
HE+ CAME to Taste Death . . . for EVERY Man ! ~ ADVENT #19

What Did HE+ Come Here TO DO ?
HE+ came to die .
The LORD JESUS was born in order to DIE.

But we see JESUS, Who+ was made a little lower than the angels
for the suffering of death,
crowned with glory and honor;

that HE+ by the grace of GOD
should taste death

for every man.
Hebrews 2:9

Yes, the LORD JESUS CHRIST was born specifically to DIE like a man.

HE+ left His+ Glory in Heaven SPECIFICALLY to conquer death as a man.  

 The LORD JESUS Who+ was the very ESSENCE of GOD, took upon HIMSELF+ the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men

 . . .  and being found in fashion as a man, HE+ humbled HIMSELF+ and became OBEDIENT UNTO DEATH. 

By The LORD JESUS CHRIST’S entrance into human affairs, grace and truth  re-entered the human race. By His+ acceptance of death upon Himself+, HE+ came to lift that death away from us, from all who follow HIM+ as LORD+ of their life.


Heavenly FATHER, 

I am less than humble. 

I have pride that exhibits itself in anger, in “self-rights” and self-will, and in impatience and frustration with my fellow-man. 

Who am I to be impatient and frustrated with anyone ?

Have YOU not had great patience with my faults, which are many ?

Who am I to exert my will on others ? Am I a “god” ? 

Who am I to become angry when my self-rights are trampled, either actually or seemingly ?  

 Am I a king or queen over any people ? 

Your Only-Begotten SON+ Who+ shared Your glory before the foundation of the world, did not retain His+ “rights” when HE+ became man, but rather HE+ became obedient to YOU, O Righteous FATHER.  

HE+ took the form of a servant; I take the form of Imperial Royalty and exert my will on all.

HE+ was made in the likeness of men and humbled HIMSELF+; I was born from Adam’s seed and exalt my Self.

HE+ came to die, to bring LIFE eternal to me; I refuse to die enough for HIM+  . . . enough so that others may see the LIFE in CHRIST .  

O Heavenly FATHER, I know the best Witness for CHRIST is by example, by me totally yielding to The LORD JESUS CHRIST, nothing wavering, nothing mingled with the world, nothing retained for SELF. 

Yet . . . I do not walk consistently in all the Light YOU have given me in CHRIST.

Help me to disengage from the affairs of this life which I have justified , those affairs which entangle me in this temporal world:  living ,not dying to self. 

Cleanse me from self-justification mind-games, in which I fool myself into thinking that  I do not have to pick up my Cross and die daily to Self. 

I repent, O Holy FATHER. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

This I pray in the LIFE-Giving Name of Your Only-Begotten SON+, our LORD and SAVIOR+ JESUS CHRIST Who+ came to taste death for me, for all. Amen. 

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