



 Before the Adamic race existed  there was . . . 

WAR IN HEAVEN  By Samson7able

. . . a Cosmic Rebellion in the Celestial regions. This took place when a high-level created being thought that he could run things in a much better way than his Creator could.

 In his arrogance and pride he forgot that he and all of his beauty and strength had been given to him from the very Creator that he was lifting himself up against in rebellion.

   Furthermore, in his pride and arrogance . . . 

he began to seek support from the other created beings from the various angelic orders, that indeed, he could do things better than The Creator. Because of his great beauty and cleverness,  he deserved to be in control, he deserved to be in command, oh yes, he deserved to be GOD!

  Angelic beings of all of the orders and ranks had free will and could choose. Whatever methods and tactics he used, one third of the heavenly beings decided to cast their lot with this beautiful and powerful created being. They would make it known to their CREATOR that things were going to change… and so they did.

   Of course, in the Throne Room of The ETERNAL FATHER, all these things were known by HIM even as they were taking place. All things were in place as the rebel angels made their move. The absolute pride and arrogance of a throng of created beings seeking to overthrow the ALMIGHTY FATHER would be stopped, or else those rebels ( in their arrogance ) would destroy the whole creation. Sin entered the creation at that point.

Scripture gives us a glimpse and hints at some of the things that took place in that cosmic rebellion.  Ezekiel 28:12-18 gives a glimpse of what happened long ago.

The heavens that existed then were decimated in this rebellion. The solar system that we inhabit now was brought down and made uninhabitable…  except for one planet only,  the earth, which was recreated by The LORD GOD at a later time, according to Scriptures. (It is difficult for us to envision that kind of warfare. How do very powerful spirit beings make war? How do they fight?) 

It is quite possible 
that all of the planets of our solar system 
were inhabited at one time 
prior to this cosmic rebellion. 

The fifth planet from the sun, called in Scripture “Rahab” was shattered into pieces by the LORD GOD. It is now referred to by astronomers as The Asteroid Belt. It still travels in the same orbit that it did, except now it is in pieces. ( Psalm 89:10;  Isaiah 51:9 )

Artifacts are being found by NASA ‘s Rover unit on Mars that are NOT of natural origin, but are of intelligent design. The history of the Adamic race has been VERY different than the standard secular history books indicate.  Scripture gives the true picture.

 The rebellious angels were hemmed in to an area surrounding the earth, possibly just this solar system, possibly  even less area. They are in a weakened state and their former beauty has been struck by The LORD GOD.

Scripture indicates that this area is getting smaller for the fallen angels, and that at some point satan and his minions will be “cast down onto the earth”. This may have happened already!  (“woe to the inhabiters of the earth”). 

The adversary knows that he has 
 only a short time left.  

 We are seeing evil allowed to manifest itself in no uncertain terms. It can be called nothing else. We are seeing it in HUGE amounts, on every hand, among every strata of humanity, every area of human existence. Yes, it has always been here, but the increase in evil is EXPONENTIAL.

 JESUS  our LORD warned us of a time so bad, that if HE+ did not stop it NO flesh, NO human being would be left alive; the Adamic race would be destroyed. This is the desire of the “adversary”.  The days WILL be shortened and the evil WILL be stopped!

     This is where we are in time now on planet earth. The very last days of the Cosmic Rebellion that began long ago is coming to an END. The enemy of the human race is being pushed into a corner, to be forced to come out into the open, so that all can see what he truly is doing, what he looks like, and what the fruits of opening up one’s heart to him are like. It is not a pretty picture.

     The thief comes ONLY to kill, steal, and to destroy. The SON of GOD comes that ALL who turn to HIM+ may have Life … True Life … and have that in great abundance and for ALL ETERNITY.

  The Adamic race was created and placed on planet earth, after the cosmic rebellion was put down, placed right on the DMZ,  for a reason: so that the Adamic race might stand up to the “father of lies” and overcome him.

JESUS won for us.

Because HE+ won, HE+ now gives all who come to HIM+ the power to win also, and to become Sons and Daughters of GOD.

We are here for an Eternal Purpose…

So that through the Church, the Called-Out, the manifold Wisdom of GOD might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This is according to the Eternal purpose that HE has appointed in CHRIST JESUS our LORD.  

 Ephesians 3:10-11

Our Heavenly FATHER is going to bring down the fallen  angels through an obedient and loving Church who “delight to do their LORD’S will” and follow HIS+ example in ALL things.

HE+ will teach the angelic beings a lesson through HIS+ Body, HIS+ Bride on the earth. They will overcome the “evil one” by the “Blood of the LAMB+ and the Word of their testimony and as they love not their lives unto death. 

As JESUS loved us and lay down HIS+ Life for us, and washed us from our sins in HIS+ own Blood, so we will love HIM+ back, and in a lesser way, lay down our lives for HIM+.

Victory is near

The Cosmic Rebellion that began so long ago is almost over.

Stand Strong

Lift up your heads, your redemption draws near


And HIS Beloved Eternal SON+

And HIS Blessed Eternal HOLY SPIRIT

Amen + + + 

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