

Circuit Preacher, from holstonlegacy.com

Know ye not that your body is
the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT,
which is in you,
which ye have of GOD,
and ye are not your own?

For ye are bought with a Price+:
therefore glorify GOD in your body,
and in your spirit,
which are GOD'S.
I Cor. 6: 19-20

For WHOM do you evangelize?

What are you promoting with your life? If you are promoting the life-style of your community, then you are being "your own."

What are you promoting with your conversation, your words? If you are promoting "what you think", then you are still being "your own."

When you realize that YOU have been bought with a PRICE+ ... a PRICE+ that you can never repay with all the riches of this world... you will realize that you indeed are NOT YOUR OWN MASTER.

In the days of the slave markets in the ancient Roman world, slaves would be auctioned off, standing stark naked so their prospective owners could ascertain the value of their purchased property.

The Christians, who refused to attend theaters, sporting events, public baths, and other places that revealed the flesh, would go to the slave market and purchase one of these poor fellow humans.

For CHRIST JESUS, of course, was the purchase made.

The Christian would quickly clothe the nakedness of the new-bought slave... and set him or her free. For the love he bore to CHRIST JESUS, the Christian and his friends would provide the newly-freed slave with the means to make a living and an abode. 

The slave was FREE ! 

There were no strings attached.

The slave could take
his freedom,
his wealth,
his provision, 
...and GO. 

The slave was free to live his life however he wanted to live it. 


the slave was welcome to attach himself to the Christian and find out WHY his life was being made so different from all the slaves he left behind in the slave market. 

As a witness for CHRIST JESUS, the Christians did this because... 

DID that 

set the captives 

  • Free from sin
  • free from serving self
  • free from being a slave of  human spirits and
  • free from the control of the demonic forces.
    Free to follow HIM+ alone


Response: O GOD, THOU knowest my foolishness: and my sins are not hid from THEE. I am NOT MY OWN; I am bought with a  PRICE+.

Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but now have I kept Thy+ Word+.

Response: O GOD, THOU knowest my foolishness: and my sins are not hid from THEE. I am NOT MY OWN; I am bought with a  PRICE+.

It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy+ statutes.

Response: O GOD, THOU knowest my foolishness: and my sins are not hid from THEE. I am NOT MY OWN; I am bought with a  PRICE+.

I know, O LORD, that Thy+ judgments are right, and that THOU+ in faithfulness has afflicted me.
Response: O GOD, THOU knowest my foolishness: and my sins are not hid from THEE. I am NOT MY OWN; I am bought with a  PRICE+.


Worthy is The LAMB+ Who+ 
has guided my afflictions;
Worthy is The LAMB+ !

Worthy is The LAMB+ Who+ 
 sets me free; 
Worthy is The LAMB+ ! 

Worthy is The LAMB+ Who+ 
allows me to be HIS+ freed slave 
...or to follow my own way;
Worthy is The LAMB+ !

 Worthy is The LAMB+ that was slain
to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor 
and glory and blessing. 

Blessing and honor and glory and power
be unto HIM that sitteth upon the Throne 
and unto The LAMB+ 
forever and ever


Monastic GUIDED MEDITATIONS for the Individual...

Photo by the  Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+

The purpose of a Guided Meditation is to draw close to Our LORD JESUS. That involves becoming very still in the inner man. 

Some have done this by reading 20 Psalms a day because it takes the reading of that many Psalms in order for the stillness to seep into the human spirit. The Psalms act as a buffer to keep the distractions at a distance. 

We need a way to quickly focus on The LORD, to hear His+ still, small Voice.  We need to hear His+ Voice to guide us through the day and to keep us secure in HIM+. But, being human, we oftentimes do forsake doing the Psalms and push on with our demanding activities of the day.

The beauty of these short, guided meditations is that you can tailor make them to fit your own personal needs, to fit the areas of your life about which The LORD is speaking to you, perhaps for a week, perhaps for a season.

From doing these three sections of verses on a theme ( as you will be able to see below ), certain parts of the Word of GOD which you need will become in-grained within your spirit. The ANTIPHON helps you to worship.

The WORSHIP part (“Worthy is the LAMB+…”) also becomes personal to YOU , as you worship HIM+ for Who+ HE+ is, for what HE+ is doing in your life, for making HIMSELF+ known unto you.

When doing GUIDED MEDITATIONS, one can draw into that Quietude of Heart that is needed. 

When entering into that Quietude of Heart that is un-disturbed by distractions, it is then we “commune” with Our SAVIOR+

And, at that point, we are nourished in our soul by HIM+. 

~ ~ ~ Supplications ~ ~ ~
( A Pattern for Meditative Worship for the Individual )

ANTIPHON: The humble shall see and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek GOD. Psalm 69:32 [The Antiphon is repeated after every verse.]

Cause me to hear Thy+ lovingkindness in the morning; for in THEE+ do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto THEE+ Psalm 143:8

ANTIPHON: The humble shall see and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek GOD.

What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT which is in you, which ye have of GOD, and ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify GOD in your body, and in your spirit, which are GOD’S.    I Cor. 19,20

 ANTIPHON: The humble shall see and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek GOD.

Order my steps in Thy Word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.   Psalm 119:133
[ The Supplications may  be profitably repeated 3 X, slowly, to deepen the Meditation.]

The Worship

Worthy is the LAMB+ Who+ ….. [ To finish the three sentences, simply select an item in the above verses which speaks to your heart and insert it here, to complete each sentence of praise.  Here is an example of how to do this.]

  • Worthy is the LAMB+  Who+...  speaks His+ love to me this morning. Amen and AlleluJAH. Worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain…

  • Worthy is the LAMB+  Who+... has bought me by His+ Blood. Amen and AlleluJAH. Worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain…  

  • Worthy is the LAMB+ Who+... orders my steps in HIS+ WordAmen and AlleluJAH. Worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain...
Worthy is the LAMB+ 
that was slain 
to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.

Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto HIM that sitteth upon the throne and unto The LAMB+.

Amen and AlleluJAH !

Glory Be to 
and to The SON+,
and to the HOLY SPIRIT.
As it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be.
World without end .

Amen. Amen.