



For unto us a CHILD+ is born,

unto us a SON+ is given:

and the government shall be

upon HIS+ Shoulder:

and HIS+ NAME shall be called



The Mighty God,

The Everlasting Father,

The Prince of Peace.



I am Alpha and Omega,

The Beginning And The Ending,

saith THE LORD,

Which is, and

Which was, and

Which is to come,




O, this wonderful Season to remember The LORD JESUS CHRIST’S miraculous conception, birth, and escape into Egypt !

O, Blessed Book which recorded the adoration of the Magi, the journey they took following a STAR which led them to HIM+.

+  +  +


What a tragedy , for HIS+ Name has been proclaimed in many varied ways,  and the Cross is no stranger to most civilized peoples on the earth today.

YET, we are a nation of CHRIST-REJECTORS.  We are not as the heathen . . . because they have never heard the Name of CHRIST.

This nation is so “familiar” with the precious Name of JESUS that some use it as a slang word !

Let us remember that The Divine Babe is going to carry the Government of the Entire Earth upon His+ Shoulder . . .  and we should take heed to ourselves.

HE+ was made incarnate ONCE and is Coming Back GLORIFIED.

Take heed , O Nation of CHRIST-Rejectors: There will be no mercy granted when HIS+ Feet touch the earth the Second time!

GLORY to The Newborn KING+ !

GLORY to The Soon-Coming Reign of CHRIST the KING+ !



2024 ADVENT 9 – Isaiah 55:11-- A Hidden Prophecy of the Coming of The WORD+ of GOD, JESUS CHRIST ... Hidden in Plain Sight . . . within HIS WORD.


A Hidden Prophecy of the Coming of The WORD+ of GOD,  JESUS CHRIST, Hidden in Plain Sight . . .  within HIS WORD.

Sometimes it takes an unsophisticated Reader of Scripture to discover a prophecy hidden within the Hebrew Scriptures.

Why is that true ?

Because a novice is looking for the PEARL+ of Great Price.

The Picture of THAT PEARL+ of Great Price is always before the reader’s eyes.

Thus, the reader is always searching the Scripture through a special lens . That special lens holds a specific PATTERN before the eyes of the reader.

Thus, when the reader comes across a verse which FITS EXACTLY into that Divine Pattern , he discovers a prophecy which has been hidden from the eyes of jaded or bored or complacent scholars.  

Isaiah 55:11 is such a case. Here is the English version via the KJV.

So shall MY word be that goeth forth out of MY mouth:

it shall not return unto ME void,

but it shall accomplish that which I please,

and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Isaiah 55:11

+  +  +

Nothing in this verse is apparently out of order until the Rules of Hebrew Grammar are applied to the Hebrew verbs.

Let us keep this rule in mind. The 3rd person singular [ he, she, it ] has a peculiarity in the Hebrew language: there is NO “it.”  

Everything is assigned a gender as a “he” or “she.”  Even tables and chairs, books and paper.

The gender [ he or she ] is indicated by the Hebrew verb form to which the pronoun is attached.

However, in our English versions , we add in “it” so that a verse makes sense in our culture, for we do not call a table a “he.”  A non-living item like a table is considered an “it.”

So then, let’s look carefully at Isaiah 55:11 and substitute the 3rd person MASCULINE singular  “he” in the place of “it” when “it” is supposed to be a masculine as indicated by the Hebrew verb governing the pronoun.


So shall MY word be that goeth forth 

out of MY mouth:

he shall not return unto ME void,

but he shall accomplish that which I please,

and he shall prosper in the thing 

whereto I sent him.

Isaiah 55:11

With the grammar corrected, “he” would indicate a MALE PERSON is being referenced as the “he,” correct ?

Then,  what MALE PERSON  is " the WORD"

whom The LORD GOD has sent forth ?

+  +  +

In the beginning was THE WORD+,

and THE WORD+ was with GOD,

and THE WORD+ was GOD. 

The same was in the beginning with GOD. 

John 1:1-2


So, let us read Isaiah 55:11 with that distinction in mind.


So shall MY WORD+ be

that goeth forth out of MY mouth:

 HE+ shall not return unto ME  void,

but HE+ shall accomplish

that which I please,

and HE+ shall prosper in the thing

whereto I sent HIM+.

Isaiah 55:11

Does the Hebrew grammar agree in any other way with using “he” in this verse ?

YES.  The Hebrew noun WORD in the first clause, is also masculine.  Thus, “HE+ “  fits perfectly into the context of the verse.

The LORD GOD sent forth HIS Only-Begotten SON+ , HIS LIVING WORD+. 


·       promised as the SEED of woman,

·       born of the SEED of Abraham,

·       born of the tribe of Judah through David

·       born of the Divine SEED+ of a young Hebrew virgin

BORN as the SON+ of GOD … exactly as  promised !

HE+ was sent for a Purpose . That Purpose was planned and agreed upon by the ELOHIM and recorded for us in Genesis  those many long years ago.

Glory be to GOD in the Highest

and on earth, PEACE,

GOODWILL toward men !


2024 ADVENT 8 – Whose SON + is HE+ ?


Matthew 22:42

Saying, What think ye of CHRIST?

Whose SON is HE+?

They say unto HIM+,

The Son of David.

+  +  +

The Scripture states that The LORD JESUS CHRIST was the SEED+ of Eve .  “SEED” , of course, meaning off-spring, children or child.  

But “her SEED+”  is curious, as it is stated in Genesis 3:15. 


Gen 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and HER SEED+

 HE+ shall bruise thy head [ the serpent's ], and thou shalt bruise HIS+ Heel. 

+  +  +

Consider: Throughout Scripture, children --- “seed” --- is traced from the male, not the female. Off-spring are listed as the son of the father, not the son of the mother.

Yet in Genesis, Scripture clearly reveals that YHWH ELOHIM  is giving the Prophetic Promise of The MESSIAH+ as the SEED+ from Eve, that Divine SEED+ Who+ would bruise the head of the satan. See Genesis 3:15, remembering that “HE” is literally spelled out in that verse, not “it”.

That odd statement affirms  PROPHETICALLY

that the Birth of The MESSIAH+ would be

from the SEED+ of a woman ,

not the seed of a human male.

BUT . . . womankind does NOT produce “seed” !

The human male produces “seed”. So how can a human woman bear a child when she cannot produce seed in and of herself ?

The SEED+ of Eve, so curiously stated so early in Scripture, was pointing us to a phenomena that would be occurring in the future : a woman who “knew not a man” would be having a child. . .  a DIVINE Child+.  A male child not fathered , not sired, not generated, by a human male.

Isaiah 7:14

Therefore THE LORD HIMSELF shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a SON+, and shall call HIS+  Name IMMANUEL. 

Matthew 1:23

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a SON+,

and they shall call HIS+ Name


which being interpreted is,


+  +  +

John 3:16 -18

For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS Only-Begotten SON+, that whosoever believeth in HIM+ should not perish, but have Everlasting Life. 

John 3:17 For GOD sent not HIS SON+ into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through HIM+ might be saved. 

John 3:18 He that believeth on HIM+ is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the Name

of the Only-Begotten SON+ of GOD. 

                                                 So… WHOSE SON+ is HE+ ?

Let us pray:

O JESUS, we praise and worship YOU+ as the Eternal SON+ of GOD.  None other has that title; none other has that privilege.   

Priceless ! Immortal ! Ever-Living  SON+ , Righteous in all Your+ Ways.

Through YOU+, LORD CHRIST, we are enabled to become Adopted Sons of Our Heavenly FATHER.

Praise, Honor, and Glory are Yours+, O CHRIST.  YOU+ have placed us into Your+ Family . . .  the Family of GOD.

A Family whom THE ELOHIM promised


 through the Birth …. and death…. and Resurrection


Now, I too belong to a REAL family.

Now I too have a family of Brothers and Sisters.

I too have a FATHER in Heaven Who loves me and is always there. 

Bless The LORD, I now “belong” to SOMEONE+ SPECIAL and am not an out-cast.

O LORD CHRIST, I thank YOU+  from the bottom of my heart for coming for ME ! 

Amen and amen.