

Only one life . . .
'twill soon be passed.

Only what's done for CHRIST
will last. 

When I am old, how glad I'll be
if the light of my lamp
has been burned out 
for THEE+.

"Enter thou into the Joy of thy LORD+, thou good an faithful servant."

~ An accurate reflection of the life of Brother Michael Smith, 50, Old Order Mennonite, who died suddenly and unexpectedly on Monday morning of a heart attack. 

He loved The LORD JESUS CHRIST, spoke constantly of Spiritual matters, and set his heart steadfastly toward Heaven. 

We lost a beloved brother and faithful friend. He is in Total Joy; we are in mourning over our loss. 

Pray for his young son who found him fallen into the wagon after The LORD took him HOME. Pray for his widow. Pray for his Christian community who loved him, as well. 

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