

What Did He+ Come Here TO DO ? 

The LORD JESUS came to show us

Oh-no ! Everybody quakes when mentioning that MYSTERIOUS Will of The FATHER ! Who can know it ? 

People write books about it. Numerous Bible studies have workbook pages devoted to it. Many prayer meetings are held to discover it. 

The LORD JESUS told us what the Will of HIS+ FATHER is: 

To be ONE with our Heavenly, Holy FATHER.

To stay in Companionship with HIM. 

The FATHER truly WANTS us to be close to HIM, to See HIM, to Know HIM, to Love HIM. HE wants us to be Single of Eye, with that eye focused constantly upon HIM.

HE wants this SO INTENSELY that HE gave HIS Only-Begotten SON+ to breach the gap between man and HIM . . . that Only-Begotten SON+ Who+ is in the very Bosom of The FATHER. . .  that Beloved SON+ Who+ was with HIM before the foundation of the world. 

Of a truth, though, we can ONLY be “at one” with The FATHER through HIS bidding. 

No man can come to ME+

except THE FATHER which hath sent ME+
draw him:

and I+ ,

 I+  will raise him up at the last day.
John 6:44, Gk.

Our FATHER’S SPECIAL invitation comes to us only ONE WAY: through the LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

Through that very SON+ Whom+ The FATHER gave up to the Cross to keep us from perishing in our sins, THAT is the sole way we can come back to HIM, Our Heavenly FATHER.

Let us Pray: 

Heavenly FATHER, 

YOU have drawn me to YOU since I was conceived.

Since the moment I was created , YOU wanted me and worked with me to bring YOURSELF into my Vision. YOU saw me: I did not see YOU. 

Yes, O LORD GOD, YOU corrected my vision and kept on correcting me until I looked up and became aware of Your HOLY SPIRIT drawing me with cords of love out of my darkness, my sin, and my confusion. 

Thank YOU for wanting me.  . . even me.

Thank YOU for  drawing me, nay dragging me through life until I gave up the fight and looked up to see YOU looking down upon me ! 

There YOU were, all the time !

With eyes of love, with eyes of compassion, with eyes of Truth, with eyes of Judgment.

YOU held me in Your View, FATHER. YOU viewed me through Your Love.

O FATHER, I love YOU too,
for YOU are my True FATHER.

I give YOU my heart of love and worship, O FATHER, in the Name of Your Beloved SON+ and my Beloved SAVIOR+, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

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