
The 4th of JULY ... A National DAY of MOURNING

A National Day of Mourning ...

is declared by the Christian Community on this 4th of July . A Call is going out for a concerted effort of WEEPING, not playing... FASTING, not feasting... and PRAYER replacing picnics on this Fourth of July Day. 

CHRISTIANS, stay away, separate yourselves from all celebrations, picnics, and family reunions that have the Red, White, and Blue  bunting and appear to laud and honor " this great land of ours." 

Number One:  It is not "ours."

Christians will soon see that they will be counted as "non"-humans, that the Constitutional Rights ( those that still exist ) will not extend unto them if they stand for Righteousness in CHRIST. 

Scriptures teach us that we ALL are strangers and sojourners upon the earth, for here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Hebrews 13:14

Number Two:  It is not "great."

It is only "great" to do evil, as Jeremiah spoke long ago about the ancient rebellious people of Israel. 

Jeremiah 4:22 ~ For MY people is foolish; they have not known ME; they are sottish children and they have none understanding; they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. 

It is not a sovereign "land." 

... but a GLOBAL COMMUNITY of a united world-wide MOVEMENT to REMOVE ALL REMINDERS and RESTRICTIONS   of the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the GOD  and FATHER of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

  • This GLOBAL MOVEMENT follows one voice, that of the satan.

  • It functions under ONE banner: to promote evil.

  • It has ONE unified purpose in mind: to control the entire human race world-wide ... until GOD'S highest creation is destroyed from off the face of planet earth.

The Supreme Court in this land has unleashed a flood of Evil which has extended across the globe.  Rainbow celebrations exalting the evil, obscene, and anti-CHRIST licentiousness occurred amid wild festivities stemming from the Court's legalizing of same-gender unions ... "marriages," falsely so called ...  this past week. 

In so doing,  evil was unleashed against the GOSPEL, the Law and the Prophets, and those who obey the Word+ of GOD. 

However, there is a REAL, fully-FUNCTIONING, and extremely-CAPABLE   SUPREME JUDGE+ of the whole earth who most certainly will do right, just as HE did in Abraham's day.

CHRISTIANS, separate yourselves from among the pagan worshipers of this "land." 

Do not say that because you BELIEVE IN JESUS that you will NOT be touched by the judgments of GOD ... if tears come to your eyes when you see "our" flag or when you hear the star-studded banner being played. 

REMEMBER the Sons of KORAH: They were IN the Covenant of Israel.  Even more, they were of the Tribe of Levi !  They served at the Altar and were involved with the Sacred Sacrifices . ( See Numbers 16 ). 

Alas... all those who refused to separate from the tents of Korah were swallowed alive WITH THEM when the earth opened its mouth to receive the rebellious ones of Korah's family.

2 Corinthians 6:17: Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the LORD, and touch not the unclean thing; and I+ will receive you.

GOD is not mocked. HE is fully capable of bringing swift and severe judgment upon the promoters of gross evil.

HE+ is calling for CHRISTIANS to separate themselves from the unclean.  

And , to separate themselves in front of the world.

We had better do it. 

+  +  +
 ~ Thus Saith The LORD.


Move Over, SODOM and GOMORRAH !

( i.e.,  LIQUID sulfur , approximately 6,000* F )
raining down on

See document and video below post.  

Move over,  Sodom and Gomorrah... 

You do not have 
on the WRATH of GOD.

+  +  + 

See: www.6000years.org  / Amazing Bible Discoveries /  Sodom and Gomorrah Tab on the side menu.  See the documentary video of the archaeological findings of the remains of the ash and the millions of solidified SULFUR BALLS  around the destruction sites of Sodom and Gomorrah.