Showing posts with label Monastic-at-Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monastic-at-Heart. Show all posts


ONE Will : TWO Choices --- Passover Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart


There are two forces at work in the Universe. The most powerful one is The LORD JESUS CHRIST.  The second most powerful one is the satan.

Human beings have been given Free Will by The LORD.

That is, poor as well as rich, bond as well as free, female as well as male, young as well as old, ignorant as well as brilliant... we all have ONE thing given in EQUAL amounts to each of us:  a Free Will.

No-one or no thing can MAKE  us CHOOSE to do wrong or right.

Now, there may be a price to pay for doing the right thing, but if we are willing to pay that price no matter what it is, we will see that NO-ONE or NO THING can change our will to do what is right.

No-one can MAKE us choose to do wrong.

If we die holding onto our right choice, we die... but "they" have not forced us to change.  That is why "they" kill us: we would not change even in the face of death.

A Free Will has been granted each and every individual on planet earth.

Because Man did not give it to us, Man cannot take it away. It was given at creation to Man by the LORD of Creation.

Therefore, HE can take our Free Will away... and HE does. As soon as we close our eyes in death, our Free Will is ended: we must remain in our choice.

That choice was made while we went through our allotted years on earth. Yes, every day --- indeed, every hour --- we lived on planet earth, we choose.

What did we choose ?

With our GOD-given Free Will, we chose to yield allegiance to one of the 2 forces of the Universe.

At any point in time in our entire lives, we agree with either The LORD or else with the satan. 

In short, we either yield to The LORD JESUS CHRIST or we yield to the satan... at any given point in time throughout or lives.

Saved or Unsaved... we agree with either ONE+ or the other... and never both at the same point in time because they are deadly enemies.

This is why sharp words, bad attitudes, and regretful actions are oftentimes seen in persons who are Saved.  They have agreed with their Adamic nature instead of agreeing with the LORD.

Now some persons might think they do NOT agree with the satan, even though they want nothing to do with The LORD. That is, they do not want the LORD JESUS CHRIST to control their lives. They want to be free of "religious" strictures which hamper their Free Will.

So, they live their lives decently and as humanely as THEY see fit... without the LORD JESUS. 

What they do not realize is that they were BORN with a suction cup attaching themselves to the satan. All progeny of Adam were born with this spiritual appendage, unfortunately.

If the satan cannot lure people by evil temptations into his camp, then he lures them by good ! 

Yes, he instructs them through their "human mind" in how to be good and righteous --- humanly-speaking --- and attaches them to the OTHER side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  

Unfortunately for these good-doers, they are STILL attached to the wrong tree; they have not been attached to the Tree of Life.  Because all men speak well of them, their error is hidden to their own eyes and they are in grave danger.

This danger is, of course, Eternal Damnation. 

Those fellows hanging onto the evil side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil are actually in better shape because they KNOW they are wretched and evil. And, in their better moments, some may wish they did not "have" to always be evil, but (sigh) they are powerless to change ... they think. 

Human beings have been given their own Free Will.  No-one can take it away here on earth. In addition, NO-ONE can control that Free Will except the individual TO WHOM IT HAS BEEN GIVEN.

Furthermore, our own Free Will is the only freedom we have.

GOD did not give EVERYBODY across the globe in all era's and ages the right to vote, own property, or even marry whom he / she chose.

Indeed, some individuals have been born into the most wretched living conditions and circumstances imaginable.

Some live in slavery, some in horrible fear. Some in bondages that most of us cannot even imagine. Some have even their rights to their own bodies taken from them, and that, at a very young age.

Most common folk have very limited choices for vocation, recreation, housing, etc.

Most can do very little to change the range of choices they have for their station in life and very few can change their station, even in a free society.

Our human freedoms generally are limited to the "tea or coffee ?" variety... choices of very little significance.

That Free Will, though, is granted to us all --- each and every person on earth --- by GOD for one purpose: to choose to whom we will be attached for all Eternity.

If we choose the satan, then we will be attached to him throughout Eternity.

If we choose our flesh, then again we will be attached to the satan throughout Eternity.

If we choose the mind's way, humanly-speaking, using Reason as our guide, then we will be attached to --- Surprise!--- the satan, just like Eve and Adam, as they reasoned out the path for their own happiness in the Garden of Eden.

In short, if we choose what we think is best to enhance Self, then we will be attached for all Eternity to the satan once again.

If, in our Free Will, we choose to attach ourselves to the LORD JESUS CHRIST, then HE+ breaks the natural, Adamic bond we have with the satan and we are promised Eternity in Heaven !

However, the satan will NOT let us go that easily. After all, we were attached at birth to him and served him many a-year. He was, as one could say, very "attached" to us!

When we yield the control of our life to The LORD JESUS CHRIST, that attachment to the satan is severed... unless we turn BACK to our Adamic, natural man's ways... which always leads us back into the satan's camp.

Unfortunately, that "turning back" can happen in little ways as well as big.

At the start, we do not forsake JESUS CHRIST, but we also do not want to forsake some of our life-long habits, our vices, our faults, or other un-Scriptural ways we have developed when under the tutelage of the satan's camp.
Two forces --- and only two --- are at work in this Universe. Neither one FORCES us to choose its kingdom. Our choice is totally voluntary.

At any given point in time, we have the Free Will to be used by ONE+ or the other... but never both at the same time.

Our only freedom is to choose TO WHICH we will attach ourselves.

THE LORD will not and the satan can not make us choose; we do it ourselves.

That is why man is totally accountable unto GOD.

We are not accountable for the conditions into which we are born.  We are not accountable for what others do unto us.

We are only --- but, EVER --- accountable for choosing The LORD JESUS or the satan.

It is OUR choice... our only REAL choice here on earth. 



WHOSE CHARACTER Do You Reflect ? .... Passover Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart ... Ephesians 2:1

Meditations  for Pascha
(The Passover Season, 2016)
+  +  +

Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart

Now is My+ soul troubled;
and what shall I+ say ...
save ME+
from this hour ?
but for this cause
came I+ unto this hour.

Glorify Thy Name.

Then came there a Voice from Heaven, saying,

I have both glorified IT,
and will glorify IT again.


+  +  +

Meditation Verse 
Ephesians 2:1

And you hath HE+ quickened,
who were dead in trespasses and sins;

Literal Greek:
And you all being dead in the transgressions and in your sins...

The words " ... hath HE+ quickened " ( made alive ) is not found in the Greek text in verse 1 as it is in the KJV but rather down in verse 5.  The concept is there because verses 1 through 5 are actually one LONG sentence with many qualifying phrases. KJV translators decided to move that phrase ( "... hath HE+ quickened") to the beginning of the sentence. It is repeated in verse 5, where the Greek Text has it.
+  +  +


We all know we are DEAD in our trespasses and sins ... until we repent and are washed clean by The Blood of the LAMB+ in the cleansing waters of Holy Baptism. ( See Acts 2:38, John 3:5, Romans 6:3-4, 1 Peter 3:21).

The Washing of our souls of dead matter is a Supernatural washing, indeed, and is when our spirits are born anew, from above. Then we experience TRUE Life and that Life is in CHRIST JESUS.

There is no other way to move from death unto Life, except through CHRIST.

But, what we may NOT know is:
what is sin

For instance, persons who practice same-gender physical intimacy may realize the Bible says it is wrong and churches (some) teach it is wrong. 

What they do not grasp is WHY it is morally wrong. Simply because "GOD said so" is not reason enough for sinners. 

Sadly, "because GOD said so" is not reason enough for a large majority of the church proper across the earth today.

SIN, however, is defined by GOD not man. HE Who shuts up Heaven against sinners is the ONE we need to hear !

So, let's hear.

The word sin is formed from the word MARTYR.  A martyr is one who bears a correct witness for The LORD. A martyr shows WHO+ The LORD is, in Spirit and in Truth. He reflects the true character of GOD.

With a negative particle prefixed to the front of martyr, making it amartyr, we have the Greek word for SIN.

SIN, then, is DOING something or BEING something that does NOT give a TRUE witness as to the character of The LORD.

That is the basis of all morality as found in Scripture. The reflection of GOD'S character is what makes RIGHT "right" and the inaccurate reflection of Our LORD'S character makes WRONG "wrong."

When we besmirch the character of The LORD in our words, our behavior, and our life-styles... we sin.

The First Covenant, known as the Old Testament by some, is full of commandments which instruct us on how to behave so that righteousness prevails in society and GOD'S character is reflected to the world .

When we defame the character of GOD in our thoughts, in our attitudes, in our values... we sin.

The New Covenant, as well as the First, is replete with instructions on how to forgive, how to deal with our tongues and hearts, how to treat our neighbors as well as our enemies. 

The New Covenant reveals that correct outward "behavior" must be accomplished inwardly.

Even if our neighbor does not see our hidden lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and our PRIDE of life, these sins are NOT HIDDEN to our LORD... and to the invisible Watchers.

[ Satan's evil spirits await our every mis-step in order to make us sin even more . Then, when in sin and out from under The LORD'S protection, the satan will steal from, kill, and destroy us in one way or another ... and  then, accuse us himself for not being obedient to GOD!]

Mankind was MADE in the likeness and image of GOD.

We must reflect that image in the purity in which it was given to us... or we will die in our SINS.

We must NEVER turn a deaf ear to the conviction of the HOLY SPIRIT when HE is nudging our conscience about sins. HE is working for our good, alerting us to a danger lurking ahead, trying to ensnare us in sin and then, injury. 

When conviction falls, we must immediately run to ... not away from... The LORD.

Only through the LORD JESUS CHRIST can our filthy souls be cleansed.

Being a martyr --- bearing witness, that TRUE reflection, of The LORD'S character --- is required of us. Indeed, it is required at the hand of ALL mankind. It is a pre-requisite for entering Heaven.

I+ am HE+ that liveth and was dead,
and behold,
I+ am alive forevermore,
and have the keys of hell and of death.
Revelation 1: 18

+  +  +
Let us pray:

O FATHER GOD, YOU have given us a Way to stop our offenses against Your HOLY nature.

Indeed, it is the only Way not to offend YOU.

In my sins, I have defamed Your character.

In my sins, I have besmirched Your person. I have borne a false witness to the world as to WHO You are, O Heavenly FATHER.

Forgive me for ignoring the Conviction of sin SO MANY TIMES which You have sent me through the HOLY SPIRIT.

Help me ... increase the heat, make me hasten ... to admit my sin to You. Forgive me for covering up my impurity.

Thank You, Holy FATHER, for giving us Your SON+ JESUS CHRIST so that we have a Way to become clean and new.

Help us walk in Your purity, now.

This we ask in the Name of Thy Pure SON+, our LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who+ shows us Thy True character. Amen.
+  +  +
Worthy is the LAMB+.

Worthy is The LAMB+
that was slain.

Worthy is the LAMB+,
from the foundation
of the earth.
Revelation 13:8

+  +  +

be to The FATHER,
and to HIS Beloved SON+
and to
the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.

both now and forever,
world without end.


HIS+ Fullness .... Passover Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart ... Ephesians 1:23

Meditations  for Pascha
(The Passover Season, 2016)
+  +  +

Meditations for the Monastic-At-Heart

Now is My+ soul troubled;
and what shall I+ say ...
save ME+
from this hour ?
but for this cause
came I+ unto this hour.

Glorify Thy Name.

Then came there a Voice from Heaven, saying,

I have both glorified IT,
and will glorify IT again.


+  +  +

Meditation Verse 
Ephesians 1:23

1:22 And  [ The FATHER ] hath put all things under HIS+ Feet, and gave HIM+ to be the Head over all things to the church, 

which is His+ Body, 
the fullness of HIM+ 
that  filleth all in all.  

The Literal Greek:
 Which is His+ Body,
the Fullness of The ONE+
filling all, in ALL.

+  +  +


This verse tells us two facts.

The first fact is that the Church is the Body of CHRIST.

The second fact is the Church is the FULLNESS of JESUS CHRIST Who+ is filling and completing everything ... in HIMSELF+.

If Our LORD JESUS CHRIST is the head ... and the FULLNESS ... of the Church,  the Church should be full of life, of miracles, of healings, of Holy Fear, of power against the evil tide rolling across the earth.

As the Body of CHRIST, are we full ?


We know that CHRIST JESUS has not changed. We know that the HOLY SPIRIT has not changed.  We know that Scriptures can not lie and do not change. And certainly, Our FATHER Who art in Heaven has not changed !

So... what HAS changed ?

The Church.

Why is "the church," changing ... changing so much that The FATHER does not recognize it ?

Why is "the church" changing so much that The HOLY SPIRIT flees from it ?

Why is "the church" changing so much that there is only an excess of programs, activities, teachings, and singing ... and not the FULLNESS of CHRIST resting upon it ? 

The answer is this: The Called-Out ones are refusing to be called-out from the world. 

The individuals who make up the congregations of the church proper are not YIELDED unto the leading of The HOLY SPIRIT to separate from the world.

Church attenders look like the world, talk like the world, act like the world and sometimes, they cheat like the world.

The world CANNOT tell them apart from other worldlings.

The Believers have followed the world instead of the Cross. They do this because they are "under Grace."

And "Grace" means being "excused" from the discipline of the Cross... right ?  

NO. Wrong.

The Cross means only one thing: putting Self to death in order to Follow CHRIST JESUS.

True Followers of JESUS do NOT look like the world; even a child can spot a TRUE Follower of JESUS because they look differently than the rest of the public.

True Followers of JESUS do NOT act like the world. Store clerks, bank tellers, neighbors, and all the ones that have contact with them will KNOW something is different because they do not act the same as "everybody else" acts.

They are not loud and rowdy. They mind their own business. They do not become belligerent if something goes wrong in a commercial transaction.

Nor, do true Followers of JESUS talk the same. Their speech is clean. Their speech is salted with Truth about The LORD JESUS. Their speech is kind and gentle towards others.

The Cross, to true Followers of JESUS, is followed by discipleship. 

Nominal church attenders NEVER pick up discipleship; they think it curtails their freedom.

Church attenders disdain discipleship; coming on Sunday and to the mid-week meetings...  isn't that enough of the Cross ?

Worldly Christians detest discipleship, calling it law ... and His+ Grace allows me to escape all demands to curb my appetite, my zeal for sports, my zest for shopping, and I am FREE to dress in the public-approved fashions because HE+ wouldn't want me to be an odd-looking spectacle, would HE+ ?  

So, where is His+ FULLNESS in the Church, that Holy Fullness which fills all with ALL+ ? 

Sadly, that cavity is filled with the world.

Here is TRUTH that you can count on: 

will not share
with the world.


+  +  +
Let us pray:

Heavenly FATHER,  I said I believe in YOUR SON+ JESUS CHRIST.  I have been baptized and received into His+ flock. 

But, I am not FULL.

Well... I am not full of YOUR SON+, that is, just like the church.

Help me to embrace discipleship ... and that in all areas of my life.

Show me , O CHRIST, where to start. Show me where to slow down, where to eliminate, where to change.

Show me how to dress as a Follower of JESUS so that no-one has to guess if I am Your+ Follower or not.

And, change my speech; O LORD JESUS, change my heart ! 

I am sorry for my worldly witness; change me .  I will listen to YOU+ now.

This I pray, O FATHER,  in The Holy and Precious Name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
+  +  +
Worthy is the LAMB+.

Worthy is The LAMB+
that was slain.

Worthy is the LAMB+,
from the foundation
of the earth.
Revelation 13:8

+  +  +

be to The FATHER,
and to HIS Beloved SON+
and to
the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.

both now and forever,
world without end.