


And if any man hear My+ Words, and believe not, I+ judge him not:

for I+ came not to judge the world,

but to save the world.

He that rejecteth ME+, and receiveth not My+ Words, hath ONE that judgeth him: 

The Word that I+ have spoken,

The Same shall judge him in the last day. 
 John 12: 47-48
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The LORD JESUS CHRIST calls every one of us to put HIM+ FIRST, according to His+ Word. 

But seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD, and HIS Righteousness;

and all these things shall be added unto you. 
Matthew 6:33
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The LORD JESUS CHRIST calls us to deny Self, the worst enemy we will ever face.  Self alone has the power to keep us out of Heaven.

And HE+ said to them all,

If any man will come after ME+, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow ME+. 

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever

will lose his life for My+ sake, the same shall save it. 
 Luke 9:23-24
+  +  +

HE+ puts before us a continual stream of opportunities to deny Self. Thus, every day we have ample time to practice picking up the Cross in order to bear witness to HIM+.

That is why vexations and irritations are permitted to come to us: to train us to deny Self and yield our emotions, thoughts, conversations, and comments unto The LORD JESUS. 

In this way, our values are shifted from pleasing Self to pleasing JESUS,  from the world to His+ Kingdom, from the temporal to the Eternal. 
THUS . . .

We do not lash out when we are vexed. 

We do not befoul the air, expressing our irritations.

We take patiently the hindrances which beset us. 

We do not become angry when we are deeply or habitually frustrated. 

We learn humbleness of heart when we obey His+ Will.  In the midst of our daily vexations, we SUBMIT to a higher Authority … HIS+ WORD.  

When our Will joins His+ Will in regards to our daily vexations,  patience is formed DEEP within the inner man. 

With that deep patience and submissive yielding comes DEEP PEACE  for we have turned over the controls unto HIM+.

When HE+ is in perfect and total control of us, our lips, and our heart,  we then can see that HE+ is in control of every circumstance that touches us , both pleasant and unpleasant. 

In this manner, we yield our emotions over to the control of The LORD JESUS, asking HIM+ to show us His+ purpose(s) in our vexations and irritations at hand. 

Yielding our emotions, our Self, unto the LORD JESUS in the daily vexations of life BEARS WITNESS TO HIM+. 

It is one of the most effective ways to confess CHRIST JESUS as LORD before men and angels.  It never fails to confess HIM+; everybody notices it. 

Whosoever therefore shall confess ME+ before men,

him will I+ confess also before My+ FATHER Which is in heaven. 

But whosoever shall deny ME+ before men,

him will I+ also deny before My+ FATHER Which is in Heaven. 
Matthew 10:32-33
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Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of ME+ and of My+ Words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall The SON+ of Man be ashamed, when HE+ cometh in the glory of His+ FATHER with

the Holy Angels. 
Mark 8:38
+  +  +

HE+ calls every one of us to bear witness of HIM+ to the Church, to the un-redeemed, to the Holy Angels and to the fallen angels as well. 

That is why Christian women veil their heads, as a witness to the beings in all four categories. The witness is much weakened without the head-covering. See 1 Corinthians 11.

That is why we are exhorted to walk in ways of holiness in the Church, before the world, in view of the Holy Angels, and as a strong rebuke to the fallen ones. 

As a matter of fact:


a strong rebuke to the fallen ones.

The WORDS of The LORD JESUS CHRIST should be of paramount importance to us.  

It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth;

the flesh profiteth nothing: 

The Words that I+ speak unto you,

they are SPIRIT, 
and they are LIFE.
John 6:63
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They should warm our hearts and strengthen us against fears.  

They should be a defense against agitation and rejection. 

They should be a WARNING to us of how to avoid everlasting destruction in the Lake of Fire. 

JESUS saith unto him,
I+, I+ AM 

the way, the truth, and the life:

no man cometh unto The FATHER,

except by ME+.
John 14:6
+  +  +

The LORD JESUS told us WHY His+ Words carried so much weight. 

For I+ have not spoken of Myself+;

but The FATHER which sent ME+, 
HE gave me a commandment,

what I+ should say, 
and what I +should speak.

And I+ know that HIS Commandment  is Life Everlasting: 
whatsoever I+ speak therefore, 
even as The FATHER said unto ME+, so I+ speak.

John 12:49-50
+  +  +


I am ashamed of myself. I should know better !

I have cast aside Your+ words and refused Your+ yoke when I am vexed. I have befouled the air with my expressions of displeasure. 

I have borne bad witness to all who heard me, upsetting the peace. 

I have borne a terrible witness to the unseen watchers, and thus, the fallen ones  vex me more !

The AUTHORITY of Your+ Word has not ruled my heart in my impatient outbursts. 

Worse, I have had no conviction of sin about it because I have turned a deaf ear to Your+ Words. 

Instead, I have followed the erroneous teachings of the world to “vent” my displeasure, thus ruining everybody’s day, including my own.

I am so sorry. I have not yielded Self over to Your+ perfect control nor to Your+ perfect WORD. 

Help me to learn to submit to You+ in every circumstance, in every vexation little or big through the day. In every disruption of my day, help me to thank You+ for re-directing me. 

O LORD, I need that re-direction from Your+ Hand. Thank YOU+ for being so patient with me

Forgive me; I will not fight You+ any more when I am vexed. I will learn to behave myself like a weaned child. 

I set my Will to learn humbleness of heart, directly from Your+ Hands, O LORD . 

O hear my prayer, O HOLY FATHER, for the sake of Thy Beloved SON+, our LORD and SAVIOR+ JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.  

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