
The FIRST Church Caravan ... the EPIPHANY of GOD'S SON+

   Traditionally,  January 6 is celebrated in most Western ( High) churches as the EPIPHANY... the manifestation of the SON+ of GOD, our LORD JESUS CHRIST, as come in the flesh ...  the INCARNATION+ of the JEWISH MESSIAH+. 

On THIS day, 
the MESSIAH+  
being worshipped by all flesh 
--- Gentile as well as Jewish --- 
as the Magi came from the East
to worship the Newborn KING+. 

was worshipped as
KING+ of Kings 
and LORD+ of Lords 

by the travelers from afar who had seen his GOD-APPOINTED STAR in the Heavens.   

These Magi, or Wise Men, were single of eye : They followed  only ONE PATH ... that which was ordained by the STAR of Heaven. 

They were single of eye : They set their lives in order, left the comforts of home,  and pursued the ONE TRUE KING+. 

They were single of eye : They brought their treasures with them , to bestow them on this Newborn KING+  ... for they knew His+ Royalty was established by GOD.

They were single of eye : They rejoiced to find HIM+ ! 

They were single of eye And when they found HIM+, They BOWED DOWN from their rich mounts and WORSHIPPED His+ Royalty!  ( Matthew 2:11 )

Somehow knowing that as they worshipped HIM+, they worshipped GOD ALMIGHTY, Maker of Heaven and earth.

They were single of eye : They listened to the Divine Instructions given them in the dream. 

Never the same, the Wise Men rejoiced to see the KING+ of Kings born to mankind and placed on planet earth for the big confrontation between GOD and the satan. 

Never the same, planet earth now had LIGHT+ bestowed upon the human race, a LIGHT+ like as never before given, a LIGHT+ which became the LIGHT+ of the world... and the LIGHT+ which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 

Never the same, the satan knew his days were numbered and he reacted in utmost wrath, whipping up his human servants to slay the innocent babes in Bethlehem. To this day, we hear the voice of RACHEL weeping, crying for the babes "who are not." 

Never the same, the human race NOW has hope... hope to become children of GOD, the one true FATHER in Heaven, Hallowed be His Name. 

Our Heavenly FATHER and HIS+, now made manifest the plan HE had to bring the human race into the flock, into the fold, of GOD.  This plan was ordained to be worked THROUGH HIS SON+, JESUS CHRIST our LORD. 

Thus, while we know The EPIPHANY celebration  itself is a tradition of man, we know ... 

for all peoples

Bless GOD: 
And , blessed be His Kingdom 
both now and forever. 


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