The Application of GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY
Seen through the eyes of a child...
And those detestable GREEN BEANS!
Recently, I have come across Brethren who were dealing with the issue of GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY. Yes, we all know that HE is sovereign over all the world and its men. But… why don’t we see HIS+ sovereignty being applied now? There certainly is enough evil running rampant on both the high and low levels of every society, every culture.
So… how does the SOVEREIGN, ALL-MIGHTY LORD apply HIS power?
To see how it works, here’s an example:
Dad was sovereign in our home when I was a little girl. I didn’t like green beans, so I wouldn’t eat them. We lived on a farm and grew our own food and green beans were a staple on our supper table. Dad wanted me to eat those green beans, so he would fuss at me… but I still refused to eat them.
Now, Dad was BIG enough to sit on me and STRONG enough to shove those green beans down my throat… but he didn’t do that.
He was ABLE to remove all my other food and ONLY give me green beans to eat… but he didn’t do that, either.
Neither did Daddy send me to my room with no supper at all when I wouldn’t eat the green beans. Dad just told me again and again what he wanted me to do, pointing out the goodness of the beans… and sighed and let me go on eating the rest of my supper.
Our Heavenly FATHER is like that, is he not?
HE’S BIG and STRONG, too. HE provides the BREAD+ of Life for all of mankind, but HE doesn’t make any of us eat it.
And I, if I be lifted up, I will draw all (men) unto ME+.
Who said this? Is it true?
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:3.4)
Who said this? Is it true also?
It is our Heavenly FATHER’S WILL and Our SAVIOR’S WILL that all will be saved; the True MANNA+ from Heaven is available to all, no matter how rich or poor, educated or uneducated, sick or well… all are invited to His+ Table. It is HIS+ will that ALL COME.
In the matter of invitation, ALL have received HIS marvelous, free, loving, and kind invitation to partake of Eternal Life in HIS SON+.
We don’t see that ALL come, though, do we? Neither did The LORD. That is why HE+ sent for those UNinvited ones in the highways and byways to come… to have His+ table full… whosoever would come.
ALL are invited to the Wedding Supper of the LAMB+. If one refuses to don the wedding garment, however, he is tossed out INTO OUTER DARKNESS. Mt. 22:1-14.
Some haven’t come because we the church haven’t gone to invite them in.
Some haven’t come because they don’t want HIM+.
Some haven’t come because they like HIM+ well enough…. but NOT well enough to RULE their own lives.
It is NOT HIS fault;
HE has done HIS part to invite,
to provide the BREAD+,
and even to supply the wedding garment
to cover our nakedness.
In spite of HIS Divine Will towards ALL and HIS heart of love towards ALL, not ALL come.
Some have to inspect a field, see about a cow, or marry a wife… Luke 14:16-24
HE+ doesn’t make us choose HIM+.
Luke 14:26-35.
But, those who DO choose HIM+...
HE elects to keep at the supper table with HIM+!
Those who DO love HIM+ enough to have HIM+ rule over their lives, ...
HE+ elects to save.
Those who ACKNOWLEDGE HIM+ before men...
HE+ elects to acknowledge them before HIS+ FATHER!
Alas… the opposite is likewise TRUE of the above 3 promises.
The sovereign LORD has foreknowledge; HE knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts… before a word is even on our lips, HE knows it… HE+ knows what is in the heart of man.
Even though Our LORD KNOWS ahead of time what we will say and think, we are still accountable for the usage of our tongues and the lusts of our hearts.
HE is not the author of our evil, even though HE knows in advance what we are going to do. Nor, does HE stop us from doing evil, if we so will.
The sovereignty issue is really an issue of perception:
How do we see GOD apply His+ great power ?
However, we ALL will see HIS sovereignty close at hand, hopefully sooner rather than later. When HE comes the SECOND time to govern this world with a rod of iron, HE will disarm ALL the armies, throw out ALL the man-made “---CRACIES”, and establish His Own, Lone, Sovereign THEOCRACY over all the earth. Some will see it as a Great Day of Doom; His+ own will see it as a Day of Great Joy.
And when that happens, there will be food for all and a good life for all who are left.
Even so, after 1,000 years of THEOCRACY, some will rally around the one loosed from the pit and turn against GOD again!
[Rebellion, however, will be short-lived this time, thankfully.]
The sovereign LORD will reign openly and sovereignly forever and ever. And furthermore, HIS+ saints that have made a sacrifice will reign with HIM+ also.
Sister Judith Hannah
+ + +
PS… Oh yes, I did learn to love eating those green beans when I found myself away from home as an older teenager… and green beans were the ONLY thing I recognized on my cafeteria tray.
Dad won.