Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts



Where Can I Go to Church ?

Brothers and Sisters from every group, every denomination, from every part of the BODY+ of CHRIST are asking this question . 

Remember the parable of the bundles of tares
being gathered for burning ?

Are the “bundles”  
Truth-rejecting churches ?

Those who know Abortion is an Abomination to GOD --- for those babies are HIS infants that are being butchered and sold to chemical companies and science labs --- are hard-pressed to find a Christian church which will NOT excuse Abortion. 


Why, O WHY, is the Catholic Church SILENT in New York . . and in Rome . . . and in Every Bishopric and Cathedral across this Earth . . . in the Face of Mr. Cuomo's ABORTION LAW ?

Mr. Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York,  and his fellow sinners in the New York State legislators passed a few days ago an abortion bill that allows a BABY in the Womb to be killed up to ONE MINUTE before the child is born


WHY is There NO REPENTANCE in Babylon the Great ?

A Guest Post by Brother Brendon Patrick, OGS +

1 Samuel 15:23

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the Word+ of the LORD+, HE+ has also rejected you from being……”A NATION”.

How can such a perfect nation repent of its sin?  Are we not a “Christian” nation? Well, are we REALLY?  Do we not have a constitution? Do we not have rights? 


Some are even teaching that America is really Israel !  That’s a very sad false teaching, a doctrine of devils.


America is the Flagship Nation of the NWO, the New Secular Order of the Ages.  It has been lifted up as an idol for millions of people, while America openly rejects the LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel.

The LORD+ has called to America to REPENT for Decades, and yet NO repentance has come, not church wide, and certainly not national.

America has sealed its own doom.  If you think that this is not so, just wait a short time yet.



--- OR  NATION ---  



America prints and distributes the majority of pornography on earth.

America is also a world-class leader in gun-running and drug-trafficking. Just ask  the Bush-men … or their bankers. 


America supports and promotes and defends sodomy and all manner of gross sexual perversion as acceptable “lifestyles”.  Many “churches” also support this. 


To fill up the cup, America is pressuring OTHER countries  to  accept  these  sexual perversions as  “normal” , as part of the ever-popular  “human rights” for persons who do  every immoral, unrighteous act that human beings can indulge in.

America   supports national infanticide in its government-financed abortion mills. Nearly 60,000,000 unborn babies have been murdered with government approval. Some of these are kept alive and killed at the appropriate times to get higher prices for their body parts.The LORD GOD hears the cried of these innocents... and KNOWS  who has done it !

Once again, America fills up the cup of her unrighteousness by EXPORTING abortion mills to other countries.  If one looks closely,  it is highly probable American money  can be found supporting the EXPORTATION of this evil. Laundered, of course.




Here is the nail in the coffin of Babylon America. They have supported and financed the enemies of Israel, pouring Billions of dollars of financial support into those islamic groups that are sworn to the destruction of the Jewish State and that TEACH and HOPE  to kill all Jews and all followers of The MESSIAH+ , Yeshua+ ha Moshiach / Jesus Christ, Who+ is the only Hope of this world and the Adamic race.

America has forced Israel to give up land that was its own, won in a war of annihilation that was declared against them by multiple muslim countries, a war they DID NOT START.

America did this in the interest of a FALSE, two-state peace plan, that favors the “death cult” of islam while setting Israel up for destruction. The “leaders” of the U.S. know what they are doing. It is purposeful.

The LORD GOD knows their plans and says that ALL nations that attempt to interfere with HIS+ Land and people will be CUT IN PIECES. The US, UN, UK, and EU are going to be cut in pieces.

By these actions, America has sealed its fate. America has raised its fist in GOD’S Face and dared HIM+ to do something!




No matter who wins an election or a pre-determined, hidden “selection:” the wrath of GOD still remains on a wicked and decadent and self -worshipping nation.

There is a price to pay for mocking The LORD GOD, and the godless leaders of America, and their “bosses” are going to find that out the HARD WAY!  


America , like England,  like the European countries,  has had GREAT LIGHT.   There is NO EXCUSE for choosing evil and un-righteousness.  


America is not a nation of  heathen people.  No rather, America is a nation of CHRIST-rejectors.  Woe unto such a land !  They would rather have darkness than Light. So they shall.

For the Children of YHWH: 

Get alone with HIM+, spend time with HIM+ in HIS+ Presence. Learn to know HIS+ Voice, and PUT HIM+ First in ALL THINGS.




Heavenly Father, help us to stand for You, for Your Dearly Beloved SON+, and to overcome all things and to be with You forever .

Amen  + + +


The Words NOT SPOKEN...

--- OR ---

To Whom Does The Pope go for Confession ? 

+  +  +
The silence is deafening.

Listen to the words NOT uttered by the Pope on his visit to the US last week.

These words were NOT spoken, NOT uttered, and NOT even alluded to by The Roman Catholic Pope, the loudest spokesman and highest head of the largest Christian religious organization.

The Words NOT SPOKEN To Mr. Obama:

 ... Repent and be baptized EVERY ONE of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT..
Acts 2:38

JESUS SAID... Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Matthew 26:52

He that rejecteth ME+, and receiveth not My+ words, hath ONE+ that judgeth him: the Word that I+ have spoken, the Same shall judge him in the last day.
John 12:48

The Words NOT SPOKEN To the United Nations:

Jesus said ... I+ am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto THE FATHER, but by ME+.
John 14:6

The Words NOT SPOKEN  To the Bishops and Cardinals:

 No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please HIM+ WHO+ hath chosen him to be a soldier.  
2 Timothy 2:4

The Words NOT SPOKEN To the Adoring Crowds:

Why do you call ME+ "LORD, LORD" and do not the things I+ say ? 
Luke 6:46

And whosever does not bear his cross, and come after ME+ cannot be My+ disciple.
Luke 14:27 

The Words NOT SPOKEN To Madonna and her ilk:

Get thee behind ME+, satan: for thou savorest not the things that be of GOD, but the things that be of men.
Mark 8:33

The Words NOT SPOKEN to Mammon-serving Planned Parenthood and its Abortionists:

It is appointed  unto men once to die, but after this,  the JUDGMENT. 
Hebrews 9:27

 Then said HE+ unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offenses will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Luke 17:1-2

The Words NOT SPOKEN to both 
  • the Lgbt-ers with broken lives and to 
  • the Lgbt-ers who are proud and arrogant about their sin:

O LORD, THOU+ hast searched me, and known me.  THOU+ knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, THOU+  understandest my thought afar off.

THOU+compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, THOU+ knowest it altogether. 
Psalm 139:1-4

The Words NOT SPOKEN to the Highest Court in this land, the US Supreme Court:

 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Isaiah 5:20-21

The Words NOT SPOKEN to the  10 Kings of Revelation 17:

And JESUS came and spake unto them, saying, ALL POWER is given unto ME+ in Heaven and in earth.
Matthew 28:18

 And HE+ said unto them, I+ beheld satan as lightning fall from Heaven.

Behold, I+ give unto [My+ Servants] power to tread on serpents ( opheOns-- sharp-eyed ones, not herpetons , snakes) and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you [My+ Servants].
Luke 10: 18-19

The Words NOT SPOKEN to Monsanto and its ilk, as well as to the CERN power base:

And the nations were angry, and Thy+ wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged,

and that THOU+ should give reward unto Thy+ servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy Name+, small and great; 

and should destroy them which destroy the earth.

Revelation 11:18

The Words NOT SPOKEN   To the REFUGEES, both the homeless ones and the paid infiltrators :

Come unto ME+, 
all ye that labor and are heavy laden, 
and I+ will give you rest.

 Take My+ yoke upon you, 
and learn of ME+; 

for I+ am meek and lowly in heart: 
and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 

For My+ yoke is easy,
 and My+ burden is light.

Matthew 11: 28-30

 The Words NOT SPOKEN To his own mirror:

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy+ sight, O LORD, my Strength, and my REDEEMER+.
Psalm 19:14

+  +  +

This is a Christian leader who does NOT speak the Words of CHRIST ? Have we ever seen such ?

Is this a world-renown leader of a large part of Christianity... who does NOT quote the Highest Authority there is and ever will be , the HOLY SCRIPTURES, using them to correct and admonish, to exhort the world to leave their sin-filled ways .... and Follow JESUS CHRIST ? 

Alas, the Pope did not correct, he did not reprove, he did not bring to light those most evil things done in darkness.

Rather, he pretended to bring peace BY NOT ALLUDING to the SINS --- yes , sins --- committed by these present evil-agers.

Did he bring peace ?

Not for the 60 million aborted babies. Not for the REAL homeless refugees from the needless and contrived wars.

Nor did the Pope show the way to repentance and thus, peace with GOD, to the sin-sick entertainers, destructive seed-producers, dangerous electron-beamers,  clever politicians, and the whole raft of un-Holy judges directed by the 10 kings of Revelation 17.

As it is written to Babylon of old:

You are weighed in the balance and found wanting.

GOD has numbered your kingdom and finished it.

+  +  + 

Come out of her, My+ People
and touch not the unclean thing. 


Has the World Lost Its MIND ? .... Are the Nations MAD ?

Is  Shariah Law more palatable 
the 10 Commandments and the GOSPEL of CHRIST JESUS ?
Courtesy of Wikipedia

What Unthinkable MADNESS 
Has Overtaken This World 
in which we live ?

It makes NO sense to foment civil war in "other" countries... and then ship 35 million refugees or so from these war-torn areas into cultures as foreign to them as the refugees are to the native citizens.

Yet, this was planned about 4 decades ago BY WORLD LEADERS.

It makes NO sense for Shariah Law to be “welcomed” into nations which have rejected, refused, and mocked the Ten Commandments, nations which have had them for centuries.

Is it reasonable that the Western Civilized woman will accept a burka and cover her head… when she barely covers her body parts in public and stridently defends her “right” to be naked wherever and whenever she wants ?

Yet, that dichotomy of values is being foisted upon Western Civilization. Is anarchy REALLY being courted by the government as a “good” thing ?

It makes NO sense to purposefully cause anarchy amongst the citizenry.

Yet, the conflicts are rampant in every nation receiving the influx of people from these pre-planned refugee crises.   

It makes NO sense to arm both sides of a war ... or to create an armed conflict out of hired mercenaries of young people who are out of control and thirst to shed blood.

Yet, it is being done daily by clever collaborators in the "RainBow House" in the city of baal, District of Controllers.

It makes NO sense to agree to allow Israel’s AGGRESSIVE and diabolical enemy to develop nuclear weapons … and to censure Israel for having the same for protection of its country.
Has the world NO sense of fair play… and are there NO global leaders who are ASHAMED of that un-fair treatment ? Not toward Israel, it seems.
It makes NO sense to spend $500 MILLION a YEAR to remove babies from the safety of their mother's womb, chop them up, harvest AND SELL their little parts... when that much money could have given the babies a safe and caring place to live and grow.

Furthermore,  if each baby had been awarded ONE MILLION DOLLARS since Wade vs Roe ... that would have only amounted to 60 MILLION DOLLARS ... a mere 12 percent of ONE YEAR’S Planned "Parent"hood budget ... and a one-time expense, at that ! 

That would have provided a tremendous savings in public monies and a tremendous savings in these little lives... and a tremendous weight against the Judgement about to fall on this "RainBow" Nation, BABYlon the Great. 

It simply makes NO sense ... not morally nor spiritually nor financially. The "dollar" somehow is not "speaking" nor making itself heard in this case, is it ?

It makes NO sense for the Supreme Court to CHANGE the definition of marriage in this land ... in order to grant to same-gender unions the same income tax "breaks" which are offered to NORMAL, married couples.

It seems this "issue" of UN-Christian unions should have been dealt with by the IRS, not the Supreme Court of this land, which is NOT SUPPOSED to be making "laws" of this land ... nor enforcing them.

How difficult could it be for the form-loving IRS to make yet another bracket for domestic households called "domestic unions" or "domestic partnerships" ?  That would not be GODLY, but at least it would not be termed a "marriage" ... and confused with the entity recognized and sanctioned by Holy Scriptures.

The IRS does this for commercial endeavors at will. The IRS could set up "licensing" or certification for such same-gender unions.  If every thing else under the sun can be regulated by licenses and certificates and fees ... from hunting and fishing through birth and death ... it should be no problem. 

It is simply a matter of forms. But, do not use a Biblical word and concept to describe an UNHOLY and deformed union!

It makes NO sense.

Yes, morality can NOT be legalized... 
and thus, neither should IMMORALITY.

Therefore, if IT MAKES NO SENSE to do these things, then WHY are they being done ... across the globe?

Even WORSE, these senseless things have been agreed upon by the nations which have the HIGHEST levels of education, health, and wealth that the recorded WORLD has EVER SEEN !


A golden cup is BABYlon in the hand of YWHW, making drunk all the earth, of her wine have the nations drunk; therefore the nations are MAD.
Jeremiah 51:7


Scripture does NOT lie.  
Scripture cannot be broken.

Men lie.  
Men break their word.

YWHW of the Divine Heavenly Armies DOES NOT BREAK HIS WORD ... ever.

Scripture is being fulfilled... just like HE+ said it would be.

And there followed another angel, saying, BABYlon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
Revelation 14:8

And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great BABYlon came in remembrance before GOD, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of HIS+ wrath.
Revelation 16:19

Weep not, Behold, the LION+ of the TRIBE of JUDAH has prevailed to open the BOOK and to loose the 7 seals thereof.

THOU+ art Worthy to take the BOOK, and to open the seals thereof, for THOU+ wast slain and hast redeemed us to GOD by Thy+ Blood out of every kindred, tongue, people and nation.

And has made us unto our GOD a Kingdom of Priests and we shall reign upon the earth.

Amen! The LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT reigneth ! 


SHAME ! SHAME ! SHAME ! The American CHURCHES Stand SILENT While Political Parties React in Horror at the CHOPPING UP OF BABIES-in-the-Womb ... and SELLING THEIR ORGANS !

Drawing courtesy of Jack Chick Tracts
Ontario. California

Yes, there ARE individual Followers of JESUS who take a stand against this awful evil, this gross darkness of the abortion  leader in the US, Planned Parenthood. 

But ... WHERE is the united CRY 
in America
against this horrible crime ?

The cold-blooded, heartless Planned Parenthood is being revealed this week in yet a 3rd documentary "sting" operation, showing how the workers dump the aborted, bloody wee baby over a sieve or screen, training a technician "how" to pick out the parts of the baby. 

Planned Parenthood is partially funded by the US government every year with MILLIONS of tax-payers' dollars.  It employs approximately 27,000 workers across the US.  

The US is drenched in blood... 
the Blood of the Innocents. 

The American CHURCH 
--- by remaining silent --- 
is also drenched 
in the Blood of the Innocents.

We are aware that the Center for Medical Progress  group ( who made the documentaries ) is tackling MORE than immorality in America: it is tackling Big People who are Demonized ... and Very Wealthy.

These "Big People" are growing angry, and Big, Wealthy, Cold-blooded Planned Parenthood is threatening lawsuits. 

The lawsuits are on the ground of a VIOLATION of the RIGHT OF PRIVACY of someone coming for medical "treatment."  

Are the "rights of privacy" more important than a RIGHT TO LIFE ? 

These little innocents did not ASK to be conceived in an immoral way.   

are the CHURCHES 
of America ? 

Why cannot the Baptists , Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, United Methodists, Anabaptists, The Assemblies of GOD, the Episcopal, the Orthodox, the Fundamentalists... and all the groups in between ... stand UP with a UNITED VOICE against this wickedness ? 

Where is the 
from the CHURCHES of America 
about this horrid evil ? 

The CHURCHES, united,  would better be able to withstand a lawsuit and a very likely hunting-down and "elimination" of the makers of these damning documentaries.  

Why are the American CHURCHES not shielding this very courageous group of apparently young adults who are bravely exposing this evil in America ?  Why are the older adults and Church Elders NOT DOING THIS EXPOSE ? 

Do you think, O Churches, that the JUDGE+ of the whole earth WILL NOT DO RIGHT

Do you see WHY PERSECUTION must come?

Persecution is NEEDED to CLEANSE THE CHURCH. Do not think for one minute that I+ cannot deal severely with evil.  

But before I+ do that,  I+ am going to TEST severely My+ People , those who are called by My+ Name, to see where they stand.

+  +  + 
Perhaps the CHURCHES of AMERICA will stand together for JESUS under persecution, in the Extermination Camps, like they learned to do in Nazi Germany , n'est-ce pas ? 

Scriptures Courtesy of Bible

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the House of GOD: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that OBEY NOT the GOSPEL of GOD?

Maranatha, LORD JESUS. 


Selling the HEARTS, LUNGS, and LIVERS from Our BABIES-in-the-WOMB !


… is still MURDER 

— OR — 

Fill up the Cup, Planned Parenthood; 

You Will Drink IT to the Bitter Dregs 

This article has been RE-blogged from: I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. wordpress. com July 15, 2015

Planned PARENThood is a misnomer:  

It should be Planned Murder-hood, 

a legally-accepted and

government funded* entity.

Yes, the government funding is “ONLY” …

Planned Parenthood receives about a third of its money in government grants and contracts (about $360 million in 2009 ).

from Planned Parenthood – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…  but likely much more in 2015.

This is a news excerpt from … and other internet news sites, like  Yahoo Parenting  ‎July‎ ‎14‎, ‎2015.  Watch the video to see the facts and the doctor discussing selling a Baby-in-the-Womb's organs. 


Dr. Deborah Nucatola: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |


In a new video from the Center for Medical Progress, a Planned Parenthood doctor drinks wine and promises fetus organs for around $30. The doctor is identified as Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America.


Also featured in the video is Nucatola’s graphic description of abortion techniques designed to preserve organs intact, including what the video’s makers allege is an explanation of so-called “partial-term abortion” techniques, which are illegal according to the Supreme Court.



1. Nucatola Says ‘We’ve Been Very Good at Getting Heart, Lung, Liver’


According to the Center for Medical Progress, who made the video, it was recorded secretly during a lunch meeting between Nucatola and actors, who were posing as buyers from a medical company. The clip was made in June 2014. 


During it, Nucatola waxes lyrical about the going rates for different organs, between $30 and $100 for things like lungs and kidneys, with liver being the most sought-after body part.


According to the Center for Medical Progress, anybody found guilty of the sale of fetal tissue is liable for a $500,000 fine and/or 10 years in prison.


In the video, Nucatola makes it clear that she’s skeptical about Planned Parenthood’s role in the sale:


“At the national office, we have a Litigation and Law Department, which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now. .

But I will tell you that behind closed doors these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”


Finally,damningly,Nucatola talks about the organization’s ability to get good organs for buyers:


“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.

( Editor’s Note; Cold blooded! This is a fruit of the evolutionary trash we have had stuffed down our throats in this nation. We are not beings made of GOD, but are taught that we are an accident, strange “monkey” people. What LIES! Did this woman get her training at Auschwitz?

How many others are practicing this MURDER? )


2. Her Boss, Nancy Pelosi’s Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Calls Nucatola ‘Great’ & ‘Amazing’ in the Video.


Even more controversial is the appearance in the video of Cecile Richards, the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood. 

She appears at the end in a piece recorded separately and commends the work of Nucatola, calling her “great” and “amazing.” 

It’s made clear that at the time of her comments, Richards didn’t know about the video. Planned Parenthood has issued a statement in response to the video. 

 ( Editor’s Note: Naturally. Let’s make the murder of BABIES into a BENEFIT for humanity.)


The group’s president is the daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards and was a former deputy chief of staff to Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Leader in the House of Representatives.


3. Nucatola Has Been With Planned Parenthood for 10 Years.


[ Editor’s Note: How many BABIES in the womb has she skillfully “crushed” during those 10 years, in order to make a “good” sale to the “BUYERS ? ” ]


Nucatola also dismisses the idea of having any qualms about providing abortions, saying, “I think providing abortion to a woman who requests it

is the moral

and ethical thing to do.”  

( Moral??  Ed.)

4. Nucatola Says ‘No One Ever Plans to Have an Abortion’


[ Editor’s Note:  So, Dr. Nucatola would have us BELIEVE HER , that  a woman’s feet suddenly become autonomous and UN-controllable by her mind and automatically walk a woman into the door of an Abortion Clinic against her will ? The only place where abortion is UN-planned has been in China, where abortion has been a forced means of population control in the past years. ].

5. ‘Partial-Term Abortion’ Is Not a Medically Recognized Term


The phrase “partial-term abortion,” though used frequently by pro-life groups, is not a medical term according to the American Medical Association or the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.


Anybody caught administering “partial-term abortions” is subject to two years in prison.


The Center for Medical Progress has said this is just the first in a series of investigations into the “illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts.”

– end of article –

— end of Dr. Nucatola — 

 …unless she repents before CHRIST JESUS….

WHO+ allowed HER to keep her heart, lungs and liver ….


— end of America and all the Western Civilization nations — which promote, fund, and accomplish

the killing of BABIES

in the mother’s womb.

+  +  +

Shall not MY+ soul be avenged on such a nation as this? saith The LORD.


I+ have given you months and months to repent of your ways; your ways are NOT MY+ WAYS, saith The LORD.  I+ have sent out MY+ warnings to you. I+ have sent you servants of MINE+ which have spoken MY+ Words to you, but you would not have them.


So, this is what you will have: death.  As you have chosen it for the least Little Ones, you have chosen it for yourself.


My+ Words will not return unto ME+ void, but they will accomplish the thing I+ have sent them to do. 



+  +  + 


AMEN + +  +