
#22 PASCHAL FAST ~ 3 Days and 3 Nights ~ Matthew 12:40 ~ # 22 Lenten Meditation ~ 3rd Hour Prayer Station




 And WHO+, at this 3rd hour of the ancient day, bore the wood of the Cross through Jerusalem to Golgotha and was nailed to the wood of the Cross and  lifted up from the earth,  as HE+ had foretold, that  HE+ might draw all unto HIMSELF+.

We thank YOU that at that time HE+ uttered those words, “FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do,” while nearby, soldiers cast lots for His+ garments.

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For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the SON+ of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:40

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Three days and three nights --- three nights and three days in the heart of the earth ,  no matter how you look at it ---  starts at 3 p.m Wednesday. 

The LORD JESUS seems to have been crucified on a Wednesday, the 4th day of the week, at 9 a.m., precisely at the time of the MORNING sacrifice in the Temple, the Third Hour of the Ancient Hebrew Day. 

HE+ would have heard the shofar or trumpets sounding when the sacrifice was made.

This time, HE+ was the sacrifice.

HE+ died at the 9th hour on Wednesday , at precisely 3 p.m., the time of the EVENING sacrifice in the Temple.

Wednesday night was night 1 in the heart of the earth.

Thursday day would have been day 1.

Thursday night would have been night 2.

Friday day would have been day 2.

Friday night would have been night 3 --- completing the “3 nights”.

Saturday day would have been day 3 --- completing the “3 days” in the heart of the earth.

There were TWO SABBATHS that week: one was the regular Saturday Sabbath, with Friday being the day of preparation. The women who prepared spices for His+ burial would have rested on the SATURDAY Sabbath, having prepared their spices on Friday.

The second Sabbath was a High Holy Day, the PASSOVER. The day of preparation would have been Tuesday. No-one was at home, "resting" on PASSOVER although the markets were closed. All would be in or about the Temple.

HE+ would have arisen at Saturday when the evening started, at 3 p.m. in the ancient day,  the time of the EVENING Sacrifice in the Temple . . . the very hour that HE+ died on Wednesday.

HE+ was not SEEN, however, until early, early Sunday morning, before dawn, while it was still dark.

[ Yes, we commemorate “Good Friday”, joining the rest of the Christian world simply because it is a commemoration, realizing that Friday could NOT have been the day of crucifixion. . . if counting that CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF+ SAID that HE+ would spend 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.

Is it an ancient REMEMBRANCE of His+ Crucifixion on the 4th day of the ancient week (that is,  our Wednesday) , that many traditional Christian churches have observed Wednesday evening worship with the Breaking of Bread and The LORD’S Supper ? Many traditional churches remember His+ RESURRECTION by observing The LORD’S Supper every Sunday morning , considered the “day” of His+ RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD.  ]

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Early Christians’ 3rd Hour Prayer ( 9 a.m. )

at the time of the Morning Sacrifice in the Temple

Heavenly FATHER, we come before YOU at this 3rd hour of the ancient day, the hour of the Morning Sacrifice in the Temple . . . that same hour that Your Beloved SON+, the LAMB+ of GOD that taketh away the sin of the world, was offered up on the Cross for our sakes.

We thank YOU for the Great Drops of BLOOD HE+ shed in the garden of Gethsemane, after praying all through the night . . . then facing the men who had come with swords and clubs to violently take HIM+.

Thank YOU, O Holy FATHER, that Your Beloved SON+, as the perfect  SON+ of GOD, revealed Your power,  saying “ I AM, ” causing the armed band of men to fall to the ground .

Yet, HE+ did not use this great power for HIMSELF+, revealing HIMSELF+ to be the obedient and perfect SON+ of Man . . . still loving His+ disciples to the uttermost, HE+ requested the armed men to “Let them go,” and thus, His+ frightened disciples could flee away.

For the humiliation HE+ endured for our sakes, we give YOU thanks . . . and also, for the answers that HE+ gave to those who accused HIM+ wrongfully.

Heavenly FATHER, we thank YOU for the times HE+ gave no answer at all to His+ accusers, as a Lamb led to the slaughter and as a sheep before his shearers is silent.

We remember the scourging HE+ unjustly received from Pilate’s hand . . . after being mocked, slapped, and beaten by the Temple guard . . . and then Herod’s men . . . and then by the Roman soldiers, giving His+ back to the smiters  and His+ cheeks to them that plucked out the hair.

O Holy FATHER, Thank YOU for Your Beloved SON+ Whose most noble Head bore the CROWN OF THORNS,  and which same Sacred Head was struck with a reed, His+ Face with hands and fists.

We remember His+ refusal of the mixture of myrrh and wine, fulfilling His+ word to His+ disciples that HE+ would no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until HE+ drank it new with them   in His+ FATHER’S Kingdom.

And WHO+, at this 3rd hour of the ancient day, bore the wood of the Cross through Jerusalem to Golgotha and was nailed to the wood of the Cross and  lifted up from the earth,  as HE+ had foretold,

that  HE+ might draw all unto HIMSELF+.

We thank YOU that at that time HE+ uttered those words, “FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do,” while nearby,

soldiers cast lots for His+ garments.

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