

The Prophet SAMUEL

REMEMBER:You are dust, 
and to dust you shall return.


REPENT, and believe the GOSPEL+. 
+  +  +

Most HOLY and Most Merciful ABBA... 

We confess to THEE and to one another and to the whole communion of saints in Heaven and on earth and before Your Heavenly Host... 

that we have sinned
by our own fault

in thought, word, and deed; 

by what we have DONE
and by what we have

 As it is written:

Thou shalt love The LORD thy GOD, The ELOHIM, with ALL thy heart, with ALL of thy soul, and with ALL  thy mind, and with all of thy strength.  

This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it: thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 

On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. There is no commandment greater than these.
+ + +


Hang ALL the Law and the Prophets.

ALL of The Mosaic LAW ?  ALL of the words of the Prophets?

Did our Righteous+ SAVIOR The LORD  Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA --- Who+ never broke the LAW of Moses --- state this ?

Yes, HE+ did. Matthew 22:40 and Mark 12:31 both record this stunning fact.

If we love The LORD our GOD with ALL of our heart, soul, mind, and strength ...

·                   THEN we will not have anything left over to YEARN AFTER other things , events, activities, or persons.

If we love The LORD JESUS CHRIST with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength ...

·                   THEN we will not yearn after imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself AGAINST --- as the enemy of --- the knowledge of GOD.

Casting down imaginations,
and every high thing
that exalteth itself
against the knowledge of GOD,

and bringing into captivity
every thought
to the obedience of CHRIST;
2 Corinthians 10:5

+  +  +

Now herein does the difficulty lie:  We hide our YEARNINGS under a cloak of righteousness. 

For instance, The LORD has told us to leave that un-redeemed person aloneThe LORD has told us to stop yearning over him ( a son, a brother, a friend, an uncle, and even a Dad), desiring his friendship, desiring his closeness.

Does The LORD do that because HE+ is "hard-hearted" ?  NO. There is more love in His+ heart than in ours for ANY abject sinner.

HE+ tells us to "leave them alone"
and STOP YEARNING for them
because our yearning is UN-CLEAN. 

That person has heard the Word.  That person has received the witness clearly. That person has rejected the Witness and the Word and is going to live life  "his way," come what may. 

Every one of us has someone whom we hold dear

--- a son or daughter, a brother or sister,
a Mother or Father,
a dear friend or close relative ---

who has heard the Word. He HAS learned of the Love of The LORD JESUS for his soul and has heard that he must repent of his sins in order to get right with GOD.

He refuses to do so.

We over and over again tell him of JESUS'S LOVE.  We gently and clearly write to him that sin will keep him out of Heaven; he must repent. In great desperation, we beg him to change. We all but do it for him.

Yet, he stubbornly refuses to yield
to what he knows is right.

against the Truth
that he knows.

The eyes of GOD are upon his stubbornness and rebellion against what he knows is right.  That becomes offensive to The LORD. Here is how The LORD evaluates our rebellious friend or relative... no matter HOW DEAR that person is to us. 

For rebellion
is as the sin of witchcraft,

and stubbornness
is as iniquity and idolatry.

thou hast rejected the Word of the LORD,

HE+ hath also rejected thee
from being king.
I Samuel 15:23

Now hearken to another truth:  the eyes of GOD are ALSO UPON US as we yearn over that person.  ( See 1 Samuel 15 and 16.) 

Was The LORD pleased with Samuel's continual  mourning over Saul’s apostasy ? NO.

Well, would we keep company
with a WITCH in our family?

NO, of course not !

We would say to that WITCH:

"Enough is enough. You have been warned. You know that I love you.  You know enough to choose right from wrong. You are stubbornly choosing to sin.  Let me know when you want to come clean before The LORD. Good-bye."

Furthermore, if we were MORE IN LOVE WITH THE LORD, we would be angry at the willful sin being practiced ! We would refuse to eat with , meet with, be in the same room with our loved one who turned to witchcraft.

We definitely would NOT be yearning over that person to call us, to write to us, or to come to see us ... until that grievous SIN of WITCHCRAFT had been dealt with.

The LORD would be pleased with us, for HE+ has heard our prayers and seen our tears for the salvation of that sinner. We can trust that HE+ will give them a bed of thorns until they either repent or leave this earth in their sorry state because HE+ has heard our prayers.

Taking this to another level, are we yearning after something else that The LORD has said "NO" to us having ? 

Perhaps that dream job, a career, a degree, a position, a reputation, a "finer" dwelling place, to be married, to develop a "perfect" physical body ... even a ministry we desire ?

That yearning is un-clean.

Our yearning needs to be yielded unto The LORD; we let HIM+ decide what we "need" as we seek FIRST the Kingdom of GOD and His+ righteousness.

Once HE+ has said "NO" about a matter, we must obey and CLOSE THE DOOR to it, giving it no secret glances of desire for what is inside of it. We must LOCK that door and give HIM+ the key ... and be about Our HOLY FATHER'S business. 

During these tumultuous end of days, we are seeing persecution on every side and a destruction of Institutions which we have trusted in heretofore.

Some Followers of  JESUS may have  indeed moved on from personal and temporal yearnings, but  NOW they are distraught because "their culture, their country" is dissolving into chaos and war. The countries are being eaten up with the evil of their collective sins. 

But the prayers of the Christians ?
      " Oh, GOD, save my country! Save my life-style … home, land, bank account, material possessions! Save this culture handed down to me by my forefathers ! 

“Oh, GOD, if only things were like they used to be; don't let the ( leaders, politicians, war-machines, left-wingers, right-wingers, women’s libbers, etc.) destroy our land ! " 

No-one wants their land destroyed.

After 9-1-1, even the thieves, thugs, and ruffians in New York City had tears in their eyes as they saw "their culture" being destroyed. No-one was mugged that day.

When the "un-clean" have ignored
the repeated calls to repentance,

the YEARNING over the "un-clean,"
becomes UN-CLEAN itself.

Peoples through-out Europe ...  Germany, Great Britain, France, and in the United States ... have received SOME kind of witness of The LORD.

For decades the Word of GOD has gone forth via the radio and television, billboards, magazines, newspapers, movies and music, books, and now the internet.

Nations in Central and South America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Islands and all points in-between are generally aware of the GOSPEL of CHRIST ... aware enough of IT+ to persecute its Followers.

Have the nations, like ungodly Ninevah, repented for their killing, stealing, and satanic, evil ways against CHRIST ?


Instead, we have Christians and Jews JOINING IN with the evil, portraying the character of The ELOHIM as approving of un-godliness in the name of "tolerance " or, GOD forbid, "love."  

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil ... as Isaiah the Prophet told us ( 5:20 )

Thus, GOD is clear when HE judges and justified when HE speaks.

 For verily I+ say unto you,

Till heaven and earth pass,

one jot or one tittle

shall in NO wise

pass from the law,
till all be fulfilled.
Matthew 5: 18
+  +  +

We set ALL of our yearnings upon The LORD, with ALL of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We veer not to the left hand nor to the right. We love our neighbor as ourselves.

On these two commandments
hang all the Law and the Prophets. 


 Heaven and earth shall pass away,

but My+ Words

shall not pass away.

Matthew 24:35

Thus saith The LORD.
+  +  + 

 Create in me a clean heart, 
O GOD and renew a right spirit within me. 
Cast me not away 
from Thy+ Presence; 

and take not Thy HOLY SPIRIT 
from me. 

Restore unto me 
the joy of Thy+ SALVATION; 
and uphold me with Thy free spirit.
Psalm 51
+  +  +

Ashes to Ashes,

Dust to Dust

in sure and certain hope
of the Resurrection

unto Eternal Life



our LORD.

+ + +


Moving Towards CHRIST our PASSOVER .... LOVE Your Neighbor

REMEMBER:You are dust, 
and to dust you shall return.

REPENT, and believe the GOSPEL+. 
+  +  +

Most HOLY and Most Merciful ABBA... 

We confess to THEE and to one another and to the whole communion of saints in Heaven and on earth and before Your Heavenly Host... 

that we have sinned
by our own fault

in thought, word, and deed; 

by what we have DONE
and by what we have

 As it is written:

Thou shalt love The LORD thy GOD, The ELOHIM, with ALL thy heart, with ALL of thy soul, and with ALL  thy mind, and with all of thy strength.  

This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it:  Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 

On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. There is no commandment greater than these.
( Matthew 22: 37-40 and Mark 12: 29-31, combined.)

So now, we confess to THEE, O LORD:

We have failed 
to love our neighbor 
as ourself.  
+ + +

Do we wish to be favorably thought-of by our friends, at all times?

Do we wish ourselves to be given the "benefit of the doubt" when hard choices have to be made ... and our friends hear about them ? 

If we become busy, do we want our friends to be "hurt" because of our SEEMING neglect of them ? 

If we become unavoidably taken with pressing duties and responsibilities, do we want our friends to feel like we are then giving THEM the "cold shoulder" and ignoring their friendship ? 

THEN.... if we wish our friends to be understanding, let us not harden our hearts towards them, when their duties call them away from interacting with us.

Do we love our neighbor as ourselves in the every day contingencies of life ? 

If WE DO NOT WISH to be: 

  • ill-thought of when others hear of the hard choices we have had to make
  • accused as neglectful of our friends when other duties press
  • labeled as ignoring our friends when we are simply laden with an overload of cares... 
Then let us learn to tell the accuser of the brethren: 

BEGONE , you lying torment !  

Furthermore, let us make it an iron-clad RULE: 
When the accuser of the brethren tries to make us agree with him that we are being slighted by our friends and family  ~  that is a call to prayer for them ! 

If the accuser still badgers us about how they have "hurt" us by ignoring our friendship ...

THEN  let us fortify our prayers for them by fasting a meal or a day in their behalf.  

In this way we send notice to the adversary of our souls when he brings his lies to make us feel "hurt" when none was intended. 

In this way we train ourselves to be more watchful of accusing thoughts towards our friends and neighbors --- surely an indulgence of self-pity ( and / or bitterness, resentment, anger, etc. ) on our part. 

If we take heed to the accuser's thoughts hurled at us, we will have an AUTOMATIC CALL TO PRAYER for our beleaguered friends who may not have time for us.

THEY MAY NEED THOSE PRAYERS RIGHT AT THAT TIME that we are clamoring for their attention ! 

Thus, by prayers and fasting, we defeat the sly wiles of the devil and refrain from "joining the chorus of bullies" that are ranged against our friends. They are NOT neglectful: they are beleaguered ! 

We are able, with our corrected perspective now, to strengthen the Body of CHRIST with our hidden support. 

Ourselves, we REPENT... ashamed to have followed the father of lies instead of our good Master+ The LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who+ loved all.   We learn to love as HE+ loved, not accuse. 

LET US LEARN, then , to love our neighbors as ourselves, instead of reproaching them in our hearts when we feel "neglected." 


all things whatsoever ye would 
that men should do to you, 
do ye even so to them: 
for this is the law 
and the prophets. 

Matthew 7:12

+  +  +

 Let us pray:

O dear Heavenly FATHER, I have sinned against my friends.  They have meant me no harm. Nor have they even tried to neglect me. I have accused them of not caring and I am so ashamed of myself. 

Help me to stop this self-pity when my friends become busy or over-whelmed with life. 

Help me to fill my heart and my time with THEE+, O Righteous FATHER.  Help me to not be so focused on my needs that I neglect my busy friends. 

Let my prayers for THEM fill my heart instead of reproaches towards them.

I repent of my self-centeredness. I rebuke the accuser of the brethren; let him not control my thoughts. 

And LORD, when I am empty, help me to turn to THEE+ instead of to my friends.  Help me to turn to THEE+ for every need of my heart.  Then I will be fully supplied to be there for my friends, when they should have a need. 

This I pray in the Name of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST  Who+ held nothing back from me. 

Praise, honor, and glory are THINE+, O LORD !
+  +  +

 Create in me a clean heart, 
O GOD and renew a right spirit within me. 
Cast me not away 
from Thy+ Presence; 

and take not Thy HOLY SPIRIT
from me. 

Restore unto me 
the joy of Thy+ SALVATION; 
and uphold me with Thy free spirit.
Psalm 51
+  +  +

Ashes to Ashes,

Dust to Dust

in sure and certain hope
of the Resurrection

unto Eternal Life



our LORD.

+ + +



REMEMBER: You are dust, 
and to dust you shall return.

REPENT, and believe the GOSPEL+. 
+  +  +

Most HOLY and Most Merciful ABBA... 

We confess to THEE and to one another and to the whole communion of saints in Heaven and on earth and before Your Heavenly Host... 

that we have sinned
by our own fault

in thought, word, and deed; 

by what we have DONE
and by what we have

 As it is written:

Thou shalt love The LORD thy GOD, The ELOHIM, with ALL thy heart, with ALL of thy soul, and with ALL  thy mind, and with all of thy strength.  

This is the first and great commandment.

So now, we confess to THEE, O LORD:

We have FAILED to love THEE 
with ALL of our strength.
+ + + 

We all want to be "strong" , not weak, in mind, in spirit, in heart, and in body. 
However, human strength at its best is sheer weakness in the eyes of The ELOHIM. We are only strong in the eyes of weak men who are naturally-minded, focused on this transitory and temporary life. Natural strength passes away with the sunset. 

Scripture tell us: 

HIS+ Strength is 
made perfect
in weakness. 

Therefore, the sooner we accept this TRUTH, the more we may draw upon HIS+ Strength.  
The more honest and humble we become about our own natural power,  the more joyous we grow in our weakness. 
  And HE+ said unto me,
My+ Grace is sufficient for thee: 
for My+ Strength is 
made perfect 
in weakness. 
Most gladly 
therefore will I 
glory in my infirmities, 
that the power 
may rest upon me.
  Therefore I take pleasure 
in infirmities, 
in reproaches,
 in necessities,
 in persecutions, 
in distresses 
for CHRIST'S+ sake: 

for when I am weak, 
then am I strong.

2 Corinthians 12: 9-10

+  +  +

 Let us pray:

O LORD My+ GOD, I have been on the wrong track; I have sought human strength and prowess.  I have foolishly set my energies to achieve all that my natural man could achieve in my own strength. 

Help me to forsake the zest for fake, transitory strength and set my energies towards KNOWING YOU+,  instead.

Change my view of weakness. Change my idea of REAL STRENGTH. 

Melt me. 

Mold me.  

Fill me with Your+ Strength.

Use me. 

In my weakness, I come to YOU+.  Establish Your+ strength in my weakness, O LORD,  however it pleases YOU.+   

 In The Name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST I pray .
+  +  +

 Create in me a clean heart, 
O GOD and renew a right spirit within me. 
Cast me not away 
from Thy+ Presence; 

and take not Thy HOLY SPIRIT
from me. 

Restore unto me 
the joy of Thy+ SALVATION; 
and uphold me with Thy free spirit.
Psalm 51
+  +  +

Ashes to Ashes,

Dust to Dust

in sure and certain hope
of the Resurrection

unto Eternal Life


our LORD.
+ + +


With ALL our MIND


You are dust, 
and to dust you shall return.


and believe the GOSPEL+. 
+  +  +

Most HOLY and Most Merciful ABBA... 

We confess to THEE and to one another and to the whole communion of saints in Heaven and on earth and before Your Heavenly Host... 

that we have sinned
by our own fault

in thought, word, and deed; 

by what we have DONE
and by what we have

 As it is written:

Thou shalt love The LORD thy GOD, The ELOHIM, with ALL thy heart, with ALL of thy soul, with ALL of thy mind, and with ALL  thy strength.  

This is the first and great commandment.

So now, we confess to THEE, O LORD:

We have FAILED to love THEE 
with ALL 
of our Mind.

+ + + 

Where do we stop stray dogs from entering our home?

  AT THE DOOR of our house.  

Likewise, our MIND is a DOOR.  We stop temptations to sin, derogatory thoughts, urges to rebel against rules --- domestic home rules, public ordinances, and GOD'S HOLY ways --- at the DOOR of our MIND. 

But The LORD has given us a WATCH-DOG :  His+ Word. It will keep the "stray dogs" of the world away from  our MIND.   Let us honor this Divine Protector well, and set it to WATCH OVER THE ENTRANCE.

  Casting down imaginations, 
and every high thing 
that exalteth itself 
against the knowledge of GOD, 

and bringing 

into captivity every thought 

to the obedience of CHRIST;
 2 Corinthians 10:5

Let us Listen to the Apostle's admonishments about what to DO with our MIND:
 Let this mind be in you, 
which was also
 in Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA:

Who+, being in the form of GOD, 
thought it not a thing to be held onto 
to be equal with GOD:

But made HIMSELF+ of no reputation, 
and took upon HIM+ the form of a servant, 
and was made in the likeness of men:

And being found in fashion as a man, 
HE+ humbled himself, 
and became obedient unto death, 
even the death of the cross. 
Philippians 2: 5-8
+  +  +

 Let us pray:

 Heavenly FATHER, take my mind away from worldly concerns. YOU already know the things I have need of  before I ask. 

Your Word is TRUTH.  Sanctify my mind, so that I agree with Your Word in thought and in purpose and in deed.  

Grant me an understanding of Your Word so that I can replace my earth-bound thoughts with Your Word. 

I ask to have the Mind of CHRIST, as promised, so that I may perfectly love YOU and worthily magnify Your Holy Name, through The LORD JESUS CHRIST. 
+  +  +

 Create in me a clean heart, 
O GOD and renew a right spirit within me. 
Cast me not away 
from Thy+ Presence; 

and take not Thy RUACH ha KADOSH 
from me. 

Restore unto me 
the joy of Thy+ SALVATION; 
and uphold me with Thy free spirit.
Psalm 51
+  +  +

Ashes to Ashes,

Dust to Dust

in sure and certain hope
of the Resurrection

unto Eternal Life
our LORD.
+ + +


With All our SOUL ...


You are dust, 
and to dust you shall return.


and believe the GOSPEL+. 
+  +  +

Most HOLY and Most Merciful ABBA... 

We confess to THEE and to one another and to the whole communion of saints in Heaven and on earth and before Your Heavenly Host... 

that we have sinned
by our own fault

in thought, word, and deed; 

by what we have DONE
and by what we have

 As it is written:

Thou shalt love The LORD thy GOD, The ELOHIM, with ALL thy heart, with ALL of thy soul, with ALL of thy mind, and with ALL  thy strength.  

This is the first and great commandment.

So now, we confess to THEE, O LORD:

We have FAILED to love THEE with ALL 
of our Soul.

We have failed to remove the LEAVEN as commanded us in Thy HOLY WORD.  Our "temple" is far from being "holy", ( worship services notwithstanding). 

We are content to KEEP ON GATHERING MANNA even when we have our allotted pot full. Nay, we are MORE than content to spend entire days with our eyes on the earthly concerns which our Soul savors.

Our Soul, our Nephesh,  is interested in our Daily Bread more that we are interested in The Living BREAD+ from Heaven. 

We say, "Can GOD know this? Is there understanding in the Most High ?" 


+ + +
TAKE HEED:  Scripture ASSURES US ... 

 For the word of GOD is quick,  
and powerful, 
and sharper 
than any two-edged sword, 

piercing even to the dividing 
asunder of soul and spirit,  
and of the joints and marrow,  

and is a discerner 
of the thoughts and intents 
of the heart.  
Hebrews 4:12

 Let us pray:

O HOLY FATHER, I have played fast and loose with THEE.  I thought Thy SON+ was such a one as myself. 

I have forgotten the sharpness of Thine eyes ... and of Thy Divine Sword, the HOLY SPIRIT.

Thy forgiveness I need; I dare not raise my eyes to Heaven.  My soul, my Nephesh, has gone astray from Thy Word.  It has gone astray from Thy Ways.  

I have long savored the things of this world more than things of  Thy Kingdom. I have offered THEE a pittance of my soul, a corner of it, that's all.

Cleanse me by The BLOOD+ of Thy HOLY SON+ JESUS CHRIST. I now yield the contents of my soul to THEE. Empty it. Shake it down. Scrape it out and help me start a-fresh.

 Help my soul to adhere to THEE, as the ONLY ARK of safety.  Help me to monitor all things which I allow into my soul,  in order to please THEE ... unto WHOM my soul must make an account. 

This I ask in the Name of The ONE+ Who+ redeemed my soul from destruction, and crowns me with mercy and loving-kindness,  The LORD JESUS CHRIST
+  +  +

 Create in me a clean heart, 
O GOD and renew a right spirit within me. 
Cast me not away 
from Thy+ Presence; 

and take not Thy HOLY SPIRIT
from me. 

Restore unto me 
the joy of Thy+ SALVATION; 
and uphold me with Thy free spirit.
Psalm 51
+  +  +

Ashes to Ashes,

Dust to Dust

in sure and certain hope

of the Resurrection

unto Eternal Life
our LORD.
+ + +