
What CHILD+ is This?

Advent 2010...
Meditation #7...

This, THIS IS CHRIST the King+

WHOM+ shepherds guard

and angels sing...


. .. .. .. .




WHOM+ angels sing... YES!


there is

ONE song

the angels CANNOT sing:


Yes, Redeemed!"


The angels, the Holy Ones who did not rebel against GOD during the Great Rebellion in Heaven, sing HIS+ praise. They sang as they welcomed HIS+ birth, knowing that that divine BIRTH+ was bringing Salvation to mankind. They also knew this: satan's days were numbered. Bless GOD!


The other angels --- one-third of Heaven --- who rebelled with Lucifer, who did NOT rejoice in HIS+ birth, rejoiced in HIS+ death. But little did they know: HIS+ death was their death warrant, delivered in Person+.


And, little did they know that death and all the demons of darkness couldn't hold Our LORD JESUS CHRIST in Sheol, Hades, or hell (as is commonly called).


Furthermore, these rebellious angels did NOT know ahead of time this fact: The FATHER would not suffer HIS HOLY ONE + , The LORD JESUS CHRIST, to see corruption.


Indeed, if the rebellious angels would have KNOWN what was GOING TO HAPPEN, they would NOT have crucified The LORD of GLORY+ . Bless GOD! Although they know a lot, they were NOT privileged to know that death couldn't hold the Coming Messiah, The LAMB+ of GOD.


Yet, they know that there is ONE GOD; the devils believe and tremble. (Oddly enough, the devils DO "believe," don't they ? Salvation must entail something more than "belief," yes?)


Now, there is NO WAY out for the angels who rebelled. They are doomed, as Lucifer, their leader, is doomed. They have no "Redeemer" to rescue them from Lucifer and the Lake of Fire, where they all will be, forever and ever, where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched.


Bless GOD! Mankind does NOT HAVE TO END UP that way, with the fallen angels. So, let us never neglect so great a Salvation. Let us join with the Holy Angels to lift our songs unto HIM WHO sitteth upon The Throne and unto The LAMB+.


For HE+ shall reign forever and ever. HalleluJAH! HalleluJAH! The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of Our LORD and of HIS CHRIST. And HE+ shall reign... and HE+ shall reign... and HE+ shall reign FOREVER AND EVER. HalleluJAH!


Whose child are you ?

+ + +

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