
And WHAT Shall I+ Say, 'FATHER, Save ME+ from This Hour ? ' ~ # 6 PASCHAL FAST - # 6 Lenten Meditation ~ John 12:27

 Run with Patience the Race that is Set Before You: Come ...




Lenten Meditation # 6, 2022

“ . . .and what shall  I+  say?

‘FATHER, save ME+ from this hour ? . . .”


John 12:27

+  +  +

Now is My+  Soul  troubled and what shall  I+ say? ‘FATHER, save ME+ from this hour ?’  but for this cause came  I+  unto this hour. 

+  +  +

“ . . . and what shall I+ say?

‘FATHER, save ME+ from this hour ?’  . . .”


That is OUR cry when we are persecuted, beaten, and tormented for CHRIST.

That is OUR cry when CHRIST-haters move to put us to death in the cruelest of ways.  

That is OUR cry when the devil besets us and human flesh agrees with the devil.

Our LORD JESUS did differently. As this exhortation states:

1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,

let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us

run with patience the race

that is set before us,

2Looking unto JESUS the AUTHOR+ and FINISHER+ of our faith; WHO+ for the joy that was set before HIM+ endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the Right Hand of the Throne of GOD.

3For consider HIM+ that endured such contradiction of sinners against HIMSELF+, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

4Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

+  +  +

HE+ knew how to conquer the devil. HE+ knew the only way to beat lucifer.   

And what did the powerful, fallen angel lucifer know ?

The fallen lucifer  knew The Only-Begotten SON+ of GOD was the heir of all creation and that he ( lucifer ) was going to have his “ head bruised.”

Genesis contains the prophecy of lucifer’s downfall immediately after lucifer brought sin into this world. As a matter of fact, the “serpent” was cursed FIRST, before The LORD dealt with Eve and Adam. See Genesis 3:13-19

“HE+ is the heir; let us kill HIM+ and seize the inheritance,” may have been lucifer’s mind-set .

+  +  +

When we follow The LORD JESUS, HE+ gives us a weapon that NEVER FAILS to bring VICTORY in our lives. It is called our cross.

Our “cross” brings VICTORY because

it is empowered by HIS+ Cross.

When we follow His+ Example and take our SELF-nature to the appointed Cross which HE+ has set before us, we too will conquer the devil besetting our lives, robbing us of Peace and Joy.


Thus, let us run with patience the race that is set before us, -- the “race” that HE+ ordains for us to run here on planet earth. 

And, here is how we do it: We keep our eye focused on The LORD JESUS at all times.

2Looking unto JESUS the AUTHOR+ and FINISHER+ of our faith; WHO+ for the joy that was set before HIM+ endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the Right Hand of the Throne of GOD.



O LORD JESUS, help me to forsake SELF and its demands.

Help me to forsake SELF and its indulgences.

Help me to “count it all joy” when YOU+ lay out before me the cross which YOU+ have ordained for me.  Let me not flee from obeying YOU+ in it.

Thank YOU+ for carrying the Divine Cross for me; help me to WILLINGLY and even gratefully carry my little, human cross for YOU+  that YOU+ may be lifted up in my life, . . . instead of me.

This I pray in the Name of THE FATHER, HIS Beloved SON+ JESUS CHRIST, and through the Blessed The HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.


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