
UNDER The SHELTER of His+ WINGS ~ Pre-Passover Meditation ~ The JUDGMENT SEAT of CHRIST #6

How do we DWELL under the Shadow of THE ALMIGHTY ?

to please Him+.

He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of The MOST HIGH  [ Elyon ]

shall abide under the Shadow of

 THE ALMIGHTY [ Shaddai ].
Psalm 91:1
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I+ AM Alpha and Omega,

the Beginning and the Ending, saith the LORD,

WHO+ is, and WHO+ was, and WHO+ is to come,

Revelation 1:8
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This wonderful, marvelous LORD JESUS CHRIST is identified as the the ONE+ WHO+ is COMING. . . THE ALMIGHTY . . . in Revelation 1:8.

Now regard this: Psalm 91 tells us that we are to DWELL or ABIDE under the Shadow of THE ALMIGHTY

Obviously, the ONE+ WHO+ is Coming is The LORD JESUS CHRIST. Right now in earth time, HE+ is seated at the Right Hand of The FATHER.  HE+ will remain there until the moment of His+ Coming Again. 

So NOW, in earth time, how do we DWELL under the Shadow of THE ALMIGHTY ? 

to please Him+.

We all know to daily read Scriptures and pray. We know we must sit quietly with HIM+ and learn to “hear” His+ Voice which speaks into our spirit. 

In our QUIET times with HIM+, we simply need to be STILL. After a goodly time of stillness and we enter into His+ Peace, we may lay these  four simple questions before HIM+ : 

  • Is there anyone I need to forgive today ?

  • Have I pleased You+ with my words and behavior today?

  • Is there anything more I need to put on Your+ altar today ?

  • Is there  something more You+ would have me to do ?

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Many erroneously think that GRACE means we do not have to “do” anything to please The LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

NOTHING could be further from the Truth. 

Now do not confuse this 
with the FREE GIFT of Salvation. 

We indeed are Saved without us earning one iota of the BLOOD of JESUS Which+ cleanses us. We deserve punishment, but we receive GRACE when we repent and convert to follow CHRIST.

Yet, when all is said and done, it DOES please The LORD that we humble ourselves, repent of our sins, forsake Self to follow CHRIST JESUS, and be immersed (baptized) .  

It pleases Our FATHER that we honor HIS SON+ by following HIS perfect SON+. 

It pleases The HOLY SPIRIT to come and dwell in us and to baptize us further in SPIRIT and in Power. 

Thus, through Salvation The ELOHIM: FATHER, SON+, and HOLY SPIRIT place us into the family of GOD, the Commonwealth of Israel, the Covenant of Salvation.

The PROBLEM is that our Adamic nature keeps luring us AWAY from Our SAVIOR+ GOD. 

Think not ?  We become dull of spirit. Scriptures are read by rote.

We are no longer excited about our marvelous Salvation, a Salvation which we did not earn and COULD not earn if we laid down our life to obtain it. 

Our prayer times are done as “duties” , if they are done at all. 

Our Quiet Time with The LORD takes the last place on our schedule. Yet many a time we are too tired from daily responsibilities to give The LORD any quality time.  If we have enough energy left to sit before Him+ at all, we fall asleep ! 

Unfortunately, we ALL do these things. 

Equally unfortunately, if we habitually do these things, we find ourselves drifting away from the family of GOD. We discover other interests and are distracted AWAY from the Commonwealth of Israel. 

We think the Covenant of Salvation as something COMPLETED in the past instead of a LIVING and ACTIVE and on-going interaction with GOD our FATHER, our SAVIOR+ JESUS CHRIST, and the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT . . . the LIVING ELOHIM.  

We end up grieving

The HOLY SPIRIT of promise. 

Ephesians 1:13 and 4:30.

Thus, we MUST make an ACTIVE EFFORT to stay with JESUS. It is quite certain that HE+ will NOT do that for us. We must labor to do that ourselves. 

Now then, the LABORING is not in trying to persuade The LORD JESUS to like us nor to love us. 

This ACTIVE EFFORT is required from us in order to fight our “old” man, our Adamic nature. 

The “Self” in us all fights against SUBMITTING our life unto The WORD of GOD, unto The HOLY SPIRIT’S conviction, unto The LORD JESUS CHRIST.

We do not like to submit our words, our thoughts, and our actions unto GOD. 

We will submit SOME of our words, SOME of our thoughts, SOME of our values to HIM . . . but not all. 

However, if we want to DWELL under the safe Shadow of THE ALMIGHTY, that submission to HIM is the key.  The Key to coming under the safety and security of The ALMIGHTY rests in one word: 


If we wish to control our own lives, HE will certainly let us . But then, we are responsible for our own safety and security . . . and none of us are able to make ourselves “safe and secure.”  The devil can and does capture anyone OUTSIDE of the shelter of His+ Wings. 

Yes, it takes a determined, disciplined, and ACTIVE EFFORT to pull one’s mind , heart, and activities AWAY from the world, even after receiving the marvelous Gift of Salvation. 

The LORD will not stop us from either coming close to HIM+ or becoming disinterested in HIM+.  Either way, it is our ACTIVE EFFORT which propels us to go either towards HIM+ or alas, away from HIM+.

It is always our free choice. But as we choose . . .

Let us be mindful 

of the Judgments Coming from the Hand 


Nevertheless I+ have somewhat against thee,

because thou 

hast left thy first love.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen,

and repent, and do the first works; 

or else I+ will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place,  except thou repent.

Revelation 2:4-5
~ Words of our Risen LORD JESUS CHRIST to the Church
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Yes, it is our own choice. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, life by life. 

Choose wisely.

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