
ADVENT # 12 ~ WHY Did HE+ Come ? ~ 1 John 3:8

He that committeth sin is of the devil;
for the devil sinneth from the beginning.

For this purpose the SON+ OF GOD was manifested, that HE+ might destroy the works of the devil.
 1  John 3:8

MANIFEST: from the Latin: “hit by the hand.”

  • Readily perceived by the senses and especially, by the sight. 
  •  Easily understood or recognized by the mind; obvious; syn EVIDENT. 

GREEK: εφανερωθη – ephanerOthAfrom phaneroW – to make manifest or visible or known what has been hidden or unknown.

Have the works of the devil
 been destroyed in our lives yet ? 

If we have been born anew, again, from Above, then we can say YES. However, we must CONTINUE to stay free from our Adamic nature . Our Adamic nature follows the devil, not The LORD. It tries to pull us back to the devil and away from The LORD.

 1 Corinthians 9:27
But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

If the Apostle Paul had to make his body, his earthly man, submit unto The SPIRIT, then how are we any stronger than the Apostle to the Gentiles ? He saw that this was a deadly battle; 

do we ?
Are we standing strongly AGAINST our own self-indulgent nature , i.e., our Adamic "Self" ?

Are we living as "that New Creature" in CHRIST, with an open, vibrant LOVE of The LORD JESUS CHRIST emanating from us ? 

Does HIS+ Peace REST upon us, so that without a word spoken, others are aware that HE+ lives within our hearts ? 

Is our SEPARATION from the world so apparent by our talk --- or our silence --- and in our deportment that we do not even NEED to wear a Cross or a Fish, in order to be identified with CHRIST ? 

Does our manner of dress blend in with conservative, decent people of the world . . . or does it IDENTIFY us as belonging to CHRIST and HIS+ Followers ? 

What About our MONEY ?

Do we take loans and make loans to others, contrary to The WORD of GOD ? The WORD says to give to him who asks of you and not to ask it to be returned. 

The WORD of GOD says to "owe no man anything but to love him." Do we say we "love" our fellow man . . .  and then disregard The WORD of GOD to go in debt to buy something beyond our pocketbook ? 

Are our values, our philosophies, and our traditions coming from our earthly family and friends or from The WORD of GOD ? 

Do we compromise Righteousness in order to "keep the peace" , or do we hold fast to CHRIST and His+ Divine Truth in the face of conflict with family, friends, and co-workers ? 

Are we careful to be politically correct but remain spiritually INcorrect as we smilingly tolerate evil programs , people, and philosophies . . . both on the job and in our extended families ? 

These are ALL "works of the devil." 
Have they been destroyed in our lives yet ?

If not, 

   We cannot begin to exercise any spiritual power in combat with satan if we still have any works of the devil operating in our lives. 

Overtly or under cover, any works of the devil operating in our own lives --- EVEN IN OUR VALUE SYSTEM --- will nullify and make void our spiritual muscle during combat with the devil and his henchmen.

Scripture says The LORD JESUS CHRIST came to destroy the works of the devil.

 All  of  them


LORD JESUS CHRIST, I have received the gift of Salvation from YOU+ and I thank YOU+ with all of my heart. 

Help me now to rout out of me all those things that offend. 

I lay before YOU+ my values, my philosophies, my traditions.  Shine Your+ Light upon them, O LORD, and  help me discard those things that stem from the world or from man.

Help me to replace my values, philosophies, and traditions with those found in Your+ WORD.  

Only those will I keep. I want to destroy the works of the devil operating quietly within me which render me dead to YOU+ and alive to the world.

Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.   

Make me a vessel fit for Your+ use, that my prayers will go forth with power and that I may be fit to join YOU+ , as YOU+ destroy the works of the devil upon the face of this earth. Amen

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