
Lovest Thou ME+ ? . . . . RECLAIMING LOST GROUND

So when they had dined, JESUS saith to Simon Peter,

Simon, son of Jonas,
lovest thou ME+ more than these?

He saith unto HIM+, Yea, LORD; THOU+ knowest that I love THEE+.
HE+ saith unto him, Feed My+ lambs.

HE+ saith to him again the second time,

Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou ME+ ?

 All pictures Courtesy of https://www.slideshare.net/pegbaker/gospel-of-john-21

He saith unto HIM+, Yea, LORD; THOU+ knowest that I love THEE+ .

HE+ saith unto him, Feed My+ sheep.

HE+ saith unto him the third time,

Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou ME+ ?

All pictures Courtesy of https://www.slideshare.net/pegbaker/gospel-of-john-21

Peter was grieved because HE+ said unto him the third time, Lovest thou ME+? And he said unto HIM+, LORD,  THOU+  knowest all things; THOU+  knowest that I love THEE+.

JESUS saith unto him, Feed My+ sheep.

John 21:15-17

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All pictures Courtesy of https://www.slideshare.net/pegbaker/gospel-of-john-21

Have we ever denied JESUS before men ? 

Yes we have, if we have refused to separate ourselves from others who are mocking or rejecting CHRIST JESUS as LORD.

If we have remained silent when others are taking the LORD'S NAME in vain, we have denied JESUS before men.

 All pictures Courtesy of https://www.slideshare.net/pegbaker/gospel-of-john-21

We deny HIM+ when we partake of gossiping tongues or gossiping ears, itching to hear the "latest" derogatory reports about  never-do-well-ers. This behavior denies His+ LORDSHIP over our hearts, minds, and lives, including our spirits. We are hardly able to refrain from clucking our tongues at such unseemly "behavior".

Worse, we do this with others. The spirits -- both good and bad -- see us make this denial …a denial of CHRIST’S rule in our hearts.  

In NOT DENYING our fleshly nature, we have DENIED our New Birth.

We have DENIED being that "New Creature" in CHRIST JESUS before the face of men.  We have DENIED the vows of our Baptism --- that our old, Adamic man be buried with CHRIST.

 All pictures Courtesy of https://www.slideshare.net/pegbaker/gospel-of-john-21

What did The LORD do for Peter by asking Peter to RE-STATE publically   his LOVE for HIMSELF+  . . .  three  times  ?


 reclaimed  the  ground.

HE+ addressed the wound that Peter held within his heart for denying The LORD publically three times.

The LORD had already told the Temple guard ( and a Roman soldier, a chiliarch, John 18:12 , who was in their midst ) coming to take HIM+ in the Garden that  " I+ AM HE+ ; let them go."  John 18:8.

Of course, they OBEYED the Word of The LORD. They NEEDED to, for HE+ knocked them all to the ground with just His+ identity a few minutes earlier.  John 18:6.

Regardless of the supernatural strength The LORD evidenced by His+ spoken Word, Peter was still frightened. He next drew his sword and "defended" his KING+ by trying to slay someone in the Temple guard.

Thankfully, he missed and cut of an ear --- which was RESTORED by the LORD JESUS ( Luke 22:51), yet another miracle to show HE+ was in charge of the events.

In all cases that night, 
The LORD was testing His+ Disciples.

The LORD JESUS said earlier that HE+ knew what was in the heart of men. HE+ tested His+ Disciples for them to see themselves.

HE+ wished them to see if they would deny HIM+ in front of others. 

HE+ wanted them to see if they would trust HIM+ and His+ Word that HE+ had spoken and with great power : "Let these go."

HE+ wanted them to see their lack of trust --- even though they had seen His+ power in saying " I+ AM HE+ " --- and how they reverted to hiding and denying HIM+.  Peter did not forsake the world's ways with either his sword or his mouth, in the time of trial.

This TESTING was of Peter. The LORD'S TESTING was fought and won in the  Garden , with great drops of sweat falling as Blood to the ground. 

In His+ great heart of love for Peter, The Resurrected LORD JESUS singled out Peter on the seashore in order to heal Peter's self-inflicted wound.

HE+ RECLAIMED the ground

Peter had lost to the satan.

HE+ did not allow satan to "sift" Peter, to grind him down, any further. Peter won the victory because he submitted to the LORD'S questioning, although grieving about its continuance.

Peter did not run away, hide, nor ignore the point of the questioning, even though filled with pain.

The LORD JESUS confronted those painful denials, those self-inflicted wounds, that Peter was carrying in his heart. 

Yes, the Resurrection was glorious to Peter;
but who would want a TRAITOR ?

JESUS did.  HE+ offered Peter His+ LOVE once again and showed him the painful, yet healing , path of Truth in order to


When we deny CHRIST, the immediate response is not to go fishing. We cannot hide our sickening reaction to having denied The LORD before men and spirits.

We MUST immediately RETURN to JESUS for an honest evaluation of our own sinful, not-yet-dead Adamic nature. We do not let the satan retain a foothold in our spirit. 

Immediately we return to The LORD JESUS and repent.  We return to Our LORD and re-affirm our love for HIM+ and our re-dedication to walking His+ way.

We AGREE with JESUS in every part of our body, mind, soul, and spirit.  His+ Word is TRUTH.  It sets us free if we ADHERE to it. 

But, we must adhere to it through all the workings of satanic spirits trying to make us deny CHRIST.

Like with Peter, The LORD JESUS will enable us
to  reclaim  the ground.

. . . and this time,
to deny HIM+ no more.

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 All pictures Courtesy of https://www.slideshare.net/pegbaker/gospel-of-john-21

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