
BLESSING in the Heavenlies... LOOKING for a HOME ?... Passover Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart .... Ephesians 1:3

Because JESUS is there...

Meditations  for Pascha
(The Passover Season, 2016)
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Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart

Now is My+ soul troubled;
and what shall I+ say ...
save ME+
from this hour ?
but for this cause
came I+ unto this hour.

Glorify Thy Name.

Then came there a Voice from Heaven, saying,

I have both glorified It,
and will glorify It again.


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Meditation Verse  

Ephesians 1, verse 3

Blessed (worthy, praised) The GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the ONE ( that is, GOD The FATHER**) blessing us in all spiritual blessing in the Heavenlies in CHRIST.

**  In the Greek grammar, the ONE doing the blessing is in the nominative case, the subject case.  The subject of the sentence is "The GOD and FATHER."  Our LORD JESUS CHRIST , in this sentence, is in a different case, the genitive case which shows possession, frequently indicated in English by using "of..." . 

In the Heavenlies, we have A FATHER WHO has given to us spiritual blessing, a "benediction," a "good word."

What exactly IS this "spiritual blessing" in the Heavenlies  ?

This blessing is favor with GOD the FATHER, which exists now, in the Heavenlies.

There is only one way to procure this "good word" with GOD, this benediction, this blessing, from The FATHER in the Heavenlies: That Way is through HIS Beloved SON+ JESUS CHRIST.

Now, it is true that GOD the FATHER loves mankind. 

It is also true that sin-filled mankind with his Adamic nature cannot enter Heaven. Adamic Man, unchanged, is barred from Eternal life and is condemned to eternal death and suffering. 

Thus, in GOD'S love for fallen and wretched man, The FATHER  determined  to procure a people through HIS Eternal  SON+ .

The SON+ took on the limitations of human flesh and became in the likeness of men.

And, being found in fashion as a man, HE+ humbled HIMSELF+ and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross.

His+ death provided the sacrifice to cover our sins, the Divine Plan of The HOLY FATHER and HIS SON+, JESUS CHRIST. 

That death on the Cross gained for us a spiritual entrance even now into Heaven, for all who follow CHRIST JESUS, in love and in obedience. 

Therefore, in the Heavenlies, 
we now have a Divine EAR 
bending towards us.

We have, through Y’SHU+ our LORD, the undivided attention of Our Heavenly FATHER when we cry out to HIM.

Because JESUS is there, we have been admitted into the Courts of the Heavenly KING, to put our petitions before HIM... and now we know they will be received.

All this we gain in the Heavenlies through CHRIST JESUS. Because of His+ great sacrifice, we are included in His+ train of attendants.

We are received, our words are listened to, and our petitions granted as is best for us. We are granted a welcome in Heaven even now. 

And, a Home.

Let us pray:

I thank THEE+, O CHRIST, for including me in Thy+ Heavenly Home.

I bless THEE+, O LORD, for hearing the words of my heart, like no-one else hears them.

For Thy+ undivided attention given to me without measure, I thank THEE+. 

May I return Thy+ favor by giving THEE+ my undivided attention,  likewise.

May I return Thy+ blessing by hearing the words of Thy+ heart,  likewise, as recorded in Scripture.

And, may I make my heart a Home for THEE+, O LORD JESUS, for all Eternity.

This I pray, in the Holy NAME of JESUS CHRIST, the LAMB+ of GOD, Whose+ sacrifice makes this possible.  Amen.

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Glory be to The FATHER,
and to His Beloved SON+
and to the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.

both now and forever,
world without end.

 +  +  +

Worthy is the LAMB+.

Worthy is The LAMB+
that was slain.

Worthy is the LAMB+,
from the foundation
of the earth.
Revelation 13:8


FOUNTAIN of Favor ... Passover (Pascha) Meditations --- Ephesians 1: 2 --- The Sacrifice Lamb+

The Sacrifice Lamb has been slain
His blood on the alter a stain
To wipe away guilt and pain
To bring hope eternal
Salvation has come to the world
God's only Son to the world
JESUS the ONE+ for the world
... Lyrics by Lamb, Joel Chernoff

Meditations  for Pascha

(The Passover Season, 2016)
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Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart

Now is My+ soul troubled;
and what shall I+ say ...
FATHER, save ME+
from this hour ?
but for this cause
came I+ unto this hour.

Glorify Thy Name.

Then came there a Voice from Heaven,

I have both glorified It,
and will glorify It again.


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Meditation Verse : Ephesians 1:2

Grace to you all and peace from out of GOD, FATHER of us and of LORD JESUS CHRIST.
( Literal Greek, SRJ.  + + + )

Grace to you and peace from GOD our FATHER and from the LORD JESUS CHRIST. (KJV)

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Either way this verse is read, we see that The LORD GOD is the fountain of favor towards us all, and HE is the place of peace.

As a matter of fact, there is NO PEACE to be had in this world --- or in the world to come --- apart from The LORD.

Additionally, there is NO FAVOR or grace to be had, in Truth, in this world --- or in the world to come --- apart from The LORD.

How, then, do we obtain this unmerited favor and un-earned peace?


Know ye not

that your body is the temple


which is in you,

which ye have of GOD,

and ye are not your own?

For ye are bought with a


therefore glorify GOD

in your body,

and in your spirit,

which are GOD'S.

I Corinthians 6:19-20

Our peace with GOD our FATHER and that great Favor from HIM came at the highest PRICE+ imaginable:  through The BLOOD of Our FATHER'S Only-begotten SON+.  

HE+ became the LAMB+ of GOD, the unblemished LAMB+ provided by GOD The FATHER as an ACCEPTABLE sacrifice to cover our sins... the only acceptable sacrifice, ever. 

That PRICE+ cost The FATHER, as well as HIS SON+. Even though The FATHER did not leave His Throne in Heaven ( as some teach ? ), the sacrifice of HIS dearly-beloved SON+ cost HIM. 

We see the picture shown to us through Abraham not withholding Isaac as a sacrifice, a prophetic portrayal given to us as a pattern or TYPE that we should recognize The Jewish MESSIAH+ when HE+ came. Anyone who loves his child would realize the enormity of The FATHER'S sacrifice, even from a finite, human perspective.

The FATHER loveth the SON+
and has given all things
into His+ Hand.
John 3:35

Peace and favor are unobtainable in this world.  Some may negotiate for peace with bribes, as the nations of the world do.  Some may bribe --- or belong to the right "clubs" --- in order to obtain favor in this world. Most sell their soul in one way or another to obtain favor.

However, that elusive favor and un-obtainable peace come ONLY FROM The LORD.

Peace and Grace are not obtainable with gold and silver, with money or possessions. They are not obtainable with skills or gifted abilities, either, although the world would like us to BELIEVE that they are... hence, the carrot-and-stick "motivational" force behind worldly ambition.

Belonging to the “in” group of controllers only adds to our lack of peace; these groups are NOT known for their kindness to even their fellow club members.

The richest person on earth cannot purchase his own peace and personal grace from others. Neither can the most clever, the most talented and gifted ones among us. The biographies of the world's greatest names --- from artists to scientists --- show us that truth.

Peace and Grace come ONLY from Our FATHER Who art in Heaven, ( Hallowed be HIS name ), because HE sent HIS only-begotten SON+ JESUS CHRIST to obtain peace and grace for us. 

JESUS paid the price for our Peace with The FATHER.

JESUS paid the price for our favor and grace with HIM, also. 

HE+ gives those unobtainable precious possessions to those who are bought with a PRICE+ and are not their own. 

Are you "your own" man today?

If you are, you will not be counted as His+ own.

Is your body functioning as the Temple of the HOLY SPIRIT, today ?

If not, a cleansing of the Temple is in order; recall: it has been done before.  A whip of cords was necessary that time because the users of the Temple KNEW better … but refused to cleanse their Temple themselves.

Is your spirit  earnestly living in eager pursuit of the Will of GOD ? Or... is the Will of the LORD an inconvenience imposed into your day ?   

Let us Pray:

O LORD CHRIST, forgive me for choosing my own agitation and fear over peace with THEE+. 

Help me to cleanse my temple, holding nothing back for my own comfort and indulgence of Self when I am hurting.  Help me to stop nursing my grievances and yes, even my sorrows. Help me to yield my emotions unto THEE+ ; I give THEE+ free rein to cleanse me of them.

Grant me Thy+ favor before GOD. If favor before man is Thy+ Will, then grant me the humility to know that favor actually only comes from THEE+ and that THOU+ hast a purpose in it. It is NOT for my own glory, but rather, for THINE+, O LORD.

I am indeed bought with a Price+, Thy+ Blood.  I give THEE+ back what is THINE+ by creation…  and THINE+ by purchase.

Help me to remember it.

In Thy+ Holy Name I pray these my imperfect prayers. Amen.

+  +  +

Glory be to The FATHER,
and to His Beloved SON+
and to the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.

both now and forever,
world without end.

+  +  +

Worthy is the LAMB+.

Worthy is The LAMB+
that was slain.

Worthy is the LAMB+,
from the foundation
of the earth.
Revelation 13:8