...for the lost.
An abject sinner, trying to justify himself, recently asked me who had suffered from the awful way he lived. His answer was "only himself." However, I answered, " Everyone whose life you touched."
But upon serious reflection afterwards, I realized the ONE+ Who+ suffered the most from his waywardness was CHRIST JESUS the LORD.
And thus, The LORD gave me a Personal Invitation to extend to him. In case you know someone else who needs such a Personal Invitation, here it is.
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You see, I+ created you. I+ gave you birth and life. I+ planted you in a good family... better than many. I+ gave you a healthy body and an excellent mind, with lots of natural abilities. I+ allowed you to have more money for fun than millions have for basic necessities.
Why did I+ do that for one small child?
For one thing, I+, The LORD JESUS CHRIST, intended that you would follow ME+. That is the reason you exist.
I+ intended for you to be productive in the Kingdom of GOD... and that does not necessarily mean be a church pastor.
I+ intended you, so beloved, that you should turn that love towards ME+... in order to receive even more.
I+ intended for you to become clean, renewed by The blessed HOLY SPIRIT and to be filled with My+ Holy Ways and purity.
I+ had a marvelous plan for your life, and then, after your Work+ was done, for you to be received in the Heavenlies and live in Eternal happiness and joy.
This is what I+ intended for your life.
But, you took other paths. Now you are no longer young and you have some health issues. Your good abilities are a bit rusted over and your excellent mind is clouded with troubling thoughts.
Even so, I+ say , "Come."
Even so, I+ still will renew your life
and cleanse you.
Even so, I+ will allow you
to be fitted into a Work+
for My+ Kingdom.
But, you must come.
And you must come on My+ terms.
If you are willing to be made totally new, cleansed, refreshed, healed in spirit and in soul... and, if you want My+ plan and purpose now for the remainder of your life... then contact one of My+ Servants whom I+ trust to lead you to ME+.
+ + +
are you ready?
+ + +
In the Name of The FATHER,
and The SON+,
and the HOLY SPIRIT;
as it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be.
World without end.