

Advent Meditation
Day 8
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD,
So teach us
to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts
unto wisdom.
Psalm 90:12

Only one life...

"twill SOON BE PAST...

Only what's done for CHRIST

will last.

(from an unknown Christian sage).

+ + +



The Journey Towards Bethlehem...
Year of Our LORD,
How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet
of him that bringeth good tidings,
that publisheth peace;
that bringeth good tidings of good,
that publisheth salvation;
that saith unto Zion,
Thy GOD reigneth!
Isaiah 52:7
+ + +
O Gracious Heavenly FATHER... I come to you in the name of Thine Only-Begotten SON+, our LORD JESUS CHRIST, to worship THEE. Thank you for bringing salvation to mankind, to the big and little peoples of the earth, to me.
I Thank THEE, O Holy ONE+, for being my peace. I thank THEE for subduing the enemies of my soul and bring the Light of Life to my darkened heart. Thank you for hearing my cries.
How I love Thy Holiness and how I rest myself in THEE... the Only Place of Perfect Rest! I bless Thy Holy Name and lift THEE up and magnify THEE forever and forever. In the name of the Life-Giving Trinity: The FATHER, The SON+, and The HOLY SPIRIT, I pray. Amen.
+ + +



Advent Day 6
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.6.2008

But My people would not hearken to My voice;
and Israel would none of ME.

So I gave them up unto their own hearts’ lust:
and they walked in their own counsels.

Oh that My people had hearkened unto ME,
and Israel had walked in My ways!

I should soon have
subdued their enemies,
and turned My hand
against their adversaries.

Psalm 81:11-14



+ + +

O Gracious Heavenly FATHER,
to Whom all hearts are open,
all desires known,
and from Whom no secrets are hid:
cleanse the thoughts of my heart
through the in-breathing of Thy HOLY SPIRIT,
that I may perfectly love THEE
and worthily magnify Thy Holy Name,
through CHRIST our LORD.
(adapted from the BCP, Communion Service).

+ + +



Advent Day 5
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.5.2008

And they tempted GOD in their heart
by asking meat for their lust.
Psalm 78:18

And HE+ gave them their request;
but sent leanness into their soul.
Psalm 106:15

How do we pray? How often do we pray for the things we desire but not need… for food for the lust-of-the-eye, lust-of-the-flesh and / or the pride of life? How many times do we beseech The LORD to provide for our carnal appetites, our temporal comforts… far beyond necessity?

Doesn’t an old faded towel work as well as a new, brightly-colored one to do the job intended? Is the towel’s primary function to adorn or to dry our wet bodies? Must we really have the top-of-the-line items for the house, the vehicle, the shop, the bookshelf, the music room… and even the ministry? Do we truly need to cover our bodies with whatever are the “in-clothes” and have our feet shod with the same?

If we have an eye towards these things, the spirit of covetousness is at work. The advertising world is good at making us covet. We may indeed clamor for these things and see nothing wrong with it, but do we want the spiritual price-tag… LEANNESS UNTO OUR SOULS ??

Let Us Pray:

Most Loving Heavenly FATHER, I thank Thee for providing for me from the beginning of my life unto this very day. Help me to turn away from craving dead meat. Lift mine eyes towards Heaven that I might request Eternal gifts through Thy Life-Giving SON+… Who+ came into the world to give Light unto people who walked in the darkness of temporal desires. Help me to set my affection on things above, where Your Beloved SON+ is seated at Your Right Hand. In the name of Thy Life-Giving SON+ JESUS CHRIST I pray.

AMEN + + +



Advent Day 4
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.4.2008

And might not be as their fathers,
a stubborn and rebellious generation;
a generation that set not their heart aright,
and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.
Psalm 78:8

How many times we flounder! How many times do we drop our Spiritual discipline? How often do we let everything and everybody take priority over our established quiet time with The LORD? We think holiness comes by good intentions, by biblical knowledge, or by osmosis, perhaps.

Or maybe… we haven’t even begun to embrace the discipline of commitment to a quiet time with Our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST… that very ONE+ Who+ loved us and washed us from our sins in His+ own Blood. Our prayers and Bible reading are by happenstance… whenever I happen to feel like it.

Yes, Our LORD desires us to come to HIM+ whenever we feel like it… and whenever we DON’T particularly feel like it, also.

HE+ does want to see good intentions established in us… so much so that we will repent when we drop them aside.

Biblical knowledge is important so that we know how to walk in HIS+ ways…
and then DO them.

Furthermore, holiness does come by osmosis of sorts… our closeness to HIM+. Our oneness with our SAVIOR, our homologia, being of the same word, the same mind, the same thought… in total agreement with The LORD JESUS CHRIST ---about everything--- is the only path of holiness available.

Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be ye stedfast, unmoveable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord,
forasmuch as ye know
that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I Corinthians15:58

O Gracious Holy FATHER, I come to Thee ashamed of mine own lack of steadfastness. I admit am more steadfast on my job before the eyes of man than I am in the secret prayer chamber with Thee. I see I am more steadfast with my family and friends than concerned about what You will think of me. I have taken advantage of Thy Grace. I am sorry LORD+.

LORD, change me. I bring my slovenly discipline, which dishonors Thee, for correction. Your Word tells me that my Spiritual Labor is truly NOT in vain. Help me to bring Glory unto Thee, through the power of Thy HOLY SPIRIT, in the Name of Thine Incarnate SON+ JESUS CHRIST, Whom+ I call LORD and MASTER.

Amen. + + +



Advent Day 3
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.3.2008

But it is good for me to draw near to God:
I have put my trust
in the Lord GOD,
that I may declare all thy works.
Psalm 73:28

Drawing near to the heart of GOD… the place of perfect rest… is the goal. Sometimes, though, in the middle of tension peace seems nigh unto impossible. That is why Christians have stress the same as worldlings do. However, our “stress-tests” are designed specifically to bring us into His+ Presence instead of to the doctor’s.

The wise Apostle James tells us something startling: we have steps …concrete steps… to take in order to GET close to His+ heart! It is something anybody can do, at any place, at any time, and at any point in history.

Furthermore, if we DO these things, GOD will respond! [A good example is the conversion scene of Sally Beth Roe in Frank Peretti’s Piercing the Darkness!!]

Draw nigh to God,
and he will draw nigh to you.
Cleanse your hands,
ye sinners;
and purify your hearts,
ye double minded.
James 4:8

Oddly enough, the Apostle James is not speaking here to the pagans, heathen, nor to the worldlings. The Apostle is addressing Christians . In every chapter of his general letter to the Christian community at large, he specifically addresses the recipients of his counsel as my brethren.

But it is good for me to draw near to God:
I have put my trust
in the Lord GOD,
that I may declare all thy works.
Psalm 73:28

The Psalmist tells us whenever we draw near unto GOD, we can perfectly trust HIM+ not to destroy us when we confess our failures, short-comings, weaknesses, and sin. HE+ simply holds our peace until we bring these things unto HIM+. That’s one reason HE+ came … to rescue us from ourselves.

Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts:
for the coming of the Lord
draweth nigh.
James 5:8

O Gracious Heavenly FATHER…establish my heart in Thee. I’m sorry for my fears; I know You already see all that I am. You already know how I’ll re-act, even the words on my tongue before I say them.

Grant this day I do not fall into sin but rather, into Thy Loving Hands. I trust in You to make me right. I trust You not to reject my pitiful, needy, and warped heart. I love Thee+, O Holy ONE+ who tookest upon Thyself+ flesh to become man, in order to help me, from the inside out. Thank you, LORD JESUS CHRIST, for becoming my MESSIAH at such great cost to You. I thank you with all my heart. Amen.
+ + +

Glory to the FATHER, and to HIS Beloved SON+, and to HIS Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
now and forever unto the endless ages. Amen. + + +



Advent Day 2
The Journey Toward Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.2.2008

I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD,
I will make mention of Thy+ righteousness,
even of Thine+ only.
Psalm 71:16
<((()>< .

No, we will not blaspheme.
Nor will we curse nor let wicked things pour forth from our lips.
Some of us have even trained our lips to refuse to jest
and to refuse to make foolish remarks.
But, who can resist “mentioning” what
“we” have done well,
“our” accomplishments?

If we wish to go in the strength of Adonai JEHOVAH, the Psalmist tells us how to do this: we must forget what we have done and make mention only of the righteousness of The LORD our GOD.
As the Psalmist says: “LORD, open Thou+ my lips and
my mouth shall show forth
THY+ praise”
… not ours
and of a certainty,
not mine.

But HE+ giveth more grace.
Wherefore HE+ saith,
GOD resisteth the proud,
but giveth grace unto the humble.
James 4:6

Humble yourselves
in the sight of the LORD,
and HE+ shall lift you up.
James 4:10

Let us pray:

O GOD our FATHER, I have done foolishly.
My lips have uttered my own praises instead of Thine+.
Help me, O LORD, to bring glory unto Thee+ and refuse it for myself… and let me be aware of the snare of the fouler of my soul.
I do love Thee+, O Lover of my Soul, ... more than the praises of men.
For in Thee+ is life and in Thee+ alone is the Light of men. Receive this, my imperfect prayer, and restore my soul in Thee+, through the name of Thy+ Unblemished SON+, our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
+ + +



Advent Day 1
The Journey Toward Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD,

If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will not hear me:
Psalm 66:18

John 9: 30-33
The man answered and said unto them,
Why herein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence HE+ is, and yet HE+ hath opened mine eyes. Now we know that GOD heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of GOD, and doeth HIS+ will, him HE+ heareth. Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind. If This Man+ were not of GOD, HE+ could do nothing.

Let us pray:

O LORD, Heavenly FATHER, open up my blind eyes to mine own failings before Thee… help me not to hide them from myself. For surely, LORD, Thou seest both where, in my weakness, I cannot see and where, in my stubbornness, I do not wish to look .

In Thy Mercy, look upon me with favor. Lead me to That Rock that is higher than I. Draw me to Bethlehem once again, to Thyself, with cords of Truth and Love. Feed my starving soul once againg with Thy Divine Bread+, that TRUE BREAD+ from Heaven. Through the merits of Thine Only-Begotten SON+, Our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Amen


ADVENT... The Journey TOWARDS Bethlehem...

The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Advent 2008

As we begin Advent 2008, we do so with the ever-present hope of His+ Second Advent … The Second Coming of CHRIST JESUS
… when His+ feet touch down on the Mt. of Olives.
Thus, at this point in time, during our Journey Towards Bethlehem… the House of Bread Divine… we have one eye on the ground and one eye on the sky.
Our spiritual journey is taken for one purpose: we NEED to get there, to that place. In other words, whatever is happening in Bethlehem is drawing our hearts to that place… to Someone+ Who is going to be arriving there. We don’t want to miss it.

But, as with all journeys, we must make preparation.

Therefore let us begin Advent 2008 with the SORE acknowledgement that we have fallen short of the Glory of GOD. Our Journey Towards Bethlehem is our craving to regain that glory… somehow, someway.


Seasons of the Year... of the CHURCH Year, that is...

Seasons of the Church Year,
The CHRISTIAN Calendar

We CHRISTIANS do differently.

We see the world develop and go after "holy-days" with all the money and gimmicks the world can offer. There is nothing holy about it all.

The best part is that all of society's worker-bees get to have some time off to rest, relax, play, visit, and see friends and family members. And, for that we DO give thanks.

Here at the Order, we try to redeem the time for The LORD'S purposes and for HIS+ Kingdom. Some of our friends are fasting during this time off. Some are in intense prayer.

We keep "holy-day" with Christian friends, and turn our thoughts and efforts towards The LORD instead of towards the world's parades, games, fashions, and activities.

We try to keep in mind the Church Calendar rather than the world's calendar for these days. Thus, we use our Thanksgiving time to start our Advent wreath and season of preparation for the remembrance of His+ first coming.

Advent, then, becomes a season when we focus on repentance MINGLED WITH JOY.... this joy being that our MESSIAH has come, so many years ago, to take away our sins, to always be with us, our EMMANUEL.

This year, we will be doing a small series of repentance Scriptures to prepare our hearts, as we remember His+ first coming. This is in hopes that we may truly be prepared for HIS+ SECOND COMING, Bless GOD !

Advent colors, by the way, are NOT red and green... but blue, which signifies the Birth of the CHRIST child. Thus, you will not find any red at our hermitage during this season.

For those of us with children, we like to use a Religious Advent Calendar to open a window and read a Scripture. Another activities is to have an EMPTY MANGER and put a straw in it for each kind deed, each charitable thought, each victory over temptation, and each repentance during this season. Thus we do something tangible to prepare our hearts as we "build" the bed of straw in the manger for the coming Christ child in our nativity set. It's a wonderful time, especially for young ones... or those young in heart.

Yes, we Christians do things differently than the world.

I pray you will join us in your hearts and home around the Advent Season of repentances and lighting the Advent Candles in the Advent wreath. May this time be most special to you, as you use it to draw closer and closer unto CHRIST, the only Light of this dark, dark world.



The Angel of The LORD
encampeth round about
them that fear HIM+,
delivereth them.
Psalm 34:7

A dear Brother in The LORD, a close friend, experienced a miraculous deliverance this week... and indeed, the miracle is STILL going on. Here is his true story:

Our Brother is an experienced pilot. He flies an ultra-light, a "flying parachute" for business and for fun. As he was flying this week close to his home, a living nightmare happened.

Unbeknownst to him, his chute caught a tree branch then quickly other things happened until... he was slammed at 30-plus miles per hour into the side of a barn!

He was conscious after the impact of the accident. He called his wife. He told her to come quickly, thinking he would be dead before she got there.

He said, " LORD, I think I may be gonna' die. If I am, I hope I'm ready. If I don't, show me what to say [ to others.] "

The medics came quickly, but had to wait on special equipment to extricate him from the side of the barn.

To one side were LARGE, LONG NAILS protruding from the barn... but he hit next to them. One foot higher was the eve of the barn roof. If he'd have hit that eve, he would have been DECAPITATED instantly.

As it was, he sustained a crushed sternum bone and 9 broken ribs, plus two small punctures in his lungs. The medical staff at the hospital was concerned about those punctures and worked on him to keep his lungs breathing at full capacity.

They sent him home from the hospital after being there for only 36 hours... possibly because they have no hospitalization insurance. He works independently as a home remodeler.

So, along with his injuries, came the cost of survival, a cessation of his immediate work, and a likely future of not-being-able to work for some time. He has a wife and toddler at home, whom they plan to home-school and indeed, have already started pre-K activities in a Christian setting in their home.



HE+ had the spectacular accident televised on the evening news across the city. Then, HE+ had his wife's former employer notify them of a TRUST FUND set up to pay their medical expenses AND to sustain them until our Brother can return to some kind of work.




HE+ had his wife's sister... a physician's assistant (right next to a doctor, in medical status) come to visit from hundreds of miles away. Thus, when our Brother got home from the hospital, THE LORD had somebody WELL-TRAINED IN MEDICAL THINGS there at home, ready and waiting, at no cost to them!




As they were dressing our brother to come home from the hospital, they noticed that... with 9 broken ribs and a puncture in his lungs... HE WAS NOT BRUISED! Yes, the doctors WERE AMAZED!

And we were too, with tears in our eyes, at the great faithfulness of GOD the FATHER ALMIGHTY.

Later, his wife told us that the LORD showed her that HE+ came between that side of the barn and our brother.

Let us NEVER UNDER-ESTIMATE the power of the Risen LORD. Let us go on towards King JESUS, giving HIM+ the cream of our time, effort, and strength. We all know the signs of the times: the DAYS ARE NUMBERED for this current civilization.


Let us walk WISELY, redeeming the time, for the DAY IS FAR SPENT; night is close at hand. Tomorrow is NOT PROMISED... for young and old alike.


Blessing and honor

and glory and power,

be unto HIM that

sitteth upon the THRONE,

and unto The LAMB+




Sharing with CHRIST our Lord and Life

CHRIST suffered for you, leaving you an example.......

To this you were called; because CHRIST suffered for you, and left you an example,that you should follow in His+ footsteps:

Who+ did no sin, neither was any deceit found in His+ mouth:

Who+, when He+ was insulted, returned no insult:

When He+ was made to suffer He+ did not counter with threats;

but commited Himself to HIM that judges righteously:

Who+ in His+ own body, brought your sins to the Cross,

so that all of us being dead to sin, could live in accord with GOD'S will;


Glory to the FATHER, and to the SON+, and to the HOLY SPIRIT,

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. + + +


Of Whom the World was NOT WORTHY... part 2

Of Whom the World was NOT Worthy…
part 1

Chapter 11, Fox’s Book of Martyrs…

In 1568, three persons were apprehended in Antwerp, named Scoblant, Hues, and Coomans. During their confinement they behaved with great fortitude and cheerfulness, confessing that the hand of God appeared in what had befallen them, and bowing down before the throne of his providence.

They expressed themselves in the following words: “Since it is the will of the Almighty that we should suffer for His name, and be persecuted for the sake of His Gospel, we patiently submit, and are joyful upon the occasion; though the flesh may rebel against the spirit, and hearken to the council of the old serpent, yet the truths of the Gospel shall prevent such advice from being taken, and Christ shall bruise the serpent’s head.

We are not comfortless in confinement, for we have faith; we fear not affliction, for we have hope; and we forgive our enemies, for we have charity.
Be not under apprehensions for us, we are happy in confinement through the promises of God, glory in our bonds, and exult in being thought worthy to suffer for the sake of Christ. We desire not to be released, but to be blessed with fortitude; we ask not liberty, but the power of perseverance;
and wish for no change in our condition,
but that which places a crown of martyrdom upon our heads.”
Scoblant was first brought to his trial; when, persisting in the profession of
his faith, he received sentence of death. At the stake he fervently said the Lord’s Prayer, and sung the Fortieth Psalm;
then commending his soul to God,
he was burnt alive.
Hues soon after died in prison; upon which occasion Coomans wrote thus to his friends: “I am now deprived of my friends and companions;
Scoblant is martyred, and Hues dead, by the visitation of the Lord;
yet I am not alone, I have with me
the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob;
HE+ is my comfort,
and shall be my reward.
Pray unto God to strengthen me to the end,
as I expect every hour to be freed from this tenement of clay.”
The judge told him the only alternatives were recantation or death; and concluded by saying, “Will you die for the faith you profess?”
To which Coomans replied, “I am not only willing to die, but to suffer the most excruciating torments for it;
after which my soul shall receive its confirmation from God Himself,
in the midst of eternal glory.”
Being condemned,
he went cheerfully to the place of execution,
and died with the most manly fortitude,
and Christian resignation.
Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer....
O Almighty GOD, Who+ didst give to Thy servants boldness to confess the Name of Our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for the sake of the same, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST; Who+ liveth and reigneth with THEE, and Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD, now and for ever and ever. Amen.


OF Whom the World was NOT WORTHY...

Of Whom the World was NOT WORTHY…

Introduction to All Saints’ Day



During this up-coming All Saints’ Day and the dark-spirited halloween season which precedes it, let us focus our attention upon something edifying, something which engenders Life in CHRIST. Let us look at the PRICE many have paid to obtain the PRIZE of the high calling of GOD in CHRIST JESUS.


Stephen, the first martyr for CHRIST JESUS, who loved not his life unto the death, is the first example of a CHRISTIAN dying rather than denying the LORD JESUS before men. After facing the angry mob of his fellow countrymen, Stephen gave them the Truth about their history, their sins, and their Messiah.



This courageous and innocent lamb fell asleep in The LORD, having been stoned to death as he was sharing. On his way to The LORD JESUS, Stephen forgave his murderers… among whom was standing a zealous, angry, and implacable Pharisee by the name of Saul of Tarsus. He was powerful and dangerous. Stephen’s death was instrumental in Saul’s conversion, spiritually-speaking. Read about Stephen in Acts, chapters 6 and 7.

Christians, during these troublous times, let us NOT be intimidated by the evil afoot, but rather let us spend our energies REDEEMING the time for CHRIST, growing secure and mature in CHRIST JESUS our LORD.


Considering the martyrs and confessors of CHRIST JESUS, let us focus on those who were willing to PAY the PRICE. These are the worthy ones who sealed their testimony with their blood. These are the worthy ones throughout the ages who loved not their life unto the death, for their love of The LORD JESUS CHRIST.


Instead of teaching our children and fellowman about ghosts and goblins and Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin, let us Christians teach our children about these fellow Christians who went before us…"for the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."



Why do we even want to do this?



We want to school our hearts to go

and do likewise,

should we ever be put to the test.


We want our children to be willing to die for CHRIST

rather than deny HIM+...

and remain for a short season

upon this troubled earth…

but lose their souls for all Eternity.


We ourselves want

to endure unto the end

so that we may obtain the prize too.



…from the Book of Common Prayer

Grant, O LORD, that in all our sufferings here upon earth for the testimony of Thy Truth, we may steadfastly look up to Heaven, and by faith behold the glory that shall be revealed as did Stephen.

And, being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, we may learn to love and bless our persecutors first by the example of THEE+, O CHRIST and then, by Thy faithful witness, Stephen, who prayed for his murderers to THEE+, O blessed LORD JESUS, Who + standest at the right hand of GOD to succour [help] all those who suffer for THEE+, our only Mediator+ and Advocate. Amen.



Lead me, O LORD,

in THY+ righteousness

because of mine enemies;

make THY+ way straight
before my face.



My voice shalt THOU hear
in the morning, O LORD;
in the morning
will I direct my prayer unto THEE,
and will look up.




I will both lay me down in peace,
and sleep:
for THOU, LORD, only [alone]

makest me dwell in safety.




But know that the LORD
hath set apart
him that is godly
The LORD will hear
when I call unto HIM+.





But thou, O LORD,
art a shield for me;
my glory,

and the lifter up of mine head.


Meditations from The WORD of GOD

PSALM 2:12

Kiss the SON,
lest HE+ be angry,
and ye perish from the way,
when HIS+ wrath is kindled but a little !
Blessed are all they that put their
trust in HIM+.


MEDITATIONS on The WORD of GOD ~~~ Our Refuge


PSALM 9: 9-10

The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed,

a refuge in times of trouble.

And they that know thy name

will put their trust in thee:

for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken

them that seek thee.




...The Rose of Sharon...


Hear The Words of The LORD JESUS CHRIST:

Matthew 6:31-32
Therefore take no thought, saying,

What shall we eat?

or, What shall we drink?

or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:)

for your heavenly FATHER knoweth

that ye have need of all these things.

Judgment seems to be falling upon the world-wide mammon-serving system, the system. IT SHOULD. It is the mammon system which keeps men enslaved, by either love of mammon ...or fear of mammon. Sadly, engendering covetousness is a multi-million dollar business in western civilization and we have all been the victims of its programmed covetousness. The well-planned system of Covetousness as well as mammon will be judged.

Therefore, it is high time we Christians extricate ourselves from mammon’s control. We can only do this through The WORD of GOD, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, by serving CHRIST JESUS and doing HIS+ Will. We don’t want to fall under the Divine Judgment most assuredly coming against these kings of the earth and their system of unjust weights and measures or their system of covetousness. They are over-ripe for the judgment coming.
Let us pray:

Forgive me, O LORD GOD, that I have taken the blessings of food and clothing and shelter for granted so much of my life. LORD JESUS, my KING, turn me away from coveting my neighbors' clothes, houses, lands, cars, modern conveniences, or life-styles.
Forgive me for feasting my eyes upon magazines, advertisements, and even store windows which engender discontent and covetousness in me. Cleanse me of sowing to the flesh instead of unto Thy+ SPIRIT.
Cleanse me of allowing mammon to make me afraid. Help me to put Your Kingdom and the furtherance of it above my material wants.
Help me to live simply for Your Sake+, so that I may bear perfect witness of YOU, My LORD and MASTER+. Re-teach me how to be content and to stop lusting after the things of this world.
Help me to lay up my security for the future into Your KINGDOM... and Yours alone. It will never fail, like the banks and retirement accounts and all the temporal securities that promise my future well-being, in the kingdom of mammon.
I give you thanks and praise, O LORD, for removing me from this world's mammon-serving values and putting me solidly into Your KINGDOM. I pledge my allegiance unto YOU, O LORD, both now and forever. Amen.
<(((><... swim in the waters of your baptism.



Meditations for Troublous Times
from The LIVING WORD+ of GOD

Hear the Words of The LORD JESUS CHRIST:

and HIS+ righteousness;
and all these things
shall be added unto you.

for the morrow shall take thought
for the things of itself.

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Matthew 6:33-34

Our LORD JESUS CHRIST told us how to live in regards to mammon. HE+ lived that way HIMSELF+... setting our example.
Let us pray:
LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON+ of GOD, I worship You and thank You for providing for me from the beginning of my life unto this very day.
Forgive me, LORD, for taking all manner of thought for the morrow. Turn me from having one eye on the Kingdom of GOD… and the other on some kind of temporal security!
Grant me the courage, O LORD, to actually seek first the Kingdom of GOD and Thy+ Righteousness. When my hands are FULL of doing Your Will, I know securely my heart and my soul and my body shall rest, because YOU have promised and GOD is not a man, that HE+ should lie.
Forgive me for crossing, for transgressing, Your Holy Words, LORD JESUS.
I acknowledge that YOU+ and YOU+ ALONE are the KING of kings and the LORD of lords. Therefore, I commit my life… and my keeping unto THEE +, KING of all the ages … both now and for all Eternity.
<(((>< ... swim in the waters of your baptism...