
FEARING The LORD... With All Due Respect . . .

But I will forewarn you
Whom ye shall fear:
Fear HIM,
which after HE hath killed
hath power to cast into hell;
yea, I say unto you,
Fear HIM.

The Word of The LORD JESUS CHRIST to His+ Disciples,
Recorded in Luke 12:5
Bless GOD, we attend a Christian assembly which does not hallow war among men. The members of this assembly LIVE differently.
Any visitor can quietly discern that because there is no national icon waving behind this pulpit, neither do they make a distinction in prayer about which nationality of soldiers to pray for: they pray that ALL may be saved and ALL the swords of every nation will be beaten into plowshares and pruning hooks.
They know that ALL men are dead men... unless they know The LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Furthermore, political statements are NEVER heard from this pulpit because they know something: they know that Christians are living in The Kingdom of GOD and thus, serve another KING, an Infallible ONE+ Who+ doesn't need votes or guns or lies to stay in power.
Thus, on this day set up to honor the slain of an earthly warring kingdom and to crow about its military prowess, let us keep in mind The ONE Whom we should truly fear for HIS might and power.
...For, HE+ cometh...
for HE+ cometh
to judge* the earth;
HE+ shall judge* the world
with righteousness,
and the people with HIS Truth.
Psalm 96:13
*This verb "to judge" means
to pronounce an unescapable sentence of execution
upon someone... or some "thing."
+ + +




May The LORD pour out His+ Blessed HOLY SPIRIT on all HIS+ children once again. May the church gatherings rattle and shake with HIS+ rushing, mighty BREATH (ruah = wind, breath)... the very BREATH of GOD !

May vibrant, vivid, and vehement TONGUES of FIRE alight upon all HIS+ followers, all who walk with HIM+ in Spirit and in Truth... for The FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM+.


In the name of The FATHER,

Who+ created thee in HIS IMAGE,


And His Beloved SON+,


Who+ sent forth the HOLY SPIRT

upon HIS+ followers

When HE+ was glorified


And their Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,

Who alights the hearts of His+ People

With the Holy SPIRIT of GOD,

Whenever and wherever

HE+ Wills.



Come LORD JESUS, Come.



But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the true worshippers
shall worship
THE FATHER in Spirit and in Truth:
for THE FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM.
Beloved, Only-Begotten SON+ of The FATHER,
recorded in John 4:23

Do we practice Self-centered or GOD-centered worship ?
GOD-centered worship stems from a GOD-centered life.
Do we live for The LORD JESUS... or do we ask HIM+ to bless the many facets of our self-centered life? What is the difference ?

Do we ask healing for loved ones and friends
so they can live radically-transformed lives for JESUS...
or so they can resume their previous manner of a self-serving life ?
We cannot offer TRUE WORSHIP
unless our life is centered
upon The Living LORD JESUS CHRIST,
HE+ being our goal.
HE+ will accept no other.
+ + +
I call THEE+ "LORD." Help me to move my life, my Self, off-center and replace it with THEE+ alone. Send Thy+ Grace of conviction of sin to me when I supplant THEE+ with Self.
Train me in the way I should go, since I haven't trained myself so well. These things I ask, O LORD, THOU+ Who+ art the true Lover of my soul.
I bless Thy+ Holy Name, O THOU+, Who+ alone doeth all things well and pleasing in the sight of Our HEAVENLY FATHER. Amen.
+ + +
In the name of THE FATHER,
WHO created thee;
His Beloved SON+,
WHO+ saves thee from thy self;
the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
WHO convinces and convicts thee
of sin,
of righteousness,
and of judgment
to come.