for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the EPHAH between the earth and the heaven.
And then, I was lifting up my eyes and then, I was looking, and Behold !
Two women, coming out and a spirit on wings of them (M) , and to them (F), wings like the wings of the stork.
And then, they were lifting up the basket between the earth and between the Heavens.
A SPIRIT on wings of them (M):
This phrase holds much prophetic information for the reader.
“Spirit” is the same word, RUACH, which is also used as WIND or BREATH. In the natural sense, “wind” would be preferred, as translators and commentators have chosen through the years.SPIRIT is singular in form, and common or either Feminine or else masculine in gender.
But in the spiritual sense,“A SPIRIT” might make better sense instead of "wind"in a prophetic passageconcerning demonic creatureswho are busy about their demonic activities.
on wings of them ( M ):
ON WINGS OF THEM This word-phrase begins with a preposition "in" . HOWEVER, in this case, the preposition [ Hebrew:] is better translated as "on" instead of "in".
[ See: The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew-English Lexicon, page 80, Paragraph II, section 2, under lemma, preposition "in" is used as "on" , as Judges 8:21 ~ " ... ON
the necks of the camels." ]
of them ( M ):
This anomaly is always IGNORED by translators and well-educated commentators . . . for “them” is MASCULINE in form, instead of Feminine !
The word WINGS OF is Feminine, plural, construct form --- which means "of" is included in that form. Translators usually state : THEIR WINGS, instead of using the literal "of them.""THEM" ( or "their" ) in this word-phrase is in the MASCULINE form .
Hebrew Readers WOULD EXPECT the form of “them” to be FEMININE.
The TWO demonic Women-Creatures are in the Feminine form, of course, and that RUACH ( spirit, wind, or breath) is on the four wings belonging to the two women – the Feminine wings of those TWO demonic WOMEN-like creatures.
In English, if we state "their wings" it would naturally refer to the wings of the women.
But in Hebrew, the reference CANNOT BE to the women's wings. Why ?This is because "them" ( or "their" ) is the masculine plural pronoun ending ( --“Hem “) that is attached to the Feminine plural “wings.”That MASCULINE “them” is NOT likely a mistake made by the scribes.The Feminine plural pronoun ending is “ Hen” but unlike the English alphabet, the Hebrew letter “N” looks nothing like the Hebrew letter “M”, so there would be little chance for confusing the two letters by the scribes.In other words, it would NOT be a scribal error that wrote “wings of them ( masc ) ” instead of “ wings of them ( Feminine)” , like a reader of Hebrew would expect .
The TWO flying creatures who lifted up the
basket, the EPHAH, with the heavy Kikkar stone of lead on it, were identified as “women”
. These two demonic, women–like
creatures had wings like a stork.
Storks’ wings can be about 10 feet long. Storks can weigh up to 20 pounds.
Thus, in the vision, these flying women-like creatures were STRONG and could fly VERY far, for storks were migratory birds.
They were empowered by a spirit, in the
prophetic sense, for what need would such supernatural, demonic, women-creatures have of
physical wind ?
A SPIRIT , however, would most assuredly be involved in their movements and motives and activities, all demonic.
Zechariah was given a prophetic vision of the
End Times, not of a natural phenomenon.
However, his visions were cloaked in things a 6th Century BC man would recognize --- a
measuring basket for food grains, a Kikkar as a commercial weighing stone, women, scrolls, large migratory fowl --- storks --- and their powerful
The CLUE to these women-like supernatural creatures
is in the phrase: spirit on their wings.
RUACH is singular, hence: A spirit is on the wings of them ( masculine). The demonic SPIRIT involved would be the same spirit on each of the four wings of the women.
RUACH is singular, hence: A spirit is on the wings of them ( masculine). The demonic SPIRIT involved would be the same spirit on each of the four wings of the women.
Various Hebrew sources list RUACH ( spirit, wind, or breath) as Feminine or else masculine or common to both.
With the masculine , “wings of them ( masc) ” , it
is difficult to fit that grammar into a reference to the women-creatures.
Therefore . . . it has more grammatical integrity to assume RUACH here is masculine . . .
like it is in Exodus 10:13 . [ See page 924, Strong’s number 7307 RUACH, in the New Brown-Driver-Briggs Gesenius Hebrew English Lexicon.]
Then, we can possible fit the grammar together
with the masculine “them ” ( or "their" ) being in reference to the “masculine” gender of spirit.
Otherwise,ALL TRANSLATORS and commentatorsomit any referenceto a masculine “their” wings!
We know these woman-like creatures were NOT earthly
“women” because they had WINGS.
We know these woman-like creatures were NOT
angels from GOD because the Angels of GOD were messengers sent
from The ELOHIM to the human race at various times.
The Angels of GOD, the Messengers of The
ELOHIM, were never identified in Scripture as females,
but always as sinless males.
The Divine, Heavenly Angels which The LORD sent to mankind did not have WINGS, neither in the Old
Testament nor the New Testament, according to Scripture accounts.
[ If the Divine Messenger Angels had wings, it was never so recorded in the Scriptures. ]
WINGS were on the Cherubim, and there were four wings on them, according to Ezekiel's vision in chapters 1 and 10.
Isaiah describes the fiery angels, called Seraphim, which had six wings.
[ If the Divine Messenger Angels had wings, it was never so recorded in the Scriptures. ]
WINGS were on the Cherubim, and there were four wings on them, according to Ezekiel's vision in chapters 1 and 10.
Isaiah describes the fiery angels, called Seraphim, which had six wings.
no Divine, Heavenly creature would have been sent to rescue a “womanly” creature who was named THE WICKEDNESS.
[ We shall see of her rescue in verse
11. ]
THUS . . .
may conclude that these two FLYING WOMEN were demonic creatures taking on the
appearance of women with large, strong wings.
Those two
were sent to rescue the other demonic creature bound in the basket who was ALSO in
appearance as a woman and was named: THE WICKEDNESS.
Like the demonic spirits which The LORD JESUS allowed to continue and therefore were cast from the man into the pigs, their time had NOT YET COME.
Their "time" was not yet come, that is, for the REVELATION of those TWO demonic women-creatures plus the demonic, WICKED woman-creature confined to the basket by force.
Her co-horts, the winged-women, were allowed to carry her away.
+ + +
saith unto him,
I+, I AM, the Way, the Truth, and the Life:
no man cometh unto THE FATHER,
but by ME+.
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