
HOLY TUESDAY: IN The Night in which HE+ Was Betrayed . . .

In the night in which our LORD was betrayed . . .

By Samson7Able

Communion Service 
The Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ stays in fellowship with Christian groups which commemorate the LORD'S Crucifixion on "Good Friday."

The actual day, though, would have to be a Wednesday crucifixion. There is no other way to account for "three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" as an accurate statement.

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the SON+ of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth
Matthew 12:40

Yet , that statement MUST be accurate because it was spoken by the Mouth of The LORD,  our LORD JESUS CHRIST. All timing of events in the Holy Scriptures is found to be very exact. 

Why should this earth-shaking, crucial event be casual in its precision ?

Confusion abounds in this matter. Few people consider that there were TWO Holy days in that historical week:  the regular Saturday Sabbath plus the High Holy Day of Passover, which fell in the middle of the week, on a Wednesday.  

It would have been on a Tuesday evening of Passover week that The LORD instituted The LORD'S SUPPER as HE+ ate the Passover meal with His+ disciples in the Upper Room. [ Matthew 26: 18, Luke 22:15 ]

They retired to the Mount of Olives and HE+ entered the Garden of Gethsemane after the Supper on Tuesday evening. There HE+ prayed His+ prayer of human agony.

And HE+ was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, Saying,

FATHER, if THOU be willing, remove This Cup from ME+:
nevertheless not My+ Will,
but THINE, be done.

And there appeared an angel unto HIM+ from Heaven, strengthening HIM+.

And being in an agony
HE+ prayed more earnestly:

and His+ sweat was
as it were great drops of Blood
falling down to the ground.
Luke 22:41-44

Thus, it is fitting to institute The Last Supper, our Communion, on Tuesday evening, before HE+ entered into His+ Suffering.

~ The Communion of Our LORD ~

Heavenly FATHER,  we come before YOU now to do that which Your Beloved SON+ has commanded us to do, to partake of the unLeavened Bread and Wine; 

and to do this in Remembrance of HIM+; and to proclaim His+ Death until HE+ comes again in power and great glory.

Bless this, our Communion, we pray.

In the night in which our LORD was betrayed, HE+ took Bread in His+ Sinless Hands,

and when HE+ had given thanks, HE+ broke it , and gave it to His+ Disciples, saying :

Take, eat,
This is My+ Body+
Which is given for you.

Do this,
as often as you shall eat of it,
in remembrance of ME+.

Likewise, after Supper, taking the Cup and giving thanks, HE+ gave it to them saying

Drink ye all of This.
This is My+ Blood+ of the New Covenant,
Which is being poured out for you and for many
for the remission of sins.

Do this,
as often as you shall drink of it,
in remembrance of ME+.

[ Making the sign of the Cross upon the Bread and Wine, pray: ]

Heavenly FATHER, we pray, send forth Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT into this unLeavened Bread and Wine, that they may be for us the Body+ and Blood+ of Your Beloved SON+, Our LORD.

Now , let us pray the prayer The LORD taught His+ disciples:

Which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on earth,
as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who have sinned
against us;

and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one
is The Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever and ever.
+  +  +

The Communion of the BODY+ and BLOOD+ of our LORD:
 the Bread and Wine,

Which is broken for thee,
preserve thy body and soul
unto Ever-Lasting Life.

Take, and eat this
in remembrance that CHRIST died for thee.
And, Feed on HIM+ in thy heart,
by faith, with thanksgiving.

[ After this, if sharing the Bread with individuals, the elder says to each one:
The Body+ of Our LORD:  response:  Broken for me. ]

Which was shed for thee,
Preserve thy body and soul unto Ever-Lasting Life.

Take, drink this
in remembrance that CHRIST'S BLOOD+
was shed for thee, and be thankful.

[ If sharing the Wine with each individual, the elder says to each one,
The BLOOD+ of our LORD, the Cup of Salvation.
response: Blood+ shed for me. ]

Prayer of Thanksgiving

O HOLY FATHER, Thank YOU for the most precious BODY+ and BLOOD+ of Your HOLY SON+ JESUS CHRIST.

Help us to walk worthy of Your SON+ and worthy of our calling, and to bear fruit that is pleasing in Your sight, through Your Beloved SON+, in the strength of Your HOLY SPIRIT.

Help us to overcome all things through Your Beloved SON+ and to be with YOU forever in the Kingdom of Your SON+.  Amen.

Thanks be to GOD Who giveth us the Victory
through our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
+  +  +

Here endeth the order of Holy Communion on this holy day, Year of Our LORD, 3. 27. 2018.

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