Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts


WORSHIP of the FAMILY . . . is it SCRIPTURAL ?

Do We Have a SOUL-ish Love --- an unclean, impure, SOUL-Centered Love  --- for the FAMILY ?


A LIGHT+ to Lighten the Gentiles...

...JESUS is His+ Name... the light of the world,

the TRUE LIGHT which lighteth every man

that cometh into the world.

HE+ was in the world,

and the world was made by HIM+,

and the world knew HIM+ not.

HE+ came unto His+ own,

and His+ own received HIM+ not.


as many as received HIM+,

to them gave HE+ power

to become the sons of GOD,

even to them that believe on HIS+ name.

Which were born,

not of blood,

nor of the will of the flesh,

nor of the will of man,

but of GOD.

~ ~ ~

A friend of mine has landed upon a new way for her to share JESUS during the Advent season. She is making a conscious and determined effort to bless someone each day... by phone, by visit, by sharing a treat, by prayer. She arises with this goal in mind: to share JESUS and alleviate some loneliness in the little corner of the world where she lives.


If we must do Christmas, then let us do it as unto The LORD, redeeming the time, making every day count to draw someone closer to the LORD. The holy days should be CHRIST-oriented, focused upon The Coming of The LORD.


However, many of us have much stronger memories of family get-togethers and gifts and feasts than we do of CHRIST-centered Holy Days. Thus, when family members die or families grow apart through distance or bickering, the holy days become a burden ... a battle with the blues. It is of serious proportions. Many, many persons even in the churches dread these holy days greatly. But, the people belonging to CHRIST can ferret out these individuals and turn the focus upon CHRIST!


As someone has said, "In every pew sits a broken heart." Myself, I would change that to, "Most pews are filled with the broken-hearted."

The many-fold activities that churches do during this season try to fill up the void. That awful void can only be filled up by CHRIST JESUS. But how shall they hear, if no-one tells them? How shall they know if no-one takes the time to reach out in a personal, quiet, one-to-one way? Was JESUS born so that we could give parties for our friends... or was HE+ born to give hope and love to a sad and lonely heart?


Let us become Advent messengers of that hope and love. What is really needed is for CHRIST to be born in the hearts of man, and then HE+ will set the captives free... free from fear, free from loneliness, free from futility of life. And, free to focus upon the SAVIOR+ of Mankind.


And we ourselves will be set free of Self-serving. We will be bearers of that LIGHT+, that was the TRUE LIGHT+, that lighteth every man which cometh into the world.

+ + +

In the name of The FATHER,

Who created us;


Who+ saves us;

And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT;

Who sanctifies us.
