Showing posts with label Ephesians 1:18. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ephesians 1:18. Show all posts


Peculiar People, A PEOPLE for POSSESSION .... Passover Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart ... Ephesians 1:18

Meditations  for Pascha
(The Passover Season, 2016)
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Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart

Now is My+ soul troubled;
and what shall I+ say ...
save ME+
from this hour ?
but for this cause
came I+ unto this hour.

Glorify Thy Name.

Then came there a Voice from Heaven, saying,

I have both glorified IT,
and will glorify IT again.


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Meditation Verse 
Ephesians 1: 18

[ 1:17 That the GOD of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the FATHER of Glory, may give unto you the SPIRIT of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of HIM+:]

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of HIS+ calling, and what the riches of the glory of HIS+ inheritance in the saints ...

The literal Greek: 
The eyes of your  HEART   having been  illuminated in order for you all to have SEEN   what is the hope of HIS+ calling, what the abundance of the glory of HIS+ inheritance in the Saints...


The Greek word cardias , "heart," is found in the Byzantine Greek text, Nestle-Aland's Greek texts, the Greek Orthodox church's Greek text, the Latin Vulgate, and the Peshitta ( Syriac).

Neither the Pierpont-Robinson Byzantine Textform nor the eclectic Nestle-Aland Greek text lists a single varient for that word!

The word "understanding" (Gk: dianoias ) is found in the Textus Receptus, one of the few places it disagrees with the Byzantine text in important places.

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This verse hardly needs anything but  praise and unfeigned worship by those  Our LORD deems worthy of being called "His+ Inheritance."

Redeemed hearts have been illuminated by His+ SPIRIT --- we are told in verse 17 ---  of Wisdom and revelation. This is supernatural wisdom which un-regenerated man cannot receive.


Supernaturally we see, we perceive that hope which accompanies His+ calling, a hope so tangible that it is more real than the food we eat.

The eyes of our heart, being illuminated by the SPIRIT, can "see" this very real and very solid hope !

The eyes of our heart can also "see" the abundance, the great wealth of glory placed in store for His+ Saints.

His+ glory will rest upon us... and then we ourselves become a people for possession,**  which is His+ own inheritance!

**A people for possession   is the literal Greek for "a peculiar people" of the KJV, found in 1 Peter 2:9.

The Prophet Isaiah tells us:

 HE+ shall see of the travail of His+ soul,
and shall be satisfied:

by His+ knowledge shall My Righteous SERVANT+  justify many;
for HE+ shall bear their iniquities.

And the Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 2: 7-8:

 But made Himself+ of no reputation,
and took upon HIM+
the form of a  SERVANT+,
and was made in the likeness of men:

And being found in fashion as a man,
HE+ humbled Himself+,
and became obedient unto death,
even the death of the cross..

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Let us pray:

O LORD JESUS, YOU+ Who+ made man in the likeness of The Holy GODHEAD, YOU+ took upon Yourself+ our likeness  !

YOU+ did not count Your+ position with The FATHER in Glory something to "lord it over" us with, but rather YOU+ emptied Yourself+ and became a SERVANT+... the servant of sinful man.

Knowing we would bruise YOU+ and smite you from the earth, YOU+ came anyways in order that YOU+ might taste death for every man.

Yet, YOU+ loved us, mankind, me.

YOU+ loved us from the beginning and came to rescue the very ones who put YOU+ to death ... then and now.

Blessed be Thy Holy Name, O CHRIST !

May we show forth our love for THEE+ by laying down our Self for Thy Name's Sake, O LORD JESUS... daily, quietly, consistently.

And if it is appointed to us that we should lay down our lives for THEE+, we do not want to falter and fail.

Keep us in Your+ possession , O CHRIST, and help us turn from temptation, that we might also be known as Righteous Servants of GOD.

In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, the LAMB+ of GOD we pray. Amen 

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Worthy is the LAMB+.

Worthy is The LAMB+
that was slain.

Worthy is the LAMB+,
from the foundation
of the earth.
Revelation 13:8

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be to The FATHER,
and to HIS Beloved SON+
and to
the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.

both now and forever,
world without end.