ASH WEDNESDAY is the beginning of the traditional 40-day Lenten Fast in Preparation for the GREAT and FINAL PASSOVER.
It begins today, on the traditional observance of Valentine’s Day.
On Valentine’s Day, it is nice to remember others and express our love for them to them. Who doesn’t like to receive those sweet endearments from others ?
But in our Expressions of Love to our loved ones, let us not neglect to express our Love for JESUS CHRIST Who+ died for us . . . because HE+ loved us.
Let us remember His+ days of heart-preparation HE+ made as HE+ set His+ Face to go to Jerusalem for His+ Crucifixion.
The inner battle HAD to be agonizing, as His+ prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane reveal. For HE+ knew what suffering awaited His+ Flesh.
His+ GREATEST Temptation may have been this: