

Questions and Answers...

Question: How do we practice dying daily, putting our flesh upon the Cross?
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Answer: By exercising daily discipline. Like a serious athlete in training for a competion THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO WIN, we discipline our spirits as well as our bodies.
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Question: How do we discipline our SPIRIT ?
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Answer: We correct our spirit by the use of spiritual means. Thus, we use the Word of GOD to correct our wayward hearts. First, we must NOURISH our spirit. This nourishment is even MORE IMPORTANT than our daily food for our bodies. We eat 3 times a day and munch even more. Let us therefore DETERMINE to TAKE THE TIME and figure out a way to nourish our spiritual man.
+ + +
Some read the Psalms, 3 per hour, at the top of the hour. Some read 20 Psalms a day. Some read them outloud or learn to memorize them or sing them. Exercises like that bring one's heart into worship and praise. It nourishes the spirit. It cleans the air of the workplace, office, garden, home, or vehicle.
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Some cannot or do not read. So... they purchase Scripture tapes and listen to them as they work.
Whatever it takes, we need to find a way to NOURISH OUR SPIRIT deeply... daily.
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Secondly, we correct our spirit by repenting WHEN WE CROSS THE WORD OF GOD... when we do not do what it says. If The LORD says, "Take no thought for the morrow," then HE+ meant exactly that! We repent each and every time we find ourselves taking those anxious thoughts for tomorrow upon ourselves.
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Thirdly, we replace those thoughts ---EACH AND EVERY TIME--- with Scripture. That is the way we resist the devil... and he will flee from us.
+ + +
Let us pray:
LORD JESUS CHRIST, our Savior, help us with our weakness and lack of diligence in following THEE+. Help us to learn to sow to the Spirit daily, looking less to our temporal activities and more to the things which will remain. Grant us this discipline, Gracious LORD, Who+ knoweth our frame and our concerns. We praise THEE+ for Thy+ constant help for us in needs both great and small. We bless THEE+ and thank THEE+ for showing us the Way out of our darkness ... and into Thy+ marvelous light. In Thy+ Holy Name we pray.
+ + +
Sister Judith Hannah
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From the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Christians at Ephesus

....... be strong in the Lord+ and in the Power of His+ might.

Put on the whole armor of GOD, so that you may be able to stand against the tricks of the devil.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,(kosmokrators) powers (archons), against the rulers of the darkness of this world system, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.

Because of this, take to yourself the entire armor of GOD, that you may be able oppose and resist the evil that comes against us.

Because of this STAND, girding your waist with TRUTH+, putting on the breastplate of righteousness;

wearing as shoes the Gospel of Peace;

Above all, taking up the shield of Faith, with which you are able to extinguish all the fiery arrows of the wicked ones.

And put on the helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD of GOD.

Always praying in the SPIRIT and persevering in watching and supplication for all Christians, all saints.

Br. Brendon Patrick; writing today for Sr.Judith.

Peace to you, and Love with Faith, from GOD the FATHER and the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

In the Name of the FATHER, and the SON+ and the HOLY SPIRIT+ + +



The Second Death, part 2

He that hath an ear,
let him hear
what the Spirit saith unto the churches;
He that overcometh
shall not be hurt of the second death.

Words of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST, recorded in Revelation 2:11

+ + +

A second death is certain because Our LORD spoke of it, as recorded by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation.

What else did Our LORD say about this second death?
What is recorded in Scriptures about it ?

+ + +

The Questions…

What is going to be the situation upon earth
when the second death occurs?

When is the second death coming?

What exactly IS the second death ?

Where will it be located?

Who partakes of the second death… and for how long?

The Answers…

Looking first into Revelation 20, we read [with some help from the Greek text]:


And I saw an angel come down from heaven,
having the key of the bottomless pit [abyss]
and a great chain in [on] his hand.


And he laid hold on the dragon,

that old [archaion,= primeval, early in time, or ancient]

serpent, [the ophin, = a sly, cunning, sharp-eyed one]

which is [esti = the singular “is”]

the Devil, and Satan, [ Punctuation in Scripture texts has been added by man and is arbitrary; the comma would not be added in modern writing. The devil and satan are not two beings but one, which is why “is” is used.]

and bound him a thousand years,


And cast [threw] him into the bottomless pit [abyss],

and shut [locked] him up,

and set a seal upon him, [and sealed over him]

that he should deceive [lead astray]
the nations no more, [not any longer]

till the thousand years
should be fulfilled [should be concluded, completed]:

and after that he must be loosed a little season.
+ + +
These three verses describe the spiritual climate or situation pertaining to the earth before the Judgment of the Martyrs of The LORD JESUS CHRIST. In this wondrous and long-awaited judgment, the martyrs are awarded the judgment… i.e., judgment is proclaimed in their favor. Here is what they are awarded , verse 4:

These martyrs sat upon the Thrones and they lived and reigned with CHRIST one thousand years!

Who are these Christian Martyrs?

As an aside, these martyrs are the ones who:
· had been beheaded due to the witness of JESUS and because of the Word of GOD,
· had not worshipped the beast
· had not worshipped his image
· had not received the mark of them [the beast and his image] on their forehead
· had not received their mark on their hand

Other Christians Who Reign with The LORD…

Revelation also speaks of OTHER GROUPS of CHRISTIANS who reign with Our LORD during this first resurrection. Let us look at this familiar passage in Rev. 3:20, 21:

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:
if any man hear My+ Voice, and open the door,
I will come in to him, and will sup with him,
and he with ME+.

To him that overcometh will I grant

to sit with ME+ in My+ throne,
even as I also overcame,
and am set down with My+ FATHER in His throne.

ALL OVERCOMING CHRISTIANS will be included. They all will sit down with Our LORD, in His+ throne ! Chapter 11, verses 17 and 18, also describe this same event.

Saying, We give THEE thanks,
Which art, and wast, and art to come;
because THOU hast taken to THEE Thy
great power, and hast reigned.

And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come,
and the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
and shouldest destroy them
which destroy the earth.

Thus we see that ALL saints, small and great, are rewarded. One of the rewards is that all saints will be sitting upon thrones, with CHRIST.

The Location of the Thrones…

Where are these Thrones that the martyrs sat upon, living and reigning? Scriptures tell us plainly, in Revelation chapter 5, verses 9 through 12:

And they [the four living creatures and 24 Elders] sung a new song, saying, THOU+ art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for THOU+ wast slain, and hast redeemed us to GOD+ by Thy+ Blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our GOD kings and priests:

And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the living creatures and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

Saying with a loud voice,

Worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain
to receive power, and riches,
and wisdom, and strength,
and honor, and glory, and blessing.

Revelation 5:9-12

Amen and Amen!

+ + +

Now, to continue on with the Second Death…

But the rest of the dead lived not again
until the thousand years were finished.
This is the first resurrection.

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection:
but they shall be priests of GOD and of CHRIST,
and shall reign with HIM+ a thousand years.

And when the thousand years are expired,
satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four
quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to
battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

And they went up ON THE BREADTH OF THE EARTH, AND COMPASSED THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS ABOUT, AND THE BELOVED CITY: and fire came down from GOD out of heaven, and devoured them [burned them down].
Revelation 20: 6-9
+ + +

Once again, we see the Thrones of the Martyrs seem to be established here on earth, in a location near or in the Beloved City.

We see the martyrs are resurrected FIRST or during the first Resurrection… which tells us there will be at least another resurrection coming!

We see that all the other folks who are dead are not resurrected yet. [This will be a resurrection for judgment and eternal damnation, as we shall see later in Revelation.] Indeed, they will not be resurrected until after a 1,000 years.

We see that those who are counted worthy to participate in the first resurrection do not experience the second death.

+ + +

It has no power nor authority whatsoever over these Reigning Saints. These are the ones who shall reign WITH CHRIST as priests and kings. They shall reign for 1,000 years on the earth, long before the rest of the dead are resurrected to face their Judgment Day.

Hear the Words of Our LORD, recorded in John 5:26-29:

For as the FATHER hath life in Himself;
so hath HE given to the SON
to have life in Himself + ;

And hath given HIM+ authority
to execute judgment also,
because HE+ is the Son of Man.

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming,
in the which all that are in the graves
shall hear His+ voice,

And shall come forth;


A Fitting Departure, at Last…

And the devil that deceived them [leading them astray] was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever [unto the Ages of the Ages].
Revelation 20:10

+ + +

Worthy is the LAMB+ !
Worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain
To receive Glory, Honor, and Power !

Amen and HalleluJah !

[ The Second Death, to be continued]

In the name of The FATHER, The SON, and The HOLY SPIRIT, unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen

Sister Judith Hannah
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+ + +


taken from Revelation 2:1, 7

...These things says the one holding the seven stars in His+ Right Hand, HE+ walking in the midst of the 7 golden lampstands...

To the one overcoming...

I will give to him to eat of the tree of Life

which is in the midst of the Paradise of GOD.

Amen and Alleluia.

Here are the words of CHRIST JESUS, the Risen LORD, as HE+ spoke them to His+ the Apostle John in the great vision on the Isle of Patmos. We recall that John had been banished there. But in the midst of that barren and forsaken place, the Apostle received the vision of the end times and the Return of Our LORD.

May we all walk so closely to Our Risen Savior that all our barren and forsaken places we find ourselves in may have such an anointing. May they soon become our richest blessings... even though we ourselves would never choose those valleys.

And the Word of the LORD said, "...to the one overcoming I will give..." We see here the reward goes to the one who holds on faithfully to CHRIST JESUS unto the end.

What does the faithful one get from CHRIST JESUS? I will give to him to eat of the Tree of Life.

This is a marvelous Tree. It could be that is the very same one first planted in the Garden of Eden. Or, it could be similar to the other trees that grow by the River which flows out from beneath the Millenial Altar and Temple. If so... it has leaves which are for the healing of the nations! [See Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22].

The promise of Eternal Life certainly seems tied up with this tree.

What unsearchable riches the overcomer will have from the hand of the Risen LORD!

Help us, O LORD, to overcome our circumstances, to over-ride our difficulties, being absorbed in THEE+, to the glory of GOD our FATHER.
In the name of The FATHER, The SON, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.
+ + +
Sister Judith Hannah


Who's Doing the Tormenting ...NOW ?

Not Included...

EXcluded is another way of putting it. Being excluded can make me struggle in my heart ... even if I really don't want to be in that particular "inclusion." Does this make any sense?

I wrestled all day long with this seemingly nonsensical feeling of being left out of a situation which I really didn't WANT to be a part of, in the first place. So, I turned to The LORD, hoping HE+ would unravel the distress gnawing away at my peace and contentment.

As I typed out the situation to a Christian sister, the answer came: I was laboring under a false sense of REJECTION. It takes many forms with me. If I "see" it (a sense of rejection) coming, I can usually get the victory over it by standing on the Word and the preciousness of My Savior, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Thus, this wicked tormenting spirit camouflages itself in many different ways. "You're not important," it sneers at me. I agree with it. Then, knowing that is true, I become more distressed. The tormentor then kicks me from the other way: "What a fine Christian you are... feeling bad if you are not important! Isn't that the sin of pride? What a fine Christian you are now!" And I agreed with it. My distress mounted.

I SHOULD have said the truth: "True, I'm not important in the eyes of man. But, I am important to The LORD JESUS CHRIST... simply because HE+ made me and loves me and saves my life from destruction."

But, since I wallowed on, not dealing with the entire truth on the first issue , I had a miserable day being tormented by these petty wicked spirits. And, they don't play fair; they gang up on me.

Thankfully, the LORD revealed the true indentity of the tormenting spirits and lo... in the name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST, they were gone ! Even at the end of a busy day working with the children at school, I felt a rush of Life+ enter my tired body and I could live again with no distress.

Have you similiar experiences with the oppressive torments which hound you? May the LORD strengthen you, then, to find out the TRUE IDENTITY of them and then, having done all, to stand firm in the love and Truth of The LORD JESUS CHRIST.

HE+ came that we might have LIFE+... and that, more abundantly.

Notice, the Scripture does NOT say more "abundance" but rather, more abundant LIFE. There's a difference. If you have that abundance of Life+ flowing from our LORD, you will find you have less need of "abundance" of things on this earth.


Sister Judith Hannah


Day of Pentecost
For the Year of Our LORD,

And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come,
they were all with one accord in one place.

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven
as of a rushing mighty wind,
and it filled all the house
where they were sitting.

And there appeared unto them cloven tongues
like as of fire,
and it rested upon each of them.

And they were all filled with the HOLY SPIRIT,
and began to speak with other tongues,
as the SPIRIT gave them utterance.
Acts 2: 1-4

“…And they were all with one accord…” O, May The LORD hear the cry of our hearts and return to us the Oneness of the First Church, born on the Day of Pentecost.

This JESUS hath GOD raised up,
Of which we all are witnesses.

Therefore being by the Right Hand of GOD exalted,
and having received from The FATHER
the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT,
HE+ hath sent forth this,
which you now see and hear.

For David is not ascended into the heavens:
but he saith himself,
The LORD [JEHOVAH] said unto my Lord [ADONAI]
Sit THOU+ on My Right Hand,
Until I make Thy enemies Thy footstool.

Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly,
that GOD hath made the same JESUS,
whom ye have crucified,
both LORD and CHRIST.
Acts 2:32-38

I saw a picture years ago tucked out of sight behind a card catalogue in a public school library. For some reason, it caught my attention. It was entitled, to the best of my memory, “The Day of Pentecost.” It was a large oil painting of The Twelve. They were ENGULFED… from their feet to above their heads and totally ENCOMPASSED… by the holy flames of The HOLY SPIRIT. The flames were in “tongues of fire” at the top, but transparent-looking over their faces and bodies. Now that is a good picture of the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, I thought.

Now when they heard this,
they were stabbed in their heart,
and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles,
Men and brethren,
what may we do?

Then Peter said unto them,
and be baptized
every one of you
in the name of JESUS CHRIST
for the remission of sins,
and ye shall receive
the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT.

For the promise is unto you,
and to your children,
and to all that are afar off,
even as many as the LORD our GOD shall call.

And with many other words
did he testify and exhort, saying,
Save yourselves
from this perverse generation.

Then they that gladly received his word were baptized:
and the same day
there were added unto them
about three thousand souls.
[Greek Interlinear, Jay P. Green, Sr.]
Acts 2:37-41

From the preaching of one Apostle, from the worship of 120 saints, from the listening ears of the hungry, from their obedience through the sanctified waters of Baptism… came the outpouring of the blessed HOLY SPIRIT, forming the church. The souls were “…added unto them…” by the HOLY SPIRIT, not by membership drives or even being baptized into a certain denomination, by humans.

And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple,
and breaking bread from house to house,
did eat their food
with gladness and singleness of heart,

Praising GOD,
and having favor with all the people.
And the LORD was adding to the church from day to day
the ones having been saved*.
[*Greek text] Acts 2:46-47

When the church learns to be in one accord for the purposes of GOD, it may see another such outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT. And through the HOLY SPIRIT’S work … via conviction, repentance, conversion and baptism… The LORD+ will perhaps again be adding out of every kindred, tongue, people and nation to the true, One, Holy, Mystical Body of CHRIST, the ones having been saved. May it be so, LORD+, even in the fire of persecution if necessary. Glory to you LORD+.

+ + +


+ + +


Grace and Peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of GOD and our Savior Jesus Christ.

According as HIS divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of HIM Who has called us to glory and virtue:

by these are given to us excedlingly great and precious promises: so that by these(promises) you might become partakers of the Divine nature, having now escaped the degeneration that is in this world because of lust. (2 Peter; 1 : 2,3,4.)

Through the Power of the Blessed Holy Spirit, we are able to be partakers of His+ great and precious promises, as we link up our will with His+ will, walking with Him+ daily. This wil be a fruit bearing life in the Son+.

In the NAME of the FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the HOLY SPIRIT.

+ + +


Marching Towards PENTECOST !

Marching Towards Pentecost…
For the Year of Our LORD, 5.7.2008

…that there might be made known now
to the principalities [rulers, Gk. Kosmocrators) and the
authorities (archons) in the heavenlies,
through the assembly [church],
the manifold wisdom of God,
according to the purpose of the ages,
[the Eternal purpose]
which He made
Eph. 3:10, 11
Ephesians 3, from Young’s Literal Translation, with Greek words added,
translated by Robert Young in l863,
author of Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Holy Bible.

After the great and victorious Resurrection of CHRIST came the moving of Paradise from the heart of the earth into the Heavenly realm. Then came HIS+ glorious Ascension witnessed by His+ disciples.

This time, HIS+ disciples and followers did what HE+ said and waited in Jerusalem, together, until they should be endued with power from on high… which came 10 days later.
We’re marching towards Pentecost now. This was the great out-pouring of the HOLY SPIRIT that, with the sound like a mighty, rushing wind, overwhelmed the Believers gathered in the Upper Room. It literally set them on fire (Spiritually!) for The LORD… and the One, Holy, Universal or Catholic, Apostolic Church began to wage its earthly battle for souls.

When that happened, there was a big upheaval in the Heavenlies. The Archons and Kosmocrators saw that their day was limited. Lowly man would be ruling over them in a short period of time. Not only were they ousted from The LORD’S presence in Heaven, but they would soon be ousted from their lower areas of authority.

Thus the fight began against the Church in deadly earnest.
Only in the strength of the Blessed Holy Spirit, could the Church hope to overcome all that would be thrown at them and carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. They relied on their LORD’s precious words, “ I AM with you always, even until the end of the age”.
This continues in these perilous times that we live in today.

“ Even so, COME Lord JESUS”

In the NAME of the FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the HOLY SPIRIT + + +


Resurrection Season
~ Day 40 ~
Ascension Day !

For the Year of Our LORD, 5.1.2008

GOD… has in these last days spoken unto us by HIS Son+ Whom+ HE has appointed Heir of all things, by Whom+ HE also made the Ages;

Who+, being the radiant splendor of HIS Glory, and the express image of HIS Essence, and upholding all things by the Word of HIS Power, when HE+ had by Himself+ purged our sins, sat down at the Right Hand of the Majesty on High. (Hebrews 1:2,3 ).

Having then a Great High Priest Who+ has passed through the Heavens, JESUS, the SON of GOD, let us hold fast our confession.

For we do not have a High Priest not being able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One Who+ was tempted in all points like we are, yet without sin.

Therefore, let us come near with confidence to the Throne of Grace that we may receive mercy, and find Grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16)

All that I can do is thank HIM+.
~ ~ ~

The Blessed Day of Ascension reminds us to look up and stay ready… for in the same manner as HE+ went up into Heaven… HE+ shall so come in like manner (Acts 1:11). Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you, and since I go to prepare you a place, I will come again and receive you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also”.


We now look forward in the Church Calendar to the Day of Pentecost… the glorious out-pouring of the HOLY SPIRIT upon the followers of The LORD JESUS CHRIST. Pentecost will be on May 11, ten days after His+ Ascension. A flaming bright red material will be place on our cross outside the hermitage.

May we all be filled with the love of CHRIST JESUS, both now and forever. Amen, Amen.

Glory be to The FATHER,
and to The SON,
and to the HOLY SPIRIT.

As it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be,
world without end.

+ + +
The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST… the most life-changing event in human history!+ + +


Resurrection Season ~ Day 39 ~
HE+ Leaves His+ Peace

For the Year of Our LORD, 4.30.2008

Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give unto you:
not as the world giveth,
give I unto you.

Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.

Ye have heard
how I said unto you,
I go away,
and come again unto you.

If ye loved ME+,
ye would rejoice,

because I said,
I go unto the FATHER:
for My Father is greater than I.

Yes, it was necessary that Our LORD went away, for HE+ said it. It was imperative that HE+ leave His+ children… in earthly, Adamic form… although HE+ was the second Adam. HE+ promised that when HE+ went away HE+ would send the HOLY SPIRIT from the FATHER. HE+ promised that HE+ would not leave us as orphans, that HE+ would come to us. HE+ fulfilled perfectly everything that HE+ promised.

[NOTE: Since the first Adam, a man, was beaten by satan, it was necessary that a man beat satan. This person was the SECOND Adam, the SON+ of Man, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. ] Because HE+ beat satan, we can beat him too, through the enabling Grace of the HOLY SPIRIT.

HE+ prepared the disciples for His+ death and Resurrection. However, HE+ knew they would be so shattered in heart after the crucifixion that they would not remember … nor believe if they did … about His+ coming Resurrection.

HE+ spoke these words of comfort in John 14 to them before entering into His+ Passion.

Glory be to The FATHER,
and to The SON, our LORD JESUS CHRIST,
and to the HOLY SPIRIT.

As it was in the beginning,
is now and every shall be,
world without end.

+ + +
The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST… the most life-changing event in human history!+ + +


Resurrection Season ~ Day 38 ~
….Yet in Our Sins

For the Year of Our LORD, 4.28.2008

What has the Resurrection to do with the forgiveness of our sins?

The Apostle said without the Resurrection of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST… we would be yet in our sins. Yes! Here is the Scripture.

For if the dead rise not, then is not CHRIST raised:

And if CHRIST be not raised,
your faith is vain;
ye are yet in your sins.

Then they also
which are fallen asleep in CHRIST are perished.

If in this life only we have hope in CHRIST,
we are of all men most miserable.

But now is CHRIST risen from the dead,
and become the firstfruits
of them that slept.

For since by man came death,
by MAN+ came also
the resurrection of the dead.

For as in Adam all die,
even so in CHRIST shall all be made alive.

But every man in his own order:
CHRIST the firstfruits;
afterward they that are CHRIST’S
at His+ coming.

I Corinthians 15: 16-23

What has the Resurrection to do with the forgiveness of our sins?

Everything !

It is a package-deal; it all is included with the Resurrection and Victory of CHRIST JESUS over death, hell, and the grave. He+ broke the chains of death and darkness that the lying adversary satan had put upon the human race through his deception. All who choose to do so, may be freed from those chains.

Because sin entered the human race through Adam, death of the flesh, soul, and spirit of man came into being. The tempter, the devil, knew that disobedience to The LORD GOD would bring a swift, sure, and severe consequence. The tempter knew it firsthand and VERY well. He wanted to hurt his creator any way possible, but that was impossible. Thus, the tempter went after His new creation, Adam and Eve. The tempter knew it would bring their demise and even cause a curse to be put upon the living earth.

That is why the tree of life was forbidden to Adam and Eve after their disobedience. Cherubim, plural, more than one, (a VERY powerful order of angelic being) with a “whirling sword of flame” the Hebrew says, was placed before the Garden of Eden to keep them from entering therein and partaking of the tree of life. If they had eaten from it, they would have lived forever in the cursed and now sinful state. The LORD did not want that condition for His+ splendidly-created new creatures.

The NEW Tree of Life, our living LORD JESUS CHRIST, was promised to Adam and Eve, even as they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. And yes, the Adamic flesh would certainly taste of death now… but The LORD provided a way for the obedient soul and spirit to enter Life Eternal through His Beloved SON JESUS CHRIST.

Death of our Adamic flesh and nature came because of sin. Sin entered due to disobedience. When our LORD JESUS CHRIST won out over death, HE+ triumphed over the works of the Adamic curse for mankind! HE+ made a way for those who would obey Him+ … in love, in salvation, in yielding the control of their lives over to Him+ … to be born anew, from above. Those who do this will NEVER TASTE OF DEATH.

HE+ said it. HE+ meant it.
GOD is not a man that HE should lie.

Glory be to The FATHER,
and to The SON, our LORD JESUS CHRIST,
and to the HOLY SPIRIT.

As it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be,
world without end.

+ + +
The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST… the most life-changing event in human history
!+ + +


Resurrection Season ~ Day 37 ~
Nothing in my Basket…
For the Year of Our LORD, 4.28.2008

Yesterday, as I looked at the Scripture selection to plan my own funeral (see yesterday’s blog), I was suddenly hit with an intense fear: I have nothing in my basket to offer The LORD. I have no great works to put therein. Indeed, most days I have times of great struggle. My discipline is sorely undisciplined. I have been weighed in the balance and been found wanting! Thus, all through the worship service I was in tears or close to it.

Last month, we had a dear, dear elderly Christian friend who died. She had planned out her funeral years ago because she didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, for she had no family. But this year, she had gotten progressively sicker. She was 90 and under constant medical care. She would often say, “…I don’t know what is going to become of me!” We knew “what was going to become” of this faithful Christian sister and we tried to comfort her joyfully in the LORD, but she was still very much afraid.

Now, I understand it. She felt she had nothing in her basket, also. No amount of words could comfort her regarding her own standing before CHRIST JESUS. Oftentimes, however, the things we do in life, just because we belong to Him+, are very precious in His+ sight. When it is done out of love for Him+, He+ sees it! Many times we don’t even notice these things. But He+ does.

I’m not saying that there should be no effort made on our part to keep those things JESUS has commanded us to keep and do. We should make the effort.. He+ expects us to do them, as we call upon Him+ in our weakness. But remember, He+ has sent to us the Holy Spirit from His+ FATHER to give us enabling Grace to overcome and to be pleasing in His+ sight. If we choose to do His+ will in all things, we can, by His+ Grace. We are all able to have some fruit in our basket. Some of it may surprise us!

For me, I will call upon His+ Mercy and ask for the continuing strength of HIS Holy Spirit. Our elderly sister did not like the physical state she found herself in, and she told us so! But in the midst of it all, she remained faithful to her LORD+ Whom she loved and trusted in. She continued giving out her “widow’s mite” until the very last of her days on earth. She did what she could in whatever she could. I suspect that is all that any of us can do. Call on the Lord+ for His+ strength and remain faithful in whatever situation we find ourselves in. That’s what the Martyr’s did, and still do.

Here is an old poem some of you may remember. It is worthy.

Only one life, ‘Twill soon be past.

Only what’s done For CHRIST will last.

When I am old, how glad I will be
if the lamp of my life has been burned out
for THEE+.

From the 1979 Book of Common Prayer [Anglican, Episcopalian],

In peace, let us pray to the LORD:

Into Thy hands, O LORD, we commend Thy Servant __________, our dear brother/sister, as into the hands of a faithful Creator and most merciful Savior, beseeching THEE that he/she may be precious in Thy sight. Wash him/her, we pray THEE, in the blood of that immaculate LAMB that was slain to take away the sins of the world; that, whatsoever defilements he/she may have contracted in the midst of this earthly life being purged and done away, he/she may be presented pure and without spot before THEE; through the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST thine only Begotten SON our LORD. Amen

+ + +
The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST… the most life-changing event in human history!+ + +

Resurrection Season ~ Day 36 ~
We Belong To GOD

For the Year of Our LORD, 4.27.2008

We are attending as visitors a most interesting Sunday School class presented by the local Episcopal church. This church is very Episcopal and cherishes its traditions intensely. The class is a review and explanation of the Burial Service as found in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.

Some interesting facts have emerged regarding the technicalities of being buried. For instance, there are no state laws here in Tennessee regarding caskets. One could choose to be buried in the ground simply in one’s clothes or wrapped in a white sheet. One can be buried on one’s property, also, establishing a family cemetery. If the estate is sold, however, one must inform the buyer of the area that contains the burial ground. There are absolutely no state rules about where you may scatter ashes of the deceased, either.

Rules and regulations for caskets come from the cemetery owners. Embalming is NOT required by state law. Transporting the body across state lines, however, may involve some regulations.

In the course of this class, we are asked to plan our own funeral… which is very interesting. However, even more interesting are the questions some of the parishioners are asking regarding death. That usually takes the discussion to different levels than what was originally planned.

One point which the minister emphasizes in each class is that we Christians should wear the same clothes at our funeral services as we do at Resurrection Time and Baptism : white. In that particular church, an enormous WHITE pall or shroud covers the casket.

We focus on the “death event,” as he calls it, like we would upon baptism … as an entrance into Life. In baptism, we die to our flesh and enter into Life through a watery grave. Later, at our appointed time, as our Adamic flesh dies, we enter into Life through the gate of death. This is similar to The LORD’S death and Resurrection.

This Sunday, he pointed out that when we were baptized, the proclamation is declared: NOW YOU ARE GOD’S! NOW YOU BELONG TO HIM+ !

And when we die, we proclaim the same thing. Scripture says:

For none of us liveth to himself,
and no man dieth to himself.

For whether we live,
we live unto the LORD;

and whether we die,
we die unto the LORD:

whether we live therefore, or die,

For to this end CHRIST both died,
and rose, and revived,
that HE might be LORD
both of the dead and living.
Romans 14:7-9

From the 1979 Book of Common Prayer [Anglican, Episcopalian],

In peace, let us pray to the LORD:

Grant that all who have been baptized into CHRIST’S death and Resurrection may die to sin and rise to newness of life, and that through the grave and gate of death we may pass with them to our joyful resurrection. Amen

+ + +
The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST… the most life-changing event in human history!+ + +

Resurrection Season ~ Day 35 ~
Our Mortal Bodies…or…Why Should We Cry?

For the Year of Our LORD, 4.26.2008

But if the SPIRIT of HIM
that raised up JESUS
from the dead dwell in you,

HE that raised up CHRIST from the dead

shall also quicken [make alive]

your mortal bodies

by His+ SPIRIT that dwelleth in you.
Romans 8:11

For our citizenship [conversation, KJV] is in Heaven;
from whence also we look for the Savior,

WHO+ shall change our vile body (The body of our humiliation; it says in the greek ms.),

that it may be conformed unto
[fashioned like, KJV]

the body of His+ glory
[His+ glorious body, KJV],

according to the working of the power of HIM+
even to subdue all things unto Himself+.

Philippians 3:20-21, with Greek text wording

From the 1979 Book of Common Prayer [Anglican, Episcopalian]

A Commendatory Prayer

Into your hands, O merciful SAVIOR, we commend your servant _______. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech THEE+, a sheep of Thine own fold, a lamb of Thine own flock, a sinner of Thine own redeeming. Receive him into the arms of Thy mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.

May his soul and the souls of all the departed , through the mercy of GOD, rest in peace.

+ + +
The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST… the most life-changing event in human history!+ + +