Sister Yuen of Shanghai
“If anyone comes to ME+ and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life – he cannot be MY+ disciple.”
Luke 14:26
Sister Yuen came from one of the wealthiest families in Shanghai. In
1967 she was arrested and sent to prison. At the time she was a widow
with two young children, a son aged eleven and a daughter aged nine.
After Sister Yuen has been a year in prison her mother – who had been
taking care of the children – died. The authorities decided to have
“compassion” on her so she could go home and take care of her children.
They told her that all she had to do was produce a written confession of
her “crimes” and they would free her. They said, “This past year your
conduct has been excellent, so now we plan to reward you.”
READ the rest of the story at:
This letter was received from ASIA HARVEST ministries, from Bro. Paul Hattaway. He writes:
It's a famous story in the house churches. Her name is Sister Yuen and she's still alive and serving the Lord today.
The story was in one or two of my books, but is also on the Testimonies page of our website:I also mentioned it in my biography as a demonstration of how backslidden or compromised some Western Christians are. When I told the story in a home meeting one couple rolled their eyes and said Sister Yuen was stupid.
If you still have An Asian Harvest starts on page 266.
It's a good testimony for separating the sheep from the goats. Some see great faith and sacrifice it in, others just see foolishness and error.God bless,Paul
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