [ lit. thing, eidos] of linen only, for that is not a covering (kalumma).
+ + +

Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Vol. 7, Book 8, p. 506, Eludidations, a note from the translator and editor, James Donaldson, DD :

Finally, let me suggest that there are fragments of the Apostle’s instructions everywhere scattered through his Epistles, such as the minute canon concerning the veiling of women in acts of worship, insisting upon it with a length of argument which in one of the Apostolic Fathers would be considered childish. He also insisted that his taxis is from The LORD.

+ + +


Tertullian (140-230 AD) was in some position as a leader in the church at Carthage, North Africa.

ANF, Vol. 3, part 3, On Prayer, Chapter 21, p. 1245 [Master Christian Library, Version 8, Ages Software, Ante-Nicene Fathers] …Of Virgins
[Note: p. 687 in the Hendrickson Volume 3, 2nd printing, June 1995]

But that point which is promiscuously observed throughout the churches, whether virgins ought to be veiled or no, must be treated of.

Tertullian, Chapter 22 (excerpts) pp. 1246-1249 (MCL, Version 8) [Hendrickson,p. 687-688] Answer To The Foregoing Arguments

... is applicable too to a “virgin.” In fact, all the other passages are in consonance herewith.

But, withal, the declaration is plain: “Every woman,” saith he, “praying and prophesying with head uncovered, dishonoreth her own head.” What is “every woman,” but woman of every age, of every rank, of every condition? By saying “every” he excepts nought of womanhood, just as he excepts nought of manhood either from not being covered; for just so he says, “Every man.” As, then, in the masculine sex, under the name of “man” even the “youth” is forbidden to be veiled; so, too, in the feminine, under the name of “woman,” even the “virgin” is bidden to be veiled.

For indeed it is “on account of the angels” that he saith women must be veiled, because on account of “the daughters of men” angels revolted from God. Who then, would contend that “women” alone — that is, such as were already wedded and had lost their virginity — were the objects of angelic concupiscence, unless “virgins” are incapable of excelling in beauty and finding lovers? Nay, let us see whether it were not virgins alone whom they lusted after; since Scriptures saith “the daughters of men;” inasmuch as it might have named “wives of men,” or “females,” indifferently. (etc.)…

Again, while he says that “nature herself,” which has assigned hair as a tegument and ornament to women, “teaches that veiling is the duty of females,” has not the same tegument and the same honor of the head been assigned also to virgins? ...

This custom, in short, even Israel observes; but if Israel did not observe it, our Law, amplified and supplemented, would vindicate the addition for itself; let it be excused for imposing the veil on virgins also.

Under our dispensation, let that age which is ignorant of its sex retain the privilege of simplicity. For both Eve and Adam, when it befell them to be “wise,” forthwith veiled what they had learnt to know. At all events, with regard to those in whom girlhood has changed (into maturity), their age ought to remember its duties as to nature, so also, to discipline; for they are being transferred to the rank of “women” both in their persons and in their functions. (etc.)…

Be veiled, virgin, if virgin you are; for you ought to blush. If you are a virgin, shrink from (the gaze of) many eyes. Let no one wonder at your face; let no one perceive your falsehood. You do well in falsely assuming the married character, if you veil your head; nay, you do not seem to assume it falsely, for you are wedded to Christ: to Him you have surrendered your body; act as becomes your Husband’s discipline. If He bids the brides of others to be veiled, His own, of course, much more.

+ + +
ANF,Vol. 4, Book 2,On the Veiling of Virgins CHAPTER 9
Veiling Consistent With The Other Rules Of Discipline Observed By Virgins And Women In General

Let is now see whether, as we have shown the arguments drawn from nature and the matter itself to be applicable to the virgin as well (as to other females), so likewise the precepts of ecclesiastical discipline concerning women have an eye to the virgin.

It is not permitted to a woman to speak in the church; but neither (is it permitted her) to teach, nor to baptize, nor to offer, nor to claim to herself a lot in any manly function, not to say (in any) sacerdotal office.

Let us inquire whether any of these be lawful to a virgin. If it is not lawful to a virgin, but she is subjected on the selfsame terms (as the woman), and the necessity for humility is assigned her together with the woman, whence will this one thing be lawful to her which is not lawful to any and every female?

+ + +

Augustine ( 354 – 430 AD )
NPNF, Series 1, Vol. 1, The Letters of Augustin, 4th Division, p. 1183


…in regard to the matters on which you have consulted me. Let me say, however, in regard to ornaments of gold and costly dress, that I would not have you come to a precipitate decision in the way of forbidding their use, except in the case of those who, neither being married nor intending to marry, are bound to consider only how they may please God.

But those who belong to the world have also to consider how they may in these things please their wives if they be husbands, their husbands if they be wives; with this limitation, that it is not becoming even in married women to uncover their hair, since the apostle commands women to keep their heads covered.

[Curious how Augustine affirms the keeping of the Apostle Paul’s words about the head-covering, yet not his instructions (1 Tim. 2:9) regarding adornment, n’est-ce pas?]
+ + +

A Not-so-Early Familiar Voice from 500 years (or so) Ago

Although not one of the best authorities one could choose, John Calvin did keep some of the Apostles’ ordinances, especially involving church government and the order(ing) of women. This is from his Commentary on 1 Corinthians, Vol 1, Chapter 11: 1-16, Section 6:

“Should anyone now object, that her hair is enough, as being a natural covering, Paul said it is not, for it is such a covering as requires another thing to be made use of for covering it.” John Calvin clearly understood this instruction of the Apostle Paul that sisters should be covered or veiled and that it was required in the New Covenant.
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