
HIS+ TWO Triumphal Entries into JERUSALEM ! ~ Yes, there will be Another Triumphal Entry , and This Time, HE+ will need no donkey to ride .





PALM SUNDAY, Guest Post  ,2017,  by SAMSON7ABLE + , 

It is Passover.   Our Passover+ entered into Jerusalem with the crowds of pilgrims proclaiming HIM+ as the Son of David, ha Mashiach+.


At this time of the year, there would have been over two million Jews there at Jerusalem for Passover.  The city of Jerusalem could contain around 350,000, with the rest "camping out," as it were. Tents, booths, and temporary dwellings would have been spread out into the whole countryside around Jerusalem.

The crowds that  met Yeshua /Jesus coming to Jerusalem would have been massive. The amount of garments strewn in the way would have been tremendous.  The excited uproar was noted by everyone, officials included.


he crowd was rolling out the "Red-Carpet" for The Son of David!  All had heard that HE+ had just raised a man to life who had been dead four days. They were very excited.  This, they said, was the King of Israel, ha Mashiach+.

Prophecies were being fulfilled before their eyes, even as prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes today.  The religious leaders did not like it! They complained and asked HIM+ to forbid HIS+ disciples from saying these things. HE+ answered them, " If these should go silent, then the stones would cry out !"

He+ then went and cleansed the Temple, driving out the servants of mammon and the defilers of HIS+ Father's House.  


E+ is going to do that again to those who have defiled the Temple of Living Stones and have hindered those little ones who want to enter into the Kingdom.

We are looking for HIS+ second Triumphal Entry, this time through the clouds, rending the heavens on HIS+ way to the Mount of Olives, which shall split down the middle before Jerusalem.


HE+ shall have cleansed HIS+ Temple of Living Stones and shall have them with HIM+ as HE+ rescues Jerusalem from those who seek to destroy it.   The cities of the nations will be flattened and the infrastructure of the nations will be destroyed and the arrogant armies of the nations will be wiped out.


ashiach+ is going to rule the nations with a Rod of Iron from the Millennial Temple of Ezekiel that HE+ will build in Jerusalem. There will be Peace over all of the earth. 

HE+ will enforce Peace with A Rod of Iron.

No one will hurt anyone, food will be plentiful, water will be clean once again, there will be no more lying politicians, and those left of the nations will be allowed to participate in this "Day of The LORD" . . . the 1,000 year long Day that begins with the First Resurrection of the Righteous and ends with the Second and final Resurrection of the rest of the dead.

The Second Triumphal Entry is on the way! Let us be prepared for it!  Hosannah to The Son of David! Blessed is HE+ Who comes in the Name of YHWH of Armies!   YHWH is a MAN+ of War!  Yes HE+ is! Watch and see!

Come Lord JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA ha MASHIACH+.  Take back the world from the hands of the evil one and his servants. Destroy every lie and Reign in Power and Great Glory!

Strengthen us , O LORD+, to Overcome as YOU+ overcame and to be with you forever. Amen.



#19 PASCHAL FAST ~ The CHASTISEMENT of Our PEACE ~ Isaiah 53:5 ~ # 19 Lenten Meditation ~ 3rd Hour Prayer Station

Isaiah 53:5 - Chardon Christian Fellowship

Recalling that HE+ hid not His+ Face from shame and spitting, we thank YOU, Heavenly FATHER, that by His+ Stripes we are healed.  We remember the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM+.

+  +  +


But HE+ was wounded for our transgressions,

HE+ was bruised for our iniquities:

the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM+;

and with His+  stripes we are healed.




Purge out therefore the old leaven, 

that ye may be a new lump, 

as ye are unleavened. 

For even CHRIST our Passover 

is sacrificed for us:

 [ PICTURE CREDIT:  Jesus Loves YOU! Compelled by His LOVE for you, / Kingdom Artist at www.4himpaintings.com  Courtesy of Jen Page  /  CHRIST OUR PASSOVER ]


#13 Paschal FAST ~ About My+ FATHER'S Business ~ # 13 Lenten Meditation ~ Luke 2:49 ~ 3rd Hour Prayer Station

 Praise the Lord Jesus Christ: Behold the Lamb of God

And HE+ said unto them, 

How is it that ye sought ME+? 

Wist ye not that  

 I+ must be about My+ FATHER'S business? 

 Luke 2:49


# 12 PASCHAL FAST ~ JESUS WEPT ~# 12 Lenten Meditation, 2022 ~ John 11:35

 JESUS wept.

John 11:35

+  +  +

Who+ in the days of HIS+ flesh, when HE+ had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto HIM that was able to save HIM+ from death, and was heard in that HE+ feared .  . . Hebrews 5:7

+  +  +

Once at the grave of Lazarus; once in the Garden of Gethsemane.


What made HIM+ cry ? 



#11 PASCHAL FAST ~ PERFECT through SUFFERINGS ~ Lenten Meditation # 11, 2022

What Is Yom Kippur? 11 Quick Facts You Should Know About ...

For it became HIM, for WHOM are all things, and by WHOM are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory,

to make the CAPTAIN+ of their Salvation


Hebrews 2:10

+  +  +

Are we perfect ? NO. But our CAPTAIN+ is . . . and was . . . even in the days of His+ flesh.

HE+ was made PERFECT THROUGH SUFFERINGS.  Yes, “sufferingS”  is indeed plural.

All people suffer; the human heart knows its own sorrow, no matter of how someone’s life looks to others on the outside. 

ALL Suffering has the hidden blessing of perfecting us

in our walk with CHRIST JESUS.


# 10 PASCHAL FAST - TOUCHED with the Feeling of our INFIRMITIES ~ # 10 Lenten Meditation- 2022 ~ Hebrews 4:15


 And HE+ went a little farther,


and prayed, saying,

O My+ FATHER, if it be possible, let this cup pass from ME+:

nevertheless not as I+ will, but as THOU wilt.

Matthew 26:39

+  +  +

YES, our dear LORD JESUS fell on His+ Face , crying and pleading for that cup – His+ Crucifixion -- to be passed away from HIM+.

Who+ in the days of His+ Flesh, when HE+ had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto HIM WHO was able to save HIM+ from death, and was heard in that HE+ feared;

Hebrews 5: 7

+  +  +

The PROMISE is that we will not suffer death eternal but will live forever.

It is NOT PROMISED that we can escape all suffering living on planet earth, in this fallen, cursed-laden world.

But there is another PROMISE:


# 9 PASCHAL FAST ~ Strong Crying and Tears ~ Lenten Meditation # 9 ~ 2022 ~ Matthew 26:39

 What Is Yom Kippur? 11 Quick Facts You Should Know About ...


 Blowing the Shofar on Passover

39 And HE+ went a little farther, and fell on His+ Face,

and prayed, saying,


if it be possible, let this cup pass from ME+:

nevertheless not as I+ will,

but as THOU wilt.

Matthew 26:39

+  +  +

Our LORD JESUS CHRIST knew at the sound of the Shofar on Passover morning that HE+ was going to be The Passover LAMB+ of GOD this time.  

This FINAL time, HE+ would become the Last and Final Passover Sacrifice that the earth would know.  HE+ would put to rest the need for all future Passover Lambs being slaughtered. HE+ was the last and great --- and SUFFICIENT --- Sacrifice for the human race.


FATHER, Glorify Thy Name ~ #8 PASCHAL FAST ~ #8 Lenten Meditation 2022 ~ John 12:28

 Modern Reformer - Father Glorify Thy Name Part 3 (A ...


Lenten Meditation # 8, 2022


+  +  +

Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.


Then came there a voice from Heaven, saying,

I have both glorified it,

and will glorify it again.

John 12:27-28

+  +  +

This is the Divine Reason WHY The LORD JESUS came to His+ Hour. 

It was to GLORIFY His+ Heavenly FATHER.

This is the “cause” that we embrace as well: to GLORIFY our Heavenly FATHER.

We glorify HIM when we submit to HIS Will.

Never do we forget that we too learn OBEDIENCE through the things that we SUFFER .


For THIS CAUSE Came I+ unto THIS Hour ~ #7 PASCHAL FAST ~ #7 Lenten Meditation ~ John 12:27



Lenten Meditation # 7, 2022

. . . but for THIS CAUSE came I+  unto this hour. 

John 12:27

+  +  +

Now is My+  Soul  troubled and what shall  I+   say? ‘FATHER, save ME+ from this hour ?  but for this cause came  I+ unto this hour. 

+  +  +

When we are going through life’s HARD times of sorrow, of sickness, of struggles within and without, let us apply His+ Words to us:

 . . . For THIS CAUSE came I unto this hour.

For THIS REASON --- to endure the struggle, to experience this sickness, to walk that deep, dark valley of heart-ache --- The LORD has allowed THAT “CROSS” to enter into our life. .  . 

. .  . Our little life.   It means SO MUCH to HIM+.


And WHAT Shall I+ Say, 'FATHER, Save ME+ from This Hour ? ' ~ # 6 PASCHAL FAST - # 6 Lenten Meditation ~ John 12:27

 Run with Patience the Race that is Set Before You: Come ...




Lenten Meditation # 6, 2022

“ . . .and what shall  I+  say?

‘FATHER, save ME+ from this hour ? . . .”


Now is My+ Soul Troubled . . . #5 PASCHAL FAST ~ #5 Lenten Meditation ~ John 12:27


  Jesus Prayed When His Soul Was Troubled — John 12:27-28 ...

Now is My+  Soul  troubled

and what shall  I+  say?

‘FATHER, save ME+ from this hour ?’

but for this cause came  I+   unto this hour. 


Did The FATHER Actually FORSAKE HIS Beloved, Obedient, Only-Begotten SON+ in the Hour of His+ Greatest, Darkest NEED ?

 Mark 15:34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud ...




# 4 ~ Lenten Meditation -2022


ELOI ! ELOI ! Lama sabachthani ?


why hast THOU forsaken ME+?

And at the ninth hour JESUS cried with a loud voice, saying, ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI? which is, being interpreted, MY GOD, MY GOD, why hast THOU forsaken ME+? Mark 15:34


SO IT SEEMED ! But it only "seemed" so.


NEVERTHELESS, not My+ Will, but THINE ~ #3 PASCHAL FAST ~ #3 Lenten Meditation ~ Luke 22:42

Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me ...


The FATHER was NOT willing.

HE did NOT remove the Cup of suffering, even from HIS Beloved SON+.  

In obedience, The LORD JESUS submitted His+ natural, human Will to His+ FATHER’S Divine Will.


STEADFASTLY HE+ Set His+ Face ~ PASCHAL FAST ~ #2 ~ Lenten Meditation ~ Luke 9:51

XAsh Wednesday - Join us for worship - Evangelical Lutheran ...




# 2 ~ Lenten Meditation

Luke 9:51

And it came to pass, when the time was come

that HE+ should be received up,

HE+ steadfastly set His+ Face

to go to Jerusalem.

+   +   +  



The RETURN of the ASHES ~ The EARLY CHRISTIAN'S PASCHAL FAST ~ Ash Wednesday Starts the 40 day "LENTEN" Fast



She believed in The LORD JESUS CHRIST . . .  upset, but still alive. Jacksonville school shooting, 2018


Ashes to ashes and dust to dust,

in the sure and certain HOPE


through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

at Whose+ Coming in Glorious Majesty will judge the world;  and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in HIM+ shall be changed, and made like unto His+ Glorious Body; according to the mighty working whereby HE+ is able to subdue all things unto Himself+.


MARK A TAV on the FOREHEADS ~ The Man with the Inkhorn ~ Ezekiel 9: 4

 The Man with the Inkwell--To The Ends Of The EarthRosh Hashanah 2019 (5780 - pey) - Victory 91.5 Blog

Mark a TAV   ( t )   upon the Foreheads . . .

The MAN Clothed with LINENS*

Ezekiel 9 and 10

*( Yes, LINENS  is PLURAL in this passage. )


THE LORD JESUS CHRIST DEPARTED FROM THE TEMPLE ! ~ Matthew 24: 1 -2 ~ Prophetic Studies from Matthew 24


Take HEED to yourselves, ye who are cold-hearted  towards sharing the Gospel of Salvation, ye who shove the GOOD NEWS behind your back and only extend human help to the un-Saved , to the neglect of their souls. If you say "GOD sent us", you had better identify him as JESUS CHRIST. All peoples of the earth have their "gods". Do NOT let them think it is their demonic "god" that is sending them help, food, clothing , or even wheelchairs !     
+  +  +
Matthew 24  

And JESUS went out, 

and departed from the Temple

and His+ disciples came to HIM+ 

for to shew HIM+ the buildings of the Temple.



 The Nativity Scene Opens Our Hearts to the Mystery of Life ...


And she brought forth her firstborn son,

and wrapped HIM+ in swaddling clothes,

and laid HIM+ in a manger;

because there was no room for them in the inn.



The LAMB+ of GOD ~ The LORD JESUS CHRIST ~ was born in the lowliest of places through a humble young woman who was guarded by a lowly but righteous young man.  

His+ Coming was totally His+ Choice to do His+ FATHER’S Will. His+ FIRST ADVENT was to REDEEM fallen men and to bring them back to Our Heavenly FATHER.

In short, HE+ was born to die. 


But made HIMSELF+ of no reputation,

and took upon HIM+ the form of a servant,

and was made in the likeness of men:

And being found in fashion as a man,

HE+ humbled HIMSELF+,

and became obedient unto death,

even the death of the cross.

Philippians 2:7-8


What CHILD is THIS ? ~ #21 Advent 2021 ~ WAR with the REMNANT ~ REVELATION 12:17

  Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman ...

Making WAR is what the dragon does best.

It is his goal to cause WAR between man and GOD, between kingdom and THE KINGDOM+, between man and man, between man and woman.

The dragon equips BOTH SIDES in a war. The dragon builds hatred by lies, fueling both sides of a conflict.

He rouses up men of wealth who serve mammona to fund both sides of an armed conflict.


What CHILD is THIS ? ~ #20 Advent 2021 ~ 1260 Days AGAIN ! ! ~ Revelation 12:14

490 years Archives | From Daniel to Revelation 

 Revelation 12:14 holds a prophetic phrase. That phrase anchors this verse into the prophetic realm:

She is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.


What CHILD+ is THIS ? ~ # 19 Advent 2021 ~ The anointed cherub is NO LONGER ANOINTED : GOOD NEWS for Heaven , BAD NEWS for Planet Earth ~ Revelation 12:13

Who is the anointed cherub & what are the stones of fire?

If the fallen lucifer could not hurt GOD, then he aimed to inflict hurt upon the ones instrumental in bringing FORTH the MESSIAH+ . . . and the ones instrumental in rescuing souls from his control .


What CHILD+ is THIS ? ~ #18 Advent 2021 ~ The FIRST ADVENT of the SECOND ADAM ~ Revelation 12:5


Mankind has never been closer to the ending of the devil’s time on earth, for the SECOND ADVENT is drawing near. Thus, his wrath is intensifying as we number the days until the earth is removed from his grip.