Showing posts with label Mammona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mammona. Show all posts


Season of the EPIPHANY... The Day Star+

Where IS HE+...
the ONE+ born
KING+ of the Jews ?

For we have seen
the Day Star+ arise
in our hearts...

And have come
to worship HIM+
with our :


Does our worship of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST extend into our piles of gold ?  Does our worship of Our LORD JESUS control our mammon, our money, our funds ? 

Would others
by how we spend 
the funds

The LORD, in HIS+ goodness,
has entrusted to us ?

Does our witness
into our pocketbooks?
our purses ?
our wallets?

Do we avoid beggars or people with signs, asking for money or work ?


Do we collect aluminum cans for CHRIST and crush them to sell ...  in order to donate pennies to missionaries ...  while sitting on thousands in the bank, collecting interest ?

As the good Bishop said in Les Miserables, when observing a wealthy man dropping a penny into the alms box:   " Ah, there is the richest man in the province... buying a PENNY'S worth of Heaven ! " 

What we REALLY VALUE is what we scrimp and save for, where we spend the MAJORITY of our monies. 

Are we telling GOD that we want only one-tenth of HIS goodness, with our giving ?

JESUS paid it ALL...
all to HIM+ I owe.
Sin has left a crimson stain.
HE+ washed it white as snow.


O LORD GOD, THOU has made the Heavens and the earth and all the things therein; THOU+ hast need of nothing of mine. 

Heavenly FATHER, I have need of THEE. I have all need of Thy+ SON+ JESUS operating in me.

Help me manifest CHRIST JESUS with my monies.

I have need for THEE+ to control every penny that comes in my door... so Mammon does not control me through love of it ...or through fear.

I know, O my SAVIOR, that I cannot out-give THEE+.

Make me willing and un-afraid to turn the control over my funds unto THEE+.

Smite the fear, smite my worldly-wisdom, un-clog my deaf ears and re-kindle Thy+ zeal in my dull and fearful heart, for THOU+ doest all things well. 

For  Thy+ glory help me use the monies THOU+ hast given into my stewardship in a more sanctified way. 

This I pray, to the glory of GOD our FATHER; in the Name of Our Manifested SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Amen.